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Canon vs. Fanon & The Wiki...

I am not sure what you mean by this. However, as we appear to be talking about two different universes, I am not sure continuing this discussion any further is worthwhile.

Thank you for taking the time to offer suggestions. I found several good suggestions and ideas for improving the wiki.
Hi Timerover,

Thanks for your feedback.

How many more pages like this are in the Wiki then that are as you put it "not for human consumption"?

It's part of the coding. No two ways about it.

When I have to start using the Wiki to figure out terms being used, I stop using the Wiki as being borderline incomprehensible.

Ok. I respect your choice.

I have been slowly adding code to expand and explain everything, but it takes time. There is a whole team of volunteers who work on this.

I, for one, really appreciate their hard work and service to the community.

I think you have my email, phone, and text.

Message me anytime and I'll help. And I'll make improvements based on your inquiries and feedback.

How is one supposed to know that if they do not have the Rebellion Sourcebook and Ground Forces? The Wiki assumes that all users have all Traveller material.

I keep trying to get it to telepathically transmit, but my coding skills and free time are lacking.

Seriously, most of Traveller requires extensive reading and a real immersion in the universe to grasp at a deep level. It is what it is. The superficial level is easy.

Traveller has over 40 years of publications and 400 books... We all have felt as you have felt at one time or another. I curate the whole mess as a master chronicler and I still feel underwater at times.

So the planet population is producing less than 3.000 credits per yer on the average. That means a very large number are producing nothing at all.

Some incomes in the Third World here on Terra are much worse. The economies are comparative.

Where is this ever mentioned in the rules? Everything I have seen in the rules assumes that the listed star port is the best that there is on the planet. Then there is the Insidious Atmosphere to deal with.

The rules don't explain it all. Never have. That's not a good assumption.

Less that One Credit per person per year is an acceptable figure?

To whom? I wouldn't care for it.

The real world has similar situations.

One, how is the casual user supposed to know this? And when are bots posting to the Wiki? How is that possible?

Skynet works in mysterious ways. It happens. We do have several automated subroutines or bots that do specific updating. AB-101 is the name of one of them.

A casual user doesn't need to know it. As Clarke said about technology and magic...

Which means that it is a source of information which may or may not be correct, and may or may not be canon. In my view, this makes it a questionable resource at best. It is a resource, but needs to be treated carefully, just like Wikipedia.

Nothing is perfect, not the wiki nor myself. Maybe my Mother...

Please be careful with your wiki consumption. Good caution on your part.

Best regards and Shalom,
Hi Timerover,

I think you have my email, phone, and text.

Message me anytime and I'll help. And I'll make improvements based on your inquiries and feedback.

No, I do not.

Some incomes in the Third World here on Terra are much worse. The economies are comparative.

I know. I spent time in one. However, slash and burn farming, subsistence agriculture, subsistence fishing, and small-scale stock raising are not options on a planet with an Insidious Atmosphere. That is how most of the Third World countries compensate for very low Gross Domestic Products.

To whom? I wouldn't care for it.

The real world has similar situations.

Again, not for a planet with a population of 700 to 800 million people with an Insidious Atmosphere. Either they are getting a lot of imports, or the population is dying off in the millions.

Please be careful with your wiki consumption. Good caution on your part.

Best regards and Shalom,

The extent that I have been using it lately is to check for duplicate names for planetary systems for my Out Rim sector and the Imperium. Then I decided that worrying about duplicate names was a waste of time, as any duplicates would be distinguished by the sub-sector and sector name. Prior to that, I checked to see what the Wiki said about a planet or sector, read it and decided to ignore it, as it did not fit what I was doing.

I only looked up Wochiers because someone mentioned it in a post.
Wochiers can be explained easy enough - they live in O'Neill cylinders at the lagrange points or in orbit around the planet and only visit the planet to exploit resources.
We could engineer such things today, with TL9 fusion and gravitic technologies, along with advances in material science building orbital habitats that are entirely self sufficient is a trivial undertaking.
Or perhaps they live deep underground or under the oceans, protected by the rock or liquid from the harmful effects of the atmosphere, each city sized self-sufficient enclave of millions secure in their own environmentally controlled arcology.
The E type civilian starport could indicate that they do not particularly care for interstellar trade.

Charismatic oligarchy as a government - the owners of the orbital habitats or arcologies are well liked despite the strict law levels - it could be the millions of inhabitants actually want for nothing since the orbitals habitats/arcologies and their industry is capable of providing them with everything they need in some sort of welfare paradise.

I note that the world is very big - size A, so the insidious atmosphere could be due to the higher amount of hydrogen and helium in the atmosphere that can diffuse into unwanted place, coupled with the lack of oxygen means you could have a reducing atmosphere and any life would be similar to the pre-oxygenated atmosphere here on Earth where single celled organisms could grow into colonies of vast size. Imagine them evolving into multicellular organisms still based on the old biochemistry... sorry I will shut up, I'm getting carried away describing a world from a string of numbers.
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Thanks for responding.

No, I do not.

Please message me your data and we'll be in touch if you wish. If you check your wall, I have reached out to you before. I must have an old email or contact data for you. I'll need you to reach out if you'd like to make contact. Otherwise, I will well leave things alone.

I know. I spent time in one. However, slash and burn farming, subsistence agriculture, subsistence fishing, and small-scale stock raising are not options on a planet with an Insidious Atmosphere. That is how most of the Third World countries compensate for very low Gross Domestic Products.

That's a pretty broad generalization. I have been to over 150 countries, speak over a dozen languages, and have seen a fair amount of the world.

This is science fiction and the paradigms of 21 century Earth will be exceeded. Only limit yourself to contemporary paradigms if you think it's the right choice for you. Marc Miller is not so limited in his approach to sci-fi.

Traveller is neither soft nor hard sci-fi, but both and neither. A little Deus Machina happens. That's a big role for the Ancients and Grandfather. Why? Grandfather, that's why.

With an insidious atmo will come new technologies. Imagine. H. Beam Piper had some ideas about this.

Again, not for a planet with a population of 700 to 800 million people with an Insidious Atmosphere. Either they are getting a lot of imports, or the population is dying off in the millions.

Technology changes Malthusian predictions. And nature is known for finding a way. There will be a story mechanism to explain that. Perhaps locally adapted sophonts. Maybe artifacts. Grandfather. It is what it is.

It's sci-fi. It doesn't have to obey current science or contemporary ideas about what should or shouldn't be.

The extent that I have been using it lately is to check for duplicate names for planetary systems for my Out Rim sector and the Imperium. Then I decided that worrying about duplicate names was a waste of time, as any duplicates would be distinguished by the sub-sector and sector name. Prior to that, I checked to see what the Wiki said about a planet or sector, read it and decided to ignore it, as it did not fit what I was doing.

No problem. The wiki is a tool for the fans. That's how Marc sees it. Use what you will, and hopefully enjoy it. And that's 100% cool. Enjoy.

I am very glad that it has been of some use to you in some way. That's it's job.

Disambiguation (duplicate names) is tricky.

The Traveller RPG Wiki is very much a work in progress with a very limited and finite group of fans and volunteers. If you give me feedback, I can help steer the teams towards building out things that you would like to see. You're a fan and it's the fan base that the wiki serves by the mandate of Miller. We can't be all things to everyone, but we can incrementally approve and try to meet as many of the interests of the fan base as possible.

Really appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

I only looked up Wochiers because someone mentioned it in a post.


I would love to hear from you if you have the time. Be well.


Wochiers can be explained easy enough - they live in O'Neill cylinders at the lagrange points or in orbit around the planet and only visit the planet to exploit resources.

Right. Feasible.

We could engineer such things today, with TL9 fusion and gravitic technologies, along with advances in material science building orbital habitats that are entirely self sufficient is a trivial undertaking.

If only we had all of those technologies.

Or perhaps they live deep underground or under the oceans, protected by the rock or liquid from the harmful effects of the atmosphere, each city sized self-sufficient enclave of millions secure in their own environmentally controlled arcology.

Cool ideas.

The E type civilian starport could indicate that they do not particularly care for interstellar trade.


Charismatic oligarchy as a government - the owners of the orbital habitats or arcologies are well liked despite the strict law levels - it could be the millions of inhabitants actually want for nothing since the orbitals habitats/arcologies and their industry is capable of providing them with everything they need in some sort of welfare paradise.


I note that the world is very big - size A, so the insidious atmosphere could be due to the higher amount of hydrogen and helium in the atmosphere that can diffuse into unwanted place, coupled with the lack of oxygen means you could have a reducing atmosphere and any life would be similar to the pre-oxygenated atmosphere here on Earth where single celled organisms could grow into colonies of vast size. Imagine them evolving into multicellular organisms still based on the old biochemistry... sorry I will shut up, I'm getting carried away describing a world from a string of numbers.

Great ideas. From such is good sci-fi made.
