Thanks for the replies. I had a lot of fun playing around with this and see where I am going to do some minor changes to my personal games.
That fusion gun hit was just an example of a (very) lucky critical hit and also to show how the basic system clumps range bands together. In the advanced system, you use the actual hex/Kkm to determine range mod. Using that system that crit would have only been a threat as it would be -4 to hit not per range band, but per HEX!
Also, I think the -1USP per range band rule was repealed, although it is in the book.I asked about it on CoTI before. I'll need to check errata on that one.
I've done some other CT conversions with ships that have Meson screens. They aren't that effective against the big spinals folks. A type T meson will plow through a Factor 9 screen nicely. And then there's that gawdawful crit range.
I do have on question though, do meson screens loose their bonus on a critical? Not that it matters much, 16d20x10 and 7d20x10 will still pretty much vape anything.
My next example will be a fighter dogfight. This is interesting because you only have one crew, the pilot, doing the tasks. First he does the nav range check(I allow the use of pilot skill in place of astro), then only one thing after that in that round (fire, evade, jam, etc...)
Thanks again for the comments.
That fusion gun hit was just an example of a (very) lucky critical hit and also to show how the basic system clumps range bands together. In the advanced system, you use the actual hex/Kkm to determine range mod. Using that system that crit would have only been a threat as it would be -4 to hit not per range band, but per HEX!
Also, I think the -1USP per range band rule was repealed, although it is in the book.I asked about it on CoTI before. I'll need to check errata on that one.
I've done some other CT conversions with ships that have Meson screens. They aren't that effective against the big spinals folks. A type T meson will plow through a Factor 9 screen nicely. And then there's that gawdawful crit range.
I do have on question though, do meson screens loose their bonus on a critical? Not that it matters much, 16d20x10 and 7d20x10 will still pretty much vape anything.
My next example will be a fighter dogfight. This is interesting because you only have one crew, the pilot, doing the tasks. First he does the nav range check(I allow the use of pilot skill in place of astro), then only one thing after that in that round (fire, evade, jam, etc...)
Thanks again for the comments.