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Admiral Class Flight Deck Cruiser

Right, this is somthing i've been working on over in the Mgt section of the forum, here

First off, the ship, built using Mongoose rules:
Admiral Class
TL 10 Flight Deck Cruiser, 10,000 Dtons.

Size= 10,000 Dtons (CF), standard (100Mcr)

armour Crystalion 10 points (12.5% of hull. 1,250 tons, 50% base cost, 50Mcr),

Hull/Structure points: 142/142 3 sections each with 42/42

M Drive: 6 G (325 tons, 162.5 Mcr)

J drive J1 ( 200 tons 400Mcr)

P plant: TL 10 fusion, P6 (625 tons,1250 Mcr)

Fuel: 1 jump 1 and 4 weeks. (1750 tons)

Bridge spaces: 150 tons, 15Mcr

Computer: Core/4, 20 MCr

sensors: 3x Basic Military (6 tons 0.3 Mcr)

Fuel processors: 10 tons (all fuel in 1 week) 0.5 Mcr


Bays (bearing 80%):

40 Particle Beam Bay-10, Very High Yield, max bearing 32 (25MCr each) 2,040 tons, 1000Mcr


30 Triple Beam laser 10, High Yield, max bearing 24 (30 tons) 129 Mcr

30 Triple sandcaster, max bearing 24 (30 Tons) 52.5 Mcr

ammunition: 90 tons (1,800 barrels, cost 18 Mcr)


40 ton Launch Tube (1000 tons, 500 Mcr)

12 40 ton torp bombers (624 tons, 124.8 Mcr for hangers, 829.68 Mcr for craft)

16 10 ton fighters (208 tons 41.6 MCr for hanger, 288 Mcr for Mk 3 Interceptors)

4 Slow Pinnaces in full hangers (208 tons, 41.6 MCr for hanger, 30.09 Mcr for craft)

Torpedo storage: 205 tons (82 torps, cost 14.76 Mcr for bomb pumped laser torps)

small craft fuel for 4 weeks use: 96 tons

5 briefing rooms (20 tons, 2.5Mcr)

10 armouries: (20 tons, 5 Mcr)

crew totals (120% overstrength):

command: (12)

Engineering: (15)

gunnery: (132)

flight: (77)

Ships Troops: 72

Service: (24)

passenger: 20

total: 352. 192 staterooms 768 tons, 96 MCr

Cargo: 342 tons.


tonnage 10,000 tons

cost: 4963.83 Mcr with full complement of small craft and ammo. 3784.82 MCr “empty”

section hit tables:




2d6: Internal/External
2. Hull/ Crew
3. C/ J Drive
4. M drive/ P plant
5. 10x Laser turret/ Fuel
6. Hull/Structure
7. Armour/Hold
8. Hull/Structure
9. 10 x sandcaster turret/ Fuel
10. M-drive/J-drive
11. Hull/P-plant
12. Hull/Critical



2d6: Internal/External
2. Hull/ Crew
3. Hull / 6 x 40 ton torpedo bomber hanger
4. Launch Tube / Computer
5. 10 x Laser turret /20x particle beam bay
6. Hull/Structure
7. Armour/Hold
8. Hull/Structure
9. 10 x sandcaster turret / Fuel
10. Sensors/ 8x 10 ton fighter hangers
11. Hull / 6x 40 torpedo bomber hanger
12. Hull/Critical


2d6: Internal/External
2. Hull/ Crew
3. Hull/ Structure
4. Launch Tube/ 8x 10 ton fighter hangers
5. 10 x laser turret / 20x particle beam bay
6. Hull/Structure
7. Armour/Hold
8. Hull/Structure
9. 10 x sandcaster turret /Fuel
10. Sensors/4 x Slow Pinnace Hanger
11. Hull/ Structure
12. Hull/Critical

Fluff to follow in a moment, once i've formatted it a bit
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Okay, part one of the fluff, spoilered for length. Obviously, almost all of this is non-canon, but hey, enjoy the read and give me some feedback!



The Admiral Class was the first Jump capable cruiser designed by the European Space Navy, and, as it turned out, the only class, as the ESN merged into the fledgling Terran Confederation Navy before a successor design was created.

At the time the class was designed, in the build up to the First Interstellar War, their had been extensive discussion about the theory of interstellar warfare, fueled by the discovery of the Vlani Imperium in 2098 A.D. (-2124 Imperial), but no practical experience on which to draw conclusions on. Their were several schools of thought, falling along roughly national lines: the Americans favored spinal mounts and fuel for 2 jumps, to allow the warship to reach other star systems without relying on tankers. The Chinese favored very heavily armored, buffered planetoids armed with railguns, sacrificing payload and range in favor of durability and short range firepower. The Russians preferred lightly armored carriers with only a light defensive armament, and relied on massed bomber strikes for offense. It was this heterogeneous mix of ship building doctrines, combined with the diverse cultures of the crews, that helped convince the Vlani that they were dealing with an alliance of weak planets rather than a single world.

The European Space Navy

The ESN did not have many warships in the first decade of the 22nd century, instead concentrating on building a trade fleet and supporting their colony of Prometheus in Alpha Centauri, with only a few light escorts in service, backed up by squadrons of strike craft. However, the increasing tension between the colonists at Bernard and the unfailingly arrogant Vlani led to the ESN deciding to creating a proper capital ship fleet to protect itself.

They undertook a close analysis of the various ships in service with the other terran nations, taking notes about their apparent performance, but paid a great deal of attention to the visit of Vlani destroyer Kagamira, the largest Vlani warship seen before the war, to Bernard in 2107, on the not unreasonable basis that the Ziru Sirka had, quite literally, centuries of space combat experience to inform their designs. No terran ships got close enough for a detailed scan, after the first attempt to do so was met with a blunt order to stand off or be destroyed, backed up by targeting locks. However, long range scans showed some interesting features. They show it carried no spinal mount, and what appeared to be large bay doors, whose purpose was unknown but assumed to be for small craft hangers.

Design of the Admiral Class, and entry into service

All this was fed into the new warship design, along with a few tweaks. The Admiral class was to be a “flight deck cruiser”, and 10,000 tons, which was the upper limit for terran jump dives at the time. It was to be as heavily armoured as was possible, to allow it to survive heavy fire. The primary armament was to be a large battery of high energy particle beam projectors, to grind a target away by sustained barrage fire, backed up by a mix of lasers and sandcastesr for point defense.

Along the keel of the ship was a magnetic assist launch tube, able to launch a fighter every 35-40 seconds. The ships normal complement of smallcraft was 12 torpedo bombers and 16 fighters, and it could sortee the whole wing in less than 20 minutes form the scramble being ordered to last craft leaving the tube. She also carried a quartet of pinnances and complement of marines, to round out the ships multi role abilities.

The first cruiser, the Francois Joseph Paul, entered service in 2110, and 5 were in service by the outbreak of the First Interstellar War: the Francois Joseph Paul, the Horatio Nelson, the Blas de Lezo, the Reinhard Scheer, and the John Jellicoe. The crews first impressions were mostly positive, once the teething troubles on the launch tube were sorted out.

First Interstellar war: First Battle of Bernard

When word of the attack on the Vlani convoy at Bernard’s star reached earth, the ESN, fearful of a retaliation strike, moved most of their jump fleet, including 3 of the admirals, to protect the European colony on Prometheus, while keeping a strong reserve around Terra. Public opinion was split, with a large number of Europeans believing that the Americans were going to get what they deserved for their trigger happiness. In the wait for the counterattack, a sixth Admiral, the Sebastiano Veniero, was completed and rushed though builders trials.

The Vlani reprisal attack finally stuck in mid-2115, with a task force jumping into Bernard s star, formed of a dozen destroyers and 3 immense battleships that dwarfed anything the terrans could build. The only ESN ship present at the First Battle of Bernard was a single Admiral class, the Sebastiano Veniero. The Veniero pointedly moved to a new orbit to distance the ESN from the defending American and Chinese fleets, which were forming up seperatly according to thier own contingency plans. The Venerio's captian hoped to sit out the looming battle and then help with the post-battle rescue efforts once the dust settled. It was only when the Vlani destroyed a fleeing Middle Eastern trade ship that the ESN captain realized the Vlani were not distinguishing between the different terran forces and considered them all equally guilty. With the Vlani between them and the jump limit, the only option was to fight. The Venerio tried to rejoin the defending fleets, but wasn’t able to before the fighting started.

Watching the battle unfold, the weakness of the different terran fleets was brutally exposed. The terrans did not have a unified battle plan, and the Americans and Chinese made almost no effort to coordinate their attacks, or even their fleets, so that the vlani were able to deal with the two forces seperately. The American spinal mounts weren’t able to reliably hit the incoming vlani, thought the few hits that did land caused serious damage. The vlani response was missle salvos of immense scale, with the battleships each firing over a thousand missiles every salvo. The Chinese planetoid hulls we impressively resilient, taking blow after blow and carrying on, but lacked the firepower to cause much damage at range. They did mange to close on a few vlani destroyers, and were able to cause heavy damage to them. Dispite taking hits form many hundreds of missles, the Chinese planetoid cruisers kept fighting until their surfaces were literally scoured clean of turrets and their M dries were shot off, and the vlani were forced to board them to put them permanently out of action.

The Venerio was isolated and set upon by, somewhat ironically, the destroyer Kagamira, the very ship which had the Venerio to be bulit. The Vernerio attempted a bomber strike, but the torpedos were mostly shot down and the strike craft suffered heavy loosses. Once into weapons range, however, she gave a good account of herself, holding her fighters back to act as additional point defence, and inflicting serious damage to the Kagamira, and even forcing it to fall back, but when three additiona vlani destroyers joined the fight, the outcome was never in doubt, and she was lost with almost all hands. However, before she was destroyed, the Vernerio transmitted it’s sensor logs to the colony, which was able to store them in a hidden computer system that surived the attack.

Every terran ship in the Bernard system was destroyed, and the colonies were razed by ground attack. The large smallcraft hangers on Vlani destroyers that had puzzled the designers of the admirial were revealed to hold assault shuttles for a large marine complement, as well as close support fighters.

backstory, part two:


Reaction to the First Battle of Bernard

When news of the massacre at Bernard reached earth two weeks later, their was something close to panic as the true power of the vlani was hammered home. The ESN fleet was recalled form Prometheus, and the remaining terran warships readied themselves to protect Terra. However by the time they arrived, 4 weeks later, it was clear the vlani were not coming. A scouting mission to Bernard confirmed they had left weeks ago, and presumably had returned to Agidaa and beyond.

Realizing that they would come back, and that they would need to stand together if they wanted to survive, the nations of earth finally began the talks that would lead to the creation of the Terran Confederation. In the interim, the various earth navies agreed to the formation of a unified UN fleet and command structure, with all naval assets coming under their control for the duration of the war. The sensor logs of the battle left by the Veniero were discovered, and analysts went over them with a fine tooth comb for every scrap of information they contained.

Analysis of the battle

The conclusions drawn from the data started many: the terran ships, despite being seemingly overwhelmed, were not so inferior to the Vlani that resistance was futile. the main cause of the defeat was the disjointed and uncoordinated response of the terrans.

The vlani battleships were immense, nearly 50,000 tons, but a large amount of that space appeared to be missile stowage for the massed missile salvoes that the vlani had used to destroy the terran fleet, and the missiles were not that powerful individually, as the durability of the Chinese ships proved. The American spinal mounts , when they hit, did do serious damage to the vlani ships, even if their hit rate was very low. And the ESN’s Venerio was able to stand and exchange blows with a vlani destroyer on an almost equal basis.

Preperation and planning

The UN decided to order serial production of the Chinese planetoid monitors and the Admirals. The ESN had been stepping up construction of the admiral class in response to the outbreak of war, and it could build new cruisers at a rate of 2 a year, with funding assistance form other UN members. The Americans decided swtich to a carrier fleet, but the first of these were not ready until 2122. The Chinese couldn’t increase production of their planetoid cruiser to more than 1 a year, so the admirals became the workhorse of the new UN navy. By 2124 AD, when the Untied Worlds formally changed it’s name to the Terran Confederation, no less than 14 admirals were in service, along side 7 chinese planetiod cruisers, and the class proved to be a very versatile vessel able to operate well independently or in a fleet. Another change was the development of bomb-pumped laser torpedoes, which preformed much better against point defense and let the bombers launch at greater range.

Second Battle of Bernard

In 2126, the Vlani launched their long expected second expedition. Again, a force of destroyers and a few battleships jumped into Bernard, intending to clean the system out once again. However, this time they faced a coordinated terran fleet that was working to a single battle plan and had numbers on its side. This time, instead of the Chinese charging off unsupported, the whole fleet advanced as one, and the particle bays on the admirals were able to force the vlani to burn their thrust on defensive maneuvers rather than on avoiding close contact, allowing the chinese to quickly close the range. Swarms of fighters from both the admirals and the new American carriers deepened the defensive fire belt, severely degrading the effectiveness of the vlani missile salvos. A brutal melee followed, with the two fleets becoming hopelessly intermixed. Losses on both sides were heavy, but in the end the vlani decided the price was too high and withdrew towards the gas giants to refuel and escape. The Terrans, just as exhausted and crippled as the vlani, let them go, and counted themselves the victors. A tacit agreement was worked out via long range communications, and the First Interstellar War was over

Later Service

The Admiral went on to become the cornerstone of the early terran fleet, giving good service throughout it’s career. Competently handled, it was a match for most Vlani missile destroyers, and several were a threat even to a vlani battleship. Terran technology soon allowed the construction of jump 2 warships of a similar size to the Vlani battleships, and these quickly became the core of the fleet form the third interstellar war onwards. The flight deck cruisers shifted to a support role, often operating alone or in pair in backwater systems, or launched deep commerce raids with the help of the Slik Road class of fleet tenders. None of the class survived past the start of the Fourth Interstellar War when the Yi Sun-sin and the Chester Nimitz, the last two Admirals in service, were destroyed in the opening battle at Fenris. However, the Battle class, introduced during the “empty peace” before the Fourth interstellar war, was basically an update of the admiral, taking advantage of advances in technology to improve on the Admiral. Flight deck cruisers remained a staple of the terran confederation navy right up until the Long Night.

okay, thats it. what'ya think?
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Great Backstory!

The ship is just about the end sizes for my small ship universe, but as a idea mine , I can use it.

Thanks for sharing it with us.
no, I used the ones form the MGt High guard book (page 99, if you have teh book). a 40 Dton torpedo bomber can get up to 10G and carries two 2.5 ton torpedos . the torpedos are just big missles in MgT, but they pack as much of a punch as a 50 ton particle beam bay.

technically, the design given is TL 12, but the only TL 12 component is it's computer, and downgrading it to a TL 10 version is a minimal change.

selunatic2397 said:
Great Backstory!

The ship is just about the end sizes for my small ship universe, but as a idea mine , I can use it.

Thanks for sharing it with us.

thanks. if you like this backstory, then check out this thread by Carlobrand. It got me thinking on this idea in the first place......

Carlobrand said:
What is that bit about the jump point? Does Mongoose handle jump differently?


I did say limit, not point.

What i meant was that by the time the Venerio reaslised it was a target, the vlani were too close for it to avoid an attack. It was sat in orbit around Bernard and they were closing form the jump limit, and it could no longer break orbit and reach the limit without being overhauled and brought to battle.