• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

America Sector

Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
Bill, maybe we can discuss this in the other thread?

Sure thing. All Casey, I, and the others are doing is passing on a warning. We've all dealt with Kalbfus in the past and we know what will eventually happen in this thread.

Be prepared. You're not dealing with a normal person here. Be sure to read the first thread Casey linked you all to at SJGames. Some of the questions you're raising here were already raised there, raised there only to either be ignored by or spark a one of his trademark rant/accusation/attacks.

</font>[/QUOTE]Normal is in the eyes of the beholder. To people like the Baron, I'm not normal because I don't hate being an American and I don't hate my own country. If your a left-wing nut who thinks the United States is responsible for all the evil in the world, your probably going to think I'm a right wing wacko or a Nazi. A normal person however would view me as a conservative who loves his country. Maybe that's unusual in your circles Bill, but not in mine.
Originally posted by Laryssa:

The Prime Directive isn't aimed to protect the primitive civilization from modernity, oh no quite the contrary. The Prime Directive is designed to protect the United States from hordes of barbarians who suddenly come into possession of modern weapons and learn how to use them. Primitives on many worlds outnumber the Americans in the who entire sector in some cases. For instance a World at out current Tech level of 8 might have a population of 5 billion people. Now if some helpful TL 12 merchants were to sell them some stuff which they could copy, this TL8 would might suddenly build fleets of starships and use their superior manpower to take over the sector

Define 'suddenly'.

but so long as the Prime Directive is in effect and properly enforced, this civilization remains stuck on its planet, it would outnumber the Americans 15 to 1, would represent a strong dilution of America culture were they suddenly to become spacefaring. Even worse, they might not be christians,

Do you think there's a chance alien societies 400 parsecs from Earth would be Christian?

they might not value democracy, they might impose there way of life and culture on Americans that suddenly become the minority within their own society, and they might not adapt so well to sudden modernization and resort to terrorism using the modern weapons they've been given, such are the fears of the Americans and the reason for this Prime Directive.

Ah! You're using the 'Aliens' as cyphers for 'Islamic Terrorists'. Gosh! How inventive of you.

Some Americans feel this fear is unwarrented and find the Prime Directive to be an overblown over reaction to lessons learned in the ancient War on Terrorism thousands of years ago.

You know, I often hark back to the lessons learnt in the Albigensian Crusades against the Cathar terror. However, that's only 800 years ago - do you think you're stretching it a bit to hark back thousands of years?

Terrorists can't be so destructive to modern society if they have only bows and spear to work with and can't get off their planet, or so the reasoning goes, but the Merchants don't care, they just want to make profits.

Darn Merchants!

Primitives have some things of value to them like gold for instance, and their are many primitve planets to sell to. The buyers will generally be the wealthy of those primitive societies, the nobles and the rulers. And some merchants might even want to rule over primitive planets themselves, they are already outlaws with regard to American Law, why not settle down in some castle and be attended to by a bunch or pretty women? Such pleasures can be very tempting to those Merchants.

You can sign me for the Merchants too!

Or maybe I'd like to bring the wonders of modern technology to such 'primitive' worlds to increase the wellbeing of their people? I'm sure the Spaace USA wouldn't like that!


Tongue firmly in cheek!
Prompted by this:

Originally posted by Laryssa:

The Prime Directive isn't aimed to protect the primitive civilization from modernity, oh no quite the contrary. The Prime Directive is designed to protect the United States from hordes of barbarians who <SNIP> would represent a strong dilution of America culture were they suddenly to become spacefaring. Even worse, they might not be christians ,
(My emphasis on the 'christians'.
I present a skit.

Concerning a conversation overheard between Scout Pioneer Wilbur and his superior Hiram.

Hiram: "God's blessing upon thee Wilbur. Have you come to report the findings of planetary survey 243?"

Wilbur: "Yup! Shore have."

Hiram: "And in His name, are the findings good?"

Wilbur: "Nope! Darn Heathens again!"

Hiram: "Are you sure? Is there no chance of a mistake?"

Wilbur: "Naw."

Hiram: "What were the results of test 1?"

Wilbur: "They never did hear of no Reformation."

Hiram: "And test 2?"

Wilbur: "Speakin' in tongues? Didn't unnerstand a word."

Hiram: "Heavens preserve us! Did you try 'The test of the damned?'?"

Wilbur: "They done ait the statue of the Virgin Mary..."

Hiram: "Well at least they're not Catholics. What about...'The test of blasphemous evil'?"

Wilbur: "I said the 'A' word."

Hiram: "And?"

Wilbur: "They seemed to know it, said 'Olla' or summat..."

Hiram: "Jehosaphat! More Muslims! Blast their pervasive hides!! Wilbur - you must leave at once and call Purification Fleet 14 to its duty. Be in haste!"

Wilbur: "Ayup!"

Wilbur leaves stage left.

Hiram: "Why does He punish us so? On every world the worst kind of blasphemy. At least He gave us our United States of America of Spaace as a refuge from such horrors"

And as Hiram's thoughts wander to his beloved homeworld, Ohio of Spaace, and the incredibly chaste wife that waits for him there...

Wilbur: "This is the easist gol-darndest job I ever did have. Jes' say the same thing for a differnt planet every month!"

The End

Who has lots of American friends who are not like 'Laryssa'
Originally posted by Laryssa:
Lancelot could be taught how to load and use a modern firearm, just like any other raw recruit in the army could. The fact that he or his people could not make one, makes the transaction all the more profitable to those space merchants who want to sell him things. If things break, buy new ones or send them out for repair, very profitable indeed. The higher tech level people are more likely to be able to copy what the merchants sell, therevy undermining the merchant's profitable business.
If it were really that easy, then why aren't there manufacturing facilities in Afganistan for Kalishnikovs? AKs are the low tech assault rifle and they have been around Afganistan for years. They could manufacture and sell Stingers. Please. The metalurgy alone is beyond their capability. Stingers? Like the chips can be copied, without the tech level to understand them. Perhaps an M1911a1 was a poor choice, how much training does it take to teach someone which end the business end is. But Lancelot still isn't going to comprehend the weapon. It would best be explained as magic. (And Lancelot is well known for his severe distrust of all things magical.) Besides there are definite limits to what a low tech culture has to offer in terms of valuable trade goods. Gold? Why would gold retain value at higher techlevels? I mean it has some industrial uses today, but with new ceramics, superconductors, etc, gold is losing its value as a raw material in manufacturing already. Raw materials that are important to a high tech society, a low tech society might not recognize, or be capable of getting. Besides there is no reason that you have to deal with low tech people to get raw material.

And why trade high tech stuff for it, just shiny beads should do the trick. (Or equivalent.)
Originally posted by Starviking:
Define 'suddenly'.
Eh, Starviking, haven't you heard of a place called the Political Pulpit. You and your communist buddies accuse me of thread jacking, so why don't you practise what you preach and go back to the political Pulpit and leave this thread in peace?

but so long as the Prime Directive is in effect and properly enforced, this civilization remains stuck on its planet, it would outnumber the Americans 15 to 1, would represent a strong dilution of America culture were they suddenly to become spacefaring. Even worse, they might not be christians,

Do you think there's a chance alien societies 400 parsecs from Earth would be Christian?
Doesn't matter, history has shown that different cultures often clash violently when they first meet. That is the view point of the fictional Americans based on their experience. Don't argue with me about it, I'm just the creator of this setting. Are the Americans looking for Christians 400 parsecs away? No, they don't expect to find any anyway, and even if they do find Christians, the Christian religion will have been altered so much by the passage of time that it might as well be another religion, and the same danger applies for violent clashes and possibly fanatical terrorism, that is what the Americans fear. Once you give dangerous toys to new primitive cultures, its too late to take them back, "the cat's out of the bag" so to speak.

they might not value democracy, they might impose there way of life and culture on Americans that suddenly become the minority within their own society, and they might not adapt so well to sudden modernization and resort to terrorism using the modern weapons they've been given, such are the fears of the Americans and the reason for this Prime Directive.

Ah! You're using the 'Aliens' as cyphers for 'Islamic Terrorists'. Gosh! How inventive of you.
I say again Starviking, keep your politics in the Political pulpet! That's what it is for. How can you expect me to follow the rules of this forum if you don't even follow them yourself? Are you a hippocrite? Islamic Terrorism is just an example of what can happen when two cultures meet and one is way more advanced than the other. There are other primitive cultures out here, they don't necessarily worship Allah, but the same rule applies here, at least many Americans here believe it does. Now don't confuse my character's believes for my own. I'm just trying to show you what their arguments would be if you were having a conversation with them. To get good stories its often necessary to introduce characters with many different view points. Don't you understand that Star Viking? This is fiction, the people who come here want adventures, in order to get adventure, everything cannot be "love and harmony". Do you understand Starviking. If you want to turn this into a Political forum, why don't you leave now? There is one, so why don't you take your gossip and your "asides" over there?

Some Americans feel this fear is unwarrented and find the Prime Directive to be an overblown over reaction to lessons learned in the ancient War on Terrorism thousands of years ago.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />
You know, I often hark back to the lessons learnt in the Albigensian Crusades against the Cathar terror. However, that's only 800 years ago - do you think you're stretching it a bit to hark back thousands of years?
For the Americans its not thousands of years ago, they were in Low Berths, remember? While in Low Berths they don't experience the passage of time, so for them its recent history, and their culture has been isolated ever since it woke up. Parents have told their children about this history, and they also learned it in school. This colors the politics of the America sector, and when they see a naked savage with a spear, they don't see some simpleton who can easily be exploited and intimidated by their modern weapons. Oh, they realize that they can do this at first, they can conquer their planet and make themselves out to be "gods" and exploit the savages mercilessly, but still this situation can't last, technology has a way of spreading faster than more modern cultural values, the next few generations of primitives will keep their primitive beliefs, which may come in conflict with the modern ones of the Americans, but they will learn to use the Americans modern weapons, and instead of chucking their spears at them, only to be mowed down by plasma rifles, they get some of those plasma rifles themselves, and their primitive beliefs may turn them into suicide bombers with lethal futuristic weapons killing many innocent people as they defend their primitive beliefs against modern enchroachment.

Now don't you tell me this sort of thing hasn't happened before in history especially in the middle east. The Americans here are simply applying the lessons we're learning now. Is this the right lesson? I don't know. The Americans here don't want to find out what happens when they trade with the primitives and expose them to modern life and weapondry. Some primitive cultures adapt very well, but others become violent, fanatical, and very destructive to modern society. Then the American Government would face the difficult issue of how to stop them. They could do what the Vilani did to the Vegan's 2nd home planet, but they left Earth to try to save it from that fate in the first place. The Americans in general would rather not face this difficult issue, especially among primitives that may outnumber them. In the end, they figure its best to leave them primitive and not interfere with their cultural and technological development. When they become a spacefaring society on their own then the USA will deal with them then. Americans have no desire to accelerate their schedule of coming out into space and having to deal with them sooner than they have too. Many Merchant traders are extremely short sighted, all they see is a profit opportunity and primitive savages to take advantage of, they don't care about the long term consequences.

Terrorists can't be so destructive to modern society if they have only bows and spear to work with and can't get off their planet, or so the reasoning goes, but the Merchants don't care, they just want to make profits.

Darn Merchants!

Primitives have some things of value to them like gold for instance, and their are many primitve planets to sell to. The buyers will generally be the wealthy of those primitive societies, the nobles and the rulers. And some merchants might even want to rule over primitive planets themselves, they are already outlaws with regard to American Law, why not settle down in some castle and be attended to by a bunch or pretty women? Such pleasures can be very tempting to those Merchants.

You can sign me for the Merchants too!

Or maybe I'd like to bring the wonders of modern technology to such 'primitive' worlds to increase the wellbeing of their people? I'm sure the Spaace USA wouldn't like that!


Tongue firmly in cheek!
[/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]Well I see you've found your adventure, that is entirely my purpose. The above is the argument as a politician of the majority in Congress would make it. Adventure involves risk and taking chances. The Federal government doesn't like to take chances. If everyone did as the Federal Government wished, all Americans would stay away from these primitive societies and not have dealings with them. So where's the adventure in that? Yes, players can trade with the natives if they want, if they do so, they have to watch out for the enforcement arm of the Federal government. The Federal government isn't so weak that the PCs don't have to worry about them, but they are not Big Brother either.

In essence what we have here is a merchant smuggler's campaign. Traveller Starships are expensive, don't you know, the smallest ones cost tens of millions of dollars. Starting PCs are not expected to have this money, so they either have to borrow it from a bank or perhaps a criminal organization (ala Jabba the Hut). Whoever loaned the PCs the money will of course want it back plus interest, or perhaps they'll want a percentage of the proceeds of the sales. The fact that the Federal authorities are enforcing the Prime Directive means that there is less competition among the merchants trying to sell to the primitive, and potentially this means this sort of trade is alot more profitable than most legitimate mercantile activity. To assague the PCs morality, they can rationalize that they aren't transporting drugs, stolen goods, or prostitute slaves for exploitation, what they are doing is bringing gadgets to a more primitive society to make their lives easier, they naturally think the government policy is wrong, but on the otherhand it does make their small scale enterprise profitable, and if it were legal to do this sort of trade, the large scale haulers would do it, and outcompete the Free Trader with their low prices. The Federal Marshals keep the prices of the goods they offer high. Not many in these primitive societies can afford these goods, but their are many primitive societies, and if the merchants visit each one to ply their wares, they can make alot of money as their are few merchants doing this.

In the Imperium, there is no Prime Directive, merchants there don't have this opportunity, so instead they trade in illegal goods like drugs and things, rather sell legal goods to people the government won't allow them to sell to as what happens in the America sector.

I'm not here to make a political argument, I'm here to give the point of view of the Federal government and that of the smugglers. How they interact and come into conflict with each other, and why they do what they do. You can agree with the Federal Governments position, and you can play the role of a Federal Marshal trying to stop this illicit trade, or else you can play the role of the smuggler, trying to evade the Federal Marshals and not end up in Jail or even worse Dead!
Originally posted by Laryssa:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Starviking:
Define 'suddenly'.
Eh, Starviking, haven't you heard of a place called the Political Pulpit. You and your communist buddies accuse me of thread jacking, so why don't you practise what you preach and go back to the political Pulpit and leave this thread in peace?

BTW - I'm not a communist - I'm a Monarchist!

Long live Strephon!
Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Laryssa:
Lancelot could be taught how to load and use a modern firearm, just like any other raw recruit in the army could. The fact that he or his people could not make one, makes the transaction all the more profitable to those space merchants who want to sell him things. If things break, buy new ones or send them out for repair, very profitable indeed. The higher tech level people are more likely to be able to copy what the merchants sell, therevy undermining the merchant's profitable business.
If it were really that easy, then why aren't there manufacturing facilities in Afganistan for Kalishnikovs? AKs are the low tech assault rifle and they have been around Afganistan for years. They could manufacture and sell Stingers. Please. The metalurgy alone is beyond their capability. Stingers? Like the chips can be copied, without the tech level to understand them. Perhaps an M1911a1 was a poor choice, how much training does it take to teach someone which end the business end is. But Lancelot still isn't going to comprehend the weapon. It would best be explained as magic. (And Lancelot is well known for his severe distrust of all things magical.) Besides there are definite limits to what a low tech culture has to offer in terms of valuable trade goods. Gold? Why would gold retain value at higher techlevels? I mean it has some industrial uses today, but with new ceramics, superconductors, etc, gold is losing its value as a raw material in manufacturing already. Raw materials that are important to a high tech society, a low tech society might not recognize, or be capable of getting. Besides there is no reason that you have to deal with low tech people to get raw material.

And why trade high tech stuff for it, just shiny beads should do the trick. (Or equivalent.)
</font>[/QUOTE]Don't you know? Gold is already up to $600 an ounce. The reason why gold is so expensive is because its a scarce metal, it will probably be worth more than diamonds in fact as diamonds are made of simple carbon, all you require is the right technology to compress it and make diamond out of it. Gold on the otherhand can only be manufactured by colliding heavy ions with each other, this is an energy intensive business, which is why it is easier to mine gold out of the ground rather than make it. Primitive societies know how to work gold,which is why it is an excellent trade commodity. Gold is one for the first metals ever to be worked by primitive man. High tech merchants vaue it just as much as the primitives do. Primitive mining techniques aren't ass efficient as the modern ones, but still the primitives work cheaper, their labor is cheap, and the people who buy the goods from the merchants might even use slave labor to get the gold out of the mountain. they might have thousands or tens of thousands of slaves they have aquired in battle with their neighbors, they have them mining the mountain, feeding them only the minimum they need to stay alive so tons of gold can be extracted from the mountain side so it can be used to trade with the Space Merchant when he next visits the village. Naturally the merchant doesn't trouble his conscious too much about where exactly all this gold comes from, all he sees is the gold and all the profit it represents, and there are many more primitive planets to trade with as well as many more villages on this planet to trade with, that this activity might have an ill effect on the planet he's trading with doesn't not concern him, his main concern is avoiding the long arm of the law while he engages in this trade.
Originally posted by Starviking:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Laryssa:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Starviking:
Define 'suddenly'.
Eh, Starviking, haven't you heard of a place called the Political Pulpit. You and your communist buddies accuse me of thread jacking, so why don't you practise what you preach and go back to the political Pulpit and leave this thread in peace?

BTW - I'm not a communist - I'm a Monarchist!

Long live Strephon!
</font>[/QUOTE]Don't know about you in particular, but there have been alot of left-wingers around trying to play "gotcha!" with me rather than concern themselves with the subject of this tread. I'm not interested in talking politics here, but some people want to play personal politics here, they don't like the fact that i have made such good arguments for my positions in the political pulpit, so some of them are trying to get even here by sullying my reputaion with the newbies. You know what I mean. Some take it personal if they lose an argument elsewhere, so they call me things like "Nazi", or "Aryan Nations" Person and the like. You know the people I'm talking about. I just want to keep that garbage out of here, so I can talk about the setting here. Maybe I misjudged you and you were only trying to get into the spirit of the game. If so I appologize. But I have to be wary, when some people don't have good arguments for their positions, they often try to do other things, like put their gossip in places where it doesn't belong.
I believe that all he asked for was for you to describe "suddenly".

You then attacked him rather than answering the question.

I will repeat....Please describe how a tech 8 world..of which we are now only inching to...suddenly understands how to mass produce starships all from a few gadgets?

*goes back to munching popcorn not really expecting any coherant answer*

Here are the Traveller stats for 3 of the 4 central subsectors.

The America Sector
The United States of America
California Subsector Data Table
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0913 B60463-C 0.68g Frozen 704 K
Alabama 0914 A6½53644-C 0.74g Normal 414 F
Alaska 0916 A6½55544-C 0.75g Chilly 103 F
Unexplored 0919 D7½A0464-C 0.95g Infernal 311G
Arizona 1011 A6½71644-C 0.82g Hot 504 G
Unexplored 1012 B720564-C 0.88g Chilly 804 G
Unexplored 1015 B1½00464-C 0.17g Cool 813 K
Unexplored 1017 B2½00164-C 0.25g Cool 905 K
Arkansas 1019 A748644-C 0.97g Cool 202 G
Unexplored 1111 B1½00563-C 0.15g Frozen 604 F
Unexplored 1115 B7½34563-C 0.85g Cool 824 K
California 1116 A883744-C 1.0g Normal 304 F
New Terra 1214 A867645-C 1.0g Normal 104 G
Colorado 1220 A754643-C 0.79g Normal 420 G
Connecticut 1316 A684644-C 0.76g Cool 314 F
Unexplored 1320 X6A8000-C 0.68g Normal 410 F
Delaware 1414 B554543-C 0.82g Chilly 824 F
Indiana 1416 A5½86644-C 0.62g Cool 604 F
Unexplored 1419 D100311-C 0.11g Frozen 721 M
Georgia 1511 B893643-C 1.0g Warm 803 K
Illinois 1512 A7½64744-C 0.85g Normal 110 K
Idaho 1513 A680641-C 0.76g Tropical 101 F
Unexplored 1516 D731100-C 0.88g Cool 803 K
Hawaii 1519 A6½68645-C 0.74g Normal 104 K
Florida 1616 A7D7744-C 0.88g Hot 113 G

Lincoln Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Iowa 1714 A6½97643-C 0.82g Normal 323 F
Kansas 1715 A5½72643-C 0.62g Cold 225 F
Kentucky 1811 A671641-C 0.76g Tropical 400 F
Maine 1812 A666643-C 0.76g Cool 124 F
Unexplored 1817 B200563-C 0.23g Infernal 712 F
Maryland 1914 A745644-C 0.88g Warm 513 G
Unexplored 1918 C6½A3111-C 0.74g Warm 110 K
Unexplored 2012 C1½00563-C 0.15g Cool 713 F
Unexplored 2017 E100100-C 0.10g Normal 424 M
Louisiana 2112 A5½66643-C 0.69g Tropical 411 G
Unexplored 2113 C825311-C 1.0g Normal 122 G
Massachusetts 2213 A745645-C 0.97g Normal 600 K
Michigan 2313 A5½65744-C 0.62g Cool 112 G

New York Subsector
Unexplored 1022 D7½28542-C 0.85g Chilly 304 F
Missouri 1025 A795641-C 0.79g Warm 520 K
Unexplored 1030 A635541-C 0.76g Cool 302 G
Unexplored 1127 B200212-C 0.25g Infernal 712 M
Unexplored 1128 B625541-C 0.61g Cool 515 G
Unexplored 1129 C6½38542-C 0.90g Chilly 812 F
Mississippi 1222 C6½66641-C 0.90g Chilly 204 K
Unexplored 1228 C731263-C 0.79g Normal 700 K
Minnesota 1321 A773644-C 0.88g warm 503 K
Montana 1329 A6½76541-C 0.74g Cool 904 F
Nevada 1425 A866641-C 1.0g Warm 221 F
Nebraska 1426 B788640-C 0.71g Cold 121 K
New York 1522 A5½66742-C 0.62g Warm 104 K
Unexplored 1524 A000510-C 0.00g Frozen 905 M
Unexplored 1525 B100511-C 0.10g Infernal 404 K
Unexplored 1529 D7A6121-C 0.88g Tropical 904 F
New Jersey 1626 A748643-C 0.79g Cool 812 F
New Mexico 1628 A6½43642-C 0.74g Tropical 103 G
New Hampshire 1630 A682644-C 0.76g Cool 101 G

UWP Notes
I’ve converted the GURPS Traveller stats I originally generated this world data in to standard traveler stats with the following modifications.
The Size digits are incremented by halves so each ½ you see is actually part of the preceding size digit as I didn’t want to lose half size information upon conversion. Here they are:

Digit _ Description
0 _ Asteroid/Planetoid Belt
R _ Ring (around a world)
S _ Small World 125 miles (200 km) Range 1 to 250 miles (1 to 400 km)
½ _ 500 miles (804 km) Range 251 to 750 miles (401 to 1,200 km)
1 _ 1,000 miles (1,609 km) Range 751 to 1,250 miles (1,201 to 2,000 km)
1½ _ 1,500 miles (2,414 km) Range 1,251 to 1,750 miles (2,001 to 2,800 km)
2 _ 2,000 miles (3,219 km) Range 1,751 to 2,250 miles ( 2,801 to 3,600 km)
2½ _ 2,500 miles (4,023 km) Range 2,251 to 2,750 miles (3,601 to 4,400 km)
3 _ 3,000 miles (4,828 km) Range 2,751 to 3,250 miles (4,401 to 5,200 km)
3½ _ 3,500 miles (5,633 km) Range 3,251 to 3,750 miles (5,201 to 6,000 km)
4 _ 4,000 miles (6,437 km) Range 3,751 to 4,250 miles (6,001 to 6,800 km)
4½ _ 4,500 miles (7,242 km) Range 4,251 to 4,750 miles (6,801 to 7,600 km)
5 _ 5,000 miles (8,047 km) Range 4,751 to 5,250 miles (7,601 to 8,400 km)
5½ _ 5,500 miles (8,851 km) Range 5,251 to 5,750 miles (8,401 to 9,200 km)
6 _ 6,000 miles (9,656 km) Range 5,751 to 6,250 miles (9,201 to 10,000 km)
6½ _ 6,500 miles (10,461 km) Range 6,251 to 6,750 miles (10,001 to 10,800 km)
7 _ 7,000 miles (11,265 km) Range 6,751 to 7,250 miles (10,801 to 11,600 km)
7½ _ 7,500 miles (12,070 km) Range 7,251 to 7,750 miles (11,601 to 12,400 km)
8 _ 8,000 miles (12,875 km) Range 7,751 to 8,250 miles (12,401 to 13,200 km)
8½_ 8,500 miles (13,679 km) Range 8,251 to 8,750 miles (13,201 to 14,000 km)
9 _ 9,000 miles (14,484 km) Range 8,751 to 9,250 miles (14,001 to 14,800 km)
9½ _ 9,500 miles (15,289 km) Range 9,251 to 9,750 miles (14,801 to 15,600 km)
A _ 10,000 miles (16,093 km) Range 9,751 to 10,250 miles (15,601 to 16,400 km)

World Climate Table
Climate Type _ Temperature Range (F) Temperature Range (K)
Frozen _ Below -20 _ Below 244 K
Very Cold _ -20 to 0 _ 244 K to 255 K
Cold _ 0 to 20 _ 255 K to 266 K
Chilly _ 20 to 40 _ 266 K to 278 K
Cool _ 40 to 60 _ 278 K to 289 K
Normal _ 60 to 80 _ 289 K to 300 K
Warm _ 80 to 100 _ 300 K to 311 K
Tropical _ 100 to 120 _ 311 K 322 K
Hot _ 120 to 140 _ 322 K 333 K
Very Hot _ 140 to 160 _ 333 K to 344 K
Infernal _ Above 160 _ Above 344 K
Originally posted by selunatic2397:
I believe that all he asked for was for you to describe "suddenly".

You then attacked him rather than answering the question.

I will repeat....Please describe how a tech 8 world..of which we are now only inching to...suddenly understands how to mass produce starships all from a few gadgets?

*goes back to munching popcorn not really expecting any coherant answer*

I mean suddenly as compared to how quickly these civilizations would have become spacefaring out of their own efforts without imported technology or know how. And you may wonder how a primitive TL0 civilization might become spacefaring, simple, with every generation we teach our children how to deal with an increasingly technological world, it would be no different when space merchants first land on these primitive planets. People there will want to know how the merchants do stuff that they do. They will want to know how their gadgets work. No doubt some of the buyers will want to know how some of these gadgets can be used against their enemies, and they'l also wonder whether these merchants or others have already sold them some. That way the merchants can play one primitive group against the other, either deliberately, or perhaps one of their compedators will have established a business relationship with one of his buyer's enemies.

Primitive societies often war alot you know, and having a few technological gadgets could mean the difference between whether a battle is won or lost. No doubt some of the people who first buy these gadgets will use them to defeat their enemies before they get some as well. Then they can conquer their enemies, plunder them for gold and use the booty to buy more gadgets from the space Merchants. The Merchants can get very rich by this, it is after all much easier to let the primitives kill each other and obtain gold for you than it is to mine an asteroid for the same amount of gold. Stolen gold is always cheap if someone else does the stealing. The gadgets might not be worth much to the Merchants, but the gold surely is.

It is natural that some of the primitives will resent this exploitation, they won't like all this waring that is going on as various rulers scramble to beat each other and conquer each other for the items offered by the space merchants, they will want to know how to make such things for themselves, and of course with all this competition, some merchants will avail themselves to show them how, for a price. The Merchants are always concerned with the bottom line, they make money anyway they can, and if they can make money by teaching some primitives they will. This will have the effect of raising the tech level of the planet much faster than it normally would had the primitives tried to figure things out for themselves. There is a saying, "Information wants to be free!" the way you make money out of information is to keep it locked up, but of course some merchants will part with it for the right amount of gold, just like they would sell anything. Information after all weighs nothing. You can fill your cargo hold only with so many things you can sell, and once you've emptied it, you can sell no more, but you can sell information repeatedly. Those rulers will pay for you to teach their engineers the principles of teck Level 12 science and engineering, the merchant will collect the gold for this service and then move on to the next customer and teach him as well. Soon the primitives will learn how to make these things for themselves, especially if the planet has billions of people, their will be some very bright individuals who can learn very well.

Information has a way of spreading.
Discussion of ideas is a good thing. Personal attacks are not.

I am not a moderator; Hunter didn't have time to implement that before he went away. However, I do urge everyone to respect the boards, and to act in a respectful fashion toward each other. Someone new to the game would be quite put-off by some of the conduct occurring here. I am not pointing fingers or naming names. Please just try to think how these conflicts look to others, as this is an open board.
Judging from Industrial Revolution, even the rapid transition from one TL to the next still takes its time. The Industrial Revolution (TL 3 to TL 4, essentially) took anything from 20 to 100 years, depending on where we are talking about. Even for a TL 8 planet, I´d expect a century or two AT LEAST before they are a treat to the US.

The history of the industrial revolution also shows that, the faster this transition is, the more harrowing the experience will be for the population - "Great Leap Forward" should ring a bell or two. In short, whatever world jump-starts towards spacefaring technology will have more than enough problem of its own, and will be too busy to even think of bothering its more modern neighbors.

Lastly, history in general has shown that contact between modern and primitive cultures has NEVER been a danger to the modern culture. Nor has any less advanced culture - Japan being the only exception that comes to my mind - ever NOT been subjugated, colonized or exterminated by its more modern neighbors or visitors. Which, BTW, is also why I find the Traveller idea of vast TL differences between neighboring worlds, without the customary consequences, to be extremely unrealistic - I´d rather believe in Psionics than in civilized peoples´ not exploiting the savages.
Well of course it takes time. It won't happen the moment the Merchant sets down on the planet's surface and starts selling things. The Merchants know this, they also know that they'll have many return visits that promise to be very profitable, and no doubt some of the primitives will book passage on these outgoing Merchant ships and travel around in space, they will land on more civilized or advanced planets and learn new things just as children do, and they night even become quite accomplished in their new trades, maybe even Starship Mechanics or engineers. Yes I realize that their home planet might take a long time to transform, but not the individual people that move from planet to planet. Such primitives will learn new skills, but will likely keep their religious and cultural beliefs and will return to their home planet on many visits. Such a person might perceive that his people are being taken advantage of and his cultural values not respected. Wars will result from this mercantile activity no doubt, and maybe someone he cares about was killed in one of them. or it could be that he simply doesn't like the missionary work that goes on sponsored by American organizations, since his planet is at a technological disadvantage vis-avis the USA, he may decide to strike a blow for his planet in revenge. Maybe his religion makes it easier for him to mount a suicide attack as he believes that there is an afterlife waiting for him if he does the right thing by his people. So using the technological skills that he has aquired while visiting these advanced planets, he mounts a suicide terrorist attack, maybe he crashes a starship into the Capital Building killing many innocent people. That is the scenarios the US government worries about the most. So yes, primitive people can harm more modern societies, especially if they are open and generous with spreading technological know how. Its not all as one-sided as you may think Chaos.
At long last after endless die rolls, it is finally done. I have completed the America Sector in GURPS Traveller Format. This is the first step, I'm going to convert this into Standard Traveller, but for the first time, I can say I've actually completed an entire sector. Here it is, a new Setting, The America Sector is Born! I feel like celebrating, it feels so good!
The America Sector
The United States of America
California Subsector Data Table
Hex-Column-Level Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
0913 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 0.68g Toxic 0% Frozen +0 0
0914 Alabama Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin 30% Normal -1 7 4,500,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
0916 Alaska Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin 50% Chilly +0 8 660,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 3.5
0919 Unexplored Non Greenhouse 7,500 miles 0.95g Suffocating 0% Infernal +2 2

1011 Arizona Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard-Tainted 10% Hot -2 4 5,700,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
1012 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin-Tainted 0% Chilly +0 0
1015 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.17g _0% Cool -1 -1
1017 Unexplored Non Barren 2,500 miles 0.25g _ 0% Cool +0 0
1019 Arkansas Am Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Thin-Tainted 80% Cool +0 7 2,800,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

1111 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.15g _ 0% Frozen +1 1
1115 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin 40% Cool +0 0
1116 California Am Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Dense 30% Normal +0 9 36,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ri 4.5

1214 New Terra Am Garden 7,900 miles 1.0g Standard 72% Normal +1 10 1,000,000 A RepDem CR 5 TL 11 Ri 4.0
1220 Colorado Am Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin 40% Normal +0 8 4,600,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

1316 Connecticut Am Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Dense 40% Cool +0 9 3,500,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1320 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Suffocating 80% Normal +1 1

1414 Delaware Am Garden 5,000 miles 0.82g Thin 40% Chilly -1 7 830,000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag 3.5
1416 Indiana Am Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Dense 60% Cool +0 9 6,200,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1419 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.11g _ 0% Frozen +0 0
1511 Georgia Am Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Dense-Tainted 30% Warm +0 8 8,800,000 B RepDem 5 11 4.0
1512 Illinois Am Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 40% Normal +0 9 13,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.5
1513 Idaho Am Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Dense 0% Tropical +0 7 1,400,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ri 4.0
1516 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin 10% Cool +0 0
1519 Hawaii Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard 80% Normal -1 8 1,300,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0

1616 Florida Am Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Dense 70% Hot +0 7 17,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.5

Lincoln Subsector
1714 Iowa Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Dense-Tainted 70% Normal +0 8 3,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0
1715 Kansas Am Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Standard-Tainted 20% Cold -1 5 2,700,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0

1811 Kentucky Am Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard-Tainted 10% Tropical +0 7 4,100,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
1812 Maine Am Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard 60% Cool +0 9 1,300,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1817 Unexplored Non Barren 2,000 miles 0.23g _ 0% Infernal +1 1

1914 Maryland Am Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin-Tainted 50% Warm +0 7 5,600,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0
1918 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Suffocating 30% Warm +1 1

2012 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.15g _ 0% Cool +0 0
2017 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.10g _ 0% Normal +0 0

2112 Louisiana Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Standard 60% Tropical +0 9 4,500,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
2113 Unexplored Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Very Thin-Tainted 50% Normal +0 0

2213 Massachusetts Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Thin-Tainted 50% Normal -1 4 6,400,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

2313 Michigan Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Standard 50% Cool -1 8 10,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0

New York Subsector
1022 Unexplored Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin-Tainted 80% Chilly +0 0
1025 Missouri Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Dense-Tainted 50% Warm +0 7 5,800,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1030 Unexplored Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Very Thin 50% Cool +0 0

1127 Unexplored Barren 2,000 miles 0.25g _ 0% Infernal +0 0
1128 Unexplored Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g Very Thin-Tainted 50% Cool +2 2
1129 Unexplored Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Very Thin 80% Chilly +0 0

1222 Mississippi Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Standard 60% Chilly +0 9 2,900,000 C RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1228 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin 10% Normal +0 0

1321 Minnesota Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard-Tainted 30% Warm +0 8 5,100,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
1329 Montana Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard-Tainted 60% Cool +1 9 930,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

1425 Nevada Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Standard 60% Warm -1 8 2,300,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1426 Nebraska Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Dense 80% Cold +0 8 1,700,000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1430 Unexplored Asteroid Belt _ 0% Frozen -2 -2

1522 New York Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Standard 60% Warm +0 9 19,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.5
1524 Unexplored Asteroid Belt _ 0% Frozen +2 2
1525 Unexplored Barren 1,000 miles 0.10g _ 0% Infernal +0 0
1529 Unexplored Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Suffocating 60% Tropical +0 0

1626 New Jersey Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin-Tainted 80% Cool +0 7 8,700,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0
1628 New Mexico Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin-Tainted 30% Tropical +0 7 1,900,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
1630 New Hampshire Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Dense 20% Cool +0 8 1,300,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ri 4.0

Washington Subsector
1723 Carolina (North/South) Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin 20% Warm +0 7 8,500,000/4,200,000 B/A RepDem 5/5 11/11 4.0/4.0
1725 Dakota (North/South) Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard 10% Cool -1 7 630,000/770,000 A/B RepDem 5/5 11/11 Ri 3.5/3.5
1726 Ohio Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin-Tainted 60% Chilly +0 7 11,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.5
1727 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin-Tainted 60% Cool +0 0
1729 Oregon Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Thin 60% Cool +0 8 4,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

1822 Oklahoma Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Dense 50% Tropical +0 9 3,500,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1823 Pennsylvania Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin 90% Warm +1 9 12,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.5
1824 Washington Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Dense 20% Chilly +0 8 6,200,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ri 4.0
1827 Unexplored Asteroid Belt _ 0% Cold +1 1
1828 Texas Garden 6,000 miles 0.83g Dense 60% Normal +0 9 22,000.000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.5

1921 Unexplored Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.45g Trace 0% Infernal +0 0
1922 Utah Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Dense-Tainted 20% Warm +0 7 2,400,000 B RepDem 5 11 4.0
1923 Unexplored Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.44g Trace 0% Cool +0 0
1924 Unexplored Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Very Thin-Tainted 50% Warm +0 0
1925 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Very Thin-Tainted 0% Normal +0 0

2024 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Very Thin-Tainted 80% Warm +0 0
2028 Vermont Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Thin 70% Cool +1 9 620,000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0
2030 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very-Thin 90% Normal +0 0

2124 Virginia (/West) Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Dense-Tainted 60% Normal -1 7 7,500,000/1,800,000 B/A RepDem 5/5 11/11 Ag 4.0/4.0

2221 Rhode Island Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin-Tainted 30% Tropical +0 7 1,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
2225 Unexplored Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Toxic 60% Warm +0 0
2230 Unexplored Desert (Ice) 1,500 miles 0.15g Corrosive 30% Frozen +0 0

2326 Wisconsin Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin-Tainted 20% Cool +1 7 5,500,000 B RepDem 5 11 4.0
2327 Wyoming Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard 50% Cool +0 9 500,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 3.5
2328 Columbia Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Standard 40% Warm -1 8 550,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 3.5

2422 Puerto Rico Garden 8,500 miles 0.96g Standard 50% Tropical +1 9 3,900,000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
2425 Unexplored Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.45g Trace 0% Infernal +0 0
2426 Guam Garden 9,000 miles 0.90g Thin 20% Warm +0 7 170,000 B RepDem 5 11 3.5

The Frontier Subsectors
Hex Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
Columbus Subsector
0101 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin 60% Normal
0102 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Thin 50% Normal
0109 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin 70% Tropical
0110 Unexplored Non Barren (Rock) 1,000 miles 0.10g _

0201 Unexplored Non Desert (Ice) 5,500 miles 0.55g Corrosive
0209 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 5,500 miles 0.76g Suffocating 60% Tropical

0305 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin Tainted 30% Normal
0306 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin 40% Warm
0307 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard Tainted 50% Normal
0308 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin 60% Warm
0309 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt

0401 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin 60% Normal

0504 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 20% Chilly
0506 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin Tainted 90% Chilly
0507 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin 50% Tropical

0607 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin 100% Cool
0608 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Dense 100% Warm

0705 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard 40% Warm
0709 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Thin Tainted 90% Warm
0710 Unexplored Non Garden 4,500 miles 0.74g Dense Tainted 30% Cold

0805 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Dense 40% Cold
0807 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Thin Tainted 30% Norm
0808 Unexplored Non Barren (Rock) 2,000 miles 0.20g _
0809 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Dense Tainted 20% Cold
0810 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard 60% Chilly

Boone Subsector
0118 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard Tainted 20% Norm
0120 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Dense 30% Very Cold

0211 Unexplored Non Glacier 7,000 miles 0.88g Suffocating 0% Frozen
0213 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin 70% Warm
0215 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard Tainted 40% Chilly
0218 Unexplored Non Garden 5,000 miles 0.63g Standard 50% Normal
0219 Unexplored Non Garden 9,000 miles 0.91g Standard 90% Normal
0220 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.83g Dense Tainted 50% Hot

0313 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Very Thin Tainted 70% Cool
0318 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.81g Thin 30% Chilly

0416 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin Tainted 100% warm
0419 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 0.68g Suffocating 0% Frozen
0420 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard 10% Chilly

0513 Unexplored Non Glacier 7,000 miles 0.79g Suffocating 0% Frozen
0516 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.76g Very Thin Tainted 50% warm

0611 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt
0614 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 074g Very Thin 10% Tropical
0615 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 50% Normal

0713 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Thin 60% Cool
0716 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79 Thin 10% Tropical
0717 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Very Thin 50% Normal

0812 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin Tainted 30% Cool
0815 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.66g Thin Tainted 20% Tropical
0820 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.73g Suffocating 60% Hot

Hex Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
Armstrong Subsector
0121 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin Tainted 50% Warm
0122 Unexplored Non Garden 8,500 miles 0.96g Very Thin Tainted 20% Normal
0125 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Dense 70% Tropical
0126 Unexplored Non Barren 2,000 miles 0.23g _
0129 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Dense 50% Cool

0221 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin 30% Warm
0226 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.51g Trace
0229 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.57g Trace
0230 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin Tainted 30% Normal

0326 Unexplored-“World of Banded Night”* Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Standard 80% Warm +0 9 1,300,000 X Clan/Tribal(+1 Nation) 0 TL1 Ag 5.5
0327 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Thin Tainted 30% Cool

0421 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt
0424 Unexplored Non Garden 9,000 miles 0.91g Very Thin 50% Cool
0425 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g Standard Tainted 60% Normal
0426 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,500 miles 0.82g Toxic

0529 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.15g _
0530 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Thin 80% Warm

0623 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 80% Warm
0625 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.17g _
0626 Unexplored Non asteroid Belt
0628 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Standard 40% Cool
0630 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Thin Tainted 0% Normal

0723 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin 50% Normal
0727 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin 50% Tropical
0728 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Very Thin Tainted 0% Cool
0730 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.55g Suffocating 50% Warm

0827 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 0.68g Suffocating 0% Frozen

Sagan Subsector
0134 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Standard 70% Very Hot
0139 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Thin 70% Tropical
0140 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.66g Thin 60% Chilly

0231 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.19g _
0233 Unexplored Non Greenhouse 5,000 miles 0.88g Insidious 60% Normal
0236 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard 30% Cold

0332 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.81g Dense 40% Tropical
0333 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,000 miles 0.42g Trace
0334 Unexplored Non Desert (Ice) 3,500 miles 0.44g Toxic
0335 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.45g Trace
0337 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Dense 0% Cool
0340 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Very Thin Tainted 70% warm

0432 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin Tainted 10% Normal
0433 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.19g _
0434 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.55g Dense 70% Hot
0435 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Standard Tainted 0% Chilly

0533 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard 50% Tropical
0538 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.83g Standard 0% Cool
0539 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Very Thin 70% warm

0632 Unexplored Non Glacier 5,500 miles 0.62g Suffocating
0633 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Toxic 30% Hot
0637 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard 50% Chilly
0638 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Thin Tainted 80% Cool

0734 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Very Thin 30% Cool
0735 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Standard 20% warm
0736 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin 30% Cool
0738 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard Tainted 70% Warm

0831 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.49g Trace
0832 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin 70% Normal
0834 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.51g Trace

Here are the worlds of the Roosevelt subsector, there is a world containing native intelligent life called Aquacia by the Federal Stellar Survey, it is a water world inhabited by an estimated 20,000,000 modified humans, these humans are gene-altered by some ancient star faring race such that they now have gills and breath underwater and cannot survive out of water for very long. Their body form is that of mythological Merpeople, their lower extremity below the waste is that of a cetean, most similar to a dolphin, the upper part of their body is similar to a human except they have no hair. The merpeople, as the local explorers have come to call them, breath underwater through their gill slits on the sides of their necks, their lungs have been modified to handle water and extract dissolved oxygen. There is very little dry land on this planet. These modified humans are at TL0, and since they are under water, they have not mastered the technology of starting fires. The islands of this planet have grasses on them and small scrubbery, Most of the oceans are shallow and there is very little topological variation on this planet consequently most of the oceans are inhabitable for the merpeople, and it is an abode of many fish-like creatures and aquatic plants. This World falls under the category and jurisdiction of the Prime Directive, although some colonists inhabit the islands and very little effort is made by the government to enforce the prime directive in anycase. Little of the technology is designed to operate underwater in any case, and things like submarines and boats are of very little use to merpeople.
Hex Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
The Roosevelt Subsector
0901 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin 50% Normal
0902 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Dense 10% warm
0905 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin Tainted 50% Norm
0907 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Suffocating 70% Norm
0908 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Very Thin 20% Warm

1003 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g Standard Tainted 0% warm
1004 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 6,000 miles 0.50g Trace 0% Cold
1005 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g Thin Tainted 70% Norm
1006 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin Tainted 10% Norm
1010 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Dense tainted 30% Cool

1109 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin 40% Norm

1201 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Standard Tainted 50% Norm
1207 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard 50% Warm
1208 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin Tainted 30% Chilly

1302 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.17g _ 0% Norm
1308 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 70% Cool

1402 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Very Thin 30% Chilly
1404 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt
1406 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0,76g Suffocating Norm
1407 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin 50% Normal
1409 Tennessee Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Thin 40% Cool 5,900,962 A RepDem 3 11 Agricultural world
1410 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.49g Trace 0% Norm

1503 Unexplored-“Aquacia” Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Standard 100% Warm +1 9 20,000,000 X Clan/Tribal 0 0 Water World
1504 Unexplored Non Garden 8,500 miles 0.85g Thin Tainted 40% Cool
1505 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin 60% warm
1506 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard Tainted 100% Cool
1508 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard 40% Chilly

1602 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 0.76g V.Dense Tainted Cool
1604 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Standard Tainted 70% Chilly
1605 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 6,000 miles 0.76g

Hex Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
The Franklin Subsector
0931 Unexplored Non Garden 3,500 miles 0.83g Thin Tainted 40% Norm
0932 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.15g _
0933 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard Tainted 70% Cold
0936 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin 40% Norm
0938 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Suffocating 40% Chilly
0939 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard Tainted 60% Chilly

1032 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Suffocating 60% Tropical
1033 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 70% Chilly
1034 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 60% cool
1035 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard Tainted 80% cool
1037 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Dense Tainted 20% Norm
1039 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin Tainted 0% Chilly

1131 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.21g _
1132 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt
1139 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Dense 50% Norm
1140 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 0% Tropical

1231 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,500 miles 0.82 Suffocating 0% Frozen
1234 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin 20% warm
1236 Unexplored Non Desert (Ice) 3,500 miles 0.44g Corrosive 0% Frozen
1238 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin Tainted 50% warm
1240 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 0.68g Toxic 0% Frozen

1335 Unexplored Non Pre-garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Suffocating 70% Normal
1338 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Toxic 50% cool
1340 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.17g _ 0%

1431 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.1g thin 90% hot
1433 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Thin 90% Normal
1435 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g standard 30% warm
1436 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Standard Tainted 60% Warm
1437 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.81g Very Thin 40% Warm

1532 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.1g Standard 30% cool
1533 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.50g Trace 0% Frozen
1535 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin 90% warm
1536 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard 80% cold
1537 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.45g Trace 0% Infernal
1540 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin 60% cool

1631 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Very Thin 10% Cool
1632 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Suffocating 70% warm
1637 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.50g Trace 0% Frozen
1638 Unexplored Non garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Very Thin Tainted 0% Chilly

Jefferson Subsector
1701 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.50g Trace Infernal
1704 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Dense Tainted 30% Tropical
1706 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.13g _ 0% Normal
1707 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.44g Trace 0% Infernal
1710 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin 40% Tropical

1805 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin 60% Norm

1903 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Very Thin 90% Cool
1908 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.19g _

2003 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard Tainted 50% warm
2006 Unexplored Non Glacier 5,500 miles 0.69g Toxic 0% Frozen
2008 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin Tainted 40% Tropical

2104 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Dense 80% Tropical
2107 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.11g _ 0% warm

2203 Unexplored non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.40g Trace 0% Frozen
2206 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Thin 30% Chilly
2208 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Very Thin 30% Cool
2210 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin 60% Hot

2305 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82 g Very Dense Tainted 50% Cool
2307 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard 30% cool
2308 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.51g Trace 0% Normal
2309 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.91g Standard 70% Chilly

2401 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.83g Thin 40% warm
2403 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Suffocating 0% Frozen
2405 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin 80% Chilly

Clark Subsector
1735 Unexplored Non Barren 2,000 miles 0.25g _ 0% Frozen
1738 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.10g _ 0% Normal

1832 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin 60% Warm
1833 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Thin Tainted 10% warm
1836 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin Tainted 60% Normal

1931 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.1g Thin Tainted 0% Chilly

2033 Unexplored Non Glacier 5500 0.62g Suffocating 0% Frozen
2038 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin Tainted 60% Normal
2039 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Suffocating 70% Chilly

2131 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin Tainted 10% warm
2132 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 10% Cool
2135 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Very Thin Tainted 10% warm
2139 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin Tainted 20% Normal

2231 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62 Thin Tainted 40% Cool
2236 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 20% warm
2237 Unexplored Non Garden 8,500 miles 1.1g Very Thin Tainted 90% Cool
2240 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Suffocating 60% Tropical

2331 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 50% Cold
2332 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt 0g _ 0% Frozen
2335 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 30% Cool
2336 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt 0g _ 0% Chilly
2339 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.55g Thin Warm

2431 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard 60% Cool
2433 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Dense Tainted 50% Chilly
2434 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Suffocating 60% Cool
2436 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Dense 80% Chilly

Jackson Subsector
2501 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin Tainted 60% warm
2508 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Standard 50% Cool
2510 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.55g Trace 0% Infernal

2601 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Suffocating 100% Tropical
2602 Unexplored Non Barren 2,500 miles 0.25g _ 0% Infernal
2604 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Standard Tainted 40% Cool
2606 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 8,000 miles 1.0 g Suffocating 30% Hot
2610 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard 100% warm

2701 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin Tainted 40% Chilly
2702 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Very Thin 30% Normal
2704 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Standard Tainted 70% Chilly

2802 Unexplored Non Barren 2,500 miles 0.31g _ 0% Infernal
2804 Unexplored Non Garden 9,000 miles 0.91g Very Thin Tainted 50% Normal
2805 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Dense Tainted 80% Normal
2810 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.11g _ 0% Frozen

2901 Unexplored Non Glacier 5,500 miles 0.62g Toxic 0% Frozen
2903 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin Tainted 100% Chilly
2904 Unexplored Non Barren 2,500 miles 0.28g _ 0% Normal
2905 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.50g Trace 0% Cool
2908 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Dense Tainted 50% warm
2909 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g dense 0% warm

3003 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Very Thin 40% Cool
3004 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.66g Dense 40% Normal
3005 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Thin Tainted 70% Cool
3007 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard Tainted 70% Tropical

3110 Unexplored non Garden 6,000 miles 0,68g Thin Tainted 30% Tropical

3201 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.49g Trace 0% Cold
3202 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very dense 20% Cool
3204 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Thin 70% Normal
3205 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g standard 50% Normal

Wilson Subsector
2513 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Very Thin 40% Tropical
2514 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Very Thin 70% warm
2515 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin 60% Chilly
2520 Unexplored Non desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.44g Trace 0% Frozen

2613 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin 60% Chilly
2615 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.10g _ 0% Cool
2618 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard 10% Cool

2712 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard 80% Normal
2714 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.66g Dense 40% warm
2718 Unexplored Non Glacier 5,500 miles 0.69g Suffocating 0% Frozen

2814 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Dense 20% Tropical
2815 Unexplored non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard Tainted 70% Cold

2911 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Dense Tainted 50% Normal
2914 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard Tainted 30% Cool
2917 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.10g _ 0% Frozen
2920 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Suffocating 70% Normal

3014 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Density Tainted 90% Chilly
3015 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Thin Tainted 50% Chilly
3017 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,500 miles 0.82g Suffocating 0% Frozen

3113 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.50g Trace 0% Normal
3117 Unexplored Non Garden 8,500 miles 0.86g Thin 60% Chilly

3212 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 0.76g Suffocating 0% Frozen
3217 Unexplored Non Barren 2,500 miles 0.32g _ 0% Warm
3219 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin Tainted 80% Normal

Edison Subsector
2521 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Very Thin 70% warm
2522 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Suffocating 40% Hot
2523 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard 10% Chilly
2526 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin Tainted 50% Cold
2528 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.91g Suffocating 20% Cool

2621 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Standard 30% Chilly
2624 Unexplored Non Garden 9,000 miles 0.91g Very thin 60% Hot
2625 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin Tainted 40% Tropical
2628 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g standard Tainted 50% Chilly
2629 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Thin Tainted 70% Tropical

2721 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Very Thin Tainted 50% Chilly
2723 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Dense 80% Normal
2725 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.83g Dense Tainted 50% Tropical
2726 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Thin 0% Tropical
2729 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Very Thin 20% Chilly

2822 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Dense 40% warm
2824 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.45g Trace 0% Cool
2825 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Standard 10% Normal
2826 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Suffocating 50% warm
2827 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Thin 80% Tropical
2828 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.66g standard Tainted 30% Chilly
2830 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g Dense Tainted 40% Normal

2923 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.66g Standard 50% Cool
2927 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Very Thin 70% Hot
2930 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Dense Tainted 60% warm

3021 Unexplored Non Barren 2,000 miles 0.23g _ 0% Infernal
3022 Unexplored Non Barren 2,000 miles 0.25g _ 0% warm
3023 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Very Thin 30% Normal
3026 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g standard Tainted 90% Warm
3029 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.79g Very thin 20% Hot

3122 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin 40% Tropical
3123 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,000 miles 0.53g Trace 0% Infernal

3223 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Thin 30% Chilly
3224 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.57g Trace 0% Frozen
3226 Unexplored Non asteroid Belt 0 miles, 0.00g _ 0% Frozen
3230 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standasrd 70% Chilly

Von Braun Subsector
2535 Unexplored Non Barren 3,000 miles 0.34g _ 0% Cool
2538 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Thin 40% Normal
2539 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin 40% Chilly
2540 Unexplored Non garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Very Thin 20% Chilly

2633 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard 60% warm
2635 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.17g _ 0% Frozen
2639 Unexplored non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Dense 60% Tropical

2735 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Standard Tainted 50% Normal
2738 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard Tainted 30% Warm

2834 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard 70% Warm
2836 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Thin Tainted 100% Chilly
2837 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 5,000 miles 0.50g Trace 0% Normal
2838 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard Tainted 90% Cool
2839 Unexplored Non Garden 5,000 miles 0.69g Thin Tainted 20% Normal
2840 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Dense Tainted 70% Cool

2931 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Standard 10% Normal
2934 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g standard Tainted 80% Cool
2937 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Dense 90% Normal
2938 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Very Thin Tainted 30% Normal

3032 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin 30% Cool
3037 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.55g Trace 0% Cool
3038 Unexplored Non Desert (Ice) 3,500 miles 0.57g Corrosive 0% Frozen

3131 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin 10% Chilly
3134 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.65g Thin 60% Normal
3138 Unexplored non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Dense Tainted 50% Tropical
3140 Unexplored Non garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin tainted 90% Cool

3238 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.45g Trace 0% Tropical
3239 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin 30% Warm
I would think that native TL would advance faster than an uncontacted rate just by having the merchants there in the first place.

It is one thing to hypothosis that FTL travel is possible using some form of Hyperspace. It is quite another to KNOW that it is possible and have the evidence right in front of you. KNOWING that there is a solution will greatly speed you on your way to making it happen.

Would they be a complete TL9 culture, with all the various bells and whistles of a true TL9 society, probably not. BUT, they would have fusion drives, jump drives, Lasers and nuclear missiles. Build a few hundred 800 dton Ships and off you go rampaging through the sector. Sure each ship might cost twice what a normal TL9 ship would cost, but you have GigaCredits to spend on it. Given an aggressive enough society, a significant portion of the planetary GNP could be put into producing these Barbarian Starships. Given the sparcity of human habitation in this Sector, just one race doing this could pose a BIG threat to the stability of the sector. Would this race be able to destroy the USA-space? Probably not, but it would make things very uncomfortable for everyone for the next few decades and the Barbarian armadas keep attacking all the peace-loving USA'ers.

Any TLC ship worth it's salt would be able to take on a larger force, but do they have enough? Sounds like a campaign to me...

Well, I don't want to say I told you so, but I told you so. Hand him enough bytes and he'll always manage to bite himself in the ass. He's done it at every forum he's ever frequented. Google his name if you still need more proof.

FWIW, his Prime Directive - Islamic Terrorism 'ideas' torpedoed the thread at SJGames too.

So, after reading the latest batch of posts, is anyone still interested in discussing this setting with a frothing lunatic? Anyone? Bueller?

Have fun,

P.S. Plankowner - He still hasn't answered your terraforming question, has he? ;)