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Asteriods Rock!!


Inspired by a rereading of TTB, with it’s CT sensibilities (small ships, TL9 Lasers as the only scifi weapons etc) I have started to think about a low TL campaign concept, and this is as far as I currently have got.

I am imagining a Sol system only, non J-Drive, TL9 campaign set in the early years of the 22nd century. Terra is still the same fractious mess that it is today, but colonisation and exploitation of our system has begun in earnest. Spacefaring nations (USSR, USA, EU, Japan, China, India) have been incorporated into the UN - Space Council as a subset of the UN, and operating in a very similar way to the current UN - Security Council.

Luna and Mars already have a handful of Terra government controlled colonies, each, and exploitation of each world is continuing apace. And, in Mars orbit, the building of a Space Council funded vessel to explore the Outer system has recently just begun.

The current frontier, and next step in exploitation is the Asteroid belt. Initial “proving” missions were undertaken some thirty years ago, and mining began in earnest some ten years ago. The belt is a free for all, grab what you can, and make a quick buck, and it “feels” very much Wild West and “Prospecting for gold in the Klondike”. Miners need to be registered and insured, and have to register an asteroid “claim” before they can start to mine it.

The Belt is administered by a Space Council funded and controlled bureaucracy, based on Ceres (the biggest object in the Belt) and named the “Ceres Asteroid Mining Authority” (CAMA). CAMA administers all miners and claims, ensures adherence to annual safety checks, conducts auctions for mined minerals returned to Ceres and generally maintains law and order in the Belt. It also has aquifers that tap into the slushy water supply beneath Ceres crust, both for ship fuel and to supply water to it’s massive hydroponics farms. These (along with carboniferous minerals mined from elsewhere in the Belt and sold at auction) provide a means of growing food in-situ, to be sold to the myriad miners.

Other largish bodies (Vesta, Pallas, Hygeia etc) are “owned” independently, and, in many case, have their own auctions, aquifers and farms. Some are corporately owned, but one is a rumbustious free for all owned by a commune of miners and governed by a charismatic ex-miner who made good.

PC’s would be the crew of a Patrol Scout (100dt Scout) and members of the CAMA Patrol. Tasked with keeping the peace, maintaining law, undertaking safety assessments, resolving disputes, rescues, emergency relief etc, they are THE emergency service for the Belt. Campaign would initially concentrate on these sorts of missions (maybe take 76 Patrons and turn it on its head? Rather than kidnapping a merchant it would be finding and rescuing a kidnapped merchant…?), but over time would slowly take on a “2001/Ancients leaving clues for the Humanity that they uplifted 50,000 years ago – give them the first steps to the stars” vibe also.

Ship shape and layout will be totally different, but keeping the same stats (generally). Layout would be Drives – Open Frame holding Fuel tanks – Living/Command. The L/C section would have its decks set at 90 degrees to the axis of the ship, so enabling a fake gravity effect from the drives. Cargo would be carried in 30dt modules attached to the framework “spine”, and so be easily loaded/unloaded by Modular Cutters. Passengers too would be in 7 “stateroom”/28dt modules, with the decks also at 90 degrees to the axis. I have converted the Scout and Free Trader so far and it has been quite easy and with minimal changes. I will get onto some larger vessels next, but since only Drives A-D is available at TL9, some vessels will have their G’s drastically reduced and vessel size will be capped at 800dt.

Ship Combat will need to be changed, probably by reducing vectors and distances by a factor of ten. Although I imagine ships operating at cruising speeds of 1G+ when going across the Belt, I imagine that, for safety, movement in near-asteroid-space will be restricted to 0.1G-0.6G. That also allows planetary templates for the asteroids – rather than them just being dots, as at the original scale.

That is as far as I have got for the moment, and I need to look at modifying the planetry rules and adapting some larger ships to my layout. All comments greatfully recieved, to assist my brainstorming.
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This reminds me more on 2300AD setting (though previous to stutterwarp discovery) than Traveller, though it could also be Traveller before the discovery of gravitics (that, according some sources, Solomani discovered quite late, BTW) and, (off course) jump.

See that, without gravitics, interface is quite different and expensive, and it takes more importance (as happens in 2300AD setting)

As for the asteroid minning, you could take a look (if you have it) to JTAS #3, that is mostly devoted to it.
You might like to try Orbital from Zozer Games. Based on Mongoose Traveller, but the setting data is easy to use with CT (I think).

  • History of events up to 2100 AD and the causes of the Cold War
  • Organisations; 35 corporations, crime gangs, NGOs and agencies
  • Guidance on creating suitable TL 9 characters
  • Rules for designing and operating deep space vehicles
  • Hardware and how it works; from vacc suits to rovers, lunar landers to mass drivers, airlocks, oxygen mining units and plenty more
  • Habitats, space stations, outposts and O’Neill colonies
  • Ways to Die in Space
  • How to Establish a Colony
  • Rules for striking it rich as a Belt miner
  • UWP stats for all significant bodies in the solar system
  • Complete write-ups for all the planets and main moons
  • How to run a game of Orbital; what do characters do?
  • NPCs and plot ideas
  • Alien ruins on Mars, SETI transmissions ... options for aliens in Orbital
  • Reviews of movies, books and online resources that add to the game
This reminds me more on 2300AD setting (though previous to stutterwarp discovery) than Traveller, though it could also be Traveller before the discovery of gravitics (that, according some sources, Solomani discovered quite late, BTW) and, (off course) jump.

See that, without gravitics, interface is quite different and expensive, and it takes more importance (as happens in 2300AD setting)

As for the asteroid minning, you could take a look (if you have it) to JTAS #3, that is mostly devoted to it.

McPerth, many thanks for your feedback.

I have never read or played 2300AD so can’t comment on it. But, from seeing it on the shelves of the FLGS (back in the day) it certainly has similarities to what I am attempting.

I appreciate your comments about interface craft, but my campaign would be solely Asteroid Belt based, and so with zero, or fraction of 1%, gravity, and no, or an extremely tenuous, atmosphere. I can almost imagine the spaceport being composed of numerous docking bays carved vertically into the surface of the planetoid/asteroid, that the vessels just cruise into, using RCS, to dock onto some sort of mooring line system?

Interface craft would have a role on asteroids with only a simple mining base present though. I imagine Modular Cutters to lift 30dt modules with cargo, miners and ATV’s between the ship and asteroid. But, as noted already these will be nil gravity and atmosphere so streamlining and gravitics will be redundant. Even Ceres, the largest body in the Belt, has a surface G of just over 1km/h, which is less than average Human walking speed of 5km/h! These far smaller asteroids will probably be in the 0.05km/h range – so simple thrusters will suffice.

Ships without any interface craft could also just manoeuvre to a close orbit over such a “wild” asteroid and using the aforementioned mooring lines, grapple to a spot on the asteroid. With the ship moored and stable, RCS/Rocket pack equipped Vacc suits could then do the rest.

For Mars and Luna (not that I plan to use them) interface craft will certainly be needed, but even there the lack of atmosphere and low G will minimise the issues.
When I ran a similar game - lower TL preFTL - I switched the drives around.
The jump drive became the fusion cruising drive (use the jump drive table) and jump fuel became reaction mass, with each 10% being good for 12 hours full burn (a 6g ship with 60% fuel could do 6g for 12 hours, or 1g for 72 hours). Acceleration provided gravity but when coasting you are in freefall or you need a spun hull or the like for simulated gravity.

The maneuver drive became and interface engine, using 1% fuel per g rating for take off and landing on a world.

I ignored power plant fuel - the formula is broken anyway.
When I ran a similar game - lower TL preFTL - I switched the drives around.
The jump drive became the fusion cruising drive (use the jump drive table) and jump fuel became reaction mass, with each 10% being good for 12 hours full burn (a 6g ship with 60% fuel could do 6g for 12 hours, or 1g for 72 hours). Acceleration provided gravity but when coasting you are in freefall or you need a spun hull or the like for simulated gravity.

Truly the singular defining element of a "low tech" campaign is the drive system and the fuel utilization of that system.

Traveller's humming M drive that simply needs a pack of Duracells to get from A to B vs having ships being tiny cabins with enormous fuel tanks that can only allow you to coast from A to B are two completely different experiences and very impactful on the flavor of the system.

Fuel and velocity are a big problem or they're not. So, best to get that settled early as it has far reaching consequences.
When I ran a similar game - lower TL preFTL - I switched the drives around.
The jump drive became the fusion cruising drive (use the jump drive table) and jump fuel became reaction mass, with each 10% being good for 12 hours full burn (a 6g ship with 60% fuel could do 6g for 12 hours, or 1g for 72 hours). Acceleration provided gravity but when coasting you are in freefall or you need a spun hull or the like for simulated gravity.

The maneuver drive became and interface engine, using 1% fuel per g rating for take off and landing on a world.

I ignored power plant fuel - the formula is broken anyway.

Mike you have definitely given me some food for thought!!

I was planning on merging the J & PP Fuel in the conversion, since large fuel tanks just seem right for the low tech setting. This tends to work out to 25-40% of vessel tonnage (depending on overall size and max G's of thrust). I also merged PP and J engines to create a (what seemed to me fitting to low TL) large enough engine. I haven't given fuel a massive amount of thought, but might go down a fast speed (1G+)for cruising long distances (treat as Jump fuel expenditure) and a near asteroid manoeuvre at a tenth of that thrust (so 0.1G+), which would work as the PP fuel rule.

But the idea of a fuel cost for combat manoeuvring is certainly interesting, I just need to work out a balanced rule.
When I ran a similar game - lower TL preFTL - I switched the drives around.
The jump drive became the fusion cruising drive (use the jump drive table) and jump fuel became reaction mass, with each 10% being good for 12 hours full burn (a 6g ship with 60% fuel could do 6g for 12 hours, or 1g for 72 hours). Acceleration provided gravity but when coasting you are in freefall or you need a spun hull or the like for simulated gravity.

The maneuver drive became and interface engine, using 1% fuel per g rating for take off and landing on a world.

I ignored power plant fuel - the formula is broken anyway.

That's pretty clever.

My technical assumption is that high performance/power input low fuel use drives are in use for maneuver as soon as possible, fission power plants early on when fusion is unavailable or rare.

But this could fit in VERY nicely with my Oort Cloud theme of low tech hand-me-down solutions.

Couple chemical reaction drive with months-long travel and low berths that have traditional Traveller mortality rates and you have a low life rough frontier feel in contrast with high passage fresh air and entertainment high life.
I like this! Sounds like The Expanse - one of my favourite sci-fi TV shows.

Is the Jovian system not colonised yet? There is a large chance for weird things to be there... Or maybe make it the "Beyond Frontier" region with tiny outposts and some unsanctioned colonies by people who do not wish to live in UN-controlled space.

Also, any political tension on the colonies, such as Martian colonies or Belters demanding independence from the dirtsider Terrans?