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America Sector


SOC-14 1K
The America Sector – A History
To c. 900 B.C. Vilani Exploration
c. 900 B.C. – c. A.D. 500 The Consolidation Wars
c. A.D. 500 and later The Ziru Sirka
c. A.D. 2000 – 2024 The Treaty of New York
A.D. 2024-2050 The Quest for Stability
A.D. 2050 – 2088 The First Colonies
A.D. 2088 – 2098 The Jump Drive Invented
A.D. 2098 – 2114 The Contact Era – Terrans meet Vilani
A.D. 2114 – 2122 The First Interstellar War
A.D. 2124 The Development of First Jump-2 Drive.
The Phoenix Dawn, an American financed interstellar Ark, is retrofitted with an experimental Jump-2 drive.
A.D. 2125 The Phoenix Dawn Departs the Solar System in search of a Pre-Garden World to be terraformed
A.D. 2125-2134 The Second Interstellar War. The Phoenix Crew and passengers go into low berths.
A skeleton crew working in rotating shifts in and out of cold sleep operates the ship’s systems.
The majority of the ships occupants stay in low berths to conserve life support resources.
Also frozen in cold sleep are samples of genetic material from an exhaustive sampling of Terra’s species.
Even frozen animals and pests like mosquitoes, and flies are kept in frozen storage, down to bacteria.
Everything that was needed to reconstruct Terra’s biosphere was stored in the ships cold watch.
A small biosphere was maintained in the ship’s interior.
A.D. 2937 New Terra Discovered
Over a period of 812 years thousands of probes were dispatched by the Phoenix dawn.
By 2937 a pre-garden planet was discovered with seven continents in approximate positions matching those of Terra, the planet also orbits a G2 V star, has a similar orbital period, rotational period and axial tilt as Terra.
New Terra’s atmosphere is initially suffocating, but work is done by seeding the oceans with genetically modified Terran plants and algae to convert the atmosphere into a breathable untainted mixture for humans.
This work is done by robots and human crews rotated in and out of low berths.
A.D. 4000 The first milestone is reached.
A standard tainted atmosphere is created, various advanced life forms are introduced to remove the taint.
Forests are grown and an ecosystem is established modeled after that on Terra.
A.D. 5200 The taint is completely removed from the atmosphere, the forests and other biomes have reached maturity.
It is determined that the ecosystem established is stable after many fits and starts.
The vast majority of the human passengers and crew are finally brought out of their low berths and revived.
For the majority of those revived, this is there first look at New Terra and their first awareness since they were put under in 2125. The United States of America is reestablished in this new sector, which they promptly name the American sector.
There were other similar efforts established by other nations of Terra in 2125, but none of them took so long to bring to fruition as this one. The fates of the other Phoenix missions are unknown to these present Americans.
A.D. 5200 – 5631 Other planets are colonized in the four inner subsectors, these planets are named after the states of the United
(Imperial 1110) States and US territories.

The America Sector
The United States of America
California Subsector Data Table
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0913 B60463-C 0.68g Frozen 704 K
Alabama 0914 A6½53644-C 0.74g Normal 414 F
Alaska 0916 A6½55544-C 0.75g Chilly 103 F
Unexplored 0919 D7½A0464-C 0.95g Infernal 311G
Arizona 1011 A6½71644-C 0.82g Hot 504 G
Unexplored 1012 B720564-C 0.88g Chilly 804 G
Unexplored 1015 B1½00464-C 0.17g Cool 813 K
Unexplored 1017 B2½00164-C 0.25g Cool 905 K
Arkansas 1019 A748644-C 0.97g Cool 202 G
Unexplored 1111 B1½00563-C 0.15g Frozen 604 F
Unexplored 1115 B7½34563-C 0.85g Cool 824 K
California 1116 A883744-C 1.0g Normal 304 F
New Terra 1214 A867645-C 1.0g Normal 104 G
Colorado 1220 A754643-C 0.79g Normal 420 G
Connecticut 1316 A684644-C 0.76g Cool 314 F
Unexplored 1320 X6A8000-C 0.68g Normal 410 F
Delaware 1414 B554543-C 0.82g Chilly 824 F
Indiana 1416 A5½86644-C 0.62g Cool 604 F
Unexplored 1419 D100311-C 0.11g Frozen 721 M
Georgia 1511 B893643-C 1.0g Warm 803 K
Illinois 1512 A7½64744-C 0.85g Normal 110 K
Idaho 1513 A680641-C 0.76g Tropical 101 F
Unexplored 1516 D731100-C 0.88g Cool 803 K
Hawaii 1519 A6½68645-C 0.74g Normal 104 K
Florida 1616 A7D7744-C 0.88g Hot 113 G

UWP Notes
I’ve converted the GURPS Traveller stats I originally generated this world data in to standard traveler stats with the following modifications.
The Size digits are incremented by halves so each ½ you see is actually part of the preceding size digit as I didn’t want to lose half size information upon conversion. Here they are:

Digit _ Description
0 _ Asteroid/Planetoid Belt
R _ Ring (around a world)
S _ Small World 125 miles (200 km) Range 1 to 250 miles (1 to 400 km)
½ _ 500 miles (804 km) Range 251 to 750 miles (401 to 1,200 km)
1 _ 1,000 miles (1,609 km) Range 751 to 1,250 miles (1,201 to 2,000 km)
1½ _ 1,500 miles (2,414 km) Range 1,251 to 1,750 miles (2,001 to 2,800 km)
2 _ 2,000 miles (3,219 km) Range 1,751 to 2,250 miles ( 2,801 to 3,600 km)
2½ _ 2,500 miles (4,023 km) Range 2,251 to 2,750 miles (3,601 to 4,400 km)
3 _ 3,000 miles (4,828 km) Range 2,751 to 3,250 miles (4,401 to 5,200 km)
3½ _ 3,500 miles (5,633 km) Range 3,251 to 3,750 miles (5,201 to 6,000 km)
4 _ 4,000 miles (6,437 km) Range 3,751 to 4,250 miles (6,001 to 6,800 km)
4½ _ 4,500 miles (7,242 km) Range 4,251 to 4,750 miles (6,801 to 7,600 km)
5 _ 5,000 miles (8,047 km) Range 4,751 to 5,250 miles (7,601 to 8,400 km)
5½ _ 5,500 miles (8,851 km) Range 5,251 to 5,750 miles (8,401 to 9,200 km)
6 _ 6,000 miles (9,656 km) Range 5,751 to 6,250 miles (9,201 to 10,000 km)
6½ _ 6,500 miles (10,461 km) Range 6,251 to 6,750 miles (10,001 to 10,800 km)
7 _ 7,000 miles (11,265 km) Range 6,751 to 7,250 miles (10,801 to 11,600 km)
7½ _ 7,500 miles (12,070 km) Range 7,251 to 7,750 miles (11,601 to 12,400 km)
8 _ 8,000 miles (12,875 km) Range 7,751 to 8,250 miles (12,401 to 13,200 km)
8½_ 8,500 miles (13,679 km) Range 8,251 to 8,750 miles (13,201 to 14,000 km)
9 _ 9,000 miles (14,484 km) Range 8,751 to 9,250 miles (14,001 to 14,800 km)
9½ _ 9,500 miles (15,289 km) Range 9,251 to 9,750 miles (14,801 to 15,600 km)
A _ 10,000 miles (16,093 km) Range 9,751 to 10,250 miles (15,601 to 16,400 km)

World Climate Table
Climate Type _ Temperature Range (F) Temperature Range (K)
Frozen _ Below -20 _ Below 244 K
Very Cold _ -20 to 0 _ 244 K to 255 K
Cold _ 0 to 20 _ 255 K to 266 K
Chilly _ 20 to 40 _ 266 K to 278 K
Cool _ 40 to 60 _ 278 K to 289 K
Normal _ 60 to 80 _ 289 K to 300 K
Warm _ 80 to 100 _ 300 K to 311 K
Tropical _ 100 to 120 _ 311 K 322 K
Hot _ 120 to 140 _ 322 K 333 K
Very Hot _ 140 to 160 _ 333 K to 344 K
Infernal _ Above 160 _ Above 344 K

Altitude Example of climate shifts with altitude.
Very Thin _ 2 times highest mountains _ Normal
Thin _ 1½ times highest Mountains _ Warm
Standard _ Highest Mountains _ Tropical
Dense _ Low mountains Mountains _ Hot
Dense, High _ Sea Level _ Very Hot
Oh bugger...

Everyone had their suspicians, but you are Tom Kalbfus using a sockpuppet.

Damn, damn, damn.

It is times like this that I wish COTI had active moderators.

I could have just copied it, converted it to standard Traveller while adding a few things of my own. GURPS is a public forum visible to all. I don't have to be in Tom Kalbfus's head to do all that you've seen here.

Besides, why do you care? You haven't mentioned anything about the setting, all you care about is who's who. You want to keep track of this person, wonder about what that person's alias is, and about who's a sock puppet and who is not. Why don't you just concentrate on the ideas rather than just the people who present them? have you nothing better to do? I don't care who you are Mr Cameron. I don't even care if there is a Mr. Cameron All the people at SJ games do is tally points about whos gored who's ox. and who's got even with whom, instead of talking about ideas as they should. I really don't care about you or anyone else. If you want to talk about ideas that's fine, but leave the stinking office politics aside. One of the reason we pick anonimous names is to stop the gossipy chitter chatter about people's lives. I don't give a damn about real people in this board, or what their doing or who they are, if they got good ideas, I want to hear them, if they got bad ideas then I can criticise them, but I don't want to go into their motives for having their ideas, or worry about what sort of people they are, as you seem to do.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
Oh bugger...

Everyone had their suspicians, but you are Tom Kalbfus using a sockpuppet.

Damn, damn, damn.

It is times like this that I wish COTI had active moderators.

So people like you can have their speeches and win their arguments when the moderators ban those who have good arguments, like what happens at SJGames.

For example:

"I think all Americans are stupid."

"Oh no their not!"

Moderator: "You are banned permanently for that remark! You just supposed to sit their and take it right in the gut and say, "I'm a stupid American," since you chose not to do that, you out of here! blah blah blah. I'll find some more legitimate excuse for banning you a bit later, right now I just can't think of one other that you being an uppidty American."

You know with the right moderators, you can have your very own "left wing club." That's all I have to say about that silly click at SJGames.
Thanks for not proving you're not Tom with those last few posts. Not to mention "I’ve converted the GURPS Traveller stats I originally generated this world data in to standard traveler stats with the following modifications."

The original thread folks

As for SJG's public forums, they're the privately-owned public forum of a *gaming company* not a political pulpit, and you couldn't behave yourself. The last straw, after being temp banned, was continuing to barge into other people's threads with posts about your own threads ignoring the other posters. People who can't play nice in a sandbox get sent out regardless of what topic gets their panties in a twist.

Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
It is times like this that I wish COTI had active moderators.
And CotI has no real ignore list.

Time to put the kettle on again.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
So people like you can have their speeches and win their arguments when the moderators ban those who have good arguments, like what happens at SJGames.
People like me? Huh? I never even participated in the political threads you blundered through. I was active in threads you continually tried to hijack however. As a matter of fact, SJGames banned me for three days for calling you a fool and an irritant. So, it wasn't 'people like me' winning anything.

That's all I have to say about that silly click at SJGames.
It's spelled 'clique'. You can't even get that part right.
Why don't we focus on this Traveller setting and keep the politics to the Political Pulpit forum?
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Why don't we focus on this Traveller setting and keep the politics to the Political Pulpit forum?
Never gonna happen. These people irritate each other too much, and can't keep their mouths shut, or create better ways to handle it.

Just like me, or almost.

EDIT: Over on the SJ Games Free Forums, I heard (well, read) a suggestion that this could be a subsector or a system. Not a bad idea. However, if it's a sector, then going with most of the unexplored places puts in room for other people who call it something else.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Laryssa:
So people like you can have their speeches and win their arguments when the moderators ban those who have good arguments, like what happens at SJGames.
People like me? Huh? I never even participated in the political threads you blundered through. I was active in threads you continually tried to hijack however. As a matter of fact, SJGames banned me for three days for calling you a fool and an irritant. So, it wasn't 'people like me' winning anything.

That's all I have to say about that silly click at SJGames.
It's spelled 'clique'. You can't even get that part right.
</font>[/QUOTE]Just like your hijacking this thread, eh Bill? We all hijack threads, you do it, and I do it, that is just human nature. We are imperfect beings. The problem I've had with Steve Jackson Games is that they focus on the stuff I do, while letting al the liberal America-haters say whatever they want without consequence. I call that discrimination, it may be perfectly legal, I'm not seeking a job from them, nor have I been fired for my political views, but it is discrimination just the same, and I can get back at them by telling you all about it.

This thread is about a fictional setting that I created, and you Bill Cameron have hijacked it. So don't go coming here, hijacking my threads and tell me how I've hijacked other people's threads.

The problem was the blatant bias of the Steve Jackson Website, no body's perfect, but because of their bias, they seek out my imperfactions because they don't agree with my views, and they ban me because of them.
This is like a slow-motion train wreck - you want to tear your eyes away from the horror, but you just can't... :(
*munches on a fistfull of popcorn*

*settles in to watch the show...points the bucket of hot buttered popcorn at Baron Saarthuran*

"Want some?"

Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:
This is like a slow-motion train wreck - you want to tear your eyes away from the horror, but you just can't... :(
How can a sector be a train wreck?
Originally posted by selunatic2397:
*munches on a fistfull of popcorn*

*settles in to watch the show...points the bucket of hot buttered popcorn at Baron Saarthuran*

"Want some?"

Cut the "Human Dynamics"! If you want human dynamics why don't you go visit a Zoo?
So far no one has actually commented on the actual material, which means basically everyone here is a thread hijacker. Now if anyone here is actually interested in say Traveller for instance instead of virtual office politics from these intollerant windbags. All this psychoanalysis has got to stop. I'm mainly interested in ideas pertaining to Traveller. Now if we can get back on the subject, and stop worrying about people's "secret Identities", we might actually end up with something worth having. You folks are way too political.
You're right about one thing, Tom Kalbfus - there hasn't been much comment on your original post. In the interest of keeping the boards a place where we talk about Traveller, please allow me to rectify that right now.

First, you use a couple of terms with which I'm not familiar - I'm guessing these are GT concepts, like "pre-garden." However, you haven't really converted this to CT if you use GURPS jargon without explanation.

Second, the background is pretty basic, by which I mean this is a story I've heard numerous times already: colony ship with cold sleep passengers sets off for uncharted space, builds a new empire. Okay, got it. Nothing wrong with it as written (though I wonder why they would go with "New Terra," instead of "Nova Terra"), but nothing that makes me stand up and say, "Wow, that's cool - I need that for MTU!"

Third, I can't make heads nor tails of your World Climate and Altitude Example tables - is this more GURPS arcana?

Fourth, adding half-diamaters adds what exactly to the game? I know looking at a CT UWP size of 7 that the world is between 7,000 and 7,999 miles inclusive - the half-values maket the range smaller, but that doesn't really improve on the precision, does it? I'm not sure why you think this matters.

Fifth and last, why am I supposed to care about this? You've recreated the USA (sort of) in another part of the Milky Way - okay, so what else is going on? What is the conflict? What do adventurers do here? A good Traveller setting has conflict by the boatloads - this seems like jingoist navel-gazing.

And before you get too hot under the collar, remember that you asked for opinions.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
The Phoenix Dawn Departs the Solar System in search of a Pre-Garden World to be terraformed
I agree with BGG - define "pre-garden".

Also frozen in cold sleep are samples of genetic material from an exhaustive sampling of Terra’s species.
Even frozen animals and pests like mosquitoes, and flies are kept in frozen storage, down to bacteria.
Why? How does this contribute to a reasonable setting? It sounds more like the work of an unreasonable fanatic at this point, no offense intended, but nonetheless true.

Over a period of 812 years thousands of probes were dispatched by the Phoenix dawn.
800+ years and all you get is an unihabitable world? I would be spacing somebody for that.

A.D. 5200 ...SNIP...The vast majority of the human passengers and crew are finally brought out of their low berths and revived.
2200 more years, so some 3000 years to recreate Earh. I just don't buy it. To me, it makes more sense to beleive that a suitable world without terra-forming could have been found in 3000 years. Even more than earlier, this sounds more and more like the work of complete fanatics.

World Climate Table
Climate Type _ Temperature Range (F) Temperature Range (K)
Frozen _ Below -20 _ Below 244 K
Very Cold _ -20 to 0 _ 244 K to 255 K
Cold _ 0 to 20 _ 255 K to 266 K
Chilly _ 20 to 40 _ 266 K to 278 K
Cool _ 40 to 60 _ 278 K to 289 K
Normal _ 60 to 80 _ 289 K to 300 K
Warm _ 80 to 100 _ 300 K to 311 K
Tropical _ 100 to 120 _ 311 K 322 K
Hot _ 120 to 140 _ 322 K 333 K
Very Hot _ 140 to 160 _ 333 K to 344 K
Infernal _ Above 160 _ Above 344 K
The concept of a single climate world went out of mainstream science fiction in the 40's. Get real. A world is so large, it will a full-featured climate, particularly if it is inhabitable.

Overall, I don't care for it, myself. But, it is YTU - do what you want.
Pre-garden is actually a Star Trek Expanded Universe concept, as well. A world which has biota which will result in a garden world in a few (—/dozen/hundred/thousand) million years.


There ain't much "there" there. It's pretty basic, and pretty revealing in the few details that are there that you're either Tom's clone, or Tom under a pseudonym; there is a tiny outside chance of parallel development, but I'd not bet that way.

Couple that to other posts, and well, I'm convinced.

I'm wishing we had active mods too... but not on that score.

My problems with Tom Kallfus are the pedantry and provocateuring.
Why do you care about personal questions about one's identity? What's the reason for this obsession? It could be anyone typing at this computer, and you don't have any means of proving that person's actual identity, so why do you try? Aren't you more interested in science fiction, that in snooping out someone's actual identity?
Is your name really Aramis? What kind of parents would name their child Aramis? Or is that not your real name? Are you pretending to be someone else?

I'm not, I'm just not telling you my real name, because I'm not interested in personal relationships, just in ideas that people can share. If you want a date, why don't you go to another website, and let us stick to Traveller Role Playing Games.
OK, I've read it. What are the general adventuring seeds?

Without the Imperium, and Vilani influence what are your character choices as far as generation goes. Call it classes in T20 or careers in CT, or whatever. Since we are obviously outside the borders of the Imperium, what are the careers open to our adventurers? What type of adventures are you planning on running?

TL-C for everyone? Since they left when Jump-2 was new how and why did they advance to TL-C from B? To go from early TL-12 to TL-13 in a mere 400 years with no outside influence? That seems a bit much. They figured it out in their sleep?
Well, I will jump in here as the noob. I have NEVER been to the SJG website, so I don't CARE who you are/might be.

I have a couple of questions though...

1. Your setting seems to be somewhere spinward of the 3I, near Zhodani Space. Where would you place it relative to the OTU?

2. Who are neighbors fighting/competing with the USA? How do they deal with alien polities?

3. Other than the general political situation and UWPs, I don't have a feel for the internal politics. Could you expand on that?

4. If the general set up is similar to the USA of the RW, how does it work without FTL communications? Back in the day of sail and horses, California was pretty isolated from the "real" USA. Railroads and telegraph quickly linked the coasts together. How does your USA stay coherent without some kind of instantaneous, or near instantaneous communications. What systems/mechanisms are in place to keep the whole thing from falling apart?