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Battle Dress and DMs


So I have a few questions about how Battle Dress impacts the DMs for things in general and some specific ones related to the SolSec Urban Battle Dress (Alien Module 5: Solomani, pg 77). Some of these may seem really basic but for some reason I got myself confused (probably by thinking too much about it) on how it would work. :confused:

"Standard" Battle Dress (as per Core and CSC)

1. (Just to confirm because I think to much), the enhanced STR and DEX from Battle Dress are to the actual base ability skills. So if the character has a STR 8 and DEX 6, Battle Dress that gives +4 to both will make them 12 and 10. It is NOT a +4 to checks that use those abilities (which would be way overpowered in my opinion).

2. Movement speed. I just looked through the core rulebook again and the only reference I see to character movement speed is that you can move 6m per round in Combat. There is nothing about how fast you can move outside of combat. Is that true, or did I miss something several times?

3. The rules do not specify an increase in movement speed, though they do say it makes you faster. Is the benefit just to the DEX, or does it actually allow the person to walk/run faster?

These are specific to the SolSec UBD...

4. For the SolSec UBD suit it specifically states that the Walk/Run speed with the suit is 25/125. Is that the distance a person can travel during a combat turn in meters? That would mean that you could walk more than 4x as fast with it than without? That seems like a lot.

5. Stealth Checks: This is where the SolSec UBD gets fun. :) The suit provides the following DMs to various types of Stealth Checkcs:

  • +2 DM vs Heat Seeking/IR (IR Camo)
  • +4 DM to Stealth (Looking Glass)
  • +2 DM to Stealth (Sonic Suppressors)

So here is the question. I have always assumed that a regular Stealth check includes both the ability to see and hear someone. However, the suit has two different modifiers for visual (Looking Glass) and audio (Sonic Suppressor), so would that mean I should have someone roll 2 Stealth checks or one and have the possibility that they are heard but not seen?

For example, assume Stealth 0 for the character. They need to roll an 8 to make it past the guard. They roll a 5. The +4 from the Looking Glass (total of 9) means that guard wouldn't see them but since the sound suppressor only gives a +2 (7) they would hear something from the general direction.

6. Looking Glass: I assume this is the same as the "Visilight Chameleon" upgrade in the CSC. Based on that, what would show on a camera (if anything) of someone in the UBD walking past it? Would it be completely invisible or like the Predator in the movies where if you look closely you see a shimmer of sorts?

And as usual, this ended up being way more than I intended.... :eek: