Originally posted by Bhoins:
Actually that fuel cost only happens if you have it as part of your main fusion plant. You can, at TL13 have a trip laser turret powered by 3.1 tons. You can use unrefined fuel, and granted you only have enough fuel to power that turret for a day, you are only powering it for combat. Now the other point I was making is that by replacing the typical TL-9-12 Fusion plant with a TL13 (or better a pair of TL-13 plants) one is that it takes very little additional space to power all sorts of lasers. And going all the way to TL-15 you can actually save space to power your lasers over a TL9-12 plant. For example, replacing the 6 ton TL-9 power plant in a Scout Courier with a 4 ton TL15 plant, gives you 8EP, instead of 4EP, uses the same fuel (4 tons) and frees up 2 tons for something else. (And is actually MCr6 cheaper than the TL-9 powerplant.) So you install your nice new TL-15 plant, then with your TL-9 plant in your cargo hold you go to a TL-8 world and sell it. You have now paid for your upgrade and have enough power to run a dual laser, a model 4 computer (or a trip laser and a model 3 computer) and still have an agility of 2 while actually adding 2 tons to your available space. (Which makes the Trip laser and model 3 computer rather nice as it fits the space you freed up.)
Nice argument, I'll grant you. Yes, your fuel is only used up in combat operations, but bottom line is still bottom line.
You still have to pay for the engineering change over UP FRONT, you still loose at least one and a half tons of space, and any merchant whom has access to TL15 (which would normally be reserved for military use) power plants is a person to watch very closely. Your refit is still going to cost you way more than the missiles will, and your party has to have the initial capitol to spend. You can hold ten missiles in half a ton of space, and thats plenty to defend yourself with unless you are regularly running blocades.
In addition, the standing rule of thumb is that used starship components sell for 1/4 their original cost. Were you to try this on my watch, I would FIRST derate the plant, THEN apply any markup for the TL difference. You can also make a good bet that I would turn a fair adventure out of you trying to locate the TL15 gear and the techs to install it for you. Would I prohibit this? Not a chance. Its enough work dreaming up adventures on your own without your party handing you such good stuff to rake them...er... use as this!
You can recoup SOME of your expense that way, but you should never be able to pay for it all by that means.
That being said, you could always purchase USED TL-15 drive components and make the change over yourselves. At 1/4 cost, you could probably make this work for about the cost of my new missile turret. Thats ok, I'd happily let you do this were I your ref. Its another opportunity to inflict fun stuff... like breakdowns, and the afore mentioned adventure to locate this stuff in the first place.
Now, if your party has that much cash lying around, by all means lasers are a very good option. I happen to prefer them myself for military operation type setups. I've even had a party arm their trader with fusion guns once. Thats their call, they're the players.
But my point was this:
If you don't have the cash or access to the engineering changes you propose, and if you need to arm your ship, conventional missiles are a VERY cost effective means of doing so. Furthermore, you can have missile armament TODAY instead of three weeks of downtime from now. All the firepower in the world means nothing if you can't afford the initial cost in the first place.
As always with economics, its a cost/benefit thing. Waiting six months for your savings to be enough to make the engineering changes needed to power your lasers means nothing if your ship is taken from you by pirates tomorrow.
Of course, you can always pull another trick out of the hat. Predatory starship equity loans! Those are always fun (for the ref).
In addition, if you want agility, non powered weapons like missiles let you get the agility up much faster than if you have to also power your weapons mounts.