So what's the proper reply to the poll for:
Started with the LBBs in 1978, kept buying different versions of CT (the hardback book, the Starter set), continued with MegaTraveller, then quit in disgust after wasting bucks on Traveller: the Nihlist Era. Perked up my ears when I heard GDW went belly-up ("Impossible!" I thought.), got excited - then bored - when T4 chased its tail and bit itself on each foot. GURPS Traveller sparked my interest, but point-building a Traveller character just doesn't feel right. And - dagnabbit! - I want a satisfactory conclusion to the Rebellion. And the Non-Era wasn't it. (My campaign HAD a planned conclusion to the Rebellion, but we were transferred and lost our old group.)
T20 looks interesting -- but Boy Howdy, that's a big honking amount to drop on a book that uses a system (D20) that takes the long road for a short trip! Undoubtedly, I'll pick up adventure and background material (Long-time gamers have little problem adapting material to CT or MT) as further T20 and GT material comes along. But mostly for reading. Like most folks my age, I have hardly any time for gathering a group of gamers any more.
So -- how does one classify someone like me in the poll?