Ancient - Absent Friend
We will short be introducing a line of LBB (Little Black Books) in PDF format. Some of the types of books planned are:
<LI>Short Adventures
<LI>Vehicle and Equipment Catalogues
<LI>World Writeups
<LI>Ship Writeups (w/Deckplans!)
These will have stats for both T20 and Classic Traveller.
We plan to release 1-2 of these per month, in between standard print releases, and they will be priced around $3.50 each.
Under consideration is a plan to make these available by subscription, say 6 issues for $21.00. The payoff for the subscription is not a lower price, but a printed '6 Volume Best Of' edition at the end of each year.
Is such a subscription of interest to anyone?
Also if anyone is interested in writing for us, these will be a great way to get your foot in the door! See the Submission Guidelines on the main website for more information.
[This message has been edited by hunter (edited 07 March 2002).]
<LI>Short Adventures
<LI>Vehicle and Equipment Catalogues
<LI>World Writeups
<LI>Ship Writeups (w/Deckplans!)
These will have stats for both T20 and Classic Traveller.
We plan to release 1-2 of these per month, in between standard print releases, and they will be priced around $3.50 each.
Under consideration is a plan to make these available by subscription, say 6 issues for $21.00. The payoff for the subscription is not a lower price, but a printed '6 Volume Best Of' edition at the end of each year.
Is such a subscription of interest to anyone?
Also if anyone is interested in writing for us, these will be a great way to get your foot in the door! See the Submission Guidelines on the main website for more information.
[This message has been edited by hunter (edited 07 March 2002).]