And why would you have left? Granted it was stupid, but I think the whole Rebellion/Virus thing was just mindless. If they wanted change, then perhaps they should have had a war start with the K'Kree, or the Julians, or perhaps even the Vargr. I like the idea of instead of the Rebellion, a war starts because of a Julian strike against a target that just happens to kill Strephon as he is visiting the region.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GypsyComet:
yup. I actually heard about it a bit before DGP published that bit in MTJ#4, and I didn't like it either time. Among other reasons was the strong perception that it would, once again, be a big spectator event for the Traveller-buying public, something I was already sick of with the Rebellion.
Had the "Baddies from the Core" gone on to become the official timeline I would probably have dropped Traveller. The Virus/New Era timeline is highly preferable, IMHO.