baronial yacht
hg2, tech 12, 12000 dtons, wedge/streamlined/landable
crew (154 total)
capt, executive officer, chief engineer, chief gunner
4 pilots, 3 navigators
operations officer, comms officer, computer officer, flight officer, ship's physician
8 aides, 46 engineers, 23 gunners, 6 service
30 service
12 boat pilots
13 marines (1 lt, 3 ssgt's, 9 sgt's)
154 staterooms
recreation facilities
10 full nobility suites (200 dtons)
imperial country (200 dtons)
computer model 6fib (x2)
jump 3
maneuver 4
635 energy points
fuel purifier
full internal fuel tankage for 3 parsecs of jump and 4 weeks of power plant ops or 26 weeks of power plant ops
2 factor 8 particle accelerator weapons bays
2 factor 9 missile launcher bays
armor 4 (+4 inherent to tech 12)
1 factor 1 nuclear damper screen
2 factor 6 repulsor bays
2 factor 9 sand caster batteries (two full gunnery stations, full battery backups, full reload magazines)
8 damage control stations
medical facility (80 dtons)
lowberths (20)
brig (8 cells)
carried craft
6 lifeboats (capacity 2 pilots + 32 elb ea) (two for patrol ship crew, two for victim crew/passenger rescue/evacuation)
4 ship's gigs
2 gig bays (20 dton boats)
2 barge bays (40 dton boats)
2 grav carrier bays (8 dton carriers)
64 dtons (4 months endurance)
128 dtons (baronial cargo)