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Are You A New or Old Fan (T20 Only Please)

Are You A New or Old Fan (T20 Only Please)

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began around 80-81 with the deluxe set.

played some. but mostly bought and read supplement and generated characters.

gifted with beat up copy of t4 when I joined a local gaming club I began some short campaigns. (two. about five adventures each)

a player found t20 and this site.

I ordered ASAP and never looked back.
I feel among old friends on this forum! I see a lot
of others who started with CT around 77-81. I'm
about a 1980-81 starter, all the old books (except
a few oddballs like SORAG I'm still hunting for).
CT rocked then, and looked good until MT came along.

The MT task system was so slick and the Rebellion
offered so much opportunity for intrigue and
intricate games not revolving around mercs or
money men, we quickly changed over. We played a
major campaign spanning a couple of years of
regular play in the Empire near the Solomani Rim (Glimmerdrift Reaches). Quite a bit of fun!

Bought TNE, but felt like the other poster who said "The Nihilist Period". Then got T4 and thought.... 'haven't I seen this somewhere before?'. Then finally broke down and bought
GURPS (I figure these are unplayable rules, but
wonderful resources). Then finally T20.

Still playing MT (unrepentantly, currently in
a campaign set in the Marches in 1114 - no decisions on which future we're using or if we're
writing our own!).

I'll buy neat T20 suppliments, new add ons I can convert back, etc. But I didn't like the looks of the D20 system (and the cost of the base rulebook on top of the ridiculous price for the T20 Trav Handbook!). So I won't be migrating to T20 anytime soon.

Heck, I can play MT without tables - just know the skill system and you can do most things without a single lookup! What could be better for a referee than having a system that doesn't encourage players to be min-maxers? And that focuses on the adventure not the mechanics?

I guess all this makes me a Grognard ;)
Not quite sure where I fit in. I have been a fan of the game, and the ships for decades now. (sigh, I feel old.) But due to schedules and real life, have never actually gotten a chance to played.

Got the original black books, about half the ship related suppliments. Recently completed the reprinted (large book) collection of CT stuff. Have Megatraveller Starships, FFS (I think version 2, not sure) Just started getting the GURPS stuff, and T-20 came along. Yum.
Started in fall of 1980(I seem to remember), introduced to the LBBs. Several canned CT adventures later my group moved on to other games. Never ran across the "prior history" idea till War Hammer. In 1991 I started collecting EVERY Traveller product I could find in local shops. Now I just review the web boards and copy what I would put in MTU. Play solo when I can find the time, generate ship loads of characters(usually when my kid falls asleep). Still in love with the whole Traveller Universe in any format.
Was actually collecting Traveller stuff and never got a chance to play (the rule system was too light and too deadly to my tastes at that time, that is in the late 80s early 90s).

Started a game with T20, now going to keep the game but switch to D20 Future. (You can check my old posts to see what my gripes are with T20).

D20 Future is not *THAT* better, so it's not a high priority for me anyway.

Simply said I would have loved to see T20 using the D20 Modern SRD instead of using brand new material. But that's just me
(I really love to use stuff like the CyberNet OGL that came out a while back, and some of my players would LOVE to be able to use all these modern books with weapons and stuff in it)

My players are quite happy with the rules as they are, as none of us actually really care, we just use the tables and rules ;) Just sometimes I have a back-to-rules-lawyer urge that I find hard to control, thus my numerous posts to try to understand how it really works /yeah I mostly gave up:P)

Originally posted by Swiftbrook:
Looked at T20, but cost and publishers failure to errata book in 2nd printing has turned me off :mad: ....for now.
Ummm....the second printing had the errata included. Where did you get the idea it didn't?

Man, I can't believe I haven't posted to this before. I started in '86, collecting Traveller books as my first RPG. (AD&D was a quick second.) Went from CT to MT, then touched TNE and ran away for a while. Came back with T4 and GT, then discovered 3E.

Up to this point, I'd played a few sessions in each system, but never a full-time Traveller campaign. Then d20 hit Traveller with T20, and I found therein a vehicle by which I could play Traveller. T20 is the only Traveller system I've been able to find a long-standing gaming group for, and the only one where I've run a campaign lasting a year or longer. Heck, T20 and TNE:1248 even cured me of my TNE issues, and I'm starting to collect old TNE supplements as well.

I love them all, and while both CT and MT hold special places in my heart, T20 is the version I'm playing, and am likely to play for the next several years, because it gets me gamers.

I technically started with the LBBS (just the main books and some of the supplements and double adventures, none of the third party stuff) around 1987 or 1988. Then I found Megatraveller and got into that (especially the DGP books). Then that morphed into TNE and that was probably the first setting for Traveller that I loved. Was most miffed when that stopped.

Took one look at T4, said "I don't care about the old stuff" and didn't bother again until GURPS Traveller came out. Picked that up and got all the aliens books (I was overjoyed to finally read what the K'Kree were about, since none of my older books - except the library data supplements - had even mentioned them), and ended up getting all the GT stuff anyway (except Ground Forces and Nobles, because I don't care for military gaming or the politics).

I'm still a GT fan (the supplements are very well written and useful), though I still really prefer the TNE setting.

As for T20... well, QLI gain my loyalty for doing 2320AD and TNE:1248
. The Gateway setting is pretty decent too. I do have the T20 book, but on the last count I have a kinda love/hate relationship with it - I really don't like the character generation system at all, but the rest is a pretty good implementation of Traveller in d20 and I've got about 4 or 5 TAs/Epics too. Plus QLI are doing a lot to support it, which is good.

So to answer the question - old Traveller fan, who has turned to and supports the new versions.
I picked other, for a reason.

Technically, an old timer, I lost touch with anybody that plays traveler, just about the time mega came out.

I spent years in the desert of D&D, cuase I moved around a bit, and could never locate anybody playing anything else.

I tumbled onto a traveller link, looking for something else a few months ago, Stumbled onto COTI, and found a LOT of old gearheads like me. Someone was going to start a PBEM game, bought the book to play, but the game just never started.

I have since found a game, but we are just getting going. I dislike D20, cuase it is too simple for my tastes, but enough seem to like it, and if is the only ticket back to traveller, D&D has not "harmed" me in any way, though I eventually would get bored.

T20 looks like an improvement, and I am comming home to check the new addition out, kick the tires and see if she still has the horses I miss hidden under the hood.

My GM has done an excellent job of set up, and the characters look promising, so I may have found the home I have been looking for.

Anyway, Kudos to Hunter and the famous MM for keeping our shared dream alive.


Mr TeK
BTW: Word of caution, If you are playing LBB using book 4: mercs. and your GM is ex special forces, AND has and a rep as a hardass, just walk away.....

MOST LETHAL GAME SESSIONS I EVER PLAYED. We staged a prison break, lost half the party, I still have bad memories of that one. <<shivers>>

I mean good game, well run and all, but NO SLACK AT ALL. You did not have the instincts of a a real combat vet, you could die, real hard, real fast. I lived to tell, but oly cuase when I took a shotgun blast I punked out and surrendered. WAY to intense for me back then. (my first lession in how lethal traveller can be, and while I still love the game, I can see why people used to being resurrected every week would not have a taste for it.)

Not so squeamish now, but you still learn to make sure who and what you are fighting, efore rushing in. I like that aspect, never got the idea of some hero wasting thousands without a scratch, but it definatly is not for the high fantacy crowd.


Mr TeK
Funny, when I got into traveller, No one in the group actually owned a copy of the rules. The GM had cribbed the CG rules and combat tables (by looking at TTB in the store, then going outside and jotting down), and expanded CG tables to 5 per career, and developed an alien race random generator.

3 months later, I had the rules! And two copies at that....
christmas 1983. TTB and Deluxe T.

Switched to MT immediately when i bought it, which was fall of 1987.
Old and finally switched to T20. Introduced it at the hobby shop as the RPG vehicle to allow the local kids to work up their Warhammer 40K main characters and leaders stats (Since we all play warhammer 40K also) since the experience system in Warhammer 40K is a bit flat. Also Games Workshop "Inquisitor" was a bit difficult to use. Played them all and my RPG friends that played AD&D heavily actually like Traveller better as it was faster paced and combat could kill a character with no chance of brining them back.
I started with CT in 1980. We played some (around 10 or 12) sessions with a rather free wheeling game master, and then went on with other games. In 1986 I run a three year campaign in the Spinward Marches, based upon the Traveller Adventure. I used a modified version of CT, with elements rather like MT.

Then the Long Night fell.

Around 2002-322 I got my hands on T20. It was love at first sight. My gaming group, that still contains two players that played in the 1986 campaign, jumped at the chance to play Traveller again and designed their characters long before I was ready to gamemaster.

Now have we been playing for about 8 months, and we all agree that T20 and MT are about equally good.

The combat is perhaps even more deadly now, since I allow for Gauss rifles loaded with HE. That's 6d12 damage with a 10-shot burst. Kills just about anyone not in Combat Armor, and some in it as well. : )
I just was introducted to T20 by a player of one of the former versions; he himself is restarting in T20. To answer the question I am 22.
I lost my rpg cherry to AD7D in 82, and then my sfrpg cherry to Star Frontiers soon after, so I missed out on Traveller as I could only afford to invest in one. By the late 80's or early 90's Games Workshop stopped stocking nonGW stuff so sf rpg stuff became hard to find. Played d6 Star Wars, then found Spacemaster in a toy shop and made do with that for years, until I spotted the CT reprints in 2000. I'd always been vaguely aware of Traveller and it's reputation was huge, so I snapped it up and here I am.
Got all the reprints that have appeared in Forbidden Planet - I tried running a game but I found the rules too simplistic and a bit unwieldy. Then I spotted T20 in the same shop, and then discovered all this online support. I'll stick to T20 as my players are more familiar with D&D and IMHO T20 may be D20 but the system retains all the flavour of CT, without having to do the small but time consuming minor revisions in technology.