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Aurora Clipper deckplans

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Very nice Jim

Won't the fuel skimmer interfere with a couple of the laser turret locations?

When are you staring on the modules?
Thanks, Sigg!

Dunno yet. This was one of those things that I mentally "had to get done," if you know what I mean, so I was burning a little midnight oil this past week on this one. Once I get caught up with work in the real word and such, I'll probably detail a few of them. Not so hard now that I know their approximate dimensions and depth. In fact one thing that I had thought about putting on this diagram (and will probably on a later revision) was to put outlines of where the major modules would be located. The old diagram had the grapples on the spine, and I need to add those, too.

As for the Manta, it shouldn't interfere. The bulk of the shuttle rests atop the engineering section, and its "wings" sweep around so that they are just above the Deck 1 turrets of the engineering level, at least according to the miniature, but that got me in trouble before.
At the very least, it shouldn't interfere with the beam.

That does remind me, however, that I did not put access points in the spine for the Manta or the boat or the cutter. The curious thing about those is that they would have to go through the Meson tunnel, which is only a bad thing if you are firing - presumably a person would not be there at the same time.
Originally posted by TheEngineer:
Hi Jim !

Guess the Aurora design is pretty good now.
Where is the spinal mount outlet anyway ?

Thanks, TE! The emitter for the mount is approximately just above the Meson Control section. I had toyed with not even placing the tunnel on the plan and have the central area be another corridor, in which case a note would be placed that says something like, "Meson Cannon Tunnel above this location" or something like that. Which I may end up doing anyway since, as I said in the reply to Sigg, the access to the auxiliary craft is through the top of the spine and therefore, through the tunnel itself.

Originally posted by Jim Fetters:

That does remind me, however, that I did not put access points in the spine for the Manta or the boat or the cutter. The curious thing about those is that they would have to go through the Meson tunnel, which is only a bad thing if you are firing - presumably a person would not be there at the same time.
Why is this a problem? Its a meson gun. The particles only interact with matter when they decay at the target. I suppose it depends on how you PSB the method the gun uses to fire them in the first place, but then you're getting into how they can squeeze a meson gun into a tank sized box in the Regency, but they need a spinal tunnel X meters long in the RC. If it uses some sort of intense EM field effect to accelerate the particles, then it would be "a bad thing" for any crewmen to be wandering around in the tunnel during firing!
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Why does the access hatch have to be in the centre of the Manta?

It could be offset to one side or the other...
Yeah, for the Manta its not a big deal, and in fact could even be in the Engineering section (which would probably make a lot more sense.

However, the access for the ship's boat and the cutter would be via the top of the spine, as that is where those grapples are located.
Yep-I had forgotten about the BL cover, and I have two copies of it! Of course that illo makes things even murkier, with the forward dorsal turret farther back on the spine and another turret farther back on the spine. Damn artists and their interpretations.

There is also an illo of the small craft on the spine in the BL TB, but the side view doesn't really give an idea of how centered it is.

The double thickness in the BL cover, I think, is part of what looks like a weapons module (the one with the three spheres). I am only basing that on the fact that the module behind it comes up to the center of the spine.

Something I used in the original deckplan, when I made the clipper far too large, was to have a ladder to climb over the tunnel. That's a little more difficult in this deckplan, as the horizontal elevator shaft runs right next to the central shaft (which could still become another corridor, making note that the Meson tunnel is overhead). I have taken the liberty of widening the central spine somewhat, so that it is about 8m wide (as opposed to 6) just to play around with it. It still keeps the plan within 20%, so no biggie.
Updated plans up on Photobucket. The main ship is has a few things changed-
  • spine widened slightly</font>
  • Meson tunnel removed from map and marked as overhead</font>
  • Spinal sections changed to reflect bulkheads where module cutoffs would be.</font>
  • Module areas labeled</font>
  • Fore section blank spaces filled in</font>

No Grid

Also, just for Sigg, is one module. Of course, I had to pick the easy one, that being the 400 ton refining fuel module.


No Grid
This is just one more example of how useful COTI is. Thanks for this thread guys!

Always thought that the lack of plans for the Aurora in TNE was a major "oops" on GDWs part. This is great that you've tackled a problem that needed fixing.

Good job.
Always thought that the lack of plans for the Aurora in TNE was a major "oops" on GDWs part. This is great that you've tackled a problem that needed fixing.

Good job.

I seem to recall reading there was supposed to be a whole sourcebook on the Aurora. Never happened. Pity.