SOC-14 1K
How I see it and think the canon is as related to Lemish.
This is how I see it as applied to Lemish.
The Imperium owns Lemish Imperial Starport, Lemish Imperial Naval Station (Lemish INS, homeport for 60th and 105th fleet), and Scoutbase Lemish. All facilities are run by the LIS Starport Authority (LIS SPA). The local Imperial nobles (duke, baron and knight) have seats on the SPA board, however usually each noble appoints a proxy on the board.
The land around the starport is the XT zone, where Imperial law applies and is enforced. Outside the fence is Startown, (actually 2 Startowns, at EastGate and WestGate). Both Startowns are under authority of Lemish Planetary Government, and governed locally and enforce local law, rather than Imperial law. (Law level 12.) In addition, WestGate is inside the Lemishian Ducal fiefdom, and tends to be more classy as it hosts dignitaries and agents of other subsector governments as well as the Vargr worlds to Coreward.
The Imperial fiefdoms belong to the Imperium / Emperor, but are governed by local law. None of the three nobles on Lemish are above the law, however, due to Lemish's relatively small population (1 million), the local nobility are instrumental in the local and subsector governments.
Obviously the Imperial Navy and the IISS operate their own facilities respectively. Each have liasons as board members on the SPA board of directors. The IISS also maintains a pair of X-boat tenders in the system.
The Imperium does not tolerate spinals on civilian craft. Diplomatic missions from the Vargr worlds have protocols for safing their spinals during visits, (at least during Imperial Rule). The Imperium also does not tolerate overly armed civilian ships, civilian nukes, (or baronial nukes, darn it) nor psionics.
Slavery and piracy are also prosecuted with extreme zeal in the Lemish and Weyland systems.
Bad war is not a problem on Lemish as it is a peaceful farming community with more land than the locals know what to do with. Political dissent is also not a big issue on Lemish. Lemishians pride themselves on their loyalty to the Imperium, due to the colony's history.
Running without transponder is illegal inside the Lemish system and will result in a visit from the Lemish System Defense Fleet, augmented by the Imperial Navy. If you look like a pirate, you will be treated as a pirate.
The Lemish System Defense Fleet patrols all of the Lemish system with the few boats she has. Primarily they patrol the space as far out to 100 D of each planet, especially the gas giant.
This is how I see it as applied to Lemish.
The Imperium owns Lemish Imperial Starport, Lemish Imperial Naval Station (Lemish INS, homeport for 60th and 105th fleet), and Scoutbase Lemish. All facilities are run by the LIS Starport Authority (LIS SPA). The local Imperial nobles (duke, baron and knight) have seats on the SPA board, however usually each noble appoints a proxy on the board.
The land around the starport is the XT zone, where Imperial law applies and is enforced. Outside the fence is Startown, (actually 2 Startowns, at EastGate and WestGate). Both Startowns are under authority of Lemish Planetary Government, and governed locally and enforce local law, rather than Imperial law. (Law level 12.) In addition, WestGate is inside the Lemishian Ducal fiefdom, and tends to be more classy as it hosts dignitaries and agents of other subsector governments as well as the Vargr worlds to Coreward.
The Imperial fiefdoms belong to the Imperium / Emperor, but are governed by local law. None of the three nobles on Lemish are above the law, however, due to Lemish's relatively small population (1 million), the local nobility are instrumental in the local and subsector governments.
Obviously the Imperial Navy and the IISS operate their own facilities respectively. Each have liasons as board members on the SPA board of directors. The IISS also maintains a pair of X-boat tenders in the system.
The Imperium does not tolerate spinals on civilian craft. Diplomatic missions from the Vargr worlds have protocols for safing their spinals during visits, (at least during Imperial Rule). The Imperium also does not tolerate overly armed civilian ships, civilian nukes, (or baronial nukes, darn it) nor psionics.
Slavery and piracy are also prosecuted with extreme zeal in the Lemish and Weyland systems.
Bad war is not a problem on Lemish as it is a peaceful farming community with more land than the locals know what to do with. Political dissent is also not a big issue on Lemish. Lemishians pride themselves on their loyalty to the Imperium, due to the colony's history.
Running without transponder is illegal inside the Lemish system and will result in a visit from the Lemish System Defense Fleet, augmented by the Imperial Navy. If you look like a pirate, you will be treated as a pirate.
The Lemish System Defense Fleet patrols all of the Lemish system with the few boats she has. Primarily they patrol the space as far out to 100 D of each planet, especially the gas giant.