Hello Folks,
Was there ever any further detailing done in published Traveller materials for the following admirals?
01 Sector Admiral Liang
02 Sector Admiral Shumii
03 Sector Admiral Shanashar
04 Sector Admiral Mtume
05 Sector Admiral Goolanzoon
06 Sector Admiral Santanocheev
07 Fleet Admiral Elphinstone
08 Fleet Admiral Asluda
09 Fleet Admiral Djoulikian
10 Fleet Admiral Vasilyev
11 Fleet Admiral Aledon Duke of Regina
12 Fleet Admiral Romao
13 Fleet Admiral Stvi
14 Fleet Admiral Gascogne
The number preceding the admiral name indicates the Senority - presumably meaning that Sector Admiral Shumii made Sector Admiral before Sector Admiral Shanashar did, but both holding equal rank as it were.
The reason I'm asking is that in my current campaign, Santanocheev is something of a trouble maker for one of my player characters and my player is getting a wee bit paranoid.
His character served as an naval aid to Admiral Elphinstone during his character generation phase, and the campaign is set in the year 1003 instead of 1005. This gives me time to ramp things up to where the players are at the right place at the right time for when the Fifth Frontier War begins.
That having been said, I'm not finding much information prior to or subsequent to the material published in CT for just prior to the FFW, and what few entries there are for 1110, show only two names being "mentioned" - that of Santanocheev and Elphinstone.
I've come across references that Sector Admiral Santanocheev was head of the fleet stationed at Regina when the Fifth Frontier War broke out, but all of the other admirals are not named for any connection. While I know I can make it what I want for my campaign, I just wondered if there were other references other than the TNS listed in FIFTH FRONTIER WAR rules booklet and the JTAS books.
Was there ever any further detailing done in published Traveller materials for the following admirals?
01 Sector Admiral Liang
02 Sector Admiral Shumii
03 Sector Admiral Shanashar
04 Sector Admiral Mtume
05 Sector Admiral Goolanzoon
06 Sector Admiral Santanocheev
07 Fleet Admiral Elphinstone
08 Fleet Admiral Asluda
09 Fleet Admiral Djoulikian
10 Fleet Admiral Vasilyev
11 Fleet Admiral Aledon Duke of Regina
12 Fleet Admiral Romao
13 Fleet Admiral Stvi
14 Fleet Admiral Gascogne
The number preceding the admiral name indicates the Senority - presumably meaning that Sector Admiral Shumii made Sector Admiral before Sector Admiral Shanashar did, but both holding equal rank as it were.
The reason I'm asking is that in my current campaign, Santanocheev is something of a trouble maker for one of my player characters and my player is getting a wee bit paranoid.

That having been said, I'm not finding much information prior to or subsequent to the material published in CT for just prior to the FFW, and what few entries there are for 1110, show only two names being "mentioned" - that of Santanocheev and Elphinstone.
I've come across references that Sector Admiral Santanocheev was head of the fleet stationed at Regina when the Fifth Frontier War broke out, but all of the other admirals are not named for any connection. While I know I can make it what I want for my campaign, I just wondered if there were other references other than the TNS listed in FIFTH FRONTIER WAR rules booklet and the JTAS books.