SOC-14 5K
Star Citizen, the space combat game, has gotten 87 million plus in crowdfunding and ship pledges (essentially buying the rights to operate a digital ship and equipment when the game goes live), and much to their surprise the majority of players are not interested in shooting so much as exploration and mercantile play.
SC is effectively going to be the computer RPG Traveller should have been.
So I would say the hunger is out there, in very large numbers.
Now the thing about a computer MMORPG is that people can pick it up and play, and drop playing it, on their schedule. Maybe they have a group or team they schedule with, but the game itself IS the GM/ref, so there is a convenience factor that just does not apply.
So we will never likely get exactly that crowd, and you'll always be dealing with people who have scheduling issues for the kind of committment a multisession adventure or campaign requires. Just the reality of our hobby- but it does show the taste is out there, hell with the elves.
There are also people who would play a video game and find that acceptable, but not 'D&D nerds'. Go figure.
I have to agree with the 'sell the story/content not the system' comments.
I would pull the Firefly card early and often, rather then get into the system explain about how Whedon was recreating the Traveller adventure experience. Firefly will get across the play content more quickly and positively then almost anything else you could mention.
I also like the space noir description of Traveller, that is a cool working phrase.
Finally, minis. Nothing gets attention at the local gamatorium like a miniature enviornment, so ship plans and minis.
If your tastes run planetside/striker moreso then boats and buildings, I'd go 10mm and that gets you some very handy small building sets that are specifically scifi, and also you can use N scale train buildings reasonably for those retro earth styling towns.
SC is effectively going to be the computer RPG Traveller should have been.
So I would say the hunger is out there, in very large numbers.
Now the thing about a computer MMORPG is that people can pick it up and play, and drop playing it, on their schedule. Maybe they have a group or team they schedule with, but the game itself IS the GM/ref, so there is a convenience factor that just does not apply.
So we will never likely get exactly that crowd, and you'll always be dealing with people who have scheduling issues for the kind of committment a multisession adventure or campaign requires. Just the reality of our hobby- but it does show the taste is out there, hell with the elves.
There are also people who would play a video game and find that acceptable, but not 'D&D nerds'. Go figure.
I have to agree with the 'sell the story/content not the system' comments.
I would pull the Firefly card early and often, rather then get into the system explain about how Whedon was recreating the Traveller adventure experience. Firefly will get across the play content more quickly and positively then almost anything else you could mention.
I also like the space noir description of Traveller, that is a cool working phrase.
Finally, minis. Nothing gets attention at the local gamatorium like a miniature enviornment, so ship plans and minis.
If your tastes run planetside/striker moreso then boats and buildings, I'd go 10mm and that gets you some very handy small building sets that are specifically scifi, and also you can use N scale train buildings reasonably for those retro earth styling towns.