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America Sector

Originally posted by Plankowner:
Well, I will jump in here as the noob. I have NEVER been to the SJG website, so I don't CARE who you are/might be.

I have a couple of questions though...

1. Your setting seems to be somewhere spinward of the 3I, near Zhodani Space. Where would you place it relative to the OTU?
The exact location is a bit uncertain, but I'd place it the first rectangle spinward of the one labeled Vangauard Reaches or in the second one over. The American sector has the Human Client States for neighbors and the Zhodani Consulate is to the coreward. You can place this stellar nation in any era you like.

2. Who are neighbors fighting/competing with the USA? How do they deal with alien polities?
The politics is very similar to 19th century America before the railroads or the telegraph. The American Government tends to be isolationist with regards to other stellar powers. The USA does not get invoved in alliances and tends to keep to itself with the exception to the space immediately surrounding it. Its border is rather vaguely defined and it just expands slowly into the space immediately surrounding it and it gradually establishes its authority into frontier areas as the settler population gets large enough. The USA is made up by two different kinds of things: States and territories. When the population of a territory (read planet) gets large enough, it applies for statehood, the people there elect a governor, a state legislature and two senators plus a number of congressmen proportional to its population according to the US Constitution, which is largely the same as it is today. The population of the Traveller USA is about the same as the Real USA about 300 million humans in all, this doesn't include people or aliens on primitive planets that fall within US Territory. Generally a Prime Directive approach is used toward these planets, and since they aren't contacted, they don't vote in US elections either. Only citizens living in actual states vote in US elections. The pioneers in the frontier territories aren't really numerous enough to matter even if they did vote. Native civilizations on the other hand may have populations on one planet exceeding that of the entire United States, but since they don't have interstellar travel they stay on one planet and don't effect the politics of the United States Interstellar Nation. There is some debate about this in the Federal Government, some want to make US citizens out of the populations of these primitive planets tech levels 1 through 8. The higher tech level planets may have populations ranging in the billions. Some in the US government argue that the addition of this manpower could be very helpful in defending the United States against the territorial aggression of other interstellar states, however others argue that their inclusion would dilute US culture, overturn the Judao-christian moral fiber of society. In otherwords the established US citizenry would not like suddenly becoming the minority within their own country and having to support these lesser developed peoples with their own tax money and have them be a burden on the welfar state. Though the proponents of establishing contact say that this would increase the growth rate of the country tremendously. On the otherhand time may be running out for making this decision. Other stellar nations have discovered the USA, and this kind of swings the pendulum toward making contact with these societies, as 300 million is a small population for an entire sector, with the core planets having populations ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions. The entire matter is still in debate in congress with each party taking a different side on the issue.

Meanwhile pioneers and settlers have taken matters into their own hands, they have established contact with these natives, and some have engaged in illegal trade in high tech goods for personal profit, all while trying to evade the Federal Authorities.

3. Other than the general political situation and UWPs, I don't have a feel for the internal politics. Could you expand on that?

4. If the general set up is similar to the USA of the RW, how does it work without FTL communications? Back in the day of sail and horses, California was pretty isolated from the "real" USA. Railroads and telegraph quickly linked the coasts together. How does your USA stay coherent without some kind of instantaneous, or near instantaneous communications. What systems/mechanisms are in place to keep the whole thing from falling apart?
The speed of communication is that of the fastest starship. The USA generally holds itself together the same way the late 18th century/early 19th century America did before the advent of the telegraph and railroads. The USA is very decentralized, the Federal government cannot react quickly to threats from the outside, so much responsibility for national defense lies with the state government and the State militia, much as it did in those early years of the American Republic. Although this USA has the population of our USA, the feel is very much that of a frontier Federal Republic.

The Federal government is very small, and the state governments do most of the work. The larger taxes people pay are state taxes, which are indexed to income in many cases, while the Federal government levys a national sales tax to pay for most of its operations. Most of the welfare state aparatus and the national defense lies with the state governments. The federal government has a national military force about equal in size to that of all the states combine militia forces.

The states realize that they are the first responders to any crisis and that any federal help is weeks away at best. There are of course bases for the Federal military and they can act quite independently of the Federal government, under the authority of the governor by default, and under that of the US President when orders come in.

Generally US troops do not jump to other systems unless so ordered by the US government, unless of course there is an immediate threat and they are attacked first. Otherwise the local militia deals with any immediate emergencies.
Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
OK, I've read it. What are the general adventuring seeds?

Without the Imperium, and Vilani influence what are your character choices as far as generation goes. Call it classes in T20 or careers in CT, or whatever. Since we are obviously outside the borders of the Imperium, what are the careers open to our adventurers? What type of adventures are you planning on running?

TL-C for everyone? Since they left when Jump-2 was new how and why did they advance to TL-C from B? To go from early TL-12 to TL-13 in a mere 400 years with no outside influence? That seems a bit much. They figured it out in their sleep?
They were awakened 400 years ago, and their contact with the outside universe hasn't been completely non-existant, its just that they've been very discrete about it. They've obtained samples of advanced technology from other civilizations and quietly reverse-engineered them advancing their tech level in the process. Later on towards the time the actual campaign starts, the outside Universe has discovered them. The period of American isolation has ended and the American government has had to make some adjustments for this. The Third Imperium, the Zhodanis and the client states have sent some ambassadors and established embassies in New Terra, but the USA is at the edge of charted Space, its well away from the center of things and the population of the settled planets tends to be in the tens of millions at most for many of the surrounding nations, the exception being the capitals of these nations which can reach in the billions. Many of the governments of the client states have a monarchy of sorts, sometimes constitutional and sometimes absolute, much of this is in imitation of the Third Imperium, their client. Many states also have a class of nobility. The USA of course doesn't have a Nobility, and all citizens are counted as equals under the law. There is much upward and downward mobility in American society, a person's Soc score can vary quite alot in his life time, and all of this depends on his level of wealth for the most part. There is both old money and new money, and for the most part society doesn't really care which is which. If you have alot of money to spend, then you tend to be highly respected by society. Some American billionaires marry into the families of Imperial Nobility, others could care less.

Of the core character classes in the American sector, there is the Academic, Army, Barbarian, Belter, Marines, Mercenary, Merchants, Navy, Professional, Rogue, Scouts, Traveller. Missing is the one of Noble. Most Nobles are foreigners, their nobility is not recognized within American Space, and they tend to be looked down upon as being uppity and snobbish by Americans in general. Americans don't think of themselves as peasants, and don't view foreign nobility as their betters. So a foreign noble gets a slight negative reaction if he goes out of his way to brag about his noble status. Otherwise its the same as in the Imperium, except the United States governs its planets, not just the space in between. The Fedral government sees to it that the state governments remain democratic republics, and if anyone strays into dictatorship for instance, Federal troops move in and set things right. The major exception is primitive planets TL8 and lower, generally the Federal government does not interfere with those, and they can have any sort of government or governments democratic or not, and US citizens are forbidden by law to interfere with them, but many do anyway if they can get away with it. The Federal government is not everywhere and they have trouble regulating this.

There are all sorts of smugglers smuggling high tech goods to these primitives under the Fedral governments noses, they often have to evade Federal Troops and starships as well as those of some state militias. But dealing with primitive societies can be very profitable for those merchants, and so the temptation always exists. Some Americans can set themselves up as kings on these primitive planets until the Federal authorities find out about it, then they have to evade arrest and imprisonment. Exciting career choice, don't you think?
Originally posted by Jame:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Why don't we focus on this Traveller setting and keep the politics to the Political Pulpit forum?
Never gonna happen. These people irritate each other too much, and can't keep their mouths shut, or create better ways to handle it.</font>[/QUOTE]I was referring to Traveller threads. Nothing about politics. On a gaming board I don’t care about a poster's politics (and frankly SJG doesn’t care about them either, Tom and Laryssa’s protestations to the contrary; the idea of SJG being biased towards the left is, well, laughable). Tom was on my ignore list over at the SJG forums until soon before he was permabanned, to read the original thread on this sector and his posts in another Traveller thread.

Laryssa is AFAIK posting under a sockpuppet account here after over 2500 posts on a previous CotI account, Tom Kalbfus, which still looks active, and gained a reputation in regards to Traveller online at CotI, not SJG’s public forums, to which (if Tom) he started posting to much later than CotI.

America Sector was this sector originally posted by Tom Kalbfus. So if Laryssa isn’t Tom, I’ve no idea why Laryssa used Tom’s handle there, since Laryssa in a recent CotI thread claims authorship of the America Sector (that post and others in that thread) ("I was about to complete the Sector there, so I guess now I'll post it here."), nor why Laryssa would bother at all with this writeup.

A person’s previous behavior and posts do influence people’s view of them and their posts and there is such a context for this thread but yes in general we should try to treat each thread separately.

(shrugs) I’ve provided a link to the original source thread for the America sector info. Laryssa’s started to convert most of the material that’d need to be converted from GURPS format but this way people can take a look at the material that doesn’t need to be converted and compare versions in context. For me to comment on the sector would likely involve politics, which, as has been pointed out earlier in the thread, is best left to the Political Pulpit. I do intend to later look over the GT: Interstellar Wars translation bits for people who aren't familiar with how it formats world details.

(edit: 11:46 EST; tightened text)
My reputation was that of a conservative. The reason I was banned from SJGames was for my conservative opinions and no others. It wasn't for threadjacking which is what you are doing now. Everyone does it, including you Casey, they only difference was that I was banned for it obstensible, but primarily because of my politics, which runs conservative when it comes to foreign affairs.

If I shut my mouth and stay, while all the leftists flamed my country and got away with it, my status would have been largely that of a second class citizen. If I can't argue my point of view and others can because of the moderator's left wing bias, I call that discrimination, just like that rule of blacks in the back of the Bus in the 1960s, it didn't bother the white people so much because they were not affected.

And I suppose the left wing bias of the SJGames forum doesn't bother you if you are already left wing. I've encountered so many opinions there and here calling my country Imperialist and so forth, and whenever I try to argue otherwise, or I try to tell them that what terrorists do is wrong, then I get banned. I'm really just a regular person who loves his country, it is only on SJGames and to some extent here, that I seem to be surrounded by "Bolsheviks" who hate my country. At least here in the political pulpit I'm allowed to defend my reasonable positions without getting banned.

One fellow who calls himself Baron tried to get me banned from here for expressing an opinion that disagrees with his worldview that the United States is an Evil country. Seems like a totalitarian impulse for him to do so rather than countering my arguments directly, it seems rather a "Putin" thing to do in fact. Now enough of this thread hijacking. I want to talk about this setting.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
And I suppose the left wing bias of the SJGames forum doesn't bother you if you are already left wing.


I'm really just a regular person who loves his country, it is only on SJGames and to some extent here, that I seem to be surrounded by "Bolsheviks"
You were the one to bring politics into this thread and while I've gone out of my way to not make a comment on your politics you've now accused me (and others) of being left wing and a Bolshevik. Nice. In my case you'd be quite wrong; I can't speak for others.

This is pointless, I'm not going to bother with the GT terms for a OP who doesn't bother to read replies to his posts.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
My reputation was that of a conservative. The reason I was banned from SJGames was for my conservative opinions and no others. It wasn't for threadjacking which is what you are doing now.
I don't visit the SJG Traveller forum very often, Tom Kalbfus, but last night I started reading a thread on courtesans, which turned into an interesting discussion about prostitution in the TU. You posted to this thread at least twice that I noticed: your first post was about how x-boats could be manned by robots, and your second was to complain that courtesans had nothing to do with Traveller.

I don't know what you consider thread-hijacking, but your first post had nothing to do with the topic at all, and your second post said the topic had nothing to do with Traveller, despite a dozen or so different posters doing an excellent job of discussing the ups-and-downs (pun intended) of prostitution in the TU, how it could lead to adventure seeds, and suggestions for NPC prostitutes as foils, patrons, and so forth - in short, an excellent discussion aimed at making the game of Traveller, regardless of edition or system, more fun for both players and referees.

This wasn't the first time I saw you do that on the SJG boards - you and I went round on something once, until I reached the point that I had to ask what it was you were talking about, since nothing you wrote seemed to have anything to do with the topic or my replies.

Tom, I think animosity toward people over the Internet is totally pointless, and please understand that I bear you no ill-will. That said, you don't seem to be able to play well with others.

This isn't about political views, despite your protestations - I don't know your politics, as I don't really visit the Political Pulpit here on CotI and I don't recall seeing anything overtly political in your posts on the SJG forum. I think it's in your best interests to give the whole political persecution thing a rest.

For those of you blissfully unaware of Kalbfus, let me suggest that you read this 9 page primer on his usual behavior.

The thread was entitled Venus as Moon and several people, including myself, found the idea interesting. When we chimed in with ideas and suggestions as Kalbfus had asked for we were treated in the usual Kalbfusian manner. Just read it for yourself.

If, after reading the linked thread, you still want more examples of Kalbfusian behavior, check out the Political Pulpit here at COTI and the forums at SJGames. The threads at SJGames are still there because the moderators there feel it is important for examples of banned behavior to remain available. Reading Kalbfus' 'participation' in many recent threads there should give you an idea of just who you're dealing with here.

For the record, my problem with Kalbfus has nothing to do with his political ideas and everything to do with his behavior in expressing any idea. I never discussed politics with him despite his accusations that my problems with him are politically motivated. Kalbfus routinely makes baseless and even nonsensical accusations in response to suggestions or constructive criticism. You'll see this in the Venus thread I linked you to, especially when birth rates are discussed.

Along with making unsupported accusations and routinely misunderstanding or mis-reading others' posts, Kalbfus continually bleats about being persecuted for his beliefs. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is his behavior that is at the root of all this. 'Pedantry and provocateuring' along with a healthy dash of idiocy and more than the usual amount of paranoia best describe that behavior. When you add his apparent reading comprehension difficulties to that mix it gets quite explosive.

One poster at the thread I linked put it very well: Fact is, you're not interested in input, and you're certainly not interested in criticism - you just want to post your own (very flawed, at best) ideas. If you want to do that, then post this stuff on your own website and leave it at that, and stop wasting our time here - because if you post anything on a forum, it WILL get discussed.

Kalbfus has sown his poison here at COTI for some 2500 posts. He managed to get himself perma-banned at SJGames in all of four months. He's trouble at WOTC and I can provide the link. He's been trouble at SHWI, RPGnet, and other fora too. Google him if you'd like, you'll find a trail of forum posts years old in which he behaves in the exact same manner. He's poison, he's a tar baby. Engage him at your own peril as he will turn on you and bite.

Sadly, COTI no longer has an active moderator so Kalbfus is free to trail his filth across the boards. In a better world he'd be banned here too. In the world we have, we can only warn those who don't know him yet and ignore his 'discussions' altogether.

Please seek professional psychiatric care, Kalbfus. Your world view is not a sane one. Your troubles are all of your own making and not the result of some conspiracy of 'leftists' who are persecuting you. There is trouble wherever you go and you are the only common thread in all of it. Given your proven inability to interact socially and your problems with reading comprehension, I would not be surprised to learn that you have a form of autism.

Go see a doctor or therapist and get better. Until you do, you'll spark nothing but hate, scorn, derision, and bans wherever you visit.


I've no idea how I missed that one last summer.

4 months is nothing though...I picked up my permaban in 2 weeks :D

On with the show......
Originally posted by Border Reiver:
4 months is nothing though...I picked up my permaban in 2 weeks

Yeah, but you picked up your permaban by posting as Kalbfus during his earlier one week ban!

I thought it was funny, the mods thought otherwise. ;)

Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
For those of you blissfully unaware of Kalbfus, let me suggest that you read this 9 page primer on his usual behavior.

The thread was entitled Venus as Moon and several people, including myself, found the idea interesting. When we chimed in with ideas and suggestions as Kalbfus had asked for we were treated in the usual Kalbfusian manner. Just read it for yourself.
I just took a look through it again, and Goddesslessness help me, I Resurrected IT!!! But only to throw my pair of pennies in.
Originally posted by Jame:
I just took a look through it again, and Goddesslessness help me, I Resurrected IT!!!

Oh, it was a very interesting idea. I said as much in the thread too.

How'd you like how Kalbfus handled things though? Did you find the his accusations of sexual deviance among the posters sugesting ideas a trifle odd?

Have fun,
Given the decentralized/weak federal government, are you planning on running something similar to the American Civil War? State power vs. Federal Power (not the slave issue) could be a big divider within the Country.

How are psionics handled/treated?
I got the whole sector on my notebook. This is the GURPS stats I've managed to type out so far. The power supply is unreliable today, so I'll continue sometime when my power is not being interupted.

The America Sector – A History
To c. 900 B.C. Vilani Exploration
c. 900 B.C. – c. A.D. 500 The Consolidation Wars
c. A.D. 500 and later The Ziru Sirka
c. A.D. 2000 – 2024 The Treaty of New York
A.D. 2024-2050 The Quest for Stability
A.D. 2050 – 2088 The First Colonies
A.D. 2088 – 2098 The Jump Drive Invented
A.D. 2098 – 2114 The Contact Era – Terrans meet Vilani
A.D. 2114 – 2122 The First Interstellar War
A.D. 2124 The Development of First Jump-2 Drive.
The Phoenix Dawn, an American financed interstellar Ark, is retrofitted with an experimental Jump-2 drive.
A.D. 2125 The Phoenix Dawn Departs the Solar System in search of a Pre-Garden World to be terraformed
A.D. 2125-2134 The Second Interstellar War. The Phoenix Crew and passengers go into low berths.
A skeleton crew working in rotating shifts in and out of cold sleep operates the ship’s systems.
The majority of the ships occupants stay in low berths to conserve life support resources.
Also frozen in cold sleep are samples of genetic material from an exhaustive sampling of Terra’s species.
Even frozen animals and pests like mosquitoes, and flies are kept in frozen storage, down to bacteria.
Everything that was needed to reconstruct Terra’s biosphere was stored in the ships cold watch.
A small biosphere was maintained in the ship’s interior.
A.D. 2937 New Terra Discovered
Over a period of 812 years thousands of probes were dispatched by the Phoenix dawn.
By 2937 a pre-garden planet was discovered with seven continents in approximate positions matching those of Terra, the planet also orbits a G2 V star, has a similar orbital period, rotational period and axial tilt as Terra.
New Terra’s atmosphere is initially suffocating, but work is done by seeding the oceans with genetically modified Terran plants and algae to convert the atmosphere into a breathable untainted mixture for humans.
This work is done by robots and human crews rotated in and out of low berths.
A.D. 4000 The first milestone is reached.
A standard tainted atmosphere is created, various advanced life forms are introduced to remove the taint.
Forests are grown and an ecosystem is established modeled after that on Terra.
A.D. 5200 The taint is completely removed from the atmosphere, the forests and other biomes have reached maturity.
It is determined that the ecosystem established is stable after many fits and starts.
The vast majority of the human passengers and crew are finally brought out of their low berths and revived.
For the majority of those revived, this is there first look at New Terra and their first awareness since they were put under in 2125. The United States of America is reestablished in this new sector, which they promptly name the American sector.
There were other similar efforts established by other nations of Terra in 2125, but none of them took so long to bring to fruition as this one. The fates of the other Phoenix missions are unknown to these present Americans.
A.D. 5200 – 5631 Other planets are colonized in the four inner subsectors, these planets are named after the states of the United
(Imperial 1110) States and US territories.

The America Sector
The United States of America
California Subsector Data Table
Hex-Column-Level Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
0913 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 0.68g Toxic 0% Frozen +0 0
0914 Alabama Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin 30% Normal -1 7 4,500,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
0916 Alaska Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin 50% Chilly +0 8 660,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 3.5
0919 Unexplored Non Greenhouse 7,500 miles 0.95g Suffocating 0% Infernal +2 2

1011 Arizona Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard-Tainted 10% Hot -2 4 5,700,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
1012 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin-Tainted 0% Chilly +0 0
1015 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.17g _0% Cool -1 -1
1017 Unexplored Non Barren 2,500 miles 0.25g _ 0% Cool +0 0
1019 Arkansas Am Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Thin-Tainted 80% Cool +0 7 2,800,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

1111 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.15g _ 0% Frozen +1 1
1115 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin 40% Cool +0 0
1116 California Am Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Dense 30% Normal +0 9 36,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ri 4.5

1214 New Terra Am Garden 7,900 miles 1.0g Standard 72% Normal +1 10 1,000,000 A RepDem CR 5 TL 11 Ri 4.0
1220 Colorado Am Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin 40% Normal +0 8 4,600,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

1316 Connecticut Am Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Dense 40% Cool +0 9 3,500,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1320 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Suffocating 80% Normal +1 1

1414 Delaware Am Garden 5,000 miles 0.82g Thin 40% Chilly -1 7 830,000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag 3.5
1416 Indiana Am Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Dense 60% Cool +0 9 6,200,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1419 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.11g _ 0% Frozen +0 0
1511 Georgia Am Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Dense-Tainted 30% Warm +0 8 8,800,000 B RepDem 5 11 4.0
1512 Illinois Am Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 40% Normal +0 9 13,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.5
1513 Idaho Am Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Dense 0% Tropical +0 7 1,400,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ri 4.0
1516 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin 10% Cool +0 0
1519 Hawaii Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard 80% Normal -1 8 1,300,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0

1616 Florida Am Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Dense 70% Hot +0 7 17,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.5

Lincoln Subsector
1714 Iowa Am Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Dense-Tainted 70% Normal +0 8 3,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0
1715 Kansas Am Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Standard-Tainted 20% Cold -1 5 2,700,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0

1811 Kentucky Am Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard-Tainted 10% Tropical +0 7 4,100,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
1812 Maine Am Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard 60% Cool +0 9 1,300,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1817 Unexplored Non Barren 2,000 miles 0.23g _ 0% Infernal +1 1

1914 Maryland Am Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin-Tainted 50% Warm +0 7 5,600,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0
1918 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Suffocating 30% Warm +1 1

2012 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.15g _ 0% Cool +0 0
2017 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.10g _ 0% Normal +0 0

2112 Louisiana Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Standard 60% Tropical +0 9 4,500,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
2113 Unexplored Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Very Thin-Tainted 50% Normal +0 0

2213 Massachusetts Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Thin-Tainted 50% Normal -1 4 6,400,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

2313 Michigan Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Standard 50% Cool -1 8 10,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0

New York Subsector
1022 Unexplored Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin-Tainted 80% Chilly +0 0
1025 Missouri Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Dense-Tainted 50% Warm +0 7 5,800,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1030 Unexplored Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Very Thin 50% Cool +0 0

1127 Unexplored Barren 2,000 miles 0.25g _ 0% Infernal +0 0
1128 Unexplored Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g Very Thin-Tainted 50% Cool +2 2
1129 Unexplored Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Very Thin 80% Chilly +0 0

1222 Mississippi Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Standard 60% Chilly +0 9 2,900,000 C RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1228 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin 10% Normal +0 0

1321 Minnesota Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard-Tainted 30% Warm +0 8 5,100,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
1329 Montana Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard-Tainted 60% Cool +1 9 930,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

1425 Nevada Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Standard 60% Warm -1 8 2,300,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1426 Nebraska Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Dense 80% Cold +0 8 1,700,000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1430 Unexplored Asteroid Belt _ 0% Frozen -2 -2

1522 New York Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Standard 60% Warm +0 9 19,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.5
1524 Unexplored Asteroid Belt _ 0% Frozen +2 2
1525 Unexplored Barren 1,000 miles 0.10g _ 0% Infernal +0 0
1529 Unexplored Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Suffocating 60% Tropical +0 0

1626 New Jersey Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin-Tainted 80% Cool +0 7 8,700,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0
1628 New Mexico Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin-Tainted 30% Tropical +0 7 1,900,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
1630 New Hampshire Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Dense 20% Cool +0 8 1,300,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ri 4.0

Washington Subsector
1723 Carolina (North/South) Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin 20% Warm +0 7 8,500,000/4,200,000 B/A RepDem 5/5 11/11 4.0/4.0
1725 Dakota (North/South) Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard 10% Cool -1 7 630,000/770,000 A/B RepDem 5/5 11/11 Ri 3.5/3.5
1726 Ohio Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin-Tainted 60% Chilly +0 7 11,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.5
1727 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin-Tainted 60% Cool +0 0
1729 Oregon Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Thin 60% Cool +0 8 4,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0

1822 Oklahoma Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Dense 50% Tropical +0 9 3,500,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
1823 Pennsylvania Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin 90% Warm +1 9 12,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.5
1824 Washington Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Dense 20% Chilly +0 8 6,200,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ri 4.0
1827 Unexplored Asteroid Belt _ 0% Cold +1 1
1828 Texas Garden 6,000 miles 0.83g Dense 60% Normal +0 9 22,000.000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.5

1921 Unexplored Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.45g Trace 0% Infernal +0 0
1922 Utah Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Dense-Tainted 20% Warm +0 7 2,400,000 B RepDem 5 11 4.0
1923 Unexplored Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.44g Trace 0% Cool +0 0
1924 Unexplored Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Very Thin-Tainted 50% Warm +0 0
1925 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Very Thin-Tainted 0% Normal +0 0

2024 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Very Thin-Tainted 80% Warm +0 0
2028 Vermont Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Thin 70% Cool +1 9 620,000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag 4.0
2030 Unexplored Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very-Thin 90% Normal +0 0

2124 Virginia (/West) Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Dense-Tainted 60% Normal -1 7 7,500,000/1,800,000 B/A RepDem 5/5 11/11 Ag 4.0/4.0

2221 Rhode Island Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin-Tainted 30% Tropical +0 7 1,000,000 A RepDem 5 11 4.0
2225 Unexplored Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Toxic 60% Warm +0 0
2230 Unexplored Desert (Ice) 1,500 miles 0.15g Corrosive 30% Frozen +0 0

2326 Wisconsin Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin-Tainted 20% Cool +1 7 5,500,000 B RepDem 5 11 4.0
2327 Wyoming Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard 50% Cool +0 9 500,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 3.5
2328 Columbia Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Standard 40% Warm -1 8 550,000 A RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 3.5

2422 Puerto Rico Garden 8,500 miles 0.96g Standard 50% Tropical +1 9 3,900,000 B RepDem 5 11 Ag, Ri 4.0
2425 Unexplored Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.45g Trace 0% Infernal +0 0
2426 Guam Garden 9,000 miles 0.90g Thin 20% Warm +0 7 170,000 B RepDem 5 11 3.5

The Frontier Subsectors
Hex Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
Columbus Subsector
0101 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin 60% Normal
0102 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Thin 50% Normal
0109 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin 70% Tropical
0110 Unexplored Non Barren (Rock) 1,000 miles 0.10g _

0201 Unexplored Non Desert (Ice) 5,500 miles 0.55g Corrosive
0209 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 5,500 miles 0.76g Suffocating 60% Tropical

0305 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin Tainted 30% Normal
0306 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Thin 40% Warm
0307 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard Tainted 50% Normal
0308 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin 60% Warm
0309 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt

0401 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin 60% Normal

0504 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 20% Chilly
0506 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin Tainted 90% Chilly
0507 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin 50% Tropical

0607 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin 100% Cool
0608 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Dense 100% Warm

0705 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard 40% Warm
0709 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Thin Tainted 90% Warm
0710 Unexplored Non Garden 4,500 miles 0.74g Dense Tainted 30% Cold

0805 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Dense 40% Cold
0807 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Thin Tainted 30% Norm
0808 Unexplored Non Barren (Rock) 2,000 miles 0.20g _
0809 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Very Dense Tainted 20% Cold
0810 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard 60% Chilly

Boone Subsector
0118 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard Tainted 20% Norm
0120 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Dense 30% Very Cold

0211 Unexplored Non Glacier 7,000 miles 0.88g Suffocating 0% Frozen
0213 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin 70% Warm
0215 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard Tainted 40% Chilly
0218 Unexplored Non Garden 5,000 miles 0.63g Standard 50% Normal
0219 Unexplored Non Garden 9,000 miles 0.91g Standard 90% Normal
0220 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.83g Dense Tainted 50% Hot

0313 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Very Thin Tainted 70% Cool
0318 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.81g Thin 30% Chilly

0416 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin Tainted 100% warm
0419 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 0.68g Suffocating 0% Frozen
0420 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard 10% Chilly

0513 Unexplored Non Glacier 7,000 miles 0.79g Suffocating 0% Frozen
0516 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.76g Very Thin Tainted 50% warm

0611 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt
0614 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 074g Very Thin 10% Tropical
0615 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 50% Normal

0713 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Thin 60% Cool
0716 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79 Thin 10% Tropical
0717 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Very Thin 50% Normal

0812 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin Tainted 30% Cool
0815 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.66g Thin Tainted 20% Tropical
0820 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.73g Suffocating 60% Hot

Hex Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
Armstrong Subsector
0121 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin Tainted 50% Warm
0122 Unexplored Non Garden 8,500 miles 0.96g Very Thin Tainted 20% Normal
0125 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Dense 70% Tropical
0126 Unexplored Non Barren 2,000 miles 0.23g _
0129 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Dense 50% Cool

0221 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin 30% Warm
0226 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.51g Trace
0229 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.57g Trace
0230 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin Tainted 30% Normal

0326 Unexplored-“World of Banded Night”* Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Standard 80% Warm +0 9 1,300,000 X Clan/Tribal(+1 Nation) 0 TL1 Ag 5.5
0327 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Thin Tainted 30% Cool

0421 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt
0424 Unexplored Non Garden 9,000 miles 0.91g Very Thin 50% Cool
0425 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g Standard Tainted 60% Normal
0426 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,500 miles 0.82g Toxic

0529 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.15g _
0530 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Thin 80% Warm

0623 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 80% Warm
0625 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.17g _
0626 Unexplored Non asteroid Belt
0628 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Standard 40% Cool
0630 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Thin Tainted 0% Normal

0723 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin 50% Normal
0727 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Thin 50% Tropical
0728 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Very Thin Tainted 0% Cool
0730 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.55g Suffocating 50% Warm

0827 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 0.68g Suffocating 0% Frozen

Sagan Subsector
0134 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Standard 70% Very Hot
0139 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Thin 70% Tropical
0140 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.66g Thin 60% Chilly

0231 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.19g _
0233 Unexplored Non Greenhouse 5,000 miles 0.88g Insidious 60% Normal
0236 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard 30% Cold

0332 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.81g Dense 40% Tropical
0333 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,000 miles 0.42g Trace
0334 Unexplored Non Desert (Ice) 3,500 miles 0.44g Toxic
0335 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.45g Trace
0337 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Dense 0% Cool
0340 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Very Thin Tainted 70% warm

0432 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin Tainted 10% Normal
0433 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.19g _
0434 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.55g Dense 70% Hot
0435 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Standard Tainted 0% Chilly

0533 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard 50% Tropical
0538 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.83g Standard 0% Cool
0539 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Very Thin 70% warm

0632 Unexplored Non Glacier 5,500 miles 0.62g Suffocating
0633 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Toxic 30% Hot
0637 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard 50% Chilly
0638 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.91g Thin Tainted 80% Cool

0734 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Very Thin 30% Cool
0735 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Standard 20% warm
0736 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin 30% Cool
0738 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard Tainted 70% Warm

0831 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.49g Trace
0832 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin 70% Normal
0834 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.51g Trace

Here are the worlds of the Roosevelt subsector, there is a world containing native intelligent life called Aquacia by the Federal Stellar Survey, it is a water world inhabited by an estimated 20,000,000 modified humans, these humans are gene-altered by some ancient star faring race such that they now have gills and breath underwater and cannot survive out of water for very long. Their body form is that of mythological Merpeople, their lower extremity below the waste is that of a cetean, most similar to a dolphin, the upper part of their body is similar to a human except they have no hair. The merpeople, as the local explorers have come to call them, breath underwater through their gill slits on the sides of their necks, their lungs have been modified to handle water and extract dissolved oxygen. There is very little dry land on this planet. These modified humans are at TL0, and since they are under water, they have not mastered the technology of starting fires. The islands of this planet have grasses on them and small scrubbery, Most of the oceans are shallow and there is very little topological variation on this planet consequently most of the oceans are inhabitable for the merpeople, and it is an abode of many fish-like creatures and aquatic plants. This World falls under the category and jurisdiction of the Prime Directive, although some colonists inhabit the islands and very little effort is made by the government to enforce the prime directive in anycase. Little of the technology is designed to operate underwater in any case, and things like submarines and boats are of very little use to merpeople.
Hex Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
The Roosevelt Subsector
0901 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin 50% Normal
0902 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Dense 10% warm
0905 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin Tainted 50% Norm
0907 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Suffocating 70% Norm
0908 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Very Thin 20% Warm

1003 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g Standard Tainted 0% warm
1004 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 6,000 miles 0.50g Trace 0% Cold
1005 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.61g Thin Tainted 70% Norm
1006 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin Tainted 10% Norm
1010 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Dense tainted 30% Cool

1109 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin 40% Norm

1201 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Standard Tainted 50% Norm
1207 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard 50% Warm
1208 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin Tainted 30% Chilly

1302 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.17g _ 0% Norm
1308 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 70% Cool

1402 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Very Thin 30% Chilly
1404 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt
1406 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0,76g Suffocating Norm
1407 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin 50% Normal
1409 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Thin 40% Cool
1410 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.49g Trace 0% Norm

1503 Unexplored-“Aquacia” Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Standard 100% Warm +1 9 20,000,000 X Clan/Tribal 0 0 Water World
1504 Unexplored Non Garden 8,500 miles 0.85g Thin Tainted 40% Cool
1505 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Very Thin 60% warm
1506 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Standard Tainted 100% Cool
1508 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard 40% Chilly

1602 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 0.76g V.Dense Tainted Cool
1604 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Standard Tainted 70% Chilly
1605 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 6,000 miles 0.76g

Hex Name Alg Type Dia Grav Atmosphere Hydr Climate RVM AFF Population Port Government CR TL Trade WTN
The Franklin Subsector
0931 Unexplored Non Garden 3,500 miles 0.83g Thin Tainted 40% Norm
0932 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.15g _
0933 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard Tainted 70% Cold
0936 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin 40% Norm
0938 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Suffocating 40% Chilly
0939 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Standard Tainted 60% Chilly

1032 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Suffocating 60% Tropical
1033 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 70% Chilly
1034 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 60% cool
1035 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard Tainted 80% cool
1037 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Dense Tainted 20% Norm
1039 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin Tainted 0% Chilly

1131 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.21g _
1132 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt
1139 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Dense 50% Norm
1140 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 0% Tropical

1231 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,500 miles 0.82 Suffocating 0% Frozen
1234 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Very Thin 20% warm
1236 Unexplored Non Desert (Ice) 3,500 miles 0.44g Corrosive 0% Frozen
1238 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin Tainted 50% warm
1240 Unexplored Non Glacier 6,000 miles 0.68g Toxic 0% Frozen

1335 Unexplored Non Pre-garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Suffocating 70% Normal
1338 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Toxic 50% cool
1340 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.17g _ 0%

1431 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.1g thin 90% hot
1433 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 1.0g Thin 90% Normal
1435 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g standard 30% warm
1436 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Standard Tainted 60% Warm
1437 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 0.81g Very Thin 40% Warm

1532 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.1g Standard 30% cool
1533 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.50g Trace 0% Frozen
1535 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin 90% warm
1536 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Standard 80% cold
1537 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.45g Trace 0% Infernal
1540 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Very Thin 60% cool

1631 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Very Thin 10% Cool
1632 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Suffocating 70% warm
1637 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.50g Trace 0% Frozen
1638 Unexplored Non garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Very Thin Tainted 0% Chilly

Jefferson Subsector
1701 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,000 miles 0.50g Trace Infernal
1704 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Dense Tainted 30% Tropical
1706 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.13g _ 0% Normal
1707 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.44g Trace 0% Infernal
1710 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Thin 40% Tropical

1805 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin 60% Norm

1903 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Very Thin 90% Cool
1908 Unexplored Non Barren 1,500 miles 0.19g _

2003 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Standard Tainted 50% warm
2006 Unexplored Non Glacier 5,500 miles 0.69g Toxic 0% Frozen
2008 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin Tainted 40% Tropical

2104 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Dense 80% Tropical
2107 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.11g _ 0% warm

2203 Unexplored non Desert (Rock) 3,500 miles 0.40g Trace 0% Frozen
2206 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.76g Thin 30% Chilly
2208 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.0g Very Thin 30% Cool
2210 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin 60% Hot

2305 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.82 g Very Dense Tainted 50% Cool
2307 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard 30% cool
2308 Unexplored Non Desert (Rock) 4,500 miles 0.51g Trace 0% Normal
2309 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.91g Standard 70% Chilly

2401 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.83g Thin 40% warm
2403 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.82g Suffocating 0% Frozen
2405 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin 80% Chilly

Clark Subsector
1735 Unexplored Non Barren 2,000 miles 0.25g _ 0% Frozen
1738 Unexplored Non Barren 1,000 miles 0.10g _ 0% Normal

1832 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.95g Thin 60% Warm
1833 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62g Thin Tainted 10% warm
1836 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Thin Tainted 60% Normal

1931 Unexplored Non Garden 8,000 miles 1.1g Thin Tainted 0% Chilly

2033 Unexplored Non Glacier 5500 0.62g Suffocating 0% Frozen
2038 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Thin Tainted 60% Normal
2039 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.97g Suffocating 70% Chilly

2131 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.79g Thin Tainted 10% warm
2132 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Standard Tainted 10% Cool
2135 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Very Thin Tainted 10% warm
2139 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Thin Tainted 20% Normal

2231 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.62 Thin Tainted 40% Cool
2236 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 20% warm
2237 Unexplored Non Garden 8,500 miles 1.1g Very Thin Tainted 90% Cool
2240 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 7,000 miles 0.88g Suffocating 60% Tropical

2331 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 50% Cold
2332 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt 0g _ 0% Frozen
2335 Unexplored Non Garden 7,500 miles 0.85g Standard 30% Cool
2336 Unexplored Non Asteroid Belt 0g _ 0% Chilly
2339 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.55g Thin Warm

2431 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.76g Standard 60% Cool
2433 Unexplored Non Garden 5,500 miles 0.69g Dense Tainted 50% Chilly
2434 Unexplored Non Pre-Garden 6,500 miles 0.74g Suffocating 60% Cool
2436 Unexplored Non Garden 6,500 miles 0.90g Dense 80% Chilly

Jackson Subsector
2501 Unexplored Non Garden 6,000 miles 0.68g Thin Tainted 60% warm
2508 Unexplored Non Garden 7,000 miles 0.71g Standard 50% Cool
Originally posted by Plankowner:
Given the decentralized/weak federal government, are you planning on running something similar to the American Civil War? State power vs. Federal Power (not the slave issue) could be a big divider within the Country.

How are psionics handled/treated?
Actually the great dividing issue of the day is the Prime Directive, how natives are to be handled, what relations ought to be with foreign interstellar states. the status quo is to keep the Prime Directive and pursue a policy of isolation with other countries. There are people in the USA who disagree with this and they form a sizable fraction in the US Congress, but for now the law of the land is Isolationism and the Prime Directive.

Psionics are mostly unknown, but their is a planet with psionically endowed Merfolk in Roosevelt Subsector, and psionic telepathy among them is a common racial trait. The Zhodani are nearby of course and they probably have agents working here. Otherwise there is no active prejudice working against it, its all too new.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
I just took a look through it again, and Goddesslessness help me, I Resurrected IT!!!

Oh, it was a very interesting idea. I said as much in the thread too.

How'd you like how Kalbfus handled things though? Did you find the his accusations of sexual deviance among the posters sugesting ideas a trifle odd?

Have fun,
</font>[/QUOTE]Frankly, I'd rather start practicing what the others were preaching! But unfortunately we seem to be entering a period where sex is a taboo, or at least where women think I am taboo. :eek: :eek: But it does seem odd.

Bill, maybe we can discuss this in the other thread? :cool:
Yes it does.

Conflict occurs between the Smugglers and the Federal marshals, trying to stop the trade in high tech goods with the more primitive worlds on the Frontier.

Some of the Nation States outside this sector might no be so friendly.

There maybe some problems with some of the natives on the frontier worlds.

Some of the states think the prime directive is immoral and basically do what they can to ignore or undermine this federal law.

There are alot of frontier towns and fedearl marshals are few and far in between, much can be gotten away with, though the federal Marshals try to enforce the law out here whenever they can, but their enforcement is sparse and spotty mainly because they just don't have enough people to do the job properly. Each State has its own Navy, Federal Law is supreme, but the Federal government is far away.
Originally posted by Jame:
Bill, maybe we can discuss this in the other thread?

Sure thing. All Casey, I, and the others are doing is passing on a warning. We've all dealt with Kalbfus in the past and we know what will eventually happen in this thread.

Be prepared. You're not dealing with a normal person here. Be sure to read the first thread Casey linked you all to at SJGames. Some of the questions you're raising here were already raised there, raised there only to either be ignored by or spark a one of his trademark rant/accusation/attacks.

Try asking these questions:

- Why didn't the terraforming project detect the Zhodani starship that crashlanded on New Terra during the 2200 year long project?

- How did the USA Pheonix Mission travel eight sectors aboard retrofitted space habitats faster than the ESA Island mission traveled three sectors in purpose built spacecraft?

- Why did the project spend 2200 years terraforming a planet when other habitable ones were nearby?

- How do 20 million people spread in penny packets across more than a dozen planets managed to maintain a tech level of C?

Have fun getting the answers and take great care in suggesting any.

With the warning delivered, I'm out.

OK, I'll start...

Why did the USA bother to terraform a world when there were/are so many habitable ones around? Was is philsophical?
Originally posted by Laryssa:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
OK, I've read it. What are the general adventuring seeds?

Without the Imperium, and Vilani influence what are your character choices as far as generation goes. Call it classes in T20 or careers in CT, or whatever. Since we are obviously outside the borders of the Imperium, what are the careers open to our adventurers? What type of adventures are you planning on running?

TL-C for everyone? Since they left when Jump-2 was new how and why did they advance to TL-C from B? To go from early TL-12 to TL-13 in a mere 400 years with no outside influence? That seems a bit much. They figured it out in their sleep?
They were awakened 400 years ago, and their contact with the outside universe hasn't been completely non-existant, its just that they've been very discrete about it. They've obtained samples of advanced technology from other civilizations and quietly reverse-engineered them advancing their tech level in the process. </font>[/QUOTE]That is a big step in a short period of time, especially as isolated as they are. From Nova Terra, or whatever it is, at Jump-2 It will take a while to get to the nearest TLC+ world, much less establish trade relations enough to obtain what they need to advance the TL. I mean look at the Imperium. There are TL5 systems next door to TL15 systems. If it were that easy then the Imperium would be at a more uniform Tech Level. I mean even take the Current World situation. The Former Soviet Union runs from TL5 to TL7. While the US is about TL8 and generally the same across the Country, it is the exception not the rule, the rest of the world certainly isn't either at TL8 or Uniform from border to border. I would put Afganistan at TL5 at best, granted with some imported TL6 or 7 weapons, but without manufacturing capabilities for TL6+ weapons. Parts of Africa, and the Indian Subcontinent are definitely below even TL5. Yet your entire habitated part of the Sector is a TL above where they started and uniform at that. I find that a bit difficult to swallow.

Later on towards the time the actual campaign starts, the outside Universe has discovered them. The period of American isolation has ended and the American government has had to make some adjustments for this. The Third Imperium, the Zhodanis and the client states have sent some ambassadors and established embassies in New Terra, but the USA is at the edge of charted Space, its well away from the center of things and the population of the settled planets tends to be in the tens of millions at most for many of the surrounding nations, the exception being the capitals of these nations which can reach in the billions.
Later on, during the timeframe for adventuring? Well we have the Fifth Frontier War going on at about this timeframe, and just a short while later the Rebellion and collapse of Civilization. Just when do you propose to have an adventure in this sector?

Of the core character classes in the American sector, there is the Academic, Army, Barbarian, Belter, Marines, Mercenary, Merchants, Navy, Professional, Rogue, Scouts, Traveller. Missing is the one of Noble. Most Nobles are foreigners, their nobility is not recognized within American Space, and they tend to be looked down upon as being uppity and snobbish by Americans in general.
Without outside interference, or conflict reaching the USA there is little call for more than volunteer professional military. (Traditionally like the Military of today.) However in that case there should be little difference between Army and Marines. So I would recommend losing the Marine Class/Career. Actually the current view of Americans, in general, of Nobility is one of curiosity and fascination. I don't see that changing. But again, why would an Imperial Noble bother travelling that far from home. So the rare Imperial Noble that does travel that far would be more of a curiousity than something to scorn. Remember that for the rest of the Univere a several thousand years has passed. But for our colonists only 400 years have passed. They slept through the long night. They missed the Solomani Rim war. They would still be strongly influenced by the world they left.

Americans don't think of themselves as peasants, and don't view foreign nobility as their betters. So a foreign noble gets a slight negative reaction if he goes out of his way to brag about his noble status. Otherwise its the same as in the Imperium, except the United States governs its planets, not just the space in between. The Fedral government sees to it that the state governments remain democratic republics, and if anyone strays into dictatorship for instance, Federal troops move in and set things right. The major exception is primitive planets TL8 and lower, generally the Federal government does not interfere with those, and they can have any sort of government or governments democratic or not, and US citizens are forbidden by law to interfere with them, but many do anyway if they can get away with it. The Federal government is not everywhere and they have trouble regulating this.

There are all sorts of smugglers smuggling high tech goods to these primitives under the Fedral governments noses, they often have to evade Federal Troops and starships as well as those of some state militias. But dealing with primitive societies can be very profitable for those merchants, and so the temptation always exists. Some Americans can set themselves up as kings on these primitive planets until the Federal authorities find out about it, then they have to evade arrest and imprisonment. Exciting career choice, don't you think?
Well with the ability of the Federal Government to quickly raise and bring everyone up to the same TL standard, then why would you isolate TL8- Worlds. Bring them to the same level of enlightenment.

Smuggling high tech goods only goes so far. After all if the TL is too different, they wouldn't have the capacity to understand the new gear anyway. I mean would a Lancelot understand a Colt 1911A1? TL8 to TL13 is a greater difference. Besides with a loose Federal Government and an inability to police what they control now, it isn't smuggling if it isn't enforced.
Lancelot could be taught how to load and use a modern firearm, just like any other raw recruit in the army could. The fact that he or his people could not make one, makes the transaction all the more profitable to those space merchants who want to sell him things. If things break, buy new ones or send them out for repair, very profitable indeed. The higher tech level people are more likely to be able to copy what the merchants sell, therevy undermining the merchant's profitable business.

The Prime Directive isn't aimed to protect the primitive civilization from modernity, oh no quite the contrary. The Prime Directive is designed to protect the United States from hordes of barbarians who suddenly come into possession of modern weapons and learn how to use them. Primitives on many worlds outnumber the Americans in the who entire sector in some cases. For instance a World at out current Tech level of 8 might have a population of 5 billion people. Now if some helpful TL 12 merchants were to sell them some stuff which they could copy, this TL8 would might suddenly build fleets of starships and use their superior manpower to take over the sector, but so long as the Prime Directive is in effect and properly enforced, this civilization remains stuck on its planet, it would outnumber the Americans 15 to 1, would represent a strong dilution of America culture were they suddenly to become spacefaring. Even worse, they might not be christians, they might not value democracy, they might impose there way of life and culture on Americans that suddenly become the minority within their own society, and they might not adapt so well to sudden modernization and resort to terrorism using the modern weapons they've been given, such are the fears of the Americans and the reason for this Prime Directive. Some Americans feel this fear is unwarrented and find the Prime Directive to be an overblown over reaction to lessons learned in the ancient War on Terrorism thousands of years ago. Terrorists can't be so destructive to modern society if they have only bows and spear to work with and can't get off their planet, or so the reasoning goes, but the Merchants don't care, they just want to make profits. Primitives have some things of value to them like gold for instance, and their are many primitve planets to sell to. The buyers will generally be the wealthy of those primitive societies, the nobles and the rulers. And some merchants might even want to rule over primitive planets themselves, they are already outlaws with regard to American Law, why not settle down in some castle and be attended to by a bunch or pretty women? Such pleasures can be very tempting to those Merchants.