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Aurora Clipper deckplans

Geez, looking back at these deckplans makes me remember better days when I had a lot more of a little thing called time. ;)
Initial chicken-scratchings for a Clipper-like ship.

NOTES. This design is more like CT than TNE; there are design tweaks that I haven't tried. This is a first rough sketch.

The power plant + maneuver drive combination is a design-system-based sacrifice. It might be a reasonable tradeoff; a lot of fuel is still needed to support long duration (the power plant will run for 20 weeks if the jump drive isn't used).

At 600 tons, the ship can jump up to 6 parsecs, but it barely has fuel for a jump-3 plus power plant ops. Clipping on the fuel tank helps. At 1,000 tons, it can do 4 parsecs, and 2 parsecs at 2,000 tons. Wiggling it up to 5 parsecs @ 1,000t requires another 16 tons of space (I guess that's worth it, eh?)

With 1400 tons of stuff added on, the ship will jump 2 parsecs (with the fuel module), but crawl at 1G. Boosting performance to 2G @ 2000t would shorten its operational period between refueling to something like 5 weeks.

I'm going to have to do some optimization.

(600t)   Braced Hull
  20     Bridge
 105     Jump drive V
  61     Std Power plant V
  19     Maneuver drive K (2G)
  25     Ad Power plant K
   -     Ad AR Surface Comm-10
   1     Ad DS Surface Comm-11
   1        AR Antenna EMS-12
   -        AR Surface Stealth Mask-12
  67     Im FR Main Meson gun-12
   5     5 x Turret
   -     Charged-6 Armor
   9     9 x Std mounting brackets
   -     Im Model/5 
   -     2 x Ad Model/4
  44     11 x Staterooms
 243     Power plant fuel
Rob, don't forget that for the standard original Aurora, the Manta fuel shuttle also serves as fuel storage AND a large module is typically set specifically for fuel storage as well as purification (that would be the 400 ton module space).
So I vanished for years.. Forgot my log in info for a while and by the time I remembered it I lost the want to RP, so I just stayed away.. But now Im back, and Ive read about Aurora being, or almost being, destroyed in a few threads.. Anyone know what happened?
Howdy folks.

TNE has always been one of my favorite Traveller editions, mainly because of the amount of depth and texture that GDW gave to the RC in such a relatively short span of time. Technologically, one of the most striking examples of the RC mindset and strategy was the Aurora Class clipper.

So have at it. Let me know what you think.

I'm absolutely agree all of your words. :)
Finally, did you finish this Aurora-Maggart deckplans project? (I know this is an old and possibly dead topic. :) ) But maybe.