• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Anybody notice something missing...

Congratulations, Andrew! </sarcasm>

Just don't let it interfere with your art.
Our chief weapon is thread locking.

And editing posts.

Our two weapons are thread locking and editing posts.

And custom avatars.

Our *three* weapons are thread locking, editing posts, and custom avatars.

And an almost fanatical devotion to Hunter.

Our four...no...Amongst our weapons... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as... I'll come in again.
Originally posted by Gruffty:
Hiver janitors. With loads of mops. ;)

A Hiver janitor...ohh, that is so *YOINKED!* for MTU...
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Our chief weapon is thread locking.

And editing posts.

Our two weapons are thread locking and editing posts.

And custom avatars.

Our *three* weapons are thread locking, editing posts, and custom avatars.

And an almost fanatical devotion to Hunter.

Our four...no...Amongst our weapons... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as... I'll come in again.
Andrew Boulton brings the funny!

Originally posted by Malenfant:
So Andrew and Kafka47 are new mods...
I, for one, welcome our new Imperial overlords...er, message board moderators...

Thanks for stepping up to the plate.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
So Andrew and Kafka47 are new mods... anyone else? Shane is still listed as a mod (in the "moderated by:" list at the top of the boards), presumably that's wrong though?

It'd be nice if Mods had some identifying feature when they posted though - Andrew's rank as "Marquis" is just a generic rank, it doesn't imply he's a moderator. Unless I'm missing something obvious.
Good catch Mr Malenfant. It seems when Shane removed his admin status he neglected to remove the independantly assigned moderator status he had on a few forums. That is now resolved.

And I will be re-titling the moderators forthwith.

Originally posted by The Laughing Policeman:
It seems when Shane removed his admin status he neglected to remove the independantly assigned moderator status he had on a few forums. That is now resolved.
Oops. Thanks.

Slippery Hiver disappears behind a corner, and I slip and bust my...head on the deck...

two hours later I come to and notice the badge pinned on, and footprints drying in the soap skid-marks along the floor...somewhere down the ship's passageway, someone is heard chuckling...
I'm seriously starting to think we need a new board for people to do all their in-character stuff... ;)

(in all seriousness, it might be something to consider. I know people like Jame and Trader Jim and a few others like to generate huge threads that are entirely 'in character', but they do kinda take over random static (and other threads) sometimes. Plus there are a few 'play by post' threads around at the moment...)
I agree with you Mal about the "in character" posts should be kept to those play by post threads. I check CotI a few times a day usually and I see the "new" post indicator on a thread I'm interested in only to find the new posts are made by members making "in-character" posts to each other and not contributing to the subject in question.

It really concerns me when it is one of the new Mods doing it.

Let me quote:
Originally posted by The Laughing Policeman:
All users,

2) No "thread-crapping". Stay to the point. A certain amount of digression is allowed and even expected, but not too much.

Please keep the "in-character" posts confined to those play by post threads. Thanks!
OK - I'm now completely confused (which, adnittedly, is not a difficult thing for me to achieve).

Who are the current mods? Is this correct?:

Andrew Boulton
Liam Devlin
Sigg Oddra

... The Laughing Policeman, who is also an Administrator and so can block user accounts.

Keep him happy, 'cos if he stops laughing :eek: