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America Sector

Originally posted by Laryssa:
So the ecology they are attempting to recreate is that of old Earth before th population reached the billions.
The population doesn't need to be in the billions to leave a lasting human imprint on ecosystems, Tom Kalbfus - that's the whole point. What I'm sure you would refer to as "primitive" peoples, or "pre-technological" societies, actually make landscape-level changes to ecosystems, without internal combustion engines or plowshares or even the wheel.

Your perceptions of human influences on the environment appear to be based on the myth of "pristine, untouched" wilderness and the "noble native" - the reality is quite different.

Read, Tom Kalbfus - it will do you good.
Tempest in a teapot. I really don't care. Nature will find a balance with all the Earth life introduced on New Terra, not all species will survive the adjustment period, but some will. The Earth was always adjusting to changes in its environment and the loss of species, other species move in to fill the ecological nitches and some new creatures eventually evolve to carve out new nitches for themselves.

Oh by the way, here are the worlds of the Roosevelt Sector, this sector is known for its relative abundnace of intellegent native species and an aboriginal human civilization.
Roosevelt Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0901 C7½55543-C 0.95g Normal 802 K0
Jorone 0902 Large Gas Giant Size (89,000 miles or 143,000 km), Atm. Exotic-A (hydrogen/helium) 2.5g Norm at 1 Atm. layer
_ 2 Ring System XR00000-0
_ 6 Cisero X685870-3 0.68g warm 105 K0 (population consists of 100 million Sesheyans – See D20 Future)
(Orbital period and hence the daylength of Ciserol is 1 day, 18 hours, and 30 minutes)
Unexplored 0905 X7½25000-C 0.95g Normal 204 F5
Unexplored 0907 X6A7000-C 1.0g Warm 702 K5
Unexplored 0908 X832100-C 1.0g Warm 702 K0
Unexplored 1003 X670100-C 0.61g Warm 114 K0
Unexplored 1004 C610444-C 0.50g Cold 302 K5
Unexplored 1005 X647000-C 0.61g Normal 502 F5
Unexplored 1006 B741444-C 0.71g Normal 703 F0
Unexplored 1010 B6½93442-C 0.82g Cool 510 G0
Nonethal 1109 E7½56973-7 0.95g Normal 604 K5 (population consists of 6 billion humans in 250+ nations, 3 Superpowers)
Unexplored 1201 B5½75542-C 0.62g Normal 700 G0
Donal 1207 7½65600-0 Warm 211 F0 (population consists of 2 million Aarokcra “Bird People” See Forgotten Realms MM)
Unexplored 1208 A723441-C 0.79g Chilly 203 K5
Unexplored 1302 X1½00000-C 0.17g Normal 003 F5
Unexplored 1308 D7½67541-C 0.85g Cool 903 F0
Unexplored 1402 X7½33200-C 0.76g Chilly 704 K0
Unexplored 1404 X000000-C 0.00g Cool 314 K0
Unexplored 1406 X6A6000-C 0.76g Normal 805 K5
Unexplored 1407 X735200-C 0.79g Normal 924 G0
Unexplored 1409 X7½54000-C 0.85g Cool 613 F5
Unexplored 1410 X3½10200-C 0.49g Normal 913 K5
Aquacia 1503 A76A741-C 0.97g Warm 414 G0 (population consists of 40 million Merfolk, brought up to TL 12 from outside)
Unexplored 1504 A8½44542-C 0.85g Cool 523 G5
Unexplored 1506 X77A200-C 0.79g Cool 701 F5
Unexplored 1508 X764300-C 0.88g Chilly 202 F0
Unexplored 1602 X7½D7200-C 0.76g Cool 225 K5
Unexplored 1604 C6½77544-C 0.90g Chilly 513 K5
Unexplored 1605 B667543-C 0.76g normal 600 K5

UWP Notes
I’ve converted the GURPS Traveller stats I originally generated this world data in to standard traveler stats with the following modifications.
The Size digits are incremented by halves so each ½ you see is actually part of the preceding size digit as I didn’t want to lose half size information upon conversion. Here they are:

Digit _ Description
0 _ Asteroid/Planetoid Belt
R _ Ring (around a world)
S _ Small World 125 miles (200 km) Range 1 to 250 miles (1 to 400 km)
½ _ 500 miles (804 km) Range 251 to 750 miles (401 to 1,200 km)
1 _ 1,000 miles (1,609 km) Range 751 to 1,250 miles (1,201 to 2,000 km)
1½ _ 1,500 miles (2,414 km) Range 1,251 to 1,750 miles (2,001 to 2,800 km)
2 _ 2,000 miles (3,219 km) Range 1,751 to 2,250 miles ( 2,801 to 3,600 km)
2½ _ 2,500 miles (4,023 km) Range 2,251 to 2,750 miles (3,601 to 4,400 km)
3 _ 3,000 miles (4,828 km) Range 2,751 to 3,250 miles (4,401 to 5,200 km)
3½ _ 3,500 miles (5,633 km) Range 3,251 to 3,750 miles (5,201 to 6,000 km)
4 _ 4,000 miles (6,437 km) Range 3,751 to 4,250 miles (6,001 to 6,800 km)
4½ _ 4,500 miles (7,242 km) Range 4,251 to 4,750 miles (6,801 to 7,600 km)
5 _ 5,000 miles (8,047 km) Range 4,751 to 5,250 miles (7,601 to 8,400 km)
5½ _ 5,500 miles (8,851 km) Range 5,251 to 5,750 miles (8,401 to 9,200 km)
6 _ 6,000 miles (9,656 km) Range 5,751 to 6,250 miles (9,201 to 10,000 km)
6½ _ 6,500 miles (10,461 km) Range 6,251 to 6,750 miles (10,001 to 10,800 km)
7 _ 7,000 miles (11,265 km) Range 6,751 to 7,250 miles (10,801 to 11,600 km)
7½ _ 7,500 miles (12,070 km) Range 7,251 to 7,750 miles (11,601 to 12,400 km)
8 _ 8,000 miles (12,875 km) Range 7,751 to 8,250 miles (12,401 to 13,200 km)
8½_ 8,500 miles (13,679 km) Range 8,251 to 8,750 miles (13,201 to 14,000 km)
9 _ 9,000 miles (14,484 km) Range 8,751 to 9,250 miles (14,001 to 14,800 km)
9½ _ 9,500 miles (15,289 km) Range 9,251 to 9,750 miles (14,801 to 15,600 km)
A _ 10,000 miles (16,093 km) Range 9,751 to 10,250 miles (15,601 to 16,400 km)

World Climate Table
Climate Type _ Temperature Range (F) Temperature Range (K)
Frozen _ Below -20 _ Below 244 K
Very Cold _ -20 to 0 _ 244 K to 255 K
Cold _ 0 to 20 _ 255 K to 266 K
Chilly _ 20 to 40 _ 266 K to 278 K
Cool _ 40 to 60 _ 278 K to 289 K
Normal _ 60 to 80 _ 289 K to 300 K
Warm _ 80 to 100 _ 300 K to 311 K
Tropical _ 100 to 120 _ 311 K 322 K
Hot _ 120 to 140 _ 322 K 333 K
Very Hot _ 140 to 160 _ 333 K to 344 K
Infernal _ Above 160 _ Above 344 K

Please make sure to save all of this work in a single document so that it can be shared with other people in the future.

There are plenty of Traveller fan-sites that will gladly host it for you.

Have fun,
It is on a single document. The document is not yet complete. So what I do is type it up on Word for Windows first, and that's how I get those ½ characters, Word makes them whenever I type "1/2" and then put a space after that. Don't worry, when I'm done I'll have a complete word document. Also I'd also like to do a sector map to accompany it. Is there a way I can post that too so everyone can see it?

Also there is a two party system, with the Republicrats and Federalist Parties. The Federalists are currently in power in the New White House on New Terra, but the Republicrats are gaining ground. One issue in the Republicrats agenda is the Repeal of the "Prime Directive". They argue that the United States needs the manpower and alienpower to properly defend itself from foreign powers. I think the Discovery of the Fourth Reich Sector might push the Republicrats over the top. There are some pretty tricky questions on how to integrate Terrene and Nonethal into the United States. Do they make single states out of those planets or a state out each nation on those planets, also the question of what to do with those nations that aren't democracies. The United States has some leverage as the Tech level on those planets is 7 and the United States Tech Level is 12, and also they have some military ships equipped with nuclear dampers, a useful thing, just in case any of those nuclear powers decide to lob a volley of ICBMs at US capital ships. Some might be willing to make some compromises in exchange for TL 12 know how, others might not. Occupying a planet is not what the US Government wants however. Those two planets alone are worth 10 billion people. The Merfolk would be quite useful in intelligence operations. The We'ren would make find foot soldiers if properly equipped. The Nazis in the other sector, don't ask, they simply conquer and enslave, slave labor forms a big part of the Fourth Reich's economy, the "Master Race Aryians" just like the Americans in the American Sector, form a distinct minority. The Nazis rule by virtue of their technological superiority over the other races in the neighborhood.

A nice external threat to the American sector would get thigs going quite nicely I think, and the Nazi regime is quite disposable should they lose, hence no net effect on the Charted Space setting.
I think if you are going to have a Fourth Reich, they should be quite a bit smaller than the new USA; maybe only a sub-sector in size. Strong central rule will be hard to maintain much over a Sub-Sector in size (2 week trips at TLC). Making them small but strong and aggressive might balance well with the large/weak/disperse USA. If you make the 4th Reich too large, they will be able to numerically swamp the USA very easily.
Well, it's an interesting read, if rather humorous.

After looking over the data, all I can do is recommend finding copies in a used bookstore/ebay of Evan Innes' "America: 2040" series.

Yeah, it's a soap-opera, and yeah, it's "Wagon's West Goes To Space", but it's still the best "USA In SPAAAAACE!!!" series out there.

But the thread is definately a screamer.

*waves at Bill*
Well, if you start with the premise that the Nazis can't rule too large a space, then you undermine the reason why they would want to invade the America Sector. If it cannot rule a sector, why would it try to conquer one.

The Imperium is rather undemocraticly ruled. If the Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich sees the Imperium ruling such as vast space, he may very well reason that if Emperor Stephron can do it, then so could he as well.

The Fuhrer's plan is rather simple, if the Terran Confederation can conquer the 1st Imperium, why could not he do the same to the Third Imperium? The first step of course is to conquer the American Sector, then he'd bring all of its worlds to heel. Nazifying the place or enslaving it sd the situation warrents. the Fuhrer has a deep abiding hatred of all Vilani humans as a race, he hates Jews as well, but he has not seen a Jew in a very long time, but his main focus is in exterminating the Vilani, this feeling has its origin in the first interstellar Wars between the Vilani Empire and the Terran Confederation, among some groups neo-nazis among them, this has increased their membership on old Earth, it was they who hijacked the German Phoenix Starship and redirected it toward their own purpose, the rebirth of the National Socialist movement.

So the Fuhrer's plan is to conquer the American sector, a large portion of whom consist of white caucasian humans. After America is subjugated, he will nazify the whites through propaganda and exterminate those races deemed inferior or else use them as forced labor, and from that build a mighty armed force to conquer some of the client states, and then he will challenge the Imperium itself. The Fuhrer idolizes Hitler, and like him, he believes himself to be a man of destiny, he is also a megalomaniac, a gambling man and a risk taker, maybe his plan doesn't stand a chance, but this doesn't prevent him from causing alot of trouble for the Americans. I think I'll call this character Karl Stremple, he is a bit of a cyborg replacing his natural body parts with artificial ones and grafts from human clones of himself where ever possible.
Just because they can't rule a large space, doesn't mean they won't try. As you said, "maybe his plan doesn't stand a chance, but this doesn't prevent him fro causing a lot of trouble for the Americans."

My point is that a true dictatorship, with only one person in charge, cannot be sustained in the Traveller universe with delays in communications. Eventually it would fragment and you would get regions almost completely controlled by underlings (Dukes). Sure, it would still be called the Fourth Reich, but the Fuhrer would be very much like Strephon, the titular head of the Reich, but when it comes to actual control at the planetary level, he doesn't control that, his underlings do. I could see some of his more ambitious underlings, licking their chops to get the Fuhrer to invade the USA, so that they could carve out little empires of their own and giving only lip service to the Furher.

Large Interstellar Empires are not held together by people, but by IDEAS. Naziism in space could be that IDEA that holds a larger Fourth Reich together, but it will not be the centralist government that the Furher envisioned at the beginning.

Still very playable though. Wouldn't it be interesting if most of the Fourth Reich wasn't actually German though, but believing that idea. Space Opera had a similar setup in their official universe, there was a group of Human Supremists that claimed to be descended from Germanic people, but the reality was that most of them were Hispanics from South America. But the IDEA was stronger than the reality.
Well, if you really want to explore that, the "Nutzies" created the office of Gauleiter[sp?] to rule over conquered territories. Simply expand that rank/office to administer a planet -- as long as the Gauleiter doesn't go too far around the bend, the SS/Gestapo won't shoot them outright...This can also be enforce via regular rotational visits by the "Kriegsmarine".....
Originally posted by Laryssa:
Tempest in a teapot. I really don't care.
I don't think this is true, Tom Kalbfus - I think you care very much, which is why you react dismissively or defensively to criticism.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
Nature will find a balance with all the Earth life introduced on New Terra, not all species will survive the adjustment period, but some will. The Earth was always adjusting to changes in its environment and the loss of species, other species move in to fill the ecological nitches and some new creatures eventually evolve to carve out new nitches for themselves.
The word is "niche," not nitch.

Tom Kalbfus, you've gone from colonists attempting to re-create Earth's ecosystem "exactly" to, "Oh, the end-product of the terraforming effort doesn't matter," which undermines your answer to the two-millenia-of-terraforming question posed to you a half-dozen times in this thread already.
"I don't think this is true, Tom Kalbfus - I think you care very much, which is why you react dismissively or defensively to criticism."
The end product is an Earthlike planet. I don't care whether you say nature is in balance or not, all I want to do is create a game setting, not engage in a long-winded discussion about the environment. I spend enough time generating the stats for these planets, and it really doesn't matter whether all the species are represented or not. I don't have the computer software to model a global ecoystem anyway. I think in a game, there is such a thing as too much attention to detail. I'm more interested in plotlines or story hooks. If you want to run a model about whether its possible to duplicate Earth's scosystem on another planet to verify its validity go ahead, but I think the outcome of the simulation is hardly worth the time an effort and it really doesn't add much to the game. As a designer, I just take the short cut and say it all works out, here is the setting. I give a nod or two saying that terraforming a planet takes a long time and it isn't easy, this just serves to place the setting in the classic traveller period, that is all.

Also I just breeze through typing this all out, I don't have much time to devote to all this, so occasionally a word is misspelled. I could type more and contribute more ideas or I could go back after I typed this and correct all my misspellings and bad grammar. I take it that people get the gist of what I'm typing in any case, and this is not a final product with many versions. When I've completed this setting, I shall go over it all with a fine toothed comb and correct all the bad English I can find, I promise, but right not I'm in my creative stage, If I rigourously go through a grammar and spelling check, I might just lose some of my creativity through this mechanical process. Rolling dice is bad enough. My comments here is a chance for me to unwind and comment about the various possibilities for this setting and receive others input. If someone tries the explain the fundamental physics of grav vehicles for instance and how he has theories on how that may all work in real life, that's interesting, but this is not the place to talk about it. We'll just assume grav vehicles work here and try to use them in this setting, just as we do terraformed worlds. I'll in turn try not to go too wildly off the mark about what is plausible given the assumptions of Traveller as my part of the bargain.
Originally posted by Plankowner:
Just because they can't rule a large space, doesn't mean they won't try. As you said, "maybe his plan doesn't stand a chance, but this doesn't prevent him fro causing a lot of trouble for the Americans."

My point is that a true dictatorship, with only one person in charge, cannot be sustained in the Traveller universe with delays in communications. Eventually it would fragment and you would get regions almost completely controlled by underlings (Dukes). Sure, it would still be called the Fourth Reich, but the Fuhrer would be very much like Strephon, the titular head of the Reich, but when it comes to actual control at the planetary level, he doesn't control that, his underlings do. I could see some of his more ambitious underlings, licking their chops to get the Fuhrer to invade the USA, so that they could carve out little empires of their own and giving only lip service to the Furher.

Large Interstellar Empires are not held together by people, but by IDEAS. Naziism in space could be that IDEA that holds a larger Fourth Reich together, but it will not be the centralist government that the Furher envisioned at the beginning.

Still very playable though. Wouldn't it be interesting if most of the Fourth Reich wasn't actually German though, but believing that idea. Space Opera had a similar setup in their official universe, there was a group of Human Supremists that claimed to be descended from Germanic people, but the reality was that most of them were Hispanics from South America. But the IDEA was stronger than the reality.
Gengis Khan wasn't in constant contact with all his troops either, he dealt with communication time delays as well, yet he ruled a vast territory of Earth's surface larger than any mordern nations today. The Space Nazis might have a similar model of rulership as well. The Fuhrer might not rule from the capital of the Fourth Reich so much as from his fleet. There would be a grand Nazi fleet that goes from planet to planet collecting tribute perhaps. I think that perhaps some historical Nazi generals would not have minded so much living in a setting such as Traveller. In it's early days the Third Reich depended much on delegation to get things done, especially on the skills of its generals, then Adolf Hitler started to interfere and made some military decisions that proved disasterous. In the Fourth Reich, the Fuhrer can only do this if he is in the fleet alongside the commanding Admirals looking over their shoulders.

Sometimes the Admiral might want to make a tactical withdrawal with out the Fuhrer calling him a coward and demanding that his troops hold their ground and fight to the last man. Karl Stremple may be an ego maniac like Adolf Hitler, but the laws of physics in this setting limit his control, I think as a consequence he may just want to travel around with the main portion of his fleet giving commands and overruling his Admirals whenever he thinks they are making cowardly decisions unworthy of his people. No doubt there are also alot of Party people onboard making sure that his commands are obeyed. Probably the smaller portions of the Fourth Reich fleet would do better when the Fuhrer is not with them, this also lends an opportunity for any enterprising PCs to actually kill the Fuhrer onboard ship if the right circumstances arrive, it is not necessary to go into the Heart of the Fourth Reich to do this, though the fleet that accompanies the Fuhrer is bound to be formidable, the inability to split this fleet due to the paranoia of the Fuhrer and his constant interference in his underlings military decisions is bound to be a weakness that the good guys can exploit.
Originally posted by Graymask1120:
Well, if you really want to explore that, the "Nutzies" created the office of Gauleiter[sp?] to rule over conquered territories. Simply expand that rank/office to administer a planet -- as long as the Gauleiter doesn't go too far around the bend, the SS/Gestapo won't shoot them outright...This can also be enforce via regular rotational visits by the "Kriegsmarine".....
I also believe this might be the Gengis Khan method of rulership. He depended upon his horde to visit each city and if they didn't provide tribute, slaves, or conscripts, he would order his forces to destroy the city. If there was the slightest resistance among the native population, he would order harsh reprisals. The Nazis would rule by fear and terror, they would not always be within the system, but when they are the local government had better be prepared to pay tribute if they want the fleet to spare them, it is this fear that keeps the local population in line. Even Gengis Khan couldn't be everwhere at once, yet he didn't have to be.

Some official would rule the roost while the fleet was gone, if some thing were to happen to this official, there would be hell to pay upon the fleets return. I think this would work quite well in the Traveller Universe. As the empire gets bigger however the time between fleet visits would get longer and longer, their are clearly limits to this. A yearly visit by the fleet would be enough to keep things in line I think.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
The end product is an Earthlike planet. I don't care whether you say nature is in balance or not, all I want to do is create a game setting, not engage in a long-winded discussion about the environment.
I can certainly understand the desire to focus on the game setting, but here's what I don't get: instead of being defensive and dismissive, how about trying to actually DO something with the suggestions you receive, instead of lamely coming up with poorly-considered justifications or dismissing the people who are offering you advice to give your setting depth?

For example, the idea that to create an truly Earthlike planet requires human inputs offers the possibility of an interesting subculture that exists on this "New Earth," utilizing aboriginal technologies instead of industrial tech in order to add the human element to your terraformed ecosystem - in keeping with your setting, perhaps these are members of First Nations tribes who practice the lifeways of their ancestors to preserve their culture. You don't think a TL 1 society living on this planet is an interesting setting feature with adventure potential?

There are smart people trying to give you good advice, Tom Kalbfus - take it, or don't take it, but at least show a measure of respect to those who make the attempt.
I'm sorry if I sounded dismissive, perhaps I used a poor choice of words. I am wary of this devolving into a side subject of environmentalism and this ending up as all we talk about.

You must understand that I type what I think, I often don't have time to reread what I write and try to understand how it might come off to someone else reading it. I am not very good at anticipating other peoples reactions. Maybe its just a matter or psychology, but I try to keep my thoughts to the point.

Yes, I value your input. And Yes their are aboriginal people on New Terra, they are the shipwreck survivors of a Zhodani starship that crashed here before most of the Americans were revived, since there were few people living on the planet at the time, no one noticed the starship crash, and the Zhodani survivors didn't know the planet was inhabited judging from the part which they landed on, they did their best to survive, but the lost much of the technology that came with their starship wreck in their hand-to-mouth existance. So when the Americans awoke, the found a primitive tribal society living on one of their tropical continents.

Oh by the way here is the lastest sector I have completed so far. I have 6 subsectors to go.

Franklin Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0931 A3½44440-C 0.83g Normal 304 K0
Unexplored 0932 X1½00300-C 0.15g Hot 213 A5
Unexplored 0933 X7½77200-C 0.95g Cold 404 K5
Unexplored 0936 X7½34000-C 0.85g Normal 813 K0
Unexplored 0938 XA4100-C 0.88g Chilly 205 K5
Unexplored 0939 X6½76100-C 0.82g Chilly 504 F5
Unexplored 1032 X6A6100-C 0.76g Tropical 314 K5
Unexplored 1033 X7½67300-C 0.85g Chilly 103 K5
Unexplored 1034 X6½76200-C 0.74g Cool 824 G0
Unexplored 1035 X7½78000-C 0.95g Cool 801 K5
Unexplored 1037 X6½92300-C 0.82g Normal 800 K0
Unexplored 1039 A6½40540-C 0.82g Chilly 613 K0
Unexplored 1131 C1½00540-C 0.21g Normal 114 K0
Unexplored 1132 X000200-C 0.00g Cold 200 G0
Dernal 1139 X7½85870-2 0.85g Normal 703 F0 (700 million human inhabitants)
Unexplored 1140 B6½70442-C 0.74g Tropical 114 K0
Unexplored 1231 X6½A0300-C 0.82g Frozen 901 K0
Unexplored 1234 X732100-C 0.79g warm 705 G5
Unexplored 1236 X3½B0000-C 0.44g Frozen 504 F5
Unexplored 1238 C645441-C 0.68g warm 923 F0
Unexplored 1240 X6B0100-C 0.68g Frozen 603 G0
Unexplored 1335 X6½A7300-C 0.74g Normal 104 G5
Unexplored 1338 C6½B5541-C 0.74g Cool 910 G0
Unexplained 1340 X1½00000-C 0.17g warm 902 G0
Unexplored 1431 B7½59543-C 1.1g Hot 201 K0
Yoth 1433 X7½59970-4 1.0g Normal 124 F0 (1 billion Vrusk Inhabitants, see D20 Future)
Unexplored 1435 E7½63542-C 0.85g warm 102 G5
Unexplored 1436 C676542-C 0.68g warm 423 G0
Unexplored 1437 X834200-C 0.81g Warm 503 G0
Unexplored 1532 C863541-C 1.1g Cool 900 G5
Unexplored 1533 X410000-C 0.50g Frozen 903 F5
Unexplored 1535 X759300-C 0.71g warm 914 K5
Unexplored 1536 X7½68000-C 0.95g Cold 204 G0
Unexplored 1537 X410200-C 0.45g Infernal 122 F0
Unexplored 1540 X7½36000-C 0.85g Cool 204 G0
Unexplored 1631 X631200-C 0.68g Cool 813 K0
Unexplored 1632 C7A7441-C 0.79g Warm 802 F5
Unexplored 1637 X410000-C 0.50g Frozen 923 K0
Unexplored 1638 X620000-C 0.68g Chilly 723 F0

UWP Notes
I’ve converted the GURPS Traveller stats I originally generated this world data in to standard traveler stats with the following modifications.
The Size digits are incremented by halves so each ½ you see is actually part of the preceding size digit as I didn’t want to lose half size information upon conversion. Here they are:

Digit _ Description
0 _ Asteroid/Planetoid Belt
R _ Ring (around a world)
S _ Small World 125 miles (200 km) Range 1 to 250 miles (1 to 400 km)
½ _ 500 miles (804 km) Range 251 to 750 miles (401 to 1,200 km)
1 _ 1,000 miles (1,609 km) Range 751 to 1,250 miles (1,201 to 2,000 km)
1½ _ 1,500 miles (2,414 km) Range 1,251 to 1,750 miles (2,001 to 2,800 km)
2 _ 2,000 miles (3,219 km) Range 1,751 to 2,250 miles ( 2,801 to 3,600 km)
2½ _ 2,500 miles (4,023 km) Range 2,251 to 2,750 miles (3,601 to 4,400 km)
3 _ 3,000 miles (4,828 km) Range 2,751 to 3,250 miles (4,401 to 5,200 km)
3½ _ 3,500 miles (5,633 km) Range 3,251 to 3,750 miles (5,201 to 6,000 km)
4 _ 4,000 miles (6,437 km) Range 3,751 to 4,250 miles (6,001 to 6,800 km)
4½ _ 4,500 miles (7,242 km) Range 4,251 to 4,750 miles (6,801 to 7,600 km)
5 _ 5,000 miles (8,047 km) Range 4,751 to 5,250 miles (7,601 to 8,400 km)
5½ _ 5,500 miles (8,851 km) Range 5,251 to 5,750 miles (8,401 to 9,200 km)
6 _ 6,000 miles (9,656 km) Range 5,751 to 6,250 miles (9,201 to 10,000 km)
6½ _ 6,500 miles (10,461 km) Range 6,251 to 6,750 miles (10,001 to 10,800 km)
7 _ 7,000 miles (11,265 km) Range 6,751 to 7,250 miles (10,801 to 11,600 km)
7½ _ 7,500 miles (12,070 km) Range 7,251 to 7,750 miles (11,601 to 12,400 km)
8 _ 8,000 miles (12,875 km) Range 7,751 to 8,250 miles (12,401 to 13,200 km)
8½_ 8,500 miles (13,679 km) Range 8,251 to 8,750 miles (13,201 to 14,000 km)
9 _ 9,000 miles (14,484 km) Range 8,751 to 9,250 miles (14,001 to 14,800 km)
9½ _ 9,500 miles (15,289 km) Range 9,251 to 9,750 miles (14,801 to 15,600 km)
A _ 10,000 miles (16,093 km) Range 9,751 to 10,250 miles (15,601 to 16,400 km)

World Climate Table
Climate Type _ Temperature Range (F) Temperature Range (K)
Frozen _ Below -20 _ Below 244 K
Very Cold _ -20 to 0 _ 244 K to 255 K
Cold _ 0 to 20 _ 255 K to 266 K
Chilly _ 20 to 40 _ 266 K to 278 K
Cool _ 40 to 60 _ 278 K to 289 K
Normal _ 60 to 80 _ 289 K to 300 K
Warm _ 80 to 100 _ 300 K to 311 K
Tropical _ 100 to 120 _ 311 K 322 K
Hot _ 120 to 140 _ 322 K 333 K
Very Hot _ 140 to 160 _ 333 K to 344 K
Infernal _ Above 160 _ Above 344 K
I see where you are going with the Fourth Reich. I was reacting more to the Hitler parallelism. Hitler would NEVER have given up direct control of everything. In fact, his meddling in the details of invasion plans probably was the major factor in his defeat. He had brilliant generals who were beating the allies up one side and down the other, then he personally starts infering and things fell apart. Sure there was more to it, but it really came down to Hitler not being willing to give up control of anything.

If your Fuhrer is willing to delegate as long as he is the ultimate authority, then the Fourth Reich could be a very big challenge for anyone.
Originally posted by Plankowner:
In fact, his meddling in the details of invasion plans probably was the major factor in his defeat.
In all fairness, it was mostly the fact that the doctor reating his Syphillus[sp?] was a quack, feeding him cocaine and other psychotropics...AH may not have been the sharpest tool in the shed, but being stoned didn't help.

If your Fuhrer is willing to delegate as long as he is the ultimate authority, then the Fourth Reich could be a very big challenge for anyone.
Tough to do convincingly. "Nazism" didn't make the Reich's armies nigh-unstoppable; it was a log-standing, iron-clad tradition of consumately-professional, hyper-realistic militarism wedded to a seriously kick-butt training regimen that did it.

There's a lot else that goes into that, besides.

Having said that, if you can find a way to make the "Fourthers" anything other than the moderately-dangerous wacko's they are now, the "American Sector" will have some major problems, and right quick.....
Here is the typical passenger vessel that serves the major starlanes between planets of the America sector, mostly in the 4 core subsectors.

Star Liner, G$9.011 = GCr9.011, 20,000 tons
Class: Capital Starship ________________________________________ EP Output 700
Tech Level: 12 _________________________________________ Agility:
Size Gargantuan ________________________________________ Initiative
Streamlining: Unstreamlined ______________________________ AC:
Jump Range: 3 Parsecs ___________________________________ Repulsors:
Acceleration: 3-g ________________________________________ Nuclear Dampers
Fuel 6,700 tons Liquid Hydrogen ___________________________ Meson Screens
Duration: 4 weeks _______________________________________ Black Globes
Crew: Captain, First Officer, 2 Helm Officers, 2 Astrogation Officers, 1 Medical Officer, 1 Flight Officer, 1 Communications officer, 2 Engineering Officers, 5 support personnel, 8 Medics, 8 Engineering petty officers for the Jump Drive, 16 Engineering Petty Officers for the Maneuver Drive, 11 Engineering Petty Officers for the power plant, 62 mechanics for Ship’s subordinate crafts, 60 service crewmembers. Scout ship Crew 2 pilots, 2 gunners, 10 Shuttle pilots, 10 Shuttle Copilots, 20 Shuttle Flight attendants, 10 Modular Cutter Pilots, 10 modular cutter Copilots, 42 Launch Pilots, 42 Launch Copilots not counted toward crew number as they fulfill other roles as ship’s crew. Total crew = 245. _______________________ AR:
Staterooms: 500 (498 Available to First class passengers) ________ SI:
Small Cabins: 1,000 (757 Available to middle passage passengers) _ Main Computer Model/5
Bunks: 0 _______________________________________________ Sensor Range: Very Long Range
Couches: 0 _____________________________________________ Comm Range: Very Long Range
Low Berths: 1,500 Emergency
Cargo Space: 423 Tons ___________________________________ Cost $9,011,448,000 ($1 = Cr1)
Large Craft Hangar: 2 Scout/Couriers w. Triple turret (pulse laser, 23 standard missile missilerack, sandcaster w 20 sand canisters each)
External Docking Mount: Can handle up to 800 ton Starship
Small Craft Hangars: 42 Launches (dispersed throughout the ship’s outer hull to serve as lifeboats)
Small Craft Hangar: Holds 10 Modular Cutters (equipped with fuel modules, fuel intakes and fuel processors – holds 24 tons of LH2)
Small Craft Hangar: Holds 10 passenger Shuttles (with 50 couches inside for passengers)
Sorry, so you are a man, not a woman and it appears that according to what I've read you don't listen to suggestions and advice.

I had plenty but it appears you don't listen to anyone. I especially love the way anyone that disagrees with you is a leftist.

Oh well. :(
Originally posted by Laryssa:
I'm sorry if I sounded dismissive, perhaps I used a poor choice of words.

You must understand that I type what I think, I often don't have time to reread what I write and try to understand how it might come off to someone else reading it. I am not very good at anticipating other peoples reactions. Maybe its just a matter or psychology, but I try to keep my thoughts to the point.
Now this expplains a lot about how TOM Thinks.
He does not read what he types, he just puts his thoughts into the computer and hits Send.

Originally posted by Laryssa:
Yes, I value your input.
Ah, now that is a great thing to admit.

Everyone can now give Tom their input and he will value it. :D