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I'd go! In a flash!

Except -

well, you know, jetlag and all that ...
Originally posted by Gruffty:


Mad rush for seats.

Having finally confirmed that I am free that day, and then battled with a recalcitrant booking system, I have at last booked my place. See you there!
Can we confirm the start time please?

The expo website says 3pm, you've mentioned 2pm.

Either's fine by me. But I'd rather not be Billy-no-mates for an hour, looking at my watch every 30 seconds then thinking I'm at the wrong convention!

Still, turning up an our late could be like the cavalry coming over the crest of the hill to save the day!!

Far more heroic and definitely better for the image factor.
I'd check with the website. It's changed twice since I booked! Can't do 2. I'll be finishing one of the games im running at that point.
.........well...........!! :D

We did it!

Six of us met at the con:

Me (Gruffty)
John G. Wood
A chap clalled Mark
Another chap called Mark
And a lady called Rebecca

.......and we played Traveller......

And, as Ref, I didn't kill anyone.


.....one Vargr got toasted by the Imp Marines, another Vargr got shot with a shotgun (courtesy of ChrisR), the Vargr Scout ship got dinged after having a jump plate repaired by Twilight (thanks Mark ;) ) and the SPA guy walked away with a juicey bribe in his pocket. They got chased by an Impy crusier, but managed to avoid it using Nav skil.

They made it to Shugli (SR) and made a tidy sum on the sale of the goods in the Vargr scout ship's hold and were last seen at the starport deciding what to do next.......
Originally posted by TWILIGHT:
It was a good game mate... my little boy said on the way home... "whats a traveller?"
Yes, many thanks to John (Gruffty) for making it happen. I had a lot of fun, and hope to see you all again someday (preferably in a less conspicuous ship ;)

You mean the one with the *huge* dent in the rear where the jump plate lives ;) That 12 on 2D for the mishap was an absolute fluke, honestly......
A big thanks Gruffty. I really enjoyed myself, and I survived!!!

Last time I played, I had my head blown off with an explosive collar that I was trying to remove.

It was a shame we had to finish. I would have gladly carried on under other circumstances...like not being about to be locked in!

BTW I managed to sell 3/4 of my surplus books on the bring & buy. Though making £41 on stuff I probably spent £200 on over the years is a bit of a downer. Still it was just taking up space in my ever shrinking house.

I hope to meet up and play again sometime.

Steff, PBeM sounds a good idea, but I've got no idea how it works either!
Sounds like a fun meet. Shame I couldn't make it. Maybe next time?

For PBEM, just set up a Yahoo Group. You get a message board where you can post scene updates, a photo section where you can put pictures and diagrams, a files section for those deckplans, ships logs, etc, and if you want to pass secret messages, just send private emails. Works a treat.