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America Sector

Hey Bill, why don't you go after someone who really did you wrong instead of being such an antagonist all the time. Really, I don't know you. I have no reason to be your enemy. So what exactly do you have against me? Spill the beans! Did I cause some serious harm to one of your relatives? Why do you hate me so much? I'm sorry I'm not a Bill Cameron Clone with ideas and opinions that exactly match yours, but the real world is filled with different sorts of people, not just Bill Cameron Clones that act alike and think alike.

What exactly is it you say, that I have done? I haven't murdered anyone have I?

I see you've taken some interest in the Venus as the Moon Idea, after along time reviling it. I'm beginning to think that you believe any idea is stupid so long as it come from me. You are a knee-jerk contrarian. Whatever idea I have, you have to disagree with it. Maybe for a change, you can actually think of the ideas I bring up instead of automatically disagreeing because it was mine, that is just plain stupid.

What is wrong with the Prime Directive anyway? Seems to make alot of sense. You libs are always complaining about our interference and exploitation in lesser developed countries, so If I try to agree with you, you suddenly switch to the opposite viewpoint.

Contact with advanced and primitive societies have often gone wrong in many ways, noninterference simply avoids the issue by putting off contact for awhile, saves on many headaches I think. Now if someone didn't introduce the modern way of life to the Middle East, we wouldn't be importing their oil and they wouldn't be blowing themselves up.
Originally posted by Laryssa:

What is wrong with the Prime Directive anyway? Seems to make alot of sense. You libs are always complaining about our interference and exploitation in lesser developed countries, so If I try to agree with you, you suddenly switch to the opposite viewpoint.

Apologies to Bill - but I really want to get a response in to this. I'll do so by way of an analogy.

There's been a stink recently over a seal cull in Canada. I can see why it's being done - to control the seal population so it doesn't adversely affect the local ecology. For the sake of argument let's call this Canada's 'Prime Directive'.

One could achieve similar results by inviting people to 'Come and kill all the Seals you can' and video the resulting carnage for commercial release. This is what I'd see as a Kalbfus-esque
'Prime Directive'. The right things are done for the wrong reasons - and so there is a negative societal effect.

Contact with advanced and primitive societies have often gone wrong in many ways, noninterference simply avoids the issue by putting off contact for awhile, saves on many headaches I think. Now if someone didn't introduce the modern way of life to the Middle East, we wouldn't be importing their oil and they wouldn't be blowing themselves up.

'If someone hadn't introduced the modern way of life to the Middle East'?

And who might this someone be? Must be some hombre /seniorita to do all that work by themselves.

Of course, if they hadn't introduced the modern life to that area others wouldn't have? Why?

Shadwell hated all southerners and, by inference,
was standing at the North Pole.
-- (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)

Just something I was reminded of.

You libs are always complaining about our interference and exploitation in lesser developed countries, so If I try to agree with you, you suddenly switch to the opposite viewpoint.
When did "liberal" become a defacto insult? Is this an expression of some form of communal insanity in the USA these days? It reminds me of the generic use of "fag" as an insult among 12 year gamers.

The complaints about interference and exploitation have more to do with an inherent beleif in the differences of man. Indoctrinated racism and cultural evangalism are never pretty. It starts with the beleif that the Empire is better, purer, more magnificent, and most importantly has every right to kill a million non-citizens for any insult, and ends with the mess that is the downfall of Empire.

Or in other words, the imperium firebombing a world because the imperial ambassador had been found torturing the locals for pleasure, and the locals had the temerity to DARE try to hold the diplomat accountable.

Some parallels with the international criminal court at the Hague may apply.

From an external point of view, the empires actions are reprehensible. From inside the empire the actions are righteous, just and fair. From on the firebombed planet some justifiable anger would from then on exist.

Empires don't exist eternally. Eventually the pointy shoe is on the other foot, and memories can be very very very long....
Alot of liberals here seem abnoxious. I'm talking about my setting and one of them bursts in here and can't seem to get off the subject of Islamic Terrorism. This is not the Political Pulpit. If Bill wants to talk about those things why does he come here? This is not the forum for it. I've only mentioned it in passing as one of the factors involved in the Prime Directive, but Bill continues to obsess about the subject here. I've moved on, I'm talking about this setting and the many potentials for adventures here, and Bill can only talk about Islamic Terrorism. Its not that he's a liberal, but the liberals here seem particularly obnoxious and rude, they take every opportunity here to trash the United States even when they aren't in the Political forum, seems like they can't help themselves. So yes, liberal has developed into a negative conotation with me, because the only liberals I have seen here are the ones who try to change the subject from what is being discussed.

The complaints about interference and exploitation have more to do with an inherent beleif in the differences of man. Indoctrinated racism and cultural evangalism are never pretty. It starts with the beleif that the Empire is better, purer, more magnificent, and most importantly has every right to kill a million non-citizens for any insult, and ends with the mess that is the downfall of Empire.
So, why not leave them alone? Whenever you have contact you have problems. We arm them with modern technology and with that modern technology they create problems for us, that is the lesson of the 20th century. The pronlem for the Americans in this sector is that they are the most advanced civilization, but not the most numerous. The primitives on other planets are doing their own thing, mostly unaware that there are other starfaring civilizations. They have their own problems with warefare, they have their belief systems that run counter to that of most Americans. If Americans are going to land there and teach them better their is going to be problems, and what's more if they give them starships they are going to cause problems for the American Sector whereas before they only caused problems for themselves.
Originally posted by Starviking:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Laryssa:

What is wrong with the Prime Directive anyway? Seems to make alot of sense. You libs are always complaining about our interference and exploitation in lesser developed countries, so If I try to agree with you, you suddenly switch to the opposite viewpoint.

Apologies to Bill - but I really want to get a response in to this. I'll do so by way of an analogy.

There's been a stink recently over a seal cull in Canada. I can see why it's being done - to control the seal population so it doesn't adversely affect the local ecology. For the sake of argument let's call this Canada's 'Prime Directive'.

One could achieve similar results by inviting people to 'Come and kill all the Seals you can' and video the resulting carnage for commercial release. This is what I'd see as a Kalbfus-esque
'Prime Directive'. The right things are done for the wrong reasons - and so there is a negative societal effect.

Contact with advanced and primitive societies have often gone wrong in many ways, noninterference simply avoids the issue by putting off contact for awhile, saves on many headaches I think. Now if someone didn't introduce the modern way of life to the Middle East, we wouldn't be importing their oil and they wouldn't be blowing themselves up.

'If someone hadn't introduced the modern way of life to the Middle East'?

And who might this someone be? Must be some hombre /seniorita to do all that work by themselves.

Of course, if they hadn't introduced the modern life to that area others wouldn't have? Why?

</font>[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]Killing seagulls and not interfering with them are not the same thing. A more natural analogy would be setting aside a wilderness preserve for them, so they won't be interfered with by mankind.

The Prime Directive does that for primitives, but a more selfish way of looking at it and also a more persuasive one is from the point of view of the advanced civilization. There is really no difference between primitive humans with primitive technology and the advaced technological humans. The primitives outnumber the technological humans by a good amount, and they have primitive ideas. For example they don't treat their women right, they don't separate religion from their government and governments in their societies impose believe systems on those they rule and the population expects this.
If the Americans give them access to their technology, they are going to be empowered, yet they'll bring all their primitive notions to the stars, and threaten the rights of Americans to believe whatever they want by voting in governments that seek to restrict their liberties, since that is what they are used to and expect. The idea that one should mind their own business and not impose their beliefs on others just because they have a numerical majority does not occur to them, and they will thus try to drag Americans over to their temples and force them to make sacrifices to their gods through legislation via the politicians they elect into Congress and so forth.

You can see here why some Americans would feel threatened by this, and the reason for the Prime Directive and non-interference. So long as the primitives stay primitive technologically, they stick to their own planet andthus don't impose their primitive beliefs, culture, and religion on the Americans, they don't threaten their freedom of religion, and don't force them to adhere to their belief system. Many primitive societies fail to separate religion and state. the US government doesn't need these people running around in starships causing trouble, and so they try to discourage contacts and technological transfers. that is the reason for the Prime Directive, not that everyone obeys it, but that is the reason why it is there.

Resorting to altruistic motives is less effective. Someone might say so what if their civiliztion is ruined, I want to make a profit.
Or in other words, the imperium firebombing a world because the imperial ambassador had been found torturing the locals for pleasure, and the locals had the temerity to DARE try to hold the diplomat accountable.

Some parallels with the international criminal court at the Hague may apply.

From an external point of view, the empires actions are reprehensible. From inside the empire the actions are righteous, just and fair. From on the firebombed planet some justifiable anger would from then on exist.

Empires don't exist eternally. Eventually the pointy shoe is on the other foot, and memories can be very very very long....
Primitive does not automatically imply better. Some liberals will always take the side of the Cannibals eating human flesh over the European explorers trying to rescue their comrades from the stewpot.

As for firebombing the planet, that issue doesn't come up if you just enforce the Prime Directive.

If there is a planet full of religious fanatics who believe that their God has decreed that they should conquer the world, but they only have spears to chuck. They will always fight to the death in pursuit of that goal of converting everyone to their religion or killing them.

Then some helpful space merchant wants to sell them some technology to make a profit. Now these religious followers fanatically study and learn what they can about this new technology, then when they feel they are ready, they go out and try to conquer their benefactors. The benefactors fight back, but these fanatics never surrender, they all fight to the death at the direction of their religious leaders, and no matter how often the Empire fights them and beats them, when quarter is given, the fanatics always put themselves together and attack again, they attack and attack again, no matter that they can't beat their enemy, they keep on attacking and gladly sacrifice their lives to do so. Finally the Empire has had enough and firebombs their planet to put an end to the matter and so spare their citizens from further attacks, since they won't surrender. The Prime Directive gives the Imperium another option besides Genocide, they can simply avoid contact with them, keep merchants from selling them their technology ans so keep them primitive and stuck on their planet.

What would you do in their place?

Would you either
1)Enforce the Prime Directive and avoid contact.
2)Bring them into the fold, try to civilize them and have them attack you and try to kill your family until you either surrender and convert to their religion or they kill you.
3)Try to put and end to this conflict and destroy them so they can't recover and attack you again

You know that religion can over come one's tendency toward self-presurvation. they will attack, there women will attack and thier children will attack, and in defending yourself, they will force you to kill their men, women, and children as they will all fight you to the death as their religion and leaders have taught them.

There are primitive societies like that that only lack for the weapons to kill you with. Prime Directive them, keep them on their planet, and they won't bother you and you won't have to bloody your hands.

Very logical, I think, except you don't want to agree with this logic as you want to disagree with me, so you won't see my reasoning.
Actually, I do agree with your assessment when taken from the USA-s point of view. After all, it is government propaganda to support and existing policy.

Where the grey area comes in is the primitive race that is actually very much ready to come into an interstellar society and possibly contribute something. A couple of examples would be the Vulcans (a ST:TNG episode dealt with a primitive race of Vulcanoids) and PERHAPS the Ancient Greeks from Earth. The idea of a logical primitive that is also very smart could be a positive for the USA-s, the ideals of Greek Democracy and philosophy could also be a plus. Of course the Greeks owned slaves, so there is also a down side... The point is that from the point of view of the USA-s, the Prime Directive supports the status quo (Them on top). It makes sense.

As Laryssa points out though, it doesn't seem to be enforced very well, so that becomes the adventure seed.

Laryssa, you still haven't answered one of the questions that has been asked several times here. WHY did the USA-s terraform a Pre-Garden world for 2200 years, rather than settle on one of the many Garden worlds in the Sector?

Another question about your frontier areas... have the "unexplored" planets been surveyed or is this GM data? How far has the USA-s explored past their actual border?
The primitives aren't all fanatics of course, not even most of them are, but the Americans are overly concerned about this possibility because of their past history. Some local primitives could make a positive contribution and greatly expand the population of American citizens should they every become spaceborne. The majority of Americans don't see it this way, but a sizable minority of Americans due. Americans have a similar attitude toward primitives that the 3rd Imperials have toward the Psionically gifted. Being a primitive is not illegal of course, but the Federal government does try to prevent things like starships from falling into their hands. Occasionally a Tech Level 6, 7 and 8 planet gets its hands on a few imported starships, they travel around and sometimes establish colonies of their own. The American Government generally leaves them alone and concentrates instead on the merchants who are supplying them. After all these imported starships will break down eventually and need repairs, the only people who can supply the parts and repair the starships are the star merchants, or they can travel to an American outpost in a starship and seek repairs there. These natives often have badly accented english, and usually they bring a supply of gold to sell for dollars so they can pay for the repairs.

Another adventure seed is starting off with a group of primitives who gain possession of an American Starship and explore the surrounding space. this would provide an interesting outsiders perspective on American Civilization.

Those planets are named "unexplored" mostly because I haven't thought up names for them yet. I've finished all the Traveller UWPs for the Core Worlds, I also stuck in the planet Tennessee into the Roosevelt sector, but now I have a better idea. I'll rename the planet Puerto Rico Tennesse, and that way keep all the states together. Puerto Rico might be independent by the time the mission sets off anyway, and I'm not sure they would like to be the only Spanish speaking planet in the entire Sector. If anyone would like to help me with any of these conversions, I'd be glad of the assistance, it is alot of work. I am now working on the Frontier sectors, starting with the Columbus Subsector and working in the same order as my GURPS list. Alot of creativity is required here, as I have only the physical parameters of the "unexplored" planets. I'm going to give them each a population rating, and 1 out of 6 of the habitable planets (those planets with Thin, Standard, Dense, or Dense High Atmospheres will have native races on them whose tech levels range from 0 to 8. I've even written up a chart to be randomly rolled on to determine each planets tech levels in these cases:

roll 2 1d6's
__1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0 0 0 1 2 3
2 0 0 1 2 3 4
3 0 1 2 3 4 5
4 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 3 4 5 6 7 8

One d6 is the top row in bold
The second d6 is the leftmost column on numbers also in bold. I roll both dice and cross index them to find the tech level of each native planet.

The probabilities come out to be something like this:
0 16%
1 11%
2 13%
3 16%
4 13%
5 11%
6 8%
7 5%
8 2%

As you see here, the probabilities diminish as you get planets that come close to being a space faring civilization. Everything else is a Tech Level 12 (C) planet, as they are minor colonies and settlements originating from one of the states. The have territorial status, and so the people their don't vote in national elections until they are organized as states. The population ratings for the territories range from 0 to 5. (I roll a 1d6 to determine them counting a 6 as a 0) The "primitive" native planets have PRs that range from 6 to 9. Tech level determines the native population level the planet can support. TL 4 through 8 can support a population rating as high as 9. Tech Levels 2 and 3 can support a PR of 8, tech level 2 can support a PR of 7 and tech level 1 can support a PR of 6. (so we have our range of 6 to 9 PRs) I don't roll for the PRs at all, the tech level directly determines them, I assume they've been there for tens of thousands of years if they are humans that have been placed there by the ancients, otherwise they may have evolved there and are native to the planet. The recent human colonists have much smaller populations because they haven't had time to fill the planet's ecological nitch to its maximum capacity, as they've only just arrived.

A few planets of natives outnumber the Tech Level 12 American humans, that have only just established themselves here 400 years ago, and as you can see they are very thinly spread. Even the states are mostly wilderness areas. Each State has one city, that could really be termed large by American standards. The planet New York has a city of 8 million people, and the rest of that planet's population are spread out over the rest of that planet's surface. That city is called New York City, and it has three starports serving it, Kennedy, LaGuardia, and a small one called Westchester Starport. There is Albany Starport as well, but that's some distance away and its located in that planet's capital. Kennedy Starport is a class A starport, as is LaGuardia. Westchester is a class B starport and so is Albany Starport. These starports are of course named after airports that used to exist in the old state of New York, they have a similar layout too. Kennedy has 9 terminals and is served by a number of commericial spacelines. The A starport listed under that planet's entry is for Kennedy. Of course you have to remember that the spaceliners must accomodate passengers for a number of weeks until they reach their destination, so its not quite like boarding an airliner, each passenger must receive a stateroom or go into low berths. The luggage is brought into each passenger's stateroom after their contents are checked for explosive devices or weapons, so its more like traveling on a ship at sea than on a 747. Most of New Yorks population is concentrated around New York city in an area called Westechester country, and the population density diminishes the further one travels away from the city, it then climbs a little bit as you get close to the small capital of Albany, but not much, the city is surrounded by farms. The rest of the planet is empty wilderness more or less. maybe a few hermits and frontiersment live out their making a living by trapping or whatever, but that's about it. Most states in this United States are like this.

Some "unexplored" planets are not explored, and some have small populations of American colonists on them. I haven't decided which is which. If the PR rating is 3 or less, I count that planet as unexplored officially rather than just labeling it so as a placeholder.

Unexplored planets may have a few colonists on them, maybe just a handful sometimes, but these people only know a very small part of the planet and are ignorant of the rest, with just pictures of the planet's general geography taken from space, who or whatelse might also live on this planet is unknown to them as their minds are usually focused on making a living. In some cases these small populations are pirate bases or smuggler operations. The US Government doesn't really keep track of such small populations, only 4 and 5 population planets are known to them and the general public.

The social data of the low pop 3- planets are GM information only, the PCs that visit these planets don't necessarily notice them on first arrival. The population centers are so small that they often aren't located by the initial orbital surveys the PCs might make. For their purposes, a planet with a PR of 3 or less in "uninhabited". A radio transmission, a distress call or whatever might draw their attention to people living there, but that's about it. I'm going to post my updated UWP list now.
I find the idea of a relatively Hi TL, Low Population society interesting. I would imagine that contact with a more Travelleresque Pocket Empire could be a big shock. A decent sized pocket empire of a half-dozen worlds might have a greater population than the entire USA. If the USA has contacted some of the nearby polities, they are probably pretty paranoid about being invaded.

Does the federal government have some kind of growth program? Incentives for large families, things like that to help bring up the population to defend against the potential outside threats?
Actually the Merfolk planet "Aquacia" in the Roosevelt Subsector in Hex 1503 has Statehood status, some 20 million Merfolk live here plus a few thousand humans living on the islands. As such this makes Aquacia the second most populous state behind California but ahead of New York and Texas. Contact with the merfolk happened accidentially, the colonists who settled on the islands didn't at first know about them as they lived in different environments. The Merfolk really didn't have a problem with the colonists living on the Islands. A jump route was established via a series of backwater planets connecting the planet Georgia with Aquacia. The Federal government decided to make a test case out of Aquacia, it turned out they had quite an advanced culture despite being tech level 0, they were just as smart as humans, and they only lacked the ability to build fires since they lived underwater. The Federal government deemed that they were never likely to advance beyond tech level 0 if left to their own devices, so they moved in and decided to give them some help. Hiring out contractors, the US government paid to convert various technological devices and vehicles including starships for underwater use. The Standard smallcraft and Starships were adapted so they could operate underwater and hold underwater environments in side them. These ships include: Launch (Lifeboat), Ship's Boat, Slow Boat, Pinnace, Slow Pinnace, Modular Cutter with (Submersible), or (ATV containing an underwater environment), (Fuel Module), Open Module, Shuttle, Fighter, Scout/Courier, Seeker, Far Trader, Free Trader , Safari Ship, Yacht, Corsair, Laboratory Ship, Patrol Cruiser, Subsidized Merchant, Subsidized Liner, and Mercenary Cruiser. All these ships have their life support systems and their staterooms, bridges and corridors adapted to be filled with water with a pocket of air a few feet deep near the ceiling. There are waterproof grav modules under the floor to hold the water down, and the engineering areas are filled with air and merfolks were special suits to keep their bodies surrounded by water and the suits have built in grav belts so they can move around in air. The engineering sections need to be filled with air, as the engines and their parts do not last long when immersed in water. The controls on the bridge can be sealed against water seepage, but the area where actual repairs occur must be filled with air at all times.

The US government have found the Merfolk to be very useful because of their telepathic abilities, and so made an exception in their case, especially with the Zhodani about, a nation of mind readers, whom they don't competely trust.
Here are the UWP

The America Sector
The United States of America
California Subsector Data Table
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0913 B60463-C 0.68g Frozen 704 K0
Alabama 0914 A6½53644-C 0.74g Normal 414 F0
Alaska 0916 A6½55544-C 0.75g Chilly 103 F5
Unexplored 0919 D7½A0464-C 0.95g Infernal 311 G0
Arizona 1011 A6½71644-C 0.82g Hot 504 G0
Unexplored 1012 B720564-C 0.88g Chilly 804 G5
Unexplored 1015 B1½00464-C 0.17g Cool 813 K0
Unexplored 1017 B2½00164-C 0.25g Cool 905 K0
Arkansas 1019 A748644-C 0.97g Cool 202 G0
Unexplored 1111 B1½00563-C 0.15g Frozen 604 F0
Unexplored 1115 B7½34563-C 0.85g Cool 824 K0
California 1116 A883744-C 1.0g Normal 304 F5
New Terra 1214 A867645-C 1.0g Normal 104 G0
Colorado 1220 A754643-C 0.79g Normal 420 G0
Connecticut 1316 A684644-C 0.76g Cool 314 F0
Unexplored 1320 X6A8000-C 0.68g Normal 410 F5
Delaware 1414 B554543-C 0.82g Chilly 824 F0
Indiana 1416 A5½86644-C 0.62g Cool 604 F0
Unexplored 1419 D100311-C 0.11g Frozen 721 M5
Georgia 1511 B893643-C 1.0g Warm 803 K5
Illinois 1512 A7½64744-C 0.85g Normal 110 K5
Idaho 1513 A680641-C 0.76g Tropical 101 F5
Unexplored 1516 D731100-C 0.88g Cool 803 K5
Hawaii 1519 A6½68645-C 0.74g Normal 104 K5
Florida 1616 A7D7744-C 0.88g Hot 113 G5

Lincoln Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Iowa 1714 A6½97643-C 0.82g Normal 323 F0
Kansas 1715 A5½72643-C 0.62g Cold 225 F5
Kentucky 1811 A671641-C 0.76g Tropical 400 F0
Maine 1812 A666643-C 0.76g Cool 124 F0
Unexplored 1817 B200563-C 0.23g Infernal 712 F0
Maryland 1914 A745644-C 0.88g Warm 513 G0
Unexplored 1918 C6½A3111-C 0.74g Warm 110 K5
Unexplored 2012 C1½00563-C 0.15g Cool 713 F5
Unexplored 2017 E100100-C 0.10g Normal 424 M5
Louisiana 2112 A5½66643-C 0.69g Tropical 411 G0
Unexplored 2113 C825311-C 1.0g Normal 122 G0
Massachusetts 2213 A745645-C 0.97g Normal 600 K0
Michigan 2313 A5½65744-C 0.62g Cool 112 G0

New York Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 1022 D7½28542-C 0.85g Chilly 304 F5
Missouri 1025 A795641-C 0.79g Warm 520 K0
Unexplored 1030 A635541-C 0.76g Cool 302 G5
Unexplored 1127 B200212-C 0.25g Infernal 712 M5
Unexplored 1128 B625541-C 0.61g Cool 515 G0
Unexplored 1129 C6½38542-C 0.90g Chilly 812 F0
Mississippi 1222 C6½66641-C 0.90g Chilly 204 K5
Unexplored 1228 C731263-C 0.79g Normal 700 K0
Minnesota 1321 A773644-C 0.88g warm 503 K5
Montana 1329 A6½76541-C 0.74g Cool 904 F0
Nevada 1425 A866641-C 1.0g Warm 221 F5
Nebraska 1426 B788640-C 0.71g Cold 121 K0
Unexplored 1430 B000200-C 0.00g Frozen 403 F5
New York 1522 A5½66742-C 0.62g Warm 104 K5
Unexplored 1524 A000510-C 0.00g Frozen 905 M0
Unexplored 1525 B100511-C 0.10g Infernal 404 K0
Unexplored 1529 D7A6121-C 0.88g Tropical 904 F0
New Jersey 1626 A748643-C 0.79g Cool 812 F0
New Mexico 1628 A6½43642-C 0.74g Tropical 103 G0
New Hampshire 1630 A682644-C 0.76g Cool 101 G0

Washington Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Carolina (North/South) 1723 (B/A)652(6/6)(4/4)(3/3)-(C/C) 076g Warm (8/4)13 F0
Dakota (North/South) 1725 (A/B)6½61(5/5)(4/4)(3/3)-(C/C) 0.74g Cool (6/7)01 F5
Ohio 1726 A6½46744-C 0.82g Chilly 110 F5
Unexplored 1727 E726400-C 0.88g Cool 904 F0
Oregon 1729 A6½56643-C 0.90g Cool 404 G0
Oklahoma 1822 A5½85641-C 0.62g Tropical 302 G5
Pennsylvania 1823 A759744-C 0.71g warm 113 F0
Washington 1824 A6½82643-C 0.74g Chilly 601 F0
Unexplored 1827 A000500-C 0.00g Cold 403 G5
Texas 1828 B686741-C 0.83g Normal 213 K5
Unexplored 1921 A410220-C 0.45g Infernal 912 G5
Utah 1922 B792642-C 0.88g warm 201 G0
Unexplored 1923 E3½10000-C 0.44g Cool 320 F0
Unexplored 1924 E625000-C 0.76g Warm 900 K5
Unexplored 1925 C7 20542-C 0.97g Normal 302 K0
Unexplored 2024 B728413-C 0.97g Warm 520 G0
Vermont 2028 B7½57541-C 0.76g Cool 613 F5
Unexplored 2030 E739542-C 0.88g Normal 504 K0
Virginia (/West) 2124 (B/A)796(6/6)(4/4)(3/3)-C 0.79g Normal (7/1)03 F5
Rhode Island 2221 A6½43642-C 0.82g Tropical 100 G0
Unexplored 2225 E7B6541-C 0.79g Warm 103 K0
Unexplored 2230 C1½B3100-C 0.15g Frozen 203 G5
Wisconsin 2326 B742643-C 0.88g Cool 510 G0
Wyoming 2327 A765540-C 0.79g Cool 523 K0
Columbia 2328 A764542-C 0.97g warm 500 K0
Tennessee 2422 B8½65641-C 0.96g Tropical 503 G5
Unexplored 2425 E4½10310-C 0.45g Infernal 704 F5
Guam 2426 B952544-C 0.90g Warm 120 F0

The Frontier Subsectors
Columbus Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0101 X736300-C 0.88g Normal 504 G0
Unexplored 0102 C6½55541-C 0.90g Normal 724 K5
Unexplored 0109 X757000-C 0.88g Tropical 704 G0
Unexplored 0110 X100100-C 0.10g Normal 912 K5
Unexplored 0201 X5½B0100-C 0.55g Frozen 804 G5

UWP Notes
I’ve converted the GURPS Traveller stats I originally generated this world data in to standard traveler stats with the following modifications.
The Size digits are incremented by halves so each ½ you see is actually part of the preceding size digit as I didn’t want to lose half size information upon conversion. Here they are:

Digit _ Description
0 _ Asteroid/Planetoid Belt
R _ Ring (around a world)
S _ Small World 125 miles (200 km) Range 1 to 250 miles (1 to 400 km)
½ _ 500 miles (804 km) Range 251 to 750 miles (401 to 1,200 km)
1 _ 1,000 miles (1,609 km) Range 751 to 1,250 miles (1,201 to 2,000 km)
1½ _ 1,500 miles (2,414 km) Range 1,251 to 1,750 miles (2,001 to 2,800 km)
2 _ 2,000 miles (3,219 km) Range 1,751 to 2,250 miles ( 2,801 to 3,600 km)
2½ _ 2,500 miles (4,023 km) Range 2,251 to 2,750 miles (3,601 to 4,400 km)
3 _ 3,000 miles (4,828 km) Range 2,751 to 3,250 miles (4,401 to 5,200 km)
3½ _ 3,500 miles (5,633 km) Range 3,251 to 3,750 miles (5,201 to 6,000 km)
4 _ 4,000 miles (6,437 km) Range 3,751 to 4,250 miles (6,001 to 6,800 km)
4½ _ 4,500 miles (7,242 km) Range 4,251 to 4,750 miles (6,801 to 7,600 km)
5 _ 5,000 miles (8,047 km) Range 4,751 to 5,250 miles (7,601 to 8,400 km)
5½ _ 5,500 miles (8,851 km) Range 5,251 to 5,750 miles (8,401 to 9,200 km)
6 _ 6,000 miles (9,656 km) Range 5,751 to 6,250 miles (9,201 to 10,000 km)
6½ _ 6,500 miles (10,461 km) Range 6,251 to 6,750 miles (10,001 to 10,800 km)
7 _ 7,000 miles (11,265 km) Range 6,751 to 7,250 miles (10,801 to 11,600 km)
7½ _ 7,500 miles (12,070 km) Range 7,251 to 7,750 miles (11,601 to 12,400 km)
8 _ 8,000 miles (12,875 km) Range 7,751 to 8,250 miles (12,401 to 13,200 km)
8½_ 8,500 miles (13,679 km) Range 8,251 to 8,750 miles (13,201 to 14,000 km)
9 _ 9,000 miles (14,484 km) Range 8,751 to 9,250 miles (14,001 to 14,800 km)
9½ _ 9,500 miles (15,289 km) Range 9,251 to 9,750 miles (14,801 to 15,600 km)
A _ 10,000 miles (16,093 km) Range 9,751 to 10,250 miles (15,601 to 16,400 km)

World Climate Table
Climate Type _ Temperature Range (F) Temperature Range (K)
Frozen _ Below -20 _ Below 244 K
Very Cold _ -20 to 0 _ 244 K to 255 K
Cold _ 0 to 20 _ 255 K to 266 K
Chilly _ 20 to 40 _ 266 K to 278 K
Cool _ 40 to 60 _ 278 K to 289 K
Normal _ 60 to 80 _ 289 K to 300 K
Warm _ 80 to 100 _ 300 K to 311 K
Tropical _ 100 to 120 _ 311 K 322 K
Hot _ 120 to 140 _ 322 K 333 K
Very Hot _ 140 to 160 _ 333 K to 344 K
Infernal _ Above 160 _ Above 344 K
The Frontier Subsectors
Columbus Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0101 X736300-C 0.88g Normal 504 G0
Unexplored 0102 C6½55541-C 0.90g Normal 724 K5
Unexplored 0109 X757000-C 0.88g Tropical 704 G0
Unexplored 0110 X100100-C 0.10g Normal 912 K5
Unexplored 0201 X5½B0100-C 0.55g Frozen 804 G5
Unexplored 0209 X5½A6200-C 0.76g Tropical 702 K0
Unexplored 0305 C643541-C 0.68g Normal 701 F5
Unexplored 0306 X734200-C 0.88g Warm 313 G5
Unexplored 0307 X775000-C 0.88g Normal 914 G0
Unexplored 0308 E6½56441-C 0.74g Warm 702 G5
Unexplored 0309 X000200-C 0.00g Normal 614 K0
Unexplored 0401 X7½36200-C 0.95g Normal 523 G5
Unexplored 0504 X7½62000-C 0.85g Chilly 800 G0
Unexplored 0506 D649540-C 0.68g Chilly 901 F5
Unexplored 0507 C755541-C 0.88g Tropical 912 G5
Unexplored 0607 X7½3A000-C 0.95g Cool 004 K0
Unexplored 0608 X7½8A300-C 1.0g Warm 303 K0
Unexplored 0705 C664541-C 0.76g warm 522 G5
Unexplored 0709 X849000-C 0.91g Warm 802 K0
Weston 0710 X4½83870-4 0.74g Normal 500 G0
- has a population of 500 million humans, this Mars-sized planet has several isolated oceans of varying salinity. One notable feature of the planet Weston is its density. At tech level 4, the Westonians make use of the telegraph, the steam engine, and so forth. Beasts of burden are still the primary form of transportation, sail boats cruise the oceans, but because the planet is mostly land, most land travel is on the backs of beasts of by steam locomotive on rails. The name Weston was coined by the American surveyors because much of the landscape looks like the American West with vast canyons, seemingly endless prairies, and deserts. Mountains are higher than on Earth and there is plenty of volcanic activity despite the planets small size. Most notable of all is the relative local abundance of platinum group metals, so much so that the Westonians use silver wires for the telegraph lines.
UWP Notes
I’ve converted the GURPS Traveller stats I originally generated this world data in to standard traveler stats with the following modifications.
The Size digits are incremented by halves so each ½ you see is actually part of the preceding size digit as I didn’t want to lose half size information upon conversion. Here they are:

Digit _ Description
0 _ Asteroid/Planetoid Belt
R _ Ring (around a world)
S _ Small World 125 miles (200 km) Range 1 to 250 miles (1 to 400 km)
½ _ 500 miles (804 km) Range 251 to 750 miles (401 to 1,200 km)
1 _ 1,000 miles (1,609 km) Range 751 to 1,250 miles (1,201 to 2,000 km)
1½ _ 1,500 miles (2,414 km) Range 1,251 to 1,750 miles (2,001 to 2,800 km)
2 _ 2,000 miles (3,219 km) Range 1,751 to 2,250 miles ( 2,801 to 3,600 km)
2½ _ 2,500 miles (4,023 km) Range 2,251 to 2,750 miles (3,601 to 4,400 km)
3 _ 3,000 miles (4,828 km) Range 2,751 to 3,250 miles (4,401 to 5,200 km)
3½ _ 3,500 miles (5,633 km) Range 3,251 to 3,750 miles (5,201 to 6,000 km)
4 _ 4,000 miles (6,437 km) Range 3,751 to 4,250 miles (6,001 to 6,800 km)
4½ _ 4,500 miles (7,242 km) Range 4,251 to 4,750 miles (6,801 to 7,600 km)
5 _ 5,000 miles (8,047 km) Range 4,751 to 5,250 miles (7,601 to 8,400 km)
5½ _ 5,500 miles (8,851 km) Range 5,251 to 5,750 miles (8,401 to 9,200 km)
6 _ 6,000 miles (9,656 km) Range 5,751 to 6,250 miles (9,201 to 10,000 km)
6½ _ 6,500 miles (10,461 km) Range 6,251 to 6,750 miles (10,001 to 10,800 km)
7 _ 7,000 miles (11,265 km) Range 6,751 to 7,250 miles (10,801 to 11,600 km)
7½ _ 7,500 miles (12,070 km) Range 7,251 to 7,750 miles (11,601 to 12,400 km)
8 _ 8,000 miles (12,875 km) Range 7,751 to 8,250 miles (12,401 to 13,200 km)
8½_ 8,500 miles (13,679 km) Range 8,251 to 8,750 miles (13,201 to 14,000 km)
9 _ 9,000 miles (14,484 km) Range 8,751 to 9,250 miles (14,001 to 14,800 km)
9½ _ 9,500 miles (15,289 km) Range 9,251 to 9,750 miles (14,801 to 15,600 km)
A _ 10,000 miles (16,093 km) Range 9,751 to 10,250 miles (15,601 to 16,400 km)

World Climate Table
Climate Type _ Temperature Range (F) Temperature Range (K)
Frozen _ Below -20 _ Below 244 K
Very Cold _ -20 to 0 _ 244 K to 255 K
Cold _ 0 to 20 _ 255 K to 266 K
Chilly _ 20 to 40 _ 266 K to 278 K
Cool _ 40 to 60 _ 278 K to 289 K
Normal _ 60 to 80 _ 289 K to 300 K
Warm _ 80 to 100 _ 300 K to 311 K
Tropical _ 100 to 120 _ 311 K 322 K
Hot _ 120 to 140 _ 322 K 333 K
Very Hot _ 140 to 160 _ 333 K to 344 K
Infernal _ Above 160 _ Above 344 K
The Frontier Subsectors
Columbus Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0101 X736300-C 0.88g Normal 504 G0
Unexplored 0102 C6½55541-C 0.90g Normal 724 K5
Unexplored 0109 X757000-C 0.88g Tropical 704 G0
Unexplored 0110 X100100-C 0.10g Normal 912 K5
Unexplored 0201 X5½B0100-C 0.55g Frozen 804 G5
Unexplored 0209 X5½A6200-C 0.76g Tropical 702 K0
Unexplored 0305 C643541-C 0.68g Normal 701 F5
Unexplored 0306 X734200-C 0.88g Warm 313 G5
Unexplored 0307 X775000-C 0.88g Normal 914 G0
Unexplored 0308 E6½56441-C 0.74g Warm 702 G5
Unexplored 0309 X000200-C 0.00g Normal 614 K0
Unexplored 0401 X7½36200-C 0.95g Normal 523 G5
Unexplored 0504 X7½62000-C 0.85g Chilly 800 G0
Unexplored 0506 D649540-C 0.68g Chilly 901 F5
Unexplored 0507 C755541-C 0.88g Tropical 912 G5
Unexplored 0607 X7½3A000-C 0.95g Cool 004 K0
Unexplored 0608 X7½8A300-C 1.0g Warm 303 K0
Unexplored 0705 C664541-C 0.76g warm 522 G5
Unexplored 0709 X849000-C 0.91g Warm 802 K0
Weston 0710 X4½83870-4 0.74g Normal 500 G0
- has a population of 500 million humans, this Mars-sized planet has several isolated oceans of varying salinity. One notable feature of the planet Weston is its density. At tech level 4, the Westonians make use of the telegraph, the steam engine, and so forth. Beasts of burden are still the primary form of transportation, sail boats cruise the oceans, but because the planet is mostly land, most land travel is on the backs of beasts of by steam locomotive on rails. The name Weston was coined by the American surveyors because much of the landscape looks like the American West with vast canyons, seemingly endless prairies, and deserts. Mountains are higher than on Earth and there is plenty of volcanic activity despite the planets small size. Most notable of all is the relative local abundance of platinum group metals, so much so that the Westonians use silver wires for the telegraph lines.
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0805 X6½84300-C 0.74g Cold 223 F5
Unexplored 0807 X5½43200-C 0.62g Normal 423 G5
Unexplored 0808 X200300-C 0.20g Normal 114 F5
Unexplored 0809 X7D2300-C 0.88g Cold 213 G0
Unexplored 0810 X6½66200-C 0.74.g Chilly 703 F5

Boone Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0118 X772300-C 0.79g Normal 100 G5
Unexplored 0120 X6½83200-C 0.74g Very Cold 821 F0
Unexplored 0211 C7A0440-C 0.88g Frozen 503 M0
Unexplored 0213 X6½57000-C 0.82g Warm 900 F5
Unexplored 0215 X774000-C 0.79g Chilly 303 K5
Unexplored 0218 D565541-C 0.63g Normal 923 G0
Unexplored 0219 B969540-C 0.91g Normal 401 G5
Unexplored 0220 C695540-C 0.83g Hot 311 A0
Unexplored 0313 X6½27100-C 0.82g Cool 510 K5
Unexplored 0318 D853542-C 0.81g Chilly 104 F0
Unexplored 0416 X72A200-C 0.79g warm 503 G5
Unexplored 0419 A6A0541-C 0.68g Frozen 723 G5
Unexplored 0420 A6½61540-C 0.82g Chilly 711 F0
Unexplored 0513 X7A0540-C 0.79g Frozen 603 K5
Unexplored 0516 A5½25441-C 0.76g warm 305 G0
Unexplored 0611 X000300-C 0.00g Cold 904 K0
Unexplored 0614 X6½31200-C 0.74g Tropical 625 F0
Unexplored 0615 X6½75300-C 0.74g Normal 910 K0
Unexplored 0713 C7½56540-C 0.76g Cool 502 F5
Unexplored 0716 X751000-C 0.79g Tropical 403 F5
Unexplored 0717 X7½35000-C 0.76g Normal 004 G5
Unexplored 0812 X7½43300-C 0.95g Cool 104 K5
Lawrence 0815 X6½52970-5 0.66g Tropical 104 K0
Lawrence is a dry tropical planet populated by 1 billion Tech Level 5 Lizardmen, they are at approximately the same level of technological development as the Earth was during World War I. These lizardmen rely on primitive automobiles, steam trains to move about on the planet’s surface.
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0820 X6½A6441-C 0.73g Hot 311 G0

Armstrong Subsector
Unexplored 0121 E645440-C 0.76g Warm 113 F5
Unexplored 0122 C8½22440-C 0.96g Normal 805 K0
Unexplored 0125 X887999-C 0.91g Tropical 105 G5
Unexplored 0126 X200100-C 0.23g Normal 925 K0
Unexplored 0129 X785000-C 0.88g Cool 004 F0
Unexplored 0221 X653300-C 0.76g warm 105 F0
Unexplored 0226 X4½10300-C 0.51g warm 903 K5
Unexplored 0229 X3½10200-C 0.57g Cold 304 K5
Terrene 0230 E867972-7 1.0g Normal 411 G2
_240 radii from Terrene Cybrill X7½68670-1 0.91g Warm same system as Terrene (Orbits Terrene at 240 radii)
The Terrene system has proven to be a headache for the Federal Authorities. The Terrenians are human, there are about 4 billion of them and they have rudimentary space travel capabilities and they are no in the process of colonizing their natural satellite Cybrill, which is nearly the same size as Terrene. No one knows why the two members of this double planet system aren’t tidal locked, but they aren’t and bother worlds have rotation rates close to 24 hours. Scientists think the same agency that is responsible for placing humans on these two worlds is also responsible for spinning them up. Terrene is a human planet with a technology similar to Earth in the 1970s, it has similar hydrographics percentage and a similar spread of continents as the Earth has.

Cybrill is a stone age/ Bronze age planet populated by humans and lizardmen, who are native to nearby subsector. The fact that Terrene is interfering with Cybrill’s population is something of a quandary for the Americans, technically they are violating the Prime Directive, but how to tell them that without making contact and violating the Prime Directive themselves is a bit of a problem. Cybrill’s population is in the millions, Terrene is due to be contacted soon anyway, but they are broken you into over 200 nations with two large superpowers armed with nuclear weapons vieing for control, this is not an easy matter, in the meantime the Federal Government tries to keep the existence of this planet secret so merchants don’t try to ply their wares and exacerbate the situation. Also of interest are the dinosaurian creatures on the surface.

UWP Notes
I’ve converted the GURPS Traveller stats I originally generated this world data in to standard traveler stats with the following modifications.
The Size digits are incremented by halves so each ½ you see is actually part of the preceding size digit as I didn’t want to lose half size information upon conversion. Here they are:

Digit _ Description
0 _ Asteroid/Planetoid Belt
R _ Ring (around a world)
S _ Small World 125 miles (200 km) Range 1 to 250 miles (1 to 400 km)
½ _ 500 miles (804 km) Range 251 to 750 miles (401 to 1,200 km)
1 _ 1,000 miles (1,609 km) Range 751 to 1,250 miles (1,201 to 2,000 km)
1½ _ 1,500 miles (2,414 km) Range 1,251 to 1,750 miles (2,001 to 2,800 km)
2 _ 2,000 miles (3,219 km) Range 1,751 to 2,250 miles ( 2,801 to 3,600 km)
2½ _ 2,500 miles (4,023 km) Range 2,251 to 2,750 miles (3,601 to 4,400 km)
3 _ 3,000 miles (4,828 km) Range 2,751 to 3,250 miles (4,401 to 5,200 km)
3½ _ 3,500 miles (5,633 km) Range 3,251 to 3,750 miles (5,201 to 6,000 km)
4 _ 4,000 miles (6,437 km) Range 3,751 to 4,250 miles (6,001 to 6,800 km)
4½ _ 4,500 miles (7,242 km) Range 4,251 to 4,750 miles (6,801 to 7,600 km)
5 _ 5,000 miles (8,047 km) Range 4,751 to 5,250 miles (7,601 to 8,400 km)
5½ _ 5,500 miles (8,851 km) Range 5,251 to 5,750 miles (8,401 to 9,200 km)
6 _ 6,000 miles (9,656 km) Range 5,751 to 6,250 miles (9,201 to 10,000 km)
6½ _ 6,500 miles (10,461 km) Range 6,251 to 6,750 miles (10,001 to 10,800 km)
7 _ 7,000 miles (11,265 km) Range 6,751 to 7,250 miles (10,801 to 11,600 km)
7½ _ 7,500 miles (12,070 km) Range 7,251 to 7,750 miles (11,601 to 12,400 km)
8 _ 8,000 miles (12,875 km) Range 7,751 to 8,250 miles (12,401 to 13,200 km)
8½_ 8,500 miles (13,679 km) Range 8,251 to 8,750 miles (13,201 to 14,000 km)
9 _ 9,000 miles (14,484 km) Range 8,751 to 9,250 miles (14,001 to 14,800 km)
9½ _ 9,500 miles (15,289 km) Range 9,251 to 9,750 miles (14,801 to 15,600 km)
A _ 10,000 miles (16,093 km) Range 9,751 to 10,250 miles (15,601 to 16,400 km)

World Climate Table
Climate Type _ Temperature Range (F) Temperature Range (K)
Frozen _ Below -20 _ Below 244 K
Very Cold _ -20 to 0 _ 244 K to 255 K
Cold _ 0 to 20 _ 255 K to 266 K
Chilly _ 20 to 40 _ 266 K to 278 K
Cool _ 40 to 60 _ 278 K to 289 K
Normal _ 60 to 80 _ 289 K to 300 K
Warm _ 80 to 100 _ 300 K to 311 K
Tropical _ 100 to 120 _ 311 K 322 K
Hot _ 120 to 140 _ 322 K 333 K
Very Hot _ 140 to 160 _ 333 K to 344 K
Infernal _ Above 160 _ Above 344 K
Here is some additional material for the America Sector. Also included are the Weren from the d20 game, using Traveller Character classes of course.

Armstrong Subsector
Unexplored 0121 E645440-C 0.76g Warm 113 F5
Unexplored 0122 C8½22440-C 0.96g Normal 805 K0
Unexplored 0125 X887999-C 0.91g Tropical 105 G5
Unexplored 0126 X200100-C 0.23g Normal 925 K0
Unexplored 0129 X785000-C 0.88g Cool 004 F0
Unexplored 0221 X653300-C 0.76g warm 105 F0
Unexplored 0226 X4½10300-C 0.51g warm 903 K5
Unexplored 0229 X3½10200-C 0.57g Cold 304 K5
Terrene 0230 E867972-7 1.0g Normal 411 G2
_240 radii from Terrene Cybrill X7½68670-1 0.91g Warm same system as Terrene (Orbits Terrene at 240 radii)
The Terrene system has proven to be a headache for the Federal Authorities. The Terrenians are human, there are about 4 billion of them and they have rudimentary space travel capabilities and they are no in the process of colonizing their natural satellite Cybrill, which is nearly the same size as Terrene. No one knows why the two members of this double planet system aren’t tidal locked, but they aren’t and bother worlds have rotation rates close to 24 hours. Scientists think the same agency that is responsible for placing humans on these two worlds is also responsible for spinning them up. Terrene is a human planet with a technology similar to Earth in the 1970s, it has similar hydrographics percentage and a similar spread of continents as the Earth has.

Cybrill is a stone age/ Bronze age planet populated by humans and lizardmen, who are native to nearby subsector. The fact that Terrene is interfering with Cybrill’s population is something of a quandary for the Americans, technically they are violating the Prime Directive, but how to tell them that without making contact and violating the Prime Directive themselves is a bit of a problem. Cybrill’s population is in the millions, Terrene is due to be contacted soon anyway, but they are broken you into over 200 nations with two large superpowers armed with nuclear weapons vieing for control, this is not an easy matter, in the meantime the Federal Government tries to keep the existence of this planet secret so merchants don’t try to ply their wares and exacerbate the situation. Also of interest are the dinosaurian creatures on the surface.
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0327 X5½43000-C 0.62g Cool 413 G0
Unexplored 0421 E000442-C 0.00g Cold 804 F0
Unexplored 0424 X935200-C 0.91g Cool 903 F0
Unexplored 0425 B676441-C 0.61g Normal 722 G5
Unexplored 0426 C6½B0443-C 0.82g Frozen 824 G5
Unexplored 0529 X1½00200-C 0.15g Hot 314 K0
Unexplored 0530 X5½58200-C 0.62g Warm 104 G0
Unexplored 0623 X6½78200-C 0.74g Warm 220 K0
Unexplored 0625 X1½00200-C 0.17g Frozen 924 G0
Unexplored 0626 X000100-C 0.00g Frozen 613 K0
Unexplored 0628 D864541-C 0.91g Cool 713 K0
Unexplored 0630 X7½40300-C 0.76g Normal 113 G5
Unexplored 0723 E755440-C 0.79g Normal 104 G5
Unexplored 0727 E755541-C 0.88g Tropical 103 G5
Unexplored 0728 X7½20200-C 1.0g Cool 413 F0
Unexplored 0730 X4A5300-C 0.55g warm 214 G0
Unexplored 0827 X6A0000-C 0.68g Frozen 602 F5

Sagan Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Grav Climate PBG Type
Unexplored 0134 X½67000-C 0.69g Very Hot 702 G5
Unexplored 0139 X7½57200-C 0.85g Tropical 804 G5
Unexplored 0140 X6½56200-C 0.66g Chilly 303 A5
Unexplored 0231 B1½00441-C 0.19g Frozen 203 F0
Unexplored 0233 X5C6100-C 0.88g Infernal 102 G5
Unexplored 0236 A6½63542-C 0.82g Cold 924 F0
Unexplored 0332 B884541-C 0.81g Tropical 802 F0
Unexplored 0333 X310000-C 0.42g Cold 703 G5
Unexplored 0334 X3½B0100-C 0.44g Frozen 902 K5
Unexplored 0335 X410200-C 0.45g Warm 700 F0
Unexplored 0337 X780300-C 0.79g Cool 403 K0
Unexplored 0340 X6½27000-C 0.82g Warm 100 K0
Unexplored 0432 X7½41300-C 0.95g Normal 823 F5
Unexplored 0433 X1½00000-C 0.19g Normal 612 F0
Unexplored 0434 X5½87200-C 0.55g Hot 520 G0
Unexplored 0435 E870441-C 1.0g Chilly 601 K0
Unexplored 0533 X7½65200-C 0.95g tropical 205 K0
Unexplored 0538 A660442-C 0.83g Cool 613 K0
Unexplored 0539 X5½37000-C 0.69g Warm 014 G0
Unexplored 0632 D5½A0441-C 0.62g Frozen 904 G5
Unexplored 0633 X6B3000-C 0.68g Hot 020 G0
Yern 0637 X765770-1 0.88g Chilly 403 F0 Population consists of 40 million Weren from D20 Future.
Unexplored 0638 A848542-C 0.91g Cool 904 G0
Unexplored 0734 X633200-C 0.76g Cool 512 K5
Unexplored 0735 A7½62441-C 1.0g Warm 704 G0
Unexplored 0736 X733200-C 0.79g Cool 512 F0
Unexplored 0738 E677442-C 0.76g Warm 203 G5
Unexplored 0831 E3½10543-C 0.49g Very Cold 704 F5
Unexplored 0832 A7½37441-C 0.95g Normal 205 F5
Unexplored 0834 X4½10100-C 0.51g Warm 314 G5

UWP Notes
I’ve converted the GURPS Traveller stats I originally generated this world data in to standard traveler stats with the following modifications.
The Size digits are incremented by halves so each ½ you see is actually part of the preceding size digit as I didn’t want to lose half size information upon conversion. Here they are:

Digit _ Description
0 _ Asteroid/Planetoid Belt
R _ Ring (around a world)
S _ Small World 125 miles (200 km) Range 1 to 250 miles (1 to 400 km)
½ _ 500 miles (804 km) Range 251 to 750 miles (401 to 1,200 km)
1 _ 1,000 miles (1,609 km) Range 751 to 1,250 miles (1,201 to 2,000 km)
1½ _ 1,500 miles (2,414 km) Range 1,251 to 1,750 miles (2,001 to 2,800 km)
2 _ 2,000 miles (3,219 km) Range 1,751 to 2,250 miles ( 2,801 to 3,600 km)
2½ _ 2,500 miles (4,023 km) Range 2,251 to 2,750 miles (3,601 to 4,400 km)
3 _ 3,000 miles (4,828 km) Range 2,751 to 3,250 miles (4,401 to 5,200 km)
3½ _ 3,500 miles (5,633 km) Range 3,251 to 3,750 miles (5,201 to 6,000 km)
4 _ 4,000 miles (6,437 km) Range 3,751 to 4,250 miles (6,001 to 6,800 km)
4½ _ 4,500 miles (7,242 km) Range 4,251 to 4,750 miles (6,801 to 7,600 km)
5 _ 5,000 miles (8,047 km) Range 4,751 to 5,250 miles (7,601 to 8,400 km)
5½ _ 5,500 miles (8,851 km) Range 5,251 to 5,750 miles (8,401 to 9,200 km)
6 _ 6,000 miles (9,656 km) Range 5,751 to 6,250 miles (9,201 to 10,000 km)
6½ _ 6,500 miles (10,461 km) Range 6,251 to 6,750 miles (10,001 to 10,800 km)
7 _ 7,000 miles (11,265 km) Range 6,751 to 7,250 miles (10,801 to 11,600 km)
7½ _ 7,500 miles (12,070 km) Range 7,251 to 7,750 miles (11,601 to 12,400 km)
8 _ 8,000 miles (12,875 km) Range 7,751 to 8,250 miles (12,401 to 13,200 km)
8½_ 8,500 miles (13,679 km) Range 8,251 to 8,750 miles (13,201 to 14,000 km)
9 _ 9,000 miles (14,484 km) Range 8,751 to 9,250 miles (14,001 to 14,800 km)
9½ _ 9,500 miles (15,289 km) Range 9,251 to 9,750 miles (14,801 to 15,600 km)
A _ 10,000 miles (16,093 km) Range 9,751 to 10,250 miles (15,601 to 16,400 km)

World Climate Table
Climate Type _ Temperature Range (F) Temperature Range (K)
Frozen _ Below -20 _ Below 244 K
Very Cold _ -20 to 0 _ 244 K to 255 K
Cold _ 0 to 20 _ 255 K to 266 K
Chilly _ 20 to 40 _ 266 K to 278 K
Cool _ 40 to 60 _ 278 K to 289 K
Normal _ 60 to 80 _ 289 K to 300 K
Warm _ 80 to 100 _ 300 K to 311 K
Tropical _ 100 to 120 _ 311 K 322 K
Hot _ 120 to 140 _ 322 K 333 K
Very Hot _ 140 to 160 _ 333 K to 344 K
Infernal _ Above 160 _ Above 344 K

Thanks for some great ideas...really liked the description of Weston.

However, I too am curious why the Terrans decided to terraform for over 2000 years when there are some really nice planets near-by. I understand if you need to keep some secrets from any players who might read this, but maybe you could just give us the Tourist Bureau History.

The idea was to preserve what their was of Earth, that means the Entire Earth Ecology had to be recreated on the right planet. There are many Earthlike planets, but they are only approximately Earthlike, Some could support humans, but many of the Earth species left on Earth were considered in danger, so a planet had to be found that had all the potential ecological nitches that the Earth had, had to have the right climate, the right contenental landmasses, the right ocean current, and the planet had to basically be a blank slate with no significant priori established alien life forms on it so Earth life could take hold without competition from the natives. This means that a pregarden planet had to be selectedm and then this planet had to be terraformed, not approximately, not just to support human life, but exactlingly. The goal was to duplicate Earth's living sphere as exactly as the colonists could with life taken with them. The planet as established is mostly in a wild state with humans only taking a small portion of its surface, The goal wasn't simply to find a new place for Americans to live, but to basically bring their home with them, as much of it as they could, and with it as much of old Earth's ecosystem as they could possible stuff on the Colony ships. This was part a biological presurvation project and part resettlement. Since the Americans didn't want to disturm the ecological balances they so painstakingly set up, they spread thinnly to other planets, never numbering enough to burden the natural wildlife on New Terra or any other planet in the Sector.

This was not the only Phoenix project, I'm thinking of starting another Phoenix project nearby, this one established by a bunch of Neo-Nazis from Old Earth as well. They are somewhat to the spinward of the American sector, a looming menace of militant white supremicists, they call themselves the Fourth Reich, and they've labeled their sector the Reich sector. The Reich has taken great pains to multiply their numbers using genetic engineering and human cloning, they naturally think their kind of human is naturally superior to any other kind or alien. The Americans don't know about this threat from off the edge of the map yet, and these Nazis are busy preparing, bidint their time until they feel they are ready. This is just an idea I've been toying with, haven't actually filled in the details or started generating worlds yet, just an idea in the back of my head. It is basically another recreation of Nazi Germany. Some extreamists hijacked the German Phoenix project, they caused some of the colonists not to be revived, only those who were Nazis were revived first, this was the result of a computer virus they've successfully introduced into the ship's computer. First the Nazis were revived and they assumed positions of power, then other Germans were brought out of their low berths, the Nazis made sure the ones the awaked had the proper Aryan characteristics they were looking for and the others were quietly disposed of.

The primitive planets with humans or aliens were enslaved, some they thought were inferior (In other words too smart for their own good) were exterminated with nuclear weapons and viruses they engineered. The Nazis hated any alien humans that resembled Vilani or Jews. Nonhuman aliens were generally tollerated, primitives were selectively brought up to their level of science just enough so they could be useful slaves and for them to feed the growing Nazi War machine. The Reich Sector is kind of like a Dark mirror to the America Sector. This is not an official part of my setting yet, I'm just bouncing this idea off of you for the time being trying to get some feedback for it. If you need some badguys, these could be it. Of course the PCs could be the one's to discover them, maybe warn the American sector in time to properly prepare.

For now, the America sector is like a Wild West setting on the Frontier areas. in some time in the Future the scrappy Americans will have to fight off the Nazi juggernaught. Hey it worked for Star Wars with a Nazi-like Empire. Why not here? Any good adventure sometimes needs its villains. Nazis come right out of central casting. But for now, I'll work on completing the America Sector.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
The goal was to duplicate Earth's living sphere as exactly as the colonists could with life taken with them. The planet as established is mostly in a wild state with humans only taking a small portion of its surface, The goal wasn't simply to find a new place for Americans to live, but to basically bring their home with them, as much of it as they could, and with it as much of old Earth's ecosystem as they could possible stuff on the Colony ships.
The ecosystem of Earth reflects the presence of humans - you cannot recreate a functional terrestrial Earth ecosystem without people.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
This was not the only Phoenix project, I'm thinking of starting another Phoenix project nearby, this one established by a bunch of Neo-Nazis from Old Earth as well. They are somewhat to the spinward of the American sector, a looming menace of militant white supremicists, they call themselves the Fourth Reich, and they've labeled their sector the Reich sector. The Reich has taken great pains to multiply their numbers using genetic engineering and human cloning, they naturally think their kind of human is naturally superior to any other kind or alien.
The ecosystem of Earth reflects the presence of humans - you cannot recreate a functional terrestrial Earth ecosystem without people.
I don't think Earth's Environment would collapse if you removed humans from the picture, it would just reach a new balance. In other words fewer rats and pigeons to name a few examples. Some people actually value the environment for its own sake rather than just for its ability to support humans. Maybe New Terra isn't an exact copy, but it is as close as they can come. The Americans try to maintian a light foot print by keeping their population no higher than tens of millions at most, besides they like open spaces rather than being crammed up in megacities.

I don't know about the Nazi idea myself, really haven't thought about it much, but if you think there are not enough bad guys around, you could reach into the past a grab a few. Nazis are not very controversial as bad guys, as there are not too many people running around on this website thinking they are the good guys or just misunderstood. Now if I were to say they were Soviet Communists, that would be a different story. Communists are phenominal in their ability to garner sympathy among other wise Western populations, no matte what they've done in the past thanks to the new left. I don't want a political discussion, so I stick with Nazis as your basic protypical villains, they are rather mundane humans after all, I could do villianous robots bent on destroying all mankind. The idea is to take the mundane world and drop in in the Traveller setting. Nazis in spaceships are a difference thing from robots in spaceships.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
I don't think Earth's Environment would collapse if you removed humans from the picture, it would just reach a new balance.
It's not a question of "collapse," Tom Kalbfus - it's simply that earth ecosystems reflect tens of millenia of human manipulation and disturbance, so if the goal is to re-create the terroan biosphere as "exactly" as possible, the human element needs to be included. Humans are a part of the ecosystem as well and exert landscape-level influences with their subsistence practices - try googling "aboriginal burning," for example.

Or better yet, start with George Perkins Marsh's seminal book, Man and Nature, then move on to William Cronon's Changes in the Land, after which you may have enough of a general understanding to appreciate Kay's Aboriginal Overkill or Anderson's Tending the Wild or Stewart's Forgotten Fires.

Good luck, and happy reading.
Well, mankind has a smaller role to play in the Ecology of New Terra than in that of Old Earth. So the ecology they are attempting to recreate is that of old Earth before th population reached the billions. There is 1 million human inhabitants of New Terra, some merfolk have also begun to colonize the oceans as well. The interesting thing about having a population of 1 million is that you don't need to do agriculture to feed a population this small. One can have a self-sustaining ecology of humans hunting and gathering in the wilds of New Terra, there are farms to feed the urban population of Washington but there doesn't need to be.