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Big ship deckplans

Ran Targas

SOC-14 1K
Peer of the Realm
Granted, I'm a small ship universe kind of gear head but I know there are lots of designs out there for big ships.

The real question is, "What's the biggest ship IYTU that you have accurate deckplans of?"

Myself, I have made up plans for a 2000dT destroyer but they're not very snazzy; I'm disappointed by the redundancy and lack of originality on my part. I'm very interested in what others have come up with.

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I designed a 10k dton liner, the Sulieman Special. These are the jump 2 class of liners that operate between the seven high population worlds in the Sulieman subsector/Solomani Rim. There are some jump 3 and jump 4 classes of ships that connect them also. The Sulieman Special was originally designed to have 600 passengers but I decided that I could fit more in. So I upgraded to 728 high passengers (no low or middle passengers). Unfortunately I had already started to draw deckplans for it and had to go back and make some corrections. Real life issues surfaced forcing a stoppage in the revisions to the deckplans and I forgot exactly where I had left off so I never 'finished it'. It has 10.5 decks (the half deck is not drawn since is is some fuel and "bridge" electronics. If there's interest I'll put the deckplans on my flickr page with a link so people can see them.
Myself, I have made up plans for a 2000dT destroyer but they're not very snazzy; I'm disappointed by the redundancy and lack of originality on my part. I'm very interested in what others have come up with.

Don't be disappointed.

Think about the AHL, and look at how much redundancy and duplication that set has. It's just the nature of large ships. When you're crewing up several thousand bodies, there's going to be a lot of repetition. When you have big spaces, they take up lots of decks.

Look at a modern cruise ship -- not much more interesting than a modern hotel. When you have to lay out 1000 staterooms, it can only be so interesting.

However, here's a link to a "real" deck plan. The ship isn't very big though, only 1200 tons, and it's a WWII Destroyer Escort, but it's an interesting deckplan that can be used as inspiration for your own designs in terms of "look and feel".

I have plans for an 8000 dton light cruiser and I am working on a 250,000 dton Battleship. It is going to take a little while to complete. I am picturing a full out battle happening on board. The ship's troops fighting off boarding marines. It could take days to fight it out. Something that reminds me of Warhammer 40K.
However, here's a link to a "real" deck plan. The ship isn't very big though, only 1200 tons, and it's a WWII Destroyer Escort, but it's an interesting deckplan that can be used as inspiration for your own designs in terms of "look and feel".

If you turn that deck plan into a Traveller starship (making the width of a passageway equal 1.5 meters), it will be a rather big ship (10,000 dT?. I'm tempted to try, but I have too much else in the works.

Biggest I have done is for a version of the 1,000dt Fer de Lance class DE. My version roughly matches the illustration from Fighting Ships and in my opininion is a much snazzier design than the miniature produced by is it Ad Astra?

Its at http://www.skaran.net/banners/equipment/craft/imperial/ferdelance.html
if anyone wants to use it. Press the button that says Deckplans. The actual stats are for a TNE version.

Is is just me that can't see the link in Antony's post?

(except when quoted of course, and then only in the composition/editing frame)

P.S. OK, NOW it shows up in my quoted reply :confused:

P.P.S. And NOW it's gone again :eek:o:
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Is is just me that can't see the link in Antony's post?

(except when quoted of course, and then only in the composition/editing frame)

P.S. OK, NOW it shows up in my quoted reply :confused:

P.P.S. And NOW it's gone again :eek:o:

No, it's still there.
The "accurate" requirement does leave out some past efforts by license holders...

The largest I've done personally would be the Imperiallines TJ at 2000 tons.
Official Traveller rules

800 ton Merchant/Repair ship shaped like a large pill

My own perosnal Futura game
Aprom 1200 ton Freetrader like ship (not sure what the tonnage would be in Traveller never figured it out.

Along with several smaller ships.

Dave Chase