imperial port authority
03 level
02 level
01 level
--- administration
ADM general administration office
a1 personnel
a2 union rep
a3 protocol
a4 supervision
a5 treaty implementation
a6 law level issues
a7 records
a8 history
--- bunkroom section
B bunkroom control (assign, maintenance, etc)
bm men's (one left unlabled to show roomette size)
bw women's
ba aliens'
--- conference rooms
C large
c small
--- embassy offices
eS shakamash/amda
eU upag
e1 unishpiir
e2 rathas
e3 tscho
e4 khikaeg
e5 iliika
--- finances
FIN general financial office
f1 collections
f2 disbursements
--- hotel/food-service
FSC food service/catering
hall dining hall
h1 office
h2 pantry
j1 janitor's closet
j2 janitor's closet
j3 janitor's closet
pc power/comms
m1 building maintenance
--- legal
L general legal office
L1 contracts
L2 obligation/termination
L3 advocacy
L4 prosecutions
L5 prospectors' office
L6 offworld legal liaison
L7 treaty interpretation
--- operations
OPS operations central
PCh port chief's office
o1 future plans
o2 external ops
o3 internal ops
o4 procurement
--- customer relations
r1 passengers, masters/captains/crew
r2 planet, local system
r3 + (user defined)
r4 agencies (imperial, military, corporate)
r5 private corporate (union, contractors)
r6 security station
r7 access control passage
--- port security
SEC office
s1 VIP
s2 nobility
s3 deck
s4 external
s5 buildings
--- miscellaneous
mars men's toilets
venus women's toilets
at aliens' toilets
+ user-defined
main deck
public passenger terminal
upper public concourse (pax mall)
mars mens'toilets
venus women's toilets
A alien "lounge"/facility (configurable setting)
ATW "all these worlds" club (soc A+ only)
a alien toilets
B bank branch
BS bank branch with adjacent safety deposit box facility
b bots-are-us (valet/cleaning, purchase/rentals )
bar bar (alcohol)
C clothiers (assembled/tailored on the spot)
ct courtesy grav transport
DC data center (comms matching/links, data uploads, general news/info)
eS shakamash/amda embassy
eU upag embassy
e unishpiir embassy
e rathas embassy
e tscho embassy
e khikaeg embassy
e iliika embassy
equip equipment shop
F pax freight (incoming, outgoing, storage)
f footwear (cut/assembled on the spot)
g game/video/tri center
K kiddie playland
P medical/police booth
R transport (airrafts, taxis, gigs)
real properties/estate (facilities/properties/housing, temporary/sales)
S souveneir shop
T taco bell (fast food)
tav tavern (alcohol, food)
V visitors agency (events/tickets, travel/booking, announcements, alien services)
x custodial station
+ user-defined (small business, art/culture, social concern, school/church project)
lower public concourse (street access)
A pax ticketing/check-in - regular lines
b pax ticketing/check-in - ad hoc private lines
ct courtesy grav transport
I information kiosk
lb-> lowberth passenger intake
lb<- lowberth passenger discharge
lugg luggage discharge
R riser to upper deck
outer slots - staircases (right up, left down)
inner slots - escalators (right up, left down)
center slot - courtesy grav transport way
S security station
s upper deck access screening
main deck (below upper public concourse)
private passenger terminal
private concourse upper and lower level
bot robot services
club entertainment lounge
cc courtesy cargo pick-up
ct courtesy transport (grav)
FL ship factor, luggage intake
R riser to upper deck
outer slots - staircases (right up, left down)
inner slots - escalators (right up, left down)
center slot - courtesy transport way
s upper deck access screening
S security station
+ user-defined
main deck (below upper private concourse)
outport exchange
security stations
full camera/ir/nv/sensor systems
full card/rfid photo/biometric recognition
guards in light body armor and sidearms
heavier weapons on standby
police bots on standby
airrafts/grav bikes on standby to pursue as necessary
hardened "safe" room manned at all times to guarantee alarm/response/report capability
x1 crew gate
primarily deals with outgoing/incoming ship crew, in various states of order/disorder
supports cargo gate
x2 cargo gate
responsible for cargo container traffic
generally only looks for obvious problems
frequently relies on port authority access control to tell it what to allow/disallow
may conduct snap inspection
x3 public passenger gate
generally only looks for obvious problems
x4 port authority gate
careful access verification
x5 private passenger gate
careful access verification
security procedures
pax incoming/outgoing
parking entry
cargo access port
imperial port authority access
tracking chip on handcuff ring
security central (where?)
robot response
non-lethal bots (initial response)
shooter-bots (final response)
tech 12
heavy - wheeled
light - grav
public concourse
z1 water fountain/grav-water sculpture
mountain stream, water falls on both sides down to pools at pax concourse level
dynamic gravitic sculpture of water nymphs and fish
the nymphs play and cavort at the top of the water source
the fish jump from the pools up the water falls to the water source at the top
the "fish" may be grabbed, but then drain away
sometimes aliens attempt to eat the fish or to use the fountain as a toilet
z2 bronze statues
Scout Pilot Kalag Adla Mikhi and Scout Engineer Stephan Holmes, and their mothers
upon responding to a distressed ship Port Authority Search & Rescue Scout Pilot
Adla Mikhi found the ship had only minimal manual control and would require
constant pilot guidance to prevent its impact on a city of Gudak, requiring
that pilot to remain aboard until impact. After ensuring all ship crew were
evacuated Scout Adla Mikhi elected to remain aboard to perform the task and
dismissed the remainder of the team. But the ship's engineering plant was
unstable and Port Authority Search and Rescue Scout Engineer Stephan Holmes
returned aboard to guarantee what little maneuver power was available. They
successfully diverted the ship, dying in the act.
the statue shows Adla Mikhi in scout hazard suit, striding forward and looking
up with arm raised. His mother is depicted behind him to his right, striding
with him and hand on his shoulder, gazing at him. Stephan Holmes is depicted
to Mikhi's left and striding one pace behind, reading data from a sensor tool,
his mother positioned similarly to Mikhi's.
they are positioned on the pax concourse just overlooking the lower level. on
moving up from lower level to the pax concourse passengers perceive them to be
larger than life, but upon arrival at the pax concourse level they are
perceived as human-sized and ordinary.
z3 -
private concourse
z4 -
z5 grav-air sculpture
dynamic gravitic sculpture of various flight themes using aerial dust and mist
various aerial creatures - birds, insects, native gudak aerials - love to ride
the gravitic projections of this sculpture. currently being studied by several
local art schools and biology colleges seeking to incorporate the animals' play
into the dynamic presentations.
A-> startown
B-> landing zones
C-> ?
D-> industrial