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awarded baronies

baronial yacht v.3
  hg2, tech 12, 2000 dtons, wedge/streamlined/landable, 1488MCr
  crew (46 total)
      capt, executive officer, chief engineer, chief gunner
      3 pilots, 2 navigators, ship's physician
      12 engineers, 3 gunners
      4 service
      4 boat pilots
      13 enforcers
    30 staterooms
    recreation facilities
    1 baronial stateroom (20 dtons)
    20 staff staterooms (160 dtons)
    imperial country (200 dtons)
    computer model 2
    jump 2
    maneuver 2
    48 energy points
    fuel purifier
    full internal fuel tankage for 2 parsecs of jump and 4 weeks of power plant ops or 24 weeks of power plant ops
    1 factor 8 beam laser turret battery (full gunnery station, full battery backups)
    1 factor 9 sand caster battery (full gunnery station, full battery backups, full reload magazines)
    2 damage control stations
    medical bay (20 dtons)
    lowberths (12)
  carried craft
    3 lifeboats (capacity 2 pilots + 32 elb ea) (two for patrol ship crew, two for victim crew/passenger rescue/evacuation)
    2 ship's gigs
    1 baron's gig
    1 grav carrier
    245 dtons
gudak port, u2. comments/suggestions welcome

thanks, hopefully someone will find it useful. ports are - should be - scenes for game action, and it helps to have an idea of the layout.
It looks like it is developing well, but (there is always a but) I think that the Brokerage would be more associated with the administration area than with the industrial area.

In the private concourse, offices of ship cleaning, and resupply companies.
In the Pax mall and concourse, a full range of clothing stores that cater to travellers either about to leave the world, or those arriving and in the need of clothing of local styles or specialized for the local climate. I would think that not just a tavern, but fast food all the way to nice restaurant dinning.
Probably similar goods/services at both, but more bespoke/high end/expensive at the private one.

If they have snoglobes, the ones on the private concourse are "hand-crafted crystal made by skilled artisans, using methods passed down among generations on the lower-tech worlds of this Imperium".
I think that the Brokerage would be more associated with the administration area than with the industrial area.

well, buying and selling isn't adminstration. I envision more of an exchange pit, containers being broken open for inspection, merchants loudly haggling, some new ones walking in and screaming "hey, you said I would get that!" don't want all that in admin. though of course there will be admin reps in the pits. "you want to sell WHAT here?" (probaby should include a hazmat response function nearby ....)

In the private concourse, offices of ship cleaning, and resupply companies.

good idea, but those would be on the lower level (I envision the concourses as being upper level, just haven't clearly depicted it yet). of course there would be the topside offices, available for tasking. "the ususal, james." "yes, sir." "oh, but I'm having the maran trade ambassador next week, so only the finest wines." "consider it done, sir."

just realized, have to include lowberth cargo module loading/unloading on the lower deck.

a full range of clothing stores that cater to travellers either about to leave the world, or those arriving and in the need of clothing of local styles or specialized for the local climate.

thought of that just this morning, and a capital idea. have it right next to the tours office. "a full range of adventure clothing ...." and if a player character suddenly is called to an audience with the baron or port knight, he can dress for the occasion.

I would think that not just a tavern, but fast food all the way to nice restaurant dinning.

I was thinking of two - a high-class dining/entertainment venue (casino?) ("All These Worlds" - franchise? what's the upper-class word for "franchise"?), and the "hiring hall" one reads about in "starports!". and maybe a taco bell, the last survivor of the restaurant wars.


good idea. very high end souvenier kitsch, sort of like sharper image x10. yeah, that could work, probably not in the private section but on the pax concourse very likely.
good idea. very high end souvenier kitsch, sort of like sharper image x10. yeah, that could work, probably not in the private section but on the pax concourse very likely.

Private section would have the art galleries with the works of that world's Picassos on display/for sale.
Private section would have the art galleries with the works of that world's Picassos on display/for sale.

... dunno. sounds kinda like soc8 trying to imagine what soc13 is like, imagining it to be a bigger and better soc8. I suspect the VIP's (very important people) who are doing VIT (very important things) don't ... "shop" like we do. people who can afford their own boat are on the concourse, not because they're killing time waiting for their private boat, but because their private boat is waiting for THEM and they're on their way to it and their destination. maybe an entertainment lounge in case there are delays - hoi polloi are numerous after all and get underfoot - but otherwise I'm not at all sure what to put on that concourse.

As contractors, you may be explicit for the PC may be in need for it: some cargo handling services (not a package service but stevedoring), hiring hall for crews (unless you fusion them with the lounges you placed), Private security firms for VIPs that wish not to confide into a local constabulary that is too busy to catter to their whim, a Low Berth Revival service with experts (big +DM) to unfreeze LB (loosing passenger is bad for business and big DM medic are costly), maintenance and engineering service.

Must in any Harbour: Ships' Agent (such a large starport will have many liners service and each will have at least a token office) and Chandlers' wicket.

have fun


well, it would have been in the 1990's ....

some cargo handling services ... hiring hall for crews (unless you fusion them with the lounges you placed)

I'm planning on putting those in the "brokerage" building. space squids get a little too rowdy for the pax concourse.

Private security firms for VIPs that wish not to confide into a local constabulary that is too busy to catter to their whim

I'm pretty sure that would be off-site. port security would deal with port security and probably wouldn't want another agency located in-port.

Low Berth Revival service with experts (big +DM) to unfreeze LB

I'm envisioning cargo lowberths loaded and unloaded on the pax main deck (ground level) - the meat locker - but you mean a service for going aboard and doing it in place of the ship's crew? there might be some call for that, but maybe as a function of the cargo lowberth facility.

but that would be a good service for the private concourse. some VIP doesn't want to spend two or three weeks awake sitting in-hull, but who wants a professional, not the meat locker or a "ship's steward", putting him down.

maintenance and engineering service.

the yard ops section has minor maintenance and repair facilities. "hey, a cargo lifter just bent my airlock hatch, need it fixed" sort of thing. an actual shipyard would be elsewhere. only so much room on an 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper.

Ships' Agent

those'll be on the lower level concourse, haven't labled them yet. large kiosks for regular liners, smaller ones for independents that pop in and out.
Last edited:
comments/criticisms/suggestions etc.


crude key (abbreviated to meet character count limit)

contents of imperial port authority
        admin (01 level)
            union rep
           treaty interpretation
           law level issues

-       liaison (01 level)
a           passengers
b           ships/captains/crew
-           agencies
?               imperial
c               corporate
g               military
h           planet
j           local system
d           private corporate
k           union
m           contractors
f           security control
-           embassy offices
eS              shakamash/amda
eU              upag
e               unishpiir
e               rathas
e               tscho
e               khikaeg
e               iliika

-       dining facility (01 level)
fs          food service, catering
hall         hall

-       conference rooms (01 level)
C            large
c            small

(red)       VIP parking (main deck parking lot)
(red)       fencing

pax concourse upper level

mars/venus/a  mens'/women's/aliens' toilets
                  (occasionally an issue with the central fountain ....)
P             medical/police booth
                  security bots
x             custodial station
                 cleaner bots

ATW          "all these worlds" club (soc A+ only)
tav           tavern
bar           bar
tb            taco bell
g             game/video/tri
K             kiddie playland
A             alien "lounge"/facility
                  intelligent architecture
                  configurable setting
-             casino?

e             embassy branches
eS                shakamash/amda (2)
eU                upag           (4)
e                 unishpiir      (2)
e                 rathas         (1)
e                 tscho          (1)
e                 khikaeg        (1)
e                 iliika         (1)

V             visitors agency
                  events, tickets
                  travel/recreation, booking
                  associations, memberships
                  government announcements/ruleChanges
                  alien services
                              short-term courtesy
                              long-term hired
T             tailor
f             footwear
sv            souveneir shop
equip         equipment shop
b             bots-are-us (the latest intelligent machinery)
                  rentals (between participating ports)
                      can reduce fares
B             bank branch
B             bank branch
DC            data center
                  comms matching/links
                  data uploads
                  general news and information
ar            transport
                  airraft rentals
                  taxi/gig acquisition
F             pax freight
                  incoming deliveries
                  outgoing cargo insertion
                  storage arrangements
real           properties/estate

-             local kiosks
                  small businesses
                  cultural shows
                  social concerns

ct            courtesy transport

pax concourse lower level (street-level receiving)

              ship factors
a                 permanent
b                 temporary
c                 intake
d                 discharge
e                 discharge
f             information kiosk
g             riser to upper deck
                  outer slots - staircases (right up, left down)
                  inner slots - escalators (right up, left down)
                  center slot - courtesy transport way
h             upper deck access screening
ct            courtesy transport (grav)

        private concourse upper and lower level

a           entertainment lounge
b           bots-are-us (the latest intelligent machinery)
c           ship factor, luggage intake
d           couresty cargo pick-up
ct          courtesy transport (grav)

        security stations
            full camera/ir/nv/sensor systems
            full card/rfid photo/biometric recognition
            guards in light body armor and sidearms
            heavier weapons on standby
            police bots on standby
            airrafts/grav bikes on standby to pursue as necessary
            hardened "safe" room manned at all times to guarantee alarm/response/report capability
x1          crew gate
                primarily deals with outgoing/incoming ship crew, in various states of order/disorder
                supports cargo gate
x2          cargo gate
                responsible for cargo container traffic
                generally only looks for obvious problems
                frequently relies on port authority access control to tell it what to allow/disallow
                may conduct snap inspection
x3          pax gate
                generally only looks for obvious problems
x4          port authority gate
                careful access verification
x5          private gate
                careful access verification


z1          water fountain/grav-water sculpture

            mountain stream, water falls on both sides down to pools at pax concourse level

            dynamic gravitic sculpture of water nymphs and fish
                the nymphs play and cavort at the top of the water source
                the fish jump from the pools up the water falls to the water source at the top
                the "fish" may be grabbed, but then drain away
                sometimes aliens attempt to eat the fish or to use the fountain as a toilet

z2          bronze statues

            Scout Pilot Kalag Adla Mikhi and Scout Engineer Stephan Holmes, and their mothers

                upon responding to a distressed ship Port Authority Search & Rescue Scout Pilot
                Adla Mikhi found the ship had only minimal manual control and would require
                constant pilot guidance to prevent its impact on a city of Gudak, requiring
                that pilot to remain aboard until impact.  After ensuring all ship crew were
                evacuated Scout Adla Mikhi elected to remain aboard to perform the task and
                dismissed the remainder of the team.  But the ship's engineering plant was
                unstable and Port Authority Search and Rescue Scout Engineer Stephan Holmes
                returned aboard to guarantee what little maneuver power was available.  They
                successfully diverted the ship, dying in the act.

                the statue shows Adla Mikhi in scout hazard suit, striding forward and looking
                up with arm raised.  His mother is depicted behind him to his right, striding with
                him and hand on his shoulder, gazing at him.  Stephan Holmes is depicted to
                Mikhi's left and striding one pace behind, reading data from a sensor tool, his
                mother positioned similarly to Mikhi's.

                they are positioned on the pax concourse just overlooking the lower level.  on
                moving up from lower level to the pax concourse passengers perceive them to be
                larger than life, but upon arrival at the pax concourse level they are perceived
                as human-sized and ordinary.

z5          grav-air sculpture

                dynamic gravitic sculpture of various flight themes using aerial dust and mist

                various aerial creatures - birds, insects, native gudak aerials - love to ride the
                gravitic projections of this sculpture.  currently being studied by several local art
                schools and biology colleges seeking to incorporate the animals' play into the
                dynamic presentations.


    A arrow
    B arrow
        landing zones
    C arrow
    D arrow
I'm pretty sure that would be off-site. port security would deal with port security and probably wouldn't want another agency located in-port.

I was refering to a secure lounge, a really really safe deposit boxes, staff locker room, and sale rep. (the major instalation would be of course planetside). As long as the body guards respect the law level, the Port Security have little to say if Jo Stardust get a couple of muscle waiting for him and his entourage at the docking gate (that less job for them). Beside, the local "Star Guard Service" would be thrown out of business if ever saying anything other than "yes sir" to the official security of the station.

I'm envisioning cargo lowberths loaded and unloaded on the pax main deck (ground level) - the meat locker - but you mean a service for going aboard and doing it in place of the ship's crew? there might be some call for that, but maybe as a function of the cargo lowberth facility..

Exactly. Note that real VIP are unlikely to get popsicled, but their entourage (roadies, servants, etc...) may. Having to wait for the "cattle call" may be annoying to VVIP and priority service for their "human luggage" may be envisionned.
Beside,will Port Autority offer the "embarkment" service for cargo lowberth or will they simply offer the space for each line to do their own? That offers opportunity for subcontract.
Indeed, if the lowberths are not in containerized banks but the conventionnal type, somebody have to go/to be on board to perform freeze/unfreeze

the yard ops section has minor maintenance and repair facilities. "hey, a cargo lifter just bent my airlock hatch, need it fixed" sort of thing. an actual shipyard would be elsewhere. only so much room on an 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper.
Have fun
Safe deposit boxes, secure storage, secure meeting rooms, and the like can definitely be found at banks and other financial institutions.

Body guards, "Pinkertons", and the like can run a wide gamut. Some ports won't allow them on-site, some ports will, and still others will decide case by case. There's also the possibility of port security types "moonlighting" while off duty or going "private" after retiring.

Brokerages are going to be with all the other offices and not tucked away in a dedicated warehouse. Import/export firms will have offices where their goods are located. Brokers are putting buyers, shippers, and sellers together while the I/E types are buying, shipping, and selling on their own.

You'll need a bonded warehouse too, some place where goods have been landed but not yet cleared through the planet's xtrality/tariff line. There might even be manufacturing and/or processing going on "inside" the bonded warehouse much like how booze is "bottled in bond".

"Replenishment services" are chandlers right? Life support, rations, and all that?
Consider biological quarantine areas to inspect incoming cargo for pests or invasive or diseased plants.
"Replenishment services" are chandlers right? Life support, rations, and all that?

Yes, given the understanding that replenishment services may be the delivery arm of the Chandlers. There is also the purchasing, usually on planet.

"...and all that" is quite broad: anything needed -crew kit, bedding local "maps" toilet paper, feminine hygiene, chair and spitting bowl for the bar... Worked for a Chandler in 97-98, the shopping list would be transmitted about 48 hrs in advance (WT when jumping in system) and would include anything from crew food (varied with the ethnic/religious making of the crew) to fertilizer for the lounge's potted plant, with anything in between, such as a new portable computer for the captain and "monkey grip" gloves for the crew. Had a bulker from India in mid winter, had to fit the deck crew with parka and winter boots and a portable heater on the bridge...and those folks take their rice and their thea very seriously. Remember that Starships are self sufficient lonely island amongst the star for days in a row, and that anything you may need have to be brought along.

have fun
