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America Sector

Ok first questions?

Your Zhodani Aboriginals arrived when? Before the Phoenix vessels? Did they live through the terraforming project or have they only arrived since the Americans awoke.

What tech level are they now and what was they're begining tech?
Originally posted by Droptrooper.:
Sorry, so you are a man, not a woman and it appears that according to what I've read you don't listen to suggestions and advice.

I had plenty but it appears you don't listen to anyone. I especially love the way anyone that disagrees with you is a leftist.

Oh well. :(
And did your mommie and daddy name you Droptrooper?

My name has gotten too much attention lately, and I'd rather concentrate on creative stuff rather than being pestered by people like the Baron who go around calling me a Nazi for no good reason, and I always have to waste time defending my reputation and telling him how he's wrong. So I created a new name for myself, just as you did. (The Baron by the way isn't his real name either, so why do you make such a fuss about my not using my real name? At least let me hear that criticism from somebody who uses his real name rather than somebofy named Droptrooper or Baron Saathrurran Von Gisshiddan)

Its not that I call everone who disagrees with me a leftist, but I do go around calling people who call my country Imperialist and who say George Bush is a facist, and that the Democracy of my country is not real, a leftist.

It just so happens that most people who disagree with me turn out to be leftists, because I hear this left-wing propaganda coming out of them that sound so much like that I rememeber coming out of those old Soviet Newspapers, they say the Imperialist Americans did this, the facist Americans did that! I swear the term facist and Imperialist has been used more times on my country than on the Germans. It has been my experience that leftists don't care about the truth they just make stuff up and try to tar their opponents with it.
Originally posted by General Johnnie Reb:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Laryssa:
I'm sorry if I sounded dismissive, perhaps I used a poor choice of words.

You must understand that I type what I think, I often don't have time to reread what I write and try to understand how it might come off to someone else reading it. I am not very good at anticipating other peoples reactions. Maybe its just a matter or psychology, but I try to keep my thoughts to the point.
Now this expplains a lot about how TOM Thinks.
He does not read what he types, he just puts his thoughts into the computer and hits Send.

Originally posted by Laryssa:
Yes, I value your input.
Ah, now that is a great thing to admit.

Everyone can now give Tom their input and he will value it. :D
</font>[/QUOTE]I'm a human being, and I'm not the most perfect and fastest typist in the world, and I have limited time to spend doing this. If it comes out wrong, I'd rather go on to new stuff than correct my old stuff, expecially if I think the old stuff is still readable. When I work on a final product, I'll givwe more attention to quality control, but I consider what were doing now to be a sort of written conversation.
Originally posted by Droptrooper.:
Ok first questions?

Your Zhodani Aboriginals arrived when? Before the Phoenix vessels? Did they live through the terraforming project or have they only arrived since the Americans awoke.

What tech level are they now and what was they're begining tech?
The Zhodani Aboriginals arrived after most of the terraforming was done, otherwise they couldn't survive, but before most of the colonists were woken up. The project leaders considered that, once the colonists were out of their low berths, it would be hard to get them to go back in again, so they wanted to make sure the world was ready for them first. To the Zhodani who arrived here, and from what little of the planet they saw before they crashed, it appeared to them that the planet was uninhabited. The living terraformers were far away, were few in number, and they didn't have the radar systems to detect incoming starships. Most of the terraforming was done, and it didn't involve such gross physical stuff such as hurling comets at the planet, all of it was biological and alteration of the atmosphere. The Atmosphere was breathable enough for the Zhodani, but the terraformers were concerned about the ecological balance, the wanted to give it a few centuries, perhaps a whole millenium to let the forests grow to their proper height and let the natural ecology establish itself before they let out humans, who they figured would rapidly rise in population and effect on the scology once released. The Terraformers wanted to make sure the ecology was strong and sound first. The Zhodani were deprived of their technology so it was a struggle for survival for them, they did keep their psionic talents however.
Here is the first leg in the interstellar transport system of the America Sector.
Say you wanted to travel from New York to Washington NT.

First thing you do is you get to Kennedy Starport. Kennedy Starport is located on the outskirts of New York City, Planet New York, Hex 1522, New York Subsector. Our important traveller has a meeting in Washinton NT, he works for a Defense Contracting company, and his job is to sell the company's components to the US Space Navy, and to do that, he must report to the Space Navy headquarters to bid for the contract. George Stuart is an astronautical engineer, and he is the one in charge of making the estimates for the government bidding. George's company put up the money for high passage, and since George has racked up so much frequent space traveller miles, he as also gotten high passage tickets for both his two children and his wife. The grav limo lets off his family at the Trans-America Starlines terminal, they check in their luggage at the counter and they board this Passenger Shuttle. The passenger shuttle takes passengers up from Kennedy to the Starliner waiting in orbit.

Passenger Shuttle
Small Spacecraft
TL10, M$60.046, 95 tons. The Passenger Shuttle is a passenger Transfer craft. Reasonably fast, these shuttles have seats for 48 passengers, 2 flight attendants and pilot and astrogator.

Class: Smallcraft _________________________________________ EP Output 7 (2.15 excess)
Tech Level 10 ___________________________________________ Agility: 2 (+2 EP)
Size: Small (95 tons) ______________________________________ Initiative: +2 (+2 agility)
Streamlining: Streamlined __________________________________ AC: 13 (+2 agility, +1 Size)
Jump Range: None ________________________________________ Repulsors: None
Acceleration 3-G __________________________________________ Nuclear Dampers: None
Fuel: 7 tons ______________________________________________ Meson Screens: None
Duration: 4 weeks _________________________________________ Black Globes: None
Crew: 4 (1 Pilot, 1 Astrogator, 2 Flight Attendants) _______________ AR: 0
Staterooms: 0 _____________________________________________ SI: 96
Small Cabins: 1 ___________________________________________ Main Computer: Model/4
Bunks: 0 _________________________________________________ Sensor Range: Long (Model/4)
Couches: 52 ______________________________________________ Communications Range Long (Model/4)
Low Berths: 0
Cargo Space 14.6 tons ______________________________________ Cost: M$60.046 (new)
Atmospheric Speeds: _______________________________________ NoE = 275 kph
Cruising = 200 kph _________________________________________ Maximum = 375 kph
Other Equipment: Fresher, missile magazine

Triple Turret: Missile Rack (x1), Attack bonus +1 (+1 USP), 20 standard missiles, Range Increment 90,000 km, damage 1d6.
Pulse Laser (x1), Attack bonus +1 (+1 USP), Range Increment 45,000 km, damage 1d10.
Sandcaster (x1), +1 defense bonus per canister, (20 sand canisters).

TAS Form 3.1 (condensed)
________________________________ Size ________ Cost ____________ EP
95-ton streamlined wedge hull _______ +95 ________ M$9.5475 ________ --
Bridge controls ___________________ -19 ________ M$0.475 __________ --
Model/4 Computer ________________ -0.4 ________ M$21.2 __________ -2 EP
__ Flight Avionics ________________ -0.4 ________ (M$0.9) __________ --
__ Long Range Sensors ____________ -1.2 ________ (M$2.4) __________ --
__ Medium Range Communications __ -0.8 ________ (M$2) ____________ --
3-G Acceleration _________________ -7.6 _________ M$3.8 ___________ -2.85 EP
TL9 Fusion Power Plant ___________ -10.5 ________ M$31.5 __________ +7 EP
Fuel ____________________________ -7 __________ -- _______________ --
52 Small Craft Couches ____________ -26 _________ M$0.175 __________ --
1 small cabin _____________________ -2 _________ M$0.25 ____________ --
Fresher __________________________ -0.5 _______ M$0.002 ___________ --
1 Hardpoint ______________________ -- _________ M$0.1 _____________ --
__ Triple Turret ___________________ -- _________ M$1 ______________ --
____ Pulse Laser __________________ -1 _________ M$0.5 _____________ -1 EP
__ Missile Rack ___________________ -1 _________ M$0.75 ___________ --
____ Missile Magazine _____________ -- __________ M$0.1 ____________ --
______ with 20 standard missiles _____ -1 __________ M$0.1 ____________ --
____ Sandcaster ___________________ -1 __________ M$0.25 ___________ --
______ with 20 sand canisters ________ -1 __________ M$0.008 __________ --
Cargo __________________________ -14.6 _________ -- ________________ --
Totals ____________________________ 0 __________ M$75.0575 (M$60.046 with 20% standard design discount)
The family board the shuttle, There are 50 seats in the passenger cabin, two of which are taken up by the flight attendants, but they don't spend much time in them as they walk down the aisels handing out pretzels and soft drinks. The shuttle quickly crosses the terminator to the night side of the planet. The wind noises die down. The Children James, and Nicole don't have much time to get board, the spend time looking out the window. The planet is mostly dark down below with occasional flashes of lightning from some distant thunderheads. 45 minutes later the horizon begins to glow in the distance as the sun peers through the atmospheric layer, a briliant rainbow of colors appears as the sun rises and those first rays reveal a ship in the distance. An angular boxlike starship is gradually lit up by the rising sunlight, a structure of about 40 meters wide, 20 meters deep and 350 meters long. A number of blisters appear on the sides of the ship, some have guns in them. The pilot makes an announcement on the intercom system, "Attention all passengers, we are about to dock, please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts." The children watch in rapt attention, looking through the small round window as the shuttle pulls under the Starliner as the large bay doors open up to receive the shuttle. The shuttle pulls in slowly, with excrusiating slowness, much in contrast to the take off of the shuttle from the runway. The shuttle floats into the hangar bay, there are 3 other shuttles inside. The shuttle settles to the floor of the hangar, it moves into its berth and the clamps lock it into place. The hangar doors close, and a gate moves into place attaching itself to the shuttle's main door. The doors open and the passengers file through the gate into the corridor beyond. "Welcome aboard flight 419, we hope you enjoy your stay with us, please follow the signs to the clerk and he will get you situated in your staterooms. Have a nice day."
George and his family wait in line at the desk and register and receive their stateroom keys. The card key has a little display on the side with a map of the ship, it shows the passenger's current location onboard and the location of the 2 ajoining staterooms to which they are assigned with arrows pointing in which direction to proceed. The family arrives at the stateroom, the open the doors and there they wait, watching some entertainment channel on the holovid while the bell hop delivers their luggage.

Star Liner, M$10,224.55, 20,000 tons
Class: Starship, Type L __________________________________ EP Output 700 (7 excess)
Tech Level: 12 _________________________________________ Agility: 0
Size Gargantuan ________________________________________ Initiative: 0
Streamlining: Unstreamlined ______________________________ AC: 6 (-4 Size)
Jump Range: 3 Parsecs ___________________________________ Repulsors: 0
Acceleration: 3-g ________________________________________ Nuclear Dampers: 0
Fuel 6,700 tons Liquid Hydrogen ___________________________ Meson Screens: 0
Duration: 4 weeks _______________________________________ Black Globes:
Crew: 247 _____________________________________________ AR: 0
Captain, First Officer, 2 Helm Officers, 2 Astrogation Officers, 1 Medical Officer, 1 Flight Officer, 1 Communications officer, 2 Engineering Officers, 5 support personnel, 8 Medics, 2 gunnery officers, 8 Engineering petty officers for the Jump Drive, 16 Engineering Petty Officers for the Maneuver Drive, 11 Engineering Petty Officers for the power plant, 62 mechanics for Ship’s subordinate crafts, 60 service crewmembers. Scout ship Crew 2 pilots, 2 gunners, 10 Shuttle pilots, 10 Shuttle Copilots, 20 Shuttle Flight attendants, 10 Modular Cutter Pilots, 10 modular cutter Copilots, 42 Launch Pilots, 42 Launch Copilots not counted toward crew number as they fulfill other roles as ship’s crew. Total crew = 247.
Staterooms: 500 (498 Available to First class passengers) ________ SI: 525
Small Cabins: 1,000 (755 Available to middle passage passengers) _ Main Computer: Model/5
Bunks: 0 _______________________________________________ Sensor Range: Very Long Range (Model/5)
Couches: 0 _____________________________________________ Comm Range: Very Long Range (Model/5
Low Berths: 1,500 Emergency low berths
Cargo Space: 538 Tons ___________________________________ Cost $10,224,550,000 ($1 = Cr1)
Large Craft Hangar: 100 Freshers, 2 Scout/CouriersExternal, Small Craft Hangar: Holds 10 passenger Shuttles, Small Craft Hangar: Holds 10 Modular Cutters, 42 individual Small Craft Hangars: 42 Launches(lifeboats), 4 sickbays, 4 Autodocs, 10 airlocks, 200 hardpoints, 200 triple turrets, (30 of them armed)

30 Triple Turrets – Range Increment 45,000 km
Bow Battery: Pulse lasers (x30), Attack bonus +6 (+6 USP), Damage 6d10
Port Battery: Pulse lasers (x30), Attack bonus +6 (+6 USP), Damage 6d10
Starboard Battery: Pulse lasers (x30). Attack bonus +6 (+6 USP), Damage 6d10

TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed)

TL 12 Design Specifications
Installed Components ______________________ Size Tons ___________ Cost M$ _____________________EP
20,000-ton Hull (Close Structure) _____________ +20,000 ____________ M$600.00 ___________________ –
Bridge Controls ______________________________ -400 ____________ M$100.00 ___________________ –
Computer Model/5 (1000 CPU free) ________________-0.5 ___________ – __________________________ -3
__ Flight Avionics ______________________________ -2.0 _____________ M$4.50 ___________________ –
__ Sensors (Very Long Range) ____________________ -1.5 _____________ M$3.00 ___________________ –
__ Communications (Very Long Range) _____________ -1.0 ____________ M$2.50 ____________________ –
Jump Drive 3 _________________________________-800 ___________ M$3200.00 _________________-600
Jump Fuel __________________________________ -6000 ________________ – _______________________ –
Maneuver Drive 3-G __________________________ -1600 ____________ M$800.00 ________________ -600
Power Plant TL-9 Fusion _______________________ -1050 ___________ M$3150.00 ________________ +700
Power Plant Fuel ______________________________ -700 _________________ – ______________________ –
200 Hard points __________________________________ – ______________ M$20.00 ___________________ –
200 Triple Turrets _______________________________ – _____________ M$200.00 ___________________ –
__ 10 x 3 Pulse Lasers (Bow) ______________________ -30 _____________ M$15.00 ___________________ –
__ 10 x 3 Pulse Lasers (Port) ______________________ -30 _____________ M$15.00 ___________________ –
__ 10 x 3 Pulse Lasers (Starboard) __________________ -30 _____________ M$15.00 ___________________ –
Large Craft Hangar _____________________________ -220 ______________ M$0.44 ___________________ –
__ 2 Scout/Couriers _______________________________ – _____________ M$88.34 ___________________ –
Small Craft Hangar ____________________________ -1235 ______________ M$2.47 ___________________ –
__10 Passenger Shuttles ___________________________ – _____________ M$600.46 ___________________ –
Small Craft Hangar _____________________________ -650 ______________ M$1.30 ___________________ –
__ 10 Modular Cutters ____________________________ – _____________ M$161.48 ___________________ –
42 Individual Small Craft Hangars ________________ -1092 ______________ M$2.18 ___________________ –
__ 42 Launches (Lifeboats) ________________________ – _____________ M$532.63 ___________________ –
500 Staterooms _______________________________ -2000 ____________ M$250.00 ___________________ –
1000 Small Cabins ____________________________ -2000 ____________ M$250.00 ___________________ –
1500 Emergency Low Berths ____________________ -1500 ____________ M$150.00 ___________________ –
100 Freshers ___________________________________ -50 ______________ M$0.20 ___________________ –
4 Sickbays ____________________________________ -32 _____________ M$20.00 ___________________ –
4 Autodocs _____________________________________-8 _____________ M$40.00 ___________________ –
10 Airlocks ___________________________________ -30 ______________ M$0.05 ___________________ –
Cargo _______________________________________ -538 ________________ – ______________________ –
Totals _________________________________________ -0 __________M$10,224.55 ___________________ +7
Medium-size Starship
This is the version of the scout/courier carried by the starliner. This ship is built using the smallest available hull for a starship, 100-tons. The vessel carriers a maneuver drive capable of up to a 2-G acceleration and a jump-2 drive.

Class: Starship, type S ____________________________ EP Output: 4 (2 excess)
Tech Level: 12 __________________________________ Agility: 2 (+2 EP)
Size: Medium (100 tons) __________________________ Initiative: +2 (+2 agility)
Streamlining: Streamlined _________________________ AC: 12 (+2 agility)
Jump-Range: 1 x Jump-2 __________________________ Repulsors: 0
Acceleration: 2-G ________________________________ Nuclear Dampers: 0
Fuel: 24 tons ____________________________________ Meson Screens: 0
Duration: 4 weeks ________________________________ Black Globes: 0
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 copilot (Serves as a gunner) ___________ AR: 0
Staterooms: 4 ____________________________________ SI: 100
Small Cabins: 0 __________________________________ Main Computer: Model/1 (5 CPU)
Bunks: 0 ________________________________________ Sensor Range: Close (Model/1)
Couches: 0 ______________________________________ Comm. Range: Close (Model/1)
Low Berths: 0
Cargo Space: 9 tons _______________________________ Cost M$44.1704 (New)
Atmospheric Speeds: 825 kph _______________________ Maximum 1,100 kph
Other Equipment: Air/raft, fuel scoops

Double Turret: Missile Rack (x1), Attack bonus +1 (+1 USP), Damage 1d6 (20 standard missiles)
___________ Sandcasters (x1), +1 Defense bonus per canister (20 sand canisters)

TAS Form 3.1 (Condense)
Design Specifications
Installed Components _________ Size _____ Cost ____________ EP
100-ton hull ___________________ +100 _____ M$12 ___________ _
Bridge ________________________ -20 ______M$0.1 ___________ _
Computer Model/1 (5 CPU) _______ -0.1 ______ M$4 ____________ _
__ Flight Avionics _______________ -0.4 _____ M$0.9 ___________ _
__ Sensors _____________________ -0.3 _____M$0.6 ____________ _
__ Communications ______________ -0.2 _____ M$0.5 ___________ _
Jump Drive 2 ___________________ -3 _______ M$12 ___________ -2
Jump Fuel ______________________ -20 ______ _ _______________ _
Maneuver Drive 2-G _____________ -5 _______ M$3.5 ___________ -2
TL9 Fusion Power Plant __________ -6 _______ M$18 ___________ +4
Power Plant Fuel ________________ -4 _______ _ _______________ _
Fuel Scoops ____________________ _ ________ M$0.1 ___________ _
Fuel Purification Plant TL-12 _______ -6 ______ M$0.032
1 Hard Point ____________________ _ _______ M$0.1
Double Turret ___________________ _ _______ M$0.75
Missile Magazine ________________ -1 _______ M$0.1
Missile Rack ____________________ -1 ______M$0.75
20 Standard Missiles _____________ -1 _______ M$0.1
Sandcaster _____________________ -1 _______ M$0.25
20 sand canisters ________________ -1 _______ M$0.008
Air/Raft ________________________ -5 ______ M$0.273
Staterooms (4) ___________________ -16 _____ M$2
Cargo __________________________ -9
Totals __________________________ 0 _______ M$55.213 (M$44.1704 with standard design discount)