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Alternate Time Lines


The only announced Traveller product for GURPS 4e is the Interstellar Wars sourcebook. Other than that, they have pointedly not made any announcements, pronouncements, or even hints.

There are no published plans for them to do anything with "classic" GT in the fourth edition.
Originally posted by daryen:

The Solomani can go one of two ways.

The "sane" Solomani take over the "Sphere" and pretty much stay there. The boundary is pretty fluid, but they don't really go past it. If they are able to approach things in this rational of a manner, they should be able to continue indefinitely.

The "stupid" Solomani would suddenly become more abitious. They would try to go as far as they can and only stop when made to. This one wouldn't last long, as it would fall apart due to internal divisions. Moderate Rimward factions would be able to "drop out" of the Confederation, and there would be little that could be done, as the military would be stretched so thin, and have too many enemies to deal with to bring the malcontents back in line.
I really like this and I will use this idea to further the break up the powerhold that the "Stupid" Solomani have and strengthen the conservatives and Moderates. Now I need to find a leader who can bring them together without going over to the Imperial nobility (or perhaps that is where I will find him or her).
IMHO Larsen's makes the best of a bad situation from a Traveller point of view. After GDW ruined my favorite game, Larsen's idea might save it.
Originally posted by cweiskircher:
Have you considered the 1248 Bearers of the Flame timeline? ;)

Unfortunately it is not Virus Free.
The 1248 timeline will, I understand, be the future of the OTU, not an alternate TU.
How about a "Mirror Universe" of the OTU? What if the PCs' starship misjumps and they end up in an alternate Universe with an Evil Imperium? Would that be an interesting timeline to play. Imagine an Imperium with a evil Emperor Stefron, who enjoys blood sport and combat. If the PCs step out of line, they may find themselves in the Arena.
^ Mirrors are cool. Sometime try a series of mirrors, each slightly more strange than the last. Subtle details can lead to interesting misunderstandings but large differences can be truly horrific!
Originally posted by alanb:
The 1248 timeline will, I understand, be the future of the OTU, not an alternate TU. [/QB]
Right you are. Thanks for the input. Perhaps we could advance the timeline 300 years for an alternate Universe then? (1548?)
Well there's already an alternative 1248 'verse (link) out there. A tad too society as it should be* for my tastes but it’s thought out and there’s a lot of material there.

If I ever run a 1248 based game it will deviate significantly from the current playtest draft. At this stage I might just run it as a "rising from the ashes" game but not use the OTU as is. Cherry pick regions and pocket empires from M0, TNE, and 1248. AI characters but not Virus per se. More that AI was part of the previous civilization and is suspected to have been part of the problem. I'm still working this out and it's way down the list.

* this touches directly upon real life issues too much for me to enjoy roleplaying it; much as why I don’t like wargame modern conflicts (aside from playability issues)
My take on an alternate MegaTrav universe, as originally posted in November of 2001:

Dulinor performed the Assassination and run for home just as GDW presented, with Lucan being the little bastard he is and working his way into the Iridium Throne over his brother's body. The primary difference comes with Strephon NOT heading for Gushemege, but instead continuing on to Capital, and Lucan's ability to control the rumors surrounding his brother's death.

Lucan does the smartest thing he can do and immediately steps down for Strephon, saying only that he took the throne in the belief that Strephon had actually been assassinated. With the rumors surrounding Varian having no evidence to reinforce them, Strephon decides not to disrupt things even more and retains Lucan as Heir Apparent and Crown Prince, but details a close watch on his every move and word.

The Solomani arrange their invasion forces as before, but news of Strehpon's survival doesn't reach them in time to countermand the orders except in the border areas closest to Terra. After the initial successes of the invading forces, the Solomani leadership decides to continue with the invasion, but not before the Imperial forces around Terra are forewarned and reinforced. The Solomani still make significant advances, but not nearly as overwhelming as in MT.

The news of Strephon's survival keeps Vland and Dukes Brzk, Warinir and Margaret from secedeing and setting up their own Imperia, but Brzk does declare his neutrality to prevent the Julian Protectorate from attepmting anything in the chaos. Strephon tasks Margaret and Warinir with at least delaying the Solomani advances until he can put paid to Dulinor.

The Vargr do still take advantage of the instability news of the Assassination causes, as Lucan's orders to move the Corridor Fleet are not countermanded in time to prevent them from cutting off the Spinward Marches, but the Vargr assaults on Lishun sector are stopped cold.

The Aslan ihatei start their expansion drives, both 'behind the claw' and in Reaver's Deep sector, attacking both Imperial and Solomani worlds. They meet with most of their success in the Spinward Marches but not as great as in MT.

In the Spinward Marches, only news of the Assassination had made it through Corridor before it was cut, and Norris promoted himself to Archduke. Once some communication had been restored to the rest of the Imperium at great effort, Strephon confirmed the appointment and tasked Norris with maintaining the Spinward Marches as much as possible and restoring Imperial control of Corridor sector. The Zhodani show restraint and do nothing other than provide support for the Sword Worlds' attacks against the Darrians.However, the Swordies get a little out of hand and initiate attacks agains the Imperium, believing both that the remnant of the Spinward Marches cut off from the remainder of the Imperium is too weak to resist them and that the ZC will actively support them once their attacks show the Imperial weaknesses. The Swordies are wrong on both counts, and their attacks degenerate into a prolonged series of raids.

The Vland Fleet, with the majority of Corridor Fleet, begin to retake sections of Corridor back from the Vargr, but Vargr resistance proves that it's going to take a good while to return to the old borders.

Meanwhile, Strephon and Dulinor go at it hammer and tongs, but cleanly. Dulinor cannot just give up without proving that his actions were wrong from their foundation, but he realises that anything other than civilized behavior, even during war, will do the same thing. Meanwhile, Strephon simply cannot allow Dulinor to go unpunished, but he strives to maintain the Imperium at its best. In any case, neither side resorts to the allout barbarity that made up the original Black War in MT.

So, four years into MTU Rebellion, we have the Imperium largely as one piece, but with big areas of uncertainties (The Marches, Antares, and Capital [very political maneuverings around Strephon in case he should chose another wife/consort, and a lot of pro- and anti-Lucan activity]), four war zones (Ilelish, Corridor, the Spinward Marches and the Solomani Rim) and absolutely no real stability anywhere.

I haven't had the opportunity to do much more with it since then, but I hope to get back to work on it pretty soon.

Simon Jester
Hmm too good to let die a horrid death of electron decay. Again Wounded Colossus is an excellent start to revitalize CT.