Here's just one small example using the Basic Ship Combat system.
Keep in mind that this is my interpretation. If something seems wrong please let me know.
For this scenario I am using the Corsair on p.333 vs. the Patrol Cruiser (refered to as PC) on p.336. Just to make things more simple I am giving the crews a flat skill base of 10.
Scenario begins with the Patrol Cruiser, with a sensor range greater than the Corsair (Mod/3 v. Mod/2), detecting the ship and hailing it. The Corsair is now aware of the existance of the PC, but does not respond. Encounter range is set at Short.
Round 1
Both sides roll for initiative. PC=3(+1) for 4 and the Corsair=14. The Corsair may act first this round, but a range check must be made. PC Astrogator rolls a 5(+10skill) for 15 while the Corsair gets a 19(+10)=29. The Corsair has the advantage and decreases range to Close. The Pilot initiates evasive manuevers as they close in on the PC, rolling 8(+10)=18. Looking on the chart that gives a +1 to the AC of the corsair (Now 11) for this round. Now the gunners fire.
Turret#1(B-Laser USP 1): 7+10(skill)+1(USP)=18.
Turret#2(B-Laser USP 1): totaL roll of 24.
Turret#3(B-Laser USP 1): 26.
Turret#4 (Missile USP 2): 21.
All turrets hit the PCs AC of 11. The PC has no armour so there is no reduction. 3d8(beam lasers) + 2d6(missiles) are rolled for a total of 22SI to the PC. In addition, each hit causes internal damage:
Hit#1: 70-Fire Control, 52-Battery. Randomly Determined by GM, Turret #1 is Hit (-1USP)
Hit#2: 52-Fire Ctrl, 56-Battery. Turret #2
Hit#3: 60-Fire Ctrl, 21-Battery. Turret #1 hit again, rendering it inoperative (USP=0)
Hit#4: Misc., 31-Cargo. 2.5dt lost.
Of course the PC could have used its lasers gainst the missile attack, but decided to save it for the counterattack.
It is now The PC's turn.
The Captain of the PC rolls to rally the crew into action. Roll is 10+10(Leadership) for 20 v. DC15. Successful. The Crew will enjoy a +3 (10/3 round down) to skill checks, saving throws, and attacks this round. The Pilot matches speed with the corsair, and the gunners open fire.
Turret #1 (Missile USP 0, Inoperative)
Turret #2 (Missile USP 1) 9(roll)+10(skill)+1(USP)+3(Capn)=23 vs AC11, hits.
Turret #3 (B-Laser USP 3) total 35 (Natural 19, but 20 is req for crit), hits.
Turret #4 (B-Laser USP 3) total 26, hits.
Damage is 1d6+3d8+3d8. The Corasir has no AR reduction, total of 28SI
The 3 hits are rolled as:
93-Electronics, 84-Computer. Computer is now acts as Mod/1
74-Engineering, 54-Jump Drive. Jump Drive down to J-1
90-Screens, Corsair has none so trickle down to Electronics, 87-Computer. Computer reduced to 0 and is now inoperative.
Corsair cannot initiate jump or have the computer run sensors or targeting and other special programs. But it can still manuever and fire.
Results of Round 1:
The Corsair has effectively reduced the PCs combat capabilty by nearly knocking out all of its missile turrets. But in return, the PC's more powerful triple beam laser turrets have inflicted a painful wound to the Corsair. With it's computer knocked out the Corasir will not be able to make a quick jump out, even then it's j-drive has been reduced to half of its normal capacity. The Corair has SI damage of 28 out of 145. The PC 22/145.
That's how I read it from the book, but I feel as if the initial astrogation roll (range check) should be affected by speed and maneuverability of the vessel (as per vehicle rules) The current rule on p.162 does not specify this, just a test of astrogation. I feel a faster ship is going to eventualy outrun a slower ship and widen the range considerably. Is this how it works or am I missreading it?