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All Things Vilani Thread

Inspired by the All Things Zhodani thread, I thought I would start one about All Things Vilani. Are they really just a soulless people bent on making a profit as the Zhodani portray them as? Is their a central unifying culture to them that makes them more than "Earth humans moved by the ancients that started a great space empire? Would a bear eat a Vilani over a Solomani?

Share your thought on this major sect of humaniti that never got all that much coverage.
one question that has bugged me recently was weather an explanation for the Biblicaly long lifespans of pure vlani was ever explained, or weather it was just one of those "that's the way it is" things.

off the top of my heads, it sounds like it should be one of those "the Ancients did it" things, maybe a genetic modification that slowed or changed the aging process or something.
one question that has bugged me recently was weather an explanation for the Biblicaly long lifespans of pure vlani was ever explained, or weather it was just one of those "that's the way it is" things.

off the top of my heads, it sounds like it should be one of those "the Ancients did it" things, maybe a genetic modification that slowed or changed the aging process or something.
No explicit explanations. Some implied, in that it's genetic; certain lines of vilani live longer than others as well, so not a single gene. (MT V&V).
No explicit explanations. Some implied, in that it's genetic; certain lines of vilani live longer than others as well, so not a single gene. (MT V&V).

intresting. my understanding had been that it was all lines but that it weakened very dramatically if the bloodline wasn't kept pure vlani (ie when they made a baby with humans of non vlani decent, the livespans dropped off to human norm in only a generation or two)

I would think that even if its not explained to us out of universe, it would be a matter of some intrest in universe, if only so the geneticists can work out if they can replicate the effect and boost lifespans (it might be the basis of anagathic drugs, for example)
From a MT/DGP/Rebellion standpoint Vland would be
28% mostly non-Vilani ancestry (DM+0)
44% mixed lineage Vilani (DM+1/+2/+3)
28% pure Vilani (DM+4/+5)

Rol(20) Aging DM
2·10 DM +0 mostly non-Vilani ancestry
11 DM+1 mixed lineage
12 DM+2 mixed lineage
13 DM+3 mixed lineage
14 DM+4 average pure Vilani
15+ DM+5 bloodline renowned for longevity
If homeworld within First Imperium borders. DM+1
If homeworld in Vland Domain, DM+1
If homeworld in Vland Sector. DM+1
If homeworld in Vilani Cultural Region, DM+1
If homeworld government type 1 or 9, DM+1
It would be great if there were a Vilani name generator. Whenever I make Vilani NPCs, I never know how to name them.
IMTU the Ancients "fiddled" with the Vilani as much as they did with any of the sample populations they removed from Earth. The Vilani (and Zhodani) aren't usually thought of as having been geneered because the work done on them isn't as noticeable as gills, flippers, second eyelids, and all the other geegaws the HMR sideshow freaks got saddled with.

The long lifespans of certain Vilani bloodlines is a result of that geneering as is the Vilani predilection towards mass consensus.

In fact, IMTU it's
a deep, dark, and not yet suspected secret that the Ancients were attempting to graft a Droyne-style caste system onto the hominid social organization of their proto-Vilani test subjects. While that effort was in it's early stages when the Final War kicked off, all Vilani are descended from test subjects used in the project.
Was sitting and looking at the dot map of Ziru Sirka is wrong. While it has worlds like Agidda, Nuksu, Zaggisi and Altair as part of the 1st Imperium worlds like Kinunir, Shulgi, Karkhar, and most importantly Dingir are not. Since these are needed to make a J-2 Route to Terra and well Dingir I guess OOPS is the best word to describe this. Good thing GURPS has Interstellar Wars, such an awesom\me product.
Was sitting and looking at the dot map of Ziru Sirka is wrong. While it has worlds like Agidda, Nuksu, Zaggisi and Altair as part of the 1st Imperium worlds like Kinunir, Shulgi, Karkhar, and most importantly Dingir are not. Since these are needed to make a J-2 Route to Terra and well Dingir I guess OOPS is the best word to describe this. Good thing GURPS has Interstellar Wars, such an awesom\me product.

Why does the Ziru Sirka need a jump2 route to Terra? And, seeing that Dingir isn't part of the Ziru Sirka and therefore isn't offiically settled, why does the Ziru Sirka need a jump2 route there are well?

Read GT:IW in conjunction with GT:Rim of Fire. Pay attention to the history sections in RoF, especially those sections dealing with the Pre-Contact history of the Rim.

After you've reacquainted yourself with the history of the region, look at the dot map again. You'll be surprised. The reason the history matches the dot map so well is that the history was written to make sense of the dot map.
Why does the Ziru Sirka need a jump2 route to Terra? And, seeing that Dingir isn't part of the Ziru Sirka and therefore isn't offiically settled, why does the Ziru Sirka need a jump2 route there are well?

Read GT:IW in conjunction with GT:Rim of Fire. Pay attention to the history sections in RoF, especially those sections dealing with the Pre-Contact history of the Rim.

After you've reacquainted yourself with the history of the region, look at the dot map again. You'll be surprised. The reason the history matches the dot map so well is that the history was written to make sense of the dot map.

First of all don't insult me you have done it before and I am not going to tolerate it, its not acceptable. Oh and why do they need a J-2 route to Terra? Because if you want to get to the Nuksu, Aggida or some of the other worlds on the other side of Dingir you either need a J-2 route or J-3 Ships which the Vilani didn't have.
Because if you want to get to the Nuksu, Aggida or some of the other worlds on the other side of Dingir you either need a J-2 route or J-3 Ships which the Vilani didn't have.

Look at the dot map and note every three parsec gap in the borders of the Ziru Sirka. Now ask yourself how the Vilani crossed all of them with first jump1 and then jump2 drives.

Prior to the Consolidation Wars, the Vilani explored the region which would become the Ziru Sirka with jump1 drives. How did they cross all those gaps?

GT:IW provides one answer to that question (the wrong one IMHO): brown dwarfs Traveller before GT:IW had another answer (the correct one IMHO0: deep space jumps. Both answers "solve" the conundrum which currently puzzles you.

As for allegedly insulting you, insults require intent and perception is not reality.

I've given you some of the facts, told you where you can find the others, and suggested you do some thinking. Nothing more.
Prior to the Consolidation Wars, the Vilani explored the region which would become the Ziru Sirka with jump1 drives. How did they cross all those gaps?

While the Vilani had visited every corner of the "eye" (the area framed by the rifts) with Jump 1 and were moving beyond it, it is unclear whether they visited all of their eventual borders prior to attaining jump 2. The Consolidation Wars stopped (and the borders of the Ziru Sirka set) when the Vilani ran out of jump capable opponents, but they started largely because of second and third generation sales of Vilani jump technology well beyond their ability to control, or profit from, those sales.

IMHO, the early Vilani hopped the j2 gaps using whatever deep space objects their sensors might find, whether brown dwarf stars, rogue planets, or deep Oort to deep Oort. That database of waypoints was protected as a collection of trade secrets, but eventually leaked in example or method, allowing second hand jump drive owners to expand well beyond the Vilani.

Then the Vilani attained Jump 2, and all bets were off. Once the Consolidation Wars were complete and all ownership of jump drive controlled by the Vilani, the waypoints were scrubbed from all navigational records, their possession made a crime, and their discovery by original methods protected by secret Vilani patents. The Empire "forgot" how to hop the gaps the hard way, and only the Vilani themselves could step over those gaps with J2. Just the sort of trade control the Vilani wanted. Not that it lasted. The borders were already leaky by the time the Terrans appeared, but since possession of internal waypoints was a crime and using them rather risky, the Vilani officially knew nothing about the shortcuts. They had probably never surveyed for them in Terran space (since they were already J2 when they reached the area to impose patent restrictions on the Vegans), and were thus surprised when the Terrans proved able to go around them.
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Look at the dot map and note every three parsec gap in the borders of the Ziru Sirka. Now ask yourself how the Vilani crossed all of them with first jump1 and then jump2 drives.

Prior to the Consolidation Wars, the Vilani explored the region which would become the Ziru Sirka with jump1 drives. How did they cross all those gaps?

GT:IW provides one answer to that question (the wrong one IMHO): brown dwarfs Traveller before GT:IW had another answer (the correct one IMHO0: deep space jumps. Both answers "solve" the conundrum which currently puzzles you.

As for allegedly insulting you, insults require intent and perception is not reality.

I've given you some of the facts, told you where you can find the others, and suggested you do some thinking. Nothing more.

It also saysw Dingir was part of Ziru Sirka in many locations but according to the Dot map its not. It also says that the Viliani did not believe it possible to cross the J-3 Gap to the Rim Main. So how is the best way to fix this? Dot map is wrong, not the first time.

Again do not insult me or imply I have a lack of understanding.

All that really matters, GC, is that it works in your TU.

Mass precipitation requirements were never part of jump drive until GT:IW. It may have been a IMTU thing, but it was never part of any published materials.

Adding mass precipitation to GT:IW solved a problem which didn't exist while creating additional problems which then required their own explanations.

Canon is vague on many things, but it's as explicit as it gets when describing how the USSF reached Barnard's Star:

"The range of the jump-1 drives first developed by UNSCA was insufficient to reach the nearest star— Alpha Centauri. It took several years before a US Space Force team based on Luna tried a mission which, in several trips, established an intermediate stopover and refuelling point about one parsec out." (Page 4, AM:6 Solomani)

No brown dwarf and no need for any brown dwarf. Just a deep space fuel depot painstakingly built over repeated jumps.

The GT:IW writing team, for whatever reason, felt they needed to explain the jump lines in Imperium - wargame which predates Traveller, a wargame whose first edition never mentions "Vilani" or "Ziru Sirka", a wargame which was only partially kitbashed to fit the OTU. They added mass precipitation rules to GT:IW despite the fact that GT doesn't have them. They added mass precipitation rules to GT:IW despite the fact that no other version of Traveller has them.

The playtest failed. I failed, because I was part of that playtest. There were other ways to tackle the jump lines in Imperium. There were other ways to explain why neither side launched offensives across the Sirius Gap. Mass precipitation was both unnecessary and a mistake.

A mistake I am partially responsible for. :(
Mass precipitation requirements were never part of jump drive until GT:IW. It may have been a IMTU thing, but it was never part of any published materials.

I don't presume a mass precipitation requirement. I presume a need (by the Vilani) for a hard and predictable navigational fix, made immensely simpler by the presence of a physical target. If the Shangarim Factor handling the jump programs can work his magic behind closed doors and give a Captain two jump plots, to and from a known rock, then he doesn't need to share the deep space nav fix patented method. Bonus: those plots have an expiration date. Keeps the customers coming back.