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App name suggestions needed


Admin Award
I'm working on an iOS app for Book 5 High Guard ship construction that will also be a database of completed designs. Naming it "High Guard" doesn't seem appropriate because that could imply character generation. My working title is "IN Form 3" but that seems boring.

App names in iOS can be pretty long in the iTunes Store listing but when installed a much shorter name is used with the icon on the device.

My ideas so far are "Depot", "The Fleet", and "Orbital Yards". Any ideas?

On another topic, I could add a cool splash image of an orbital construction yard but haven't found any images here. Since it's a free app I'd like to find a royalty-free image. Suggestions appreciated.
Naval Architect Specs.

Make it look like a feature set the NA makes the 'customer' (whether government, megacorps, or individual) go through to get the desired specs before the architect drafts the actual ship plans.

As opposed to deck plans which would be part of the actual ship plan.
Thanks for the suggestions. I like Naval Architect, but it's just too long a name I'm afraid.

Here's a teaser for you:

I like Naval Architect, but it's just too long a name I'm afraid.

Using a trick to determine the longest possible name, I renamed a folder on my iPhone 5s and Naval Architect does work, but it's squeezed slightly. On an iPad, there's no squeezing.

So Naval Architect is a good candidate name, and about the longest name possible.
Thanks, everybody, for all the suggestions. I'm guessing the app will be released in time for the holidays and I've settled on Orbital Yards for the name.

Here's a simulator screenshot showing the Kinunir design from the Consolidated Errata example. The app doesn't support the non-standard Jump Capsules and their launchers so the total cost and cargo tons don't match, but everything else does. High Guard isn't clear on the number of petty officers in every crew category, so I've made assumptions, but the total crew calculation is correct.

Here's a simulator screenshot showing the Kinunir design from the Consolidated Errata example. The app doesn't support the non-standard Jump Capsules and their launchers so the total cost and cargo tons don't match, but everything else does. High Guard isn't clear on the number of petty officers in every crew category, so I've made assumptions, but the total crew calculation is correct.


OOOOOOOHHHHH me likie! :)
Is there a category for ship's troops /marines or did I miss it?

Yes, it's in the Crew section and there's a Troops total in the form and USP. You can specify both the number of officers and other ranks.

I've got it running on my iPad and iPhone for testing now and am just tweaking the warning messages when you do something illegal.