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Are You A New or Old Fan (T20 Only Please)

Are You A New or Old Fan (T20 Only Please)

  • None of the Above (Explain below please)

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Whoa! I'm a Grognard. Cool. :cool:

Old dude. Can't remember exactly when, either 79 or 80. Still doing the CT/MT thing, borrowing what I can from the rest.
I started in 1981 and played Traveller for years after that, but when I moved here I found the I joined had no desire to play at all. That is till the T20 rules came out. Since our group was part of the playtesters for D&D D20 they feel comfortable enough that I can get them to play now. Happy days for me!
I'm a 'none of the aboce'
I played LBB Traveller, and used almost all of the TD stuff, then switched to MT - but hated the setting. So I reffed MT in a CT universe (1105 - just pre-FFW)
Drifted away for a few years, now reffing again.
Won't be buying or playing T20, have bought a few of the Gurps books, but won't be reffing GT either (although I like Gurps, it just doesn't 'fit' Traveller for me)
Started playing Traveller in 1981 with the Annic Nova module & went on to start gming within a couple months (had to get my own books),played MT, but mostly stayed w/CT rules ( never could get into MT ship rules ).When T4 came out we got some new players who really enjoyed it & even tho I tryed to get them to try CT or MT they wanted to stay w/ T4.Bought the GT books & own T20 but I'm not planning on running Traveller w/ those rules.(mostly because my players & fellow gm's want to stay w/T4, been trying to sneak in a few CT things;mostly weapons & I prefer the GT timeline.) I plan on using T20 for stuff to translate back to our CT/MT/T4 games.I've started work on a T20 character in case I find someone running it,so I can try playing it & see if I like the rules.
Started back in 79 or 80. Always been a CT guy. But with my daughter and all of her friends playing D20 stuff, T20 seems like a painless way to intruduce them to my all time favorite setting.

Perhaps in the process they'll learn there's more to playing an RPG then beating up monsters and stealing their treasure.
Started back in the early 80's when a friend brought out the Traveller Book instead of Basic D&D that week.

Moved on to other games and stopped playing RPG's for a while. Then I started back in with Call of Cthulhu and other games.

Looked at but never really played MT or TNE, bought T4, sold it later. Like Gurps and SJG but haven't bought Gurps Traveller yet. Burnt out after T4. Got back into D&D after 3rd edition came out and heard about T20 through Enworld or the Dragon annual. (?) I hadn't been too impressed with Dragonstar and liked what I heard about T20. (keeping as much like Traveller but compatible with D20)

Meself, I'm one of the Ancients. Started CT in '78....and played all through the 5th Frontier War. Fun times, let me tell you. Didn't like the direction that MT took with Hard Times, and I utterly LOATHED TNE and the whole f****** Virus thing. T4 was interesting (I still own the books), but it really didn't kick my can the way CT did. I do like the setting of G:Trav, though not the rules, and I'm about to begin playing with a T:20 group (reviews to follow). The Solomani Rim War setting rocks, and the support has been there, so no complaints. And having a game that DOESN'T begin with "You're all in the bar of the Regina Downport TAS when...." is plenty nice.

Gaanidiirsi O'Flynn
Master and Captain of the IMV Wastrel's Bride
Am a grognard, and will use T20 to convert plaers to the setting, then coopt them into another ruleset.

Also, I'll use parts of T20 in other rulesets.
Old and back (ish)

My first flirtation with Traveller came the mid 90's when after a 3 year AD&D campaign the group I was (and still am) playing with switched to TNE.

Liked TNE but never really played enough of it at the time to love it before we stopped playing it. Then spent the next 3 years looking at all the amazing stuff posted on BARD and the TML/TNE:ML and wished I had played more when I had the chance.

Like most new Traveller players I missed the boat when it came to picking up a fair amount of TNE or earlier material before GWD went down the pan.

Saw T20 and thought '...hey this gives me a chance to start a Traveller collection from the ground up without having to mortgage the house and kids on trying to pick up all those out of print books!'

So having started a T20 campaign with my group I look forward to the return of TNE and seeing T20 stick around for a long time.

LBB's in the early 80's ("Free Trader Beowulf"), but stuck with D&D instead of Traveller. Bought MT and GT, but I expect to actually begin a real campaign with T20.
Old guy (the 80's). Used almost every version of Traveller (never used T4), but own every version. I'm more interested in setting than rules so whatever version is easiest for me to use as GM wins. What version is easiest just depends on the players. If I had a set of newbies to RPG's I'd use classic. If I had a bunch of D&D players I use d20. Whatever trips my trigger at the time.

-Solo :cool:
I started with CT and stuck with it. Well, sort of. I use CT LBB 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, Beltstrike and some homebrew for character generation, ACQ for combat, Striker for vehicle design and PPE for starship action.

I raid GT supplements constantly and plan to buy T20 settings and supplements because of their quality. I've tried the D20 ruleset and don't like its feel but the "setting" material rocks.
So what's the proper reply to the poll for:

Started with the LBBs in 1978, kept buying different versions of CT (the hardback book, the Starter set), continued with MegaTraveller, then quit in disgust after wasting bucks on Traveller: the Nihlist Era. Perked up my ears when I heard GDW went belly-up ("Impossible!" I thought.), got excited - then bored - when T4 chased its tail and bit itself on each foot. GURPS Traveller sparked my interest, but point-building a Traveller character just doesn't feel right. And - dagnabbit! - I want a satisfactory conclusion to the Rebellion. And the Non-Era wasn't it. (My campaign HAD a planned conclusion to the Rebellion, but we were transferred and lost our old group.)

T20 looks interesting -- but Boy Howdy, that's a big honking amount to drop on a book that uses a system (D20) that takes the long road for a short trip! Undoubtedly, I'll pick up adventure and background material (Long-time gamers have little problem adapting material to CT or MT) as further T20 and GT material comes along. But mostly for reading. Like most folks my age, I have hardly any time for gathering a group of gamers any more.

So -- how does one classify someone like me in the poll?
Old and Black(ish).

Started in 1977! with CT then MT. I tried TNE but didn't like it. Played MT on and off over the past 10 years, but I mostly a collector now (and part time starship designer). Looked at T20, but cost and publishers failure to errata book in 2nd printing has turned me off :mad: ....for now.

Just My Thoughts

Call me an "armchair grognard". :eek:
Started with CT in '78, and played like a fiend for the next five years. Started moving around alot, and had to give up on running games for a while. Collected some MT and most GT. I still have all of it.

A few years ago when my son got into d20, I'd stand in with his group. Found out about T20 through the grapevine, and here I am!


Paul Nemeth
Originally posted by Swiftbrook:
Old and Black(ish).

Looked at T20, but cost and publishers failure to errata book in 2nd printing has turned me off :mad: ....for now.

Just My Thoughts

From Hunter
Posted on T20 Traveller for the d20 System T20 OUT of Stock
See below URL:
T20 OUT of Stock

On May 7, 2003 Hunter writes:
Well actually that has now changed. Steve and I are in the process of incorporating the errata directly into the book text. Fortunately most of the 'errata' is really typos and there isn't much rework of the layout need and it won't affect the Index.

So the 2nd print run WILL contain all of the currently known errata incorporated directly into the text.
On May 13, 2003 Hunter writes:

It should go to the printer this week, so I am expecting a mid to late June restock.