For the US, does the civil war happen if the Founding Fathers are still alive to talk down Calhoun and his political heirs?
or talk him up ....
but the CONTENT may be VERY different.
nope. people listen to what they want to hear, not to what they're told to like. bach beethoven et al wrote "big" music because they were the only ones available. and they wrote for "high" audiences because they were the only ones who could pay for the huge orchestras and choirs. the street stayed on the street. with "modern" music any gang of teenage boys can pick up a few second-hand guitars and make millions, if they're popular on the street. they don't have to be good, they don't have to know anything, they just have to be popular on the street.
it's not like classical is deprecated, you can hear it on one radio station just about everywhere you go. but stuff like nirvana is what pulls in the big bucks. "hello hello hello hallo hello hello hello hallo ...."