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Alternate Time Lines

Originally posted by Aramis:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leslie Bates:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Radical is a Traveller universe with no Yaskoydray...
Darn straight. No Vargr, no Vilani or Zhodani, just Solomani expanding into a relatively empty universe - though they would have hit the Vegans eventually, no doubt.

More to the point, no stupid random impossibly terraformed worlds, no rubble belts where planets were, no mysterious artifacts that don't seem to do anything useful...

Sounds like quite a nice alternate really
</font>[/QUOTE]How about a universe that doesn't have to be compatible with the IMPERIUM star map.
</font>[/QUOTE]Gee, sounds like 2300...
</font>[/QUOTE]Or the Firefly 'verse...
Sung to a recognizable tune:

Imagine there's no rebellion
It's easy if you try
No Virus to chase us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the Empire
Living for today...

Dose anyone know where to find the deatails on the worlds in the flowing sectors Gushemege, Dagudashaag, Core, Massila and Delphi (and posalbaly srounding sectors) from pre-Rebellion and during the "hard times" I'm after more than UPP's I would like to see world and reagon notes as I think I may have a player or two intersted in trying out my ATL, and need the info to flesh out the campain plan.
I use the superb work by Larsen Whipsnade as the basis when I am working in the Canon universe. It beats the cr*p out of anything else out there, for logical consitency.
Yup, one .zip file, 13 files, 100-200 kb of text

  • 3401.txt: Gushemege - Random Notes and Questions</font>
  • 3402.txt: Who is the "Real" Strephon</font>
  • 3403.txt: HD3403 - Gushemege Second Thoughts</font>
  • 3411.txt: not a .txt file: lead line = "TOP SECRET CEDAR ADMIRALTY EYES ONLY"; lots of garbage characters . . .</font>
  • 3412.txt: Tansa Subsector Summary</font>
  • 3413.txt: CONTACT: LANCIANS</font>
  • 3414.txt: THE GUSHEMEGE ARCHIPELAGO</font>
  • 3415.txt: RURE SUBSECTOR</font>
  • 3418.txt: "A HIGHER SEAT OF LEARNING" Gigimu University</font>
  • 3419.txt: Subject: Computer Augmented Behavoiral Alteration (CABAl)</font>
A common enough alternate timeline involves Lucan being assassinated by PC's and replaced by the PC and/or Faction of choice.

If lucan truly is mad as he seems, it would be much like caligula's removal... popular, but quietly so, with a hope for normalcy returning.

I've had several campaigns where the PC's took out lucan. In all cases, they were pro Dulinor. In one case, they captured him, and took him to dulinor for public assassination in the moot spire... Of course, the PC's who did this had to escape rapidly... they teleported him in, along with a keeper, and tossed a pistol to Dulinor on the moot floor. (The clarivoyant Teep provided targeting and timing info... to the two 'porters... who ported back out and ran for their lives.)
In a brief thought exercise I conducted, the pieces of the Imperium just settled into a bunch of quivering hunks, still technically at war, but not really capable of carrying it out. So long as Lucan was in power, there seemed no reasonable way for the Capital faction to team up with anyone else.

The Sollies figured it wasn't worth the effort to capture a bunch of rubbled worlds, and so basically made truces with their enemies and went back into their own little world. On the side, they worked to set up buffer states in the ruins; they didn't mind if they were independent, so long as they didn't join up with anyone else either. For the most part, they went back to being introverted and patted themselves on the back for singlehandedly crushing the Imperium into dust. (Propaganda's a female dog.)

The DoD became a satelite of the Zhodani in an effort to stem the tide of all the incursions, though further information has inclined me to think that this might have been delayed a few years. I have little difficulty believing that Vargr and Aslan couldn't take on worlds stripped of their modern fleets and constantly under assault from pirates, but I also didn't have TCS to tell me the Imperium could replenish its losses in a day.

Being relatively strong and hardly touched by the war, the Vilani were able to eventually beat back and hold off the Vargr raiders without much further trouble, so they wandered off to easier pickings. Antares joined the Julians. Margaret joined in a trade alliance with Daibei and worked to expand her infuence into the Hinterworlds and with the Hivers, sort of becoming a Hiver satelite state.

Dulinor of course crushed Strephon's stronghold, but lost Verge in another civil war of sorts. There was no Grand Fleet to blot out the stars; such a thing could not possibly have been constructed when every ship built was needed to fight on two fronts. The loss of Verge was simply unavoidable; Dulinor had no way to stop it, or to later try and take them back; it would have been too large a drain on his resources, which he sorely needs to defend against the occasional Black Warriors.

Everyone but the Sollies went toward smaller, cheaper ships. Those world-cracking monsters were nice and all, but they just cost too much and couldn't be completed quickly enough. Probably the biggest ships to come out of shipyards by 1140-ish when most of the dust was settled was around 20,000 Dtons, though the DoD would have made 100,000 Dtonners without much difficulty.

At that point, there is a choice for the GM. Either he says this is going to go on for some time, with a few attempts at rebuilding, but many of them squashed before they can get much done, and leaving the whole scene fairly stable but declined, or some important event happens, like the potential Sparkler invasion, to unite each of the factions in common cause, if not actual alliance. Such a cause would likely stitch a few of the factions back together, but there would be those who wanted no part of it, or would take the earliest opportunity to take advantage of the exposed weaknesses, creating a situation in which nobody trusts each other but have to work toward a common goal.

I woulda probably not used such a device, and left the factions as seperate empires vying for supremacy amongst each other, the attacks eventually settling down over the course of a few decades.
Originally posted by TheDS:
I woulda probably not used such a device, and left the factions as seperate empires vying for supremacy amongst each other, the attacks eventually settling down over the course of a few decades.
This is my preferred option. I'm a bit of an enthusiast of the historical period after the death of Alexander the Great. Essentially, after Alexander died, there was about 25 years of warfare, at the end of which all the survivors declared themselves rulers of the territory they controlled.

Of course they continued to fight each other regularly until the Romans stomped them all.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
And the moral of the story is there is always someone bigger and stronger...
Not really. The Romans weren't all that strong at the time of Alexander's death. In fact he probably would have ended up conquering them if he had lived. He seems to have been contemplating attacking Carthage, which would have got him involved in Sicily, and...

For what it's worth, in the long run the most successful "Successors" were probably the ones that weren't Macedonian! The Parthians ended up with the old Persian heartland, Chandragupta ended up with the Indian provinces and so on.

But anyway, Travellerising all of this... The most difficult question is still the Solomani.

I can't see any way of avoiding giving them control of all or virtually all of the old Solomani Sphere, and possibly having some client/buffer states beyond that. Of course, pacifying all of this is another story!

We can assume, of course, that they would experience significant tensions as a result of their success, with the factional balance of power being significantly disturbed. They could very easily come down with a major case of political indigestion.

I suppose, notionally, that this effect could kick in somewhat earlier, but that feels a little too "convenient" to me.

As for the rest of the Imperium - the post-Alexandrian analogy suggests that at least some of the factions would be likely to be defeated and destroyed. That feels right to me on another level, as it weakens the contrived stalemate aspect of the MT setting.

So Strephon's faction would be defeated. Brzk's probably crumbles after his assassination. And, well, it's not too hard to envisage both Dulinor and Lucan getting what's coming to them.

Once Dulinor and Lucan bite the dust, the two biggest Imperial factions - the only ones with any serious chance of victory - could easily fall into internal crisis and paralysis.

Margaret, of course, would become the
"legitimate" Empress, but at that point it would mean nothing, and she would be hard pressed to fend off the Solomani, so she couldn't take advantage of the situation.

So, if the Solomani can be plausibly neutralised, it's not at all difficult to develop a situation combining both a handful of little Imperiums and as many little pocket empires as you would like.

And that was, of course, the point of the Rebellion in the first place.

Alan B
I probably shouldn't bother with this correction, since the thread seems to be dying, but I don't like leaving mistakes lying around.

I wrote:
Essentially, after Alexander died, there was about 25 years of warfare, at the end of which all the survivors declared themselves rulers of the territory they controlled.
I should have written: about _50_ years of warfare...
The Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt was a successful Alexandrian offshoot... until Cleopatra was suborned...

In the GURPS timeline, what actually happened to Dulinor? Did Strephon's intelligence services uncover his plot?
IMTU after the death of Lucan, the Solomani anounce publicly their desire to become an idependant neutral entity (much like switzerland, armed and trained but nuetral)but privately they are gearing up to push the Imperium out of their area of influence (and perhaps into surrounding Sectors).
Will they take over the universe eventually?
In the GURPS timeline, the gig Dulinor was using to approach the capital for his audience with Strephon blew up, apparently killing all aboard. (I say apparently, because it blew up Real Good and there was little left over.) The INI investigated, but nothing publically came of it. Dulinor's brother/cousin/whatever immediately resigned his Admiral's post, though.

The Solomani can go one of two ways.

The "sane" Solomani take over the "Sphere" and pretty much stay there. The boundary is pretty fluid, but they don't really go past it. If they are able to approach things in this rational of a manner, they should be able to continue indefinitely.

The "stupid" Solomani would suddenly become more abitious. They would try to go as far as they can and only stop when made to. This one wouldn't last long, as it would fall apart due to internal divisions. Moderate Rimward factions would be able to "drop out" of the Confederation, and there would be little that could be done, as the military would be stretched so thin, and have too many enemies to deal with to bring the malcontents back in line.
Has anyone heard if Alternate Worlds (the new GURPS product) will include Traveller. As I wouldn't mind seeing a consolidation of all the nuggets with Light, Grey & Dark Travellers in the World Books plus the things that appeared in the Mars sourcebook to be gathered in one place.