• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Anybody notice something missing...

I will weigh in at this point. The fun in-chartacter digression is not what I would call "Thread Crapping" unless it goes so far as to destroy the thread completely.

I have amended the Moderation policy to incude the statement "in-character additions to a thread will not be considered thread crapping unless they are innapropriately placed".

Although I have laid down a reasonably harsh moderation policy I am a Roleplayer too, first and foremost, and these are boards concernin the Traveller Roleplaying Game.

TLP - as Admin, *can* you actually create new boards here?

We can see how things go, but it seems clear to me that there's a fairly significant group of people here who can rattle off pages and pages of thread full of in-character banter and that there's also some demand for more serious "play by post" (PbP) roleplaying.

That being the case, why not create a new Roleplaying board for just that purpose? That should make the matter of in-character commentary in other threads fairly moot (since they'd probably go do that on the new roleplaying board instead), and it'll give the active PbP roleplayers a place to play in too. Plus those of us who aren't interested in that won't get annoyed at random digressions in otherwise serious threads (personally I think there's a time and place for that sort of thing, and it's the nature of the IC bantering that it can take over threads pretty quickly). I'm pretty sure a dedicated Roleplaying board would fill up pretty quickly too.
TLP, how can it not be inappropiate for "in character" posts on threads not originally started as a play by post thread. Look all the play by post players have to do is start a thread in the Lone Star or Random Static and play their game there. That way people that play or enjoy reading them can go there. Those members that don't want to can ignore them if they desire and be assured that their post in not going to be "hijacked" by PBP in the wrong place. I might be reading the post about heavier the air craft and see that is has a new post to it since my last visit. So I click on it, anticipating a new, relevent post about it only to see a PBP inserted in the wrong thread. Now I've wasted my time.

CotI is a board about all aspects of Traveller (and a little beyond) but most people keep their post relevant to the category ie ship building, deckplans, etc in The Fleet, worlds, geology, etc in the Imperial Scout Service. Most of those threads within those categories stay relatively on topic with some digression or evolution into a new subject. The topic digression/ evolution is part of it in a way. Making IC posts in the middle of these really isn't.

Would it be acceptable for me or anybody else to make new posts about Classic Traveller in the T4 forum that have nothing to do with T4? Would it be acceptable for me to make posts about my latest deckplans in the Heavier than Air Craft thread? I would guess the answer is no. So why is it acceptable for in character posts in threads not started nor meant for PBP? Traveller is a role-playing game but the role playing should be kept in it's own area and not allowed to infringe on other threads.
I think it would be a fantastic idea to have a "Role PLaying" Discussion category, then have various fora for "In character" play by post as well as have space for traditional play by post games, perhaps broken down by ruleset.
In response to the valid comments made I have created a Play by Post catagory for in-character play.

I will still allow small amounts of in-character digression in threads just as I will allow small amounts of out-of-charcter digression, but for large amounts this new forum should be used.

Thanks. Hopefully Trader Jim and Liam and Jame and anyone else doing the IC stuff can set up home there and have a ball and leave Random Static for other things
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Thanks. Hopefully Trader Jim and Liam and Jame and anyone else doing the IC stuff can set up home there and have a ball and leave Random Static for other things
Dream on Mal, I'm "in character" 24-7 lad. ;)