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Adventure Types/Campaigns

My campaign is a short-mission agent type, using scouts in an intelligence service characters. I can't really say more than that, 'cause it's kinda involved, but it does involve trying to ressurect (spelling?) an older Republic...
Our campaign also involves government agents on short missions. The characters are assigned to an Intelligence branch of the Scout Service, and are undertaking cold war missions in the Solomani Rim.
I am creating a military service campaign for T4: Traveller system where in Millieu 0 the Third Imperium has been created and there are still chaos and terrorism within and about it. I have created a unit called the Imperial Guard, where they are the elite fighting force for the Emperor and to ensure the security of the Imperium. There will be two major factions that the Imperium will have to contend with: the Interstellar Confederacy and the Chanestin Kingdom, as well as pockets of Vilani citizens who dream of the return of the First Imperium.
If the rebellion were large enough to destroy the central sectors of the Empire's ability to compete with the frontier areas on a economic basis AND the Zhodani, Vargr, Aslan and Solomani ALL came at once to carve up the remains of the Empire, you might have just as much devastation as the TNE timeline without the problem of the Virus to contend with. Plus the central sectors become a batlefield between several capable stellar governments. Especially if Lucan and Dulinor are particularly bloodthirsty in their combat over worlds on the frontlines ( NBC stuff )
that leaves death worlds in its swath.

You might be left with a universe very similar to the TNE universe without the Virus. Still have some pocket empires etc. after the vultures have exhausted themselves fighting over the bones.

AN idea came to me about a "Wild West" type campaign set in one of the non-imperial sectors where the PC's are "Pinkerton Detectives", or even in the Imperium. Going after ship jumpers, or doing contract corporate espionage, etc.
Originally posted by Murph:
AN idea came to me about a "Wild West" type campaign set in one of the non-imperial sectors where the PC's are "Pinkerton Detectives", or even in the Imperium. Going after ship jumpers, or doing contract corporate espionage, etc.
Ahhh, the classic Cowboy Beebop. I also tend to think up various stuff along these lines.

But what will be their agency name?
In my T-2000/Cthulhu and 2300 AD game it was called Special Tasks, Ltd. Same in Traveller.

Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Murph:
AN idea came to me about a "Wild West" type campaign set in one of the non-imperial sectors where the PC's are "Pinkerton Detectives", or even in the Imperium. Going after ship jumpers, or doing contract corporate espionage, etc.
Ahhh, the classic Cowboy Beebop. I also tend to think up various stuff along these lines.

But what will be their agency name?
Also there is a good word for "Film Noir" campaigns like the Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, etc. Classic movies with Bogart, Alan Ladd, etc offer great ideas.
Hears somthing try a "quest" style campain basic permice: a sicentest has hit a road block in resersch (best if in an engnering feild) the inistuite they work for has determand that unless the project can go ahead in a timily manner that the sicientests time and talants can best be used elesware, so the sicentest (I'll use he for conveance) loads his project team on to a ship fitted out for his needs. now he needs some one to run the ship (navy, scout & merchant characters) others to provide security (army, mareins, scouts and others [including "others"] and some one to negotiate for the extra equpment and raw mitirailas (merchants) needed to cintinue his research ect.now the paytron has enemies (or just those oposed to the research) now any adventurers worth their salt can't keep out of trouble for five minuints so their are lots of non paytron related adventurs that can go down along the way.
I have had "quests" thrust upon me by players...

One PC was on Theory 17.2 towards developing a controllable misjump (At 7.4, he got to induce a misjump without additional hazard dice. 16.5, he got to be able to block one direction. At 18.7, he was going to get to say that direction was instead some other direction.... Oh, how I love the MT research rules!) Constantly misjumping a research vessel was quite the campaign driver.

The MT research rules can create a wonderful means for driving campaigns.
The only problem I had with "quests" is that 99.99% of the time, the players ended up with other ideas, and all my hard planning went right out the window.
Been coming up with a bounty hunter based campaign (works well in Gateway).
Finding this useful for solitaire as I can generate bounties randomly. They run the range from short oddjobs to more convoluted epic style adventures with rival hunters and such. This kind of straddles the line between legal and illegal nicely too. I envisage a kind of credit union that handles currency and prisoner transfers on behalf of the hunters, so they don't have to trapse all over the place collecting the various prices different govts might have on the same mass-killer.

I may have just been playing KOTOR 2 but Star Wars doesn't own bounty hunters. Johnny Alpha and Wulf Sternhammer from Strontium Dog are the true sf headhunters.
Any others?

My last campaign was a lot like Stargate Univese ... but predated the airing of that show by a couple of years. A sort of Lost In Space/Farscape kind of deal. The PCs were the surviving remnant of the Frozen Watch onboard an AHL that had misjumped to near the galactic core. (I'm in the process of novelising it.)

But I have in the past also done a time travel campaign where the PCs, in the middle of the 5FW, were able to live through the assassination of Strephon on Capitol in 1116, then return to the 5FW. They then had to survive the war and head towards Capitol with the intention of averting the assassination before it happened.

And I have wondered about doing a variant of En Guarde based on Capitol.
IMTU I have the Zhodani Autonomous Republic which is an Imperial client state created during the Great Interstellar War. Characters can be Agents, Merc's, Freebooters, Carpetbaggers, etc, etc,. I have one short campaign written up called Entropic Corrosion where players meet Entropic Darrians and am writing another Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now infuenced adventure.

Working on a new project. Kind of a military-hard science setting meets Indiana Jones. Around 2200 AD. The discovery of ruins under the ice of Antarctica and artificial "Warp Spheres" hidden in some star systems has led Man to nearby stars to discover an alien race and more mysteries of the Builders/Precursors/Ancients.

Jump drive completey replaced with a new mechanic. A twist on gravity technology also. TL 12, but some areas more advanced then OTU TL 12. Not using the typical Traveller mapping system, but a real world map with routes between, "Warp Spheres".

Hope to include some modern world issues within the setting including clashing political beliefs, religious questions, etc.

Oh, and Earth is recently nearly uninhabitable due to a, "nanobomb", released either by a terrorist faction or aliens depending on who you talk to.

I have a list of mysteries to be discovered, some fantastic, as the campaign moves along.
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I ran a 1-2-1 TNE Pocket Empire campaign where my friend played a scientist/ diplomat aboard a 120 dton custom Scout with three NPC crew members. Their mission was to reestablish contact with worlds cut off by the Rebellion and/or Virus and give aid where needed. Since my friend is a pacifist by inclination I kept combat to a minimum, concentrating instead on exploration and diplomacy. We both had fun, which is what counts.
I HIGHLY recommend the works of Mike Resnick to anyone interested in adding a cool frontier type of vibe to their Traveller game.
He populates his SF with characters such as "Man-Mountain Bates", "Backbreaker McGinty", along with bounty hunters such as "The Widowmaker", "Father Christmas", and rebels such as the enigmatic "Santiago".
His protagonists can be big-game hunters, reporters, or rebels, and his universe is filled with as much folklore as America's wild west or the back woods of Kentucky.
He's the ultimate SF storyteller...

Most of Resnick's books are really good. But...

In his book sleeves he (or his publisher...) is always trying to compare M.R. in a way-more-favorable light (justifiably so, in cases; he has a LOT of awards...) than the likes of Asimov, Heinlein, ad nauseum. To me this paints a picture of an author with either a big ego (or as mentioned a publisher trying to draw more readers), or with a major inferiority complex. Who knows which is the real case?

And IMO Resnick's book "The Return of Santiago" is REALLY BAD. It seems like he tried to get the feel of the original (which was Really Good), but missed by a subsector's distance or three... <bleah!>

But again, it's just MO... FWIW
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