Thanks Elhombre, I think... I'm about a third of the way through the bun fight, ah, debate.
So far the most compelling arguements assume a 'military grade' sensor suite and effective comms between at least two widely seperated observation points. Two orbiting earth satelites do the trick of ensuring you do not have a sun blind spot.
So I have to conclude sadly that on a military level any system that could afford two military satelites (D+ starport I guess) placed in widely seperated orbits, would not be fooled. Of course there is still room for operator error, sabotage, incompetence, bribary, etc but my main question has been answered. Biggles would get toasted.
Regards only one sensor looking into the sun, the logic runs that just as in 'black space' you are looking for temperature differentials, creating a 'cool' spot within the sun. My punt is that identifying that 'cool' spot would be difficult due to the background intensity, at least partially obscuring your actions.
Jurys still out on commercial sensors and/or being able to establish links with other commercial sensor suites. Would most worlds/starports provide this info automatically, on request, or charge a fee. Would a starship captain care enough to request it or even do anything other than a cursory look around the vicinity for immediate threats. Would starports just do thier own scans & merely advise craft of problems. And of course in cannon, sensors do have a range limit.
& no, Biggles doesn't approach civilians from out of the sun. Unless they are suspected pirates...
So far the most compelling arguements assume a 'military grade' sensor suite and effective comms between at least two widely seperated observation points. Two orbiting earth satelites do the trick of ensuring you do not have a sun blind spot.
So I have to conclude sadly that on a military level any system that could afford two military satelites (D+ starport I guess) placed in widely seperated orbits, would not be fooled. Of course there is still room for operator error, sabotage, incompetence, bribary, etc but my main question has been answered. Biggles would get toasted.
Regards only one sensor looking into the sun, the logic runs that just as in 'black space' you are looking for temperature differentials, creating a 'cool' spot within the sun. My punt is that identifying that 'cool' spot would be difficult due to the background intensity, at least partially obscuring your actions.
Jurys still out on commercial sensors and/or being able to establish links with other commercial sensor suites. Would most worlds/starports provide this info automatically, on request, or charge a fee. Would a starship captain care enough to request it or even do anything other than a cursory look around the vicinity for immediate threats. Would starports just do thier own scans & merely advise craft of problems. And of course in cannon, sensors do have a range limit.
& no, Biggles doesn't approach civilians from out of the sun. Unless they are suspected pirates...