IMHO boarding can only be done if the following points are met:
The ship to be boarded must have completely lost his M-Drive
From the description of M-Drives in SOM they have limited vector-thrust and overdrive capacities. So even a 1g drive can do some pretty ugly things to your boarding party or boarding small craft. Like comming AT you suddenly, using it's greater bulk/mass to
-----------------------I agree.
The ship being boarded should have no weapons left
Boarding pods and small craft can't take all that much damage. And they give a "sure hit" fire control solution shortly before docking.
--------------------I mostly agree a weapon pointed the wrong way that you cannot maneuver into a firing position will not help you repel the boarding vessel.
Boarding parties use small craft
----------------------Not necessarily. I can see a large craft boarding a ship if the ship has been disabled as mentioned above.
Q: If you are a pirat in the StarTrek Universe, how do you tell the difference between a Federation and a Klingon freighter
A: If the freighter crew tries to board YOU, they are Klingons
--------------------------Yes, but they have transporters. And while I share your admiration for Klingon ferocity, I haven't met one yet that could withstand a phaser blast, not even to the thick Klingon frontal bone spines, bumps and all. The only thing that counts here is numbers, morale and ammunition. Any one of those giving out during a "classical" (and I should stress, by "classical" I mean Capt. Blood-style here) boarding action will decide its outcome.
--------------------------Given the rate of fire and deadliness of modern weapons, the decks will be awash in blood during a boarding action and my guess is that the captain ordering his men to board is more likely to face a mutiny from his own crew than his is likely to "motivate" them to carry out his order, although there are many forms of coercion that would work, I'm sure. I doubt that many pirate swabbies would be happy to carry out a boarding action based entirely on greed, just because I think the instinct for self-preservation is too high. Those guys know that if they go through that breach they are going to get hit by a wall of fire. You need at least a 3 to one advantage and probably more like 5 or 6 to one advantage to successfully carry out a boarding action vs a well-armed, well-motivated crew.
So it's NOT a smart idea to attach your main craft to the enemie. History has a few situations where the boarder ended up being boarded and/or the "harmless" cargo ship carrying a load of infantry as cargo
-----------------------Yes, we all know about Q-ships.
Think about making your own docking port
In House-to-House combat one is encouraged to create a new entry point instead of using doors/windows. If you are doing a hostile boarding, consider doing the same. Nothing ruins your day like opening the inner hatch of the airlock and being able to read the text on the Claymore mine
------------------------I agree, but putting another breach in the hull of the target ship is going to lower its value further. I figure to even get the target ship to the point where you can board it by violence you are going to have to pummel it first. If you are after the ship for its inherent value, you are going to try to avoid damaging it too much. If you are just after the cargo, well that is something else. It had still better be damned valuable cargo to risk a bloody boarding action.
Commerce raiders don't have to board
It's nice to take a price but scutteling the ship works just as well for you.
----------------------------------Yes, but we are not talking about commerce raiding in the sense of privateers, just "sinking" ships here. We are talking about the classic capt. blood-style boarding action (except in space of course).
Don't overdress
Light weapons (including some Anti-Personal mines) work nicely in a ship. But to quote Cpt Ramius: "Some things in there react badly to being shot at". So only a very desperat enemy will use a PGMP/Panzerfaust/LAG inside his own starship. No need to roll out the Battledress when a Combat Environment Suit will do
----------------I could see the defenders using heavy weapons more than the attackers. The defenders are firing through the enemy, through the breach and into the boarding craft. As long as they can hit that hole (the breach) they are not going to care much about what (or who) is on the other side of it. On the other hand the attackers boarding the ship are going to want to minimize damage to the target ship or at least to the cargo on board - provided that both of them haven't already been destroyed by the pummeling the pirate had to give to the target in order to make the target stop and to take out all of its weapons. In short, the classical boarding scenario seems to be relatively unlikely in a "realistic" traveller game and pirates will resort to hijacking and other ruses more often than not in order to take ships.
Learn from the past
The problem of passengers trying to hijack the ship isn't new. "Ferry to HongKong" has an example of this with a historical background. Strict separation of crew and passengers (and even between some passenger groups), gates/internal airlocks between passenger and bridge/engineering etc. Oh and DON'T use the same networks for ships system and entertainment (See Speed 2 for results if you do)