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Annic Nova: review and ideas


A few weeks ago, there was a review of the adventure ANNIC NOVA for the Mongoose rules on YouTube.

The reviewer briefly went over history of the ANNIC NOVA and also how he put his own spin on the adventure.

I was thinking a GM could use that as a starting point for a larger campaign.

The AN is finally recovered. Corporations and the government(s) are possibly in a bidding war for the ship. The corporations want to see if there is any tech they can exploit. The governments also want to see if there is a possible enemy threat.

After credits are exchanged, the AN is examined. After going thru the computer system, the ship's travels have been back tracked to an unexplored region. A joint corp/gov't expedition is formed.

For the government it is a chance for a new first contact. The corporation is the chance to open up new markets and access to new goods.

I could see this with multiple pc's for the players at various stages of the game.

Has anyone already done this?
Not really.

It actually does. Mister Miller goes into the Vilani family that owned the ship, it's secret of how one jump drive acts as a multiplier for another jump drive giving it great range.

I just don't recall any of that from the original adventure as we played it years ago. I'll have to re-read it.
It actually does. Mister Miller goes into the Vilani family that owned the ship, it's secret of how one jump drive acts as a multiplier for another jump drive giving it great range.

I just don't recall any of that from the original adventure as we played it years ago. I'll have to re-read it.

It's not in the original adventure. Everything MWM said on the interview is brand new information.
Does the revue include the new revelations about the Annic Nova made by MWM at a convention interview?

I don't believe so. I listened to MWM and he stated the new revalations are in T5. The one reviewed is from Mongoose. I am not sure if they even use that rules set.
I don't believe so. I listened to MWM and he stated the new revalations are in T5. The one reviewed is from Mongoose. I am not sure if they even use that rules set.

Did he say where in T5 the new revelations are? I ran a quick check of the T5.10 PDF that I have, and ANNIC does not show up.
Did he say where in T5 the new revelations are? I ran a quick check of the T5.10 PDF that I have, and ANNIC does not show up.

Revelation 1: Drive Tables. The Annic Nova can be built by T5 ship building rules. It's not that high tech.

There have been later, but I've not got a grip on them, and haven't cracked my 5.10 release PDFs yet.
We are not discussing the published version, we are discussing MWM's revelations about the true story behind the Annic Nova.

In his interview he fills in the secret history of the Annic Nova, the true story behind Vilani discovery of jump 2, and hints at a 'power behind the throne' of the Ziru Sirka.

It is this story that details the Hieronymus nexus, which is absent from T5 and thus the real Annic Nova can not be built under T5 rules.
Actually I think Book 2 pg.63 in T5 BBB.

Drives can be ganged and their combined output harnessed
using Nexi.
A Nexus (plural = Nexi) connects the output up to 9
identical mechanisms, allowing the joined devices to produce
greater output. "

Therels a lot more there too.

We are not discussing the published version, we are discussing MWM's revelations about the true story behind the Annic Nova.

In his interview he fills in the secret history of the Annic Nova, the true story behind Vilani discovery of jump 2, and hints at a 'power behind the throne' of the Ziru Sirka.

It is this story that details the Hieronymus nexus, which is absent from T5 and thus the real Annic Nova can not be built under T5 rules.

Even assuming that the Hieronymus nexus was available in T5*, the canon Annic Nova still can't be built because its Collector Drives aren't T5/MongT Collector Drives in a few respects (don't wear out, don't work in deep space, provide ship's power).

And the big issue (IMHO) is that given the TL of Collector Drives and their degradation rate, there's no way the ship wouldn't have been scrapped -- or at least re-engined -- millennia ago. The collector sails would have worn out, with no replacements available for centuries!

*They almost are, but not quite. Drive linkages in T5 only work with matched drives and only sum rather than exponentiate their output. This wouldn't support AN's retconned original capability.
We are not discussing the published version, we are discussing MWM's revelations about the true story behind the Annic Nova.

In his interview he fills in the secret history of the Annic Nova, the true story behind Vilani discovery of jump 2, and hints at a 'power behind the throne' of the Ziru Sirka.

It is this story that details the Hieronymus nexus, which is absent from T5 and thus the real Annic Nova can not be built under T5 rules.

The way I read it was that one nacelle was Jump-x and the other was Jump-y.

You multiply x * y to get jump Z; i.e. 2 x 4 = Jump 8.