Part of the problem lies with the fact that MT designed put a little more detail into ship design that were missing from CT. I seem to recall that a ship could sense another ship out to roughly 1.5 light seconds - or 3 light seconds if the target were already acquired. This was the CT rule set. MT changed that and gave values for the energy output.Originally posted by Bhoins:
Even if you don'tlike Fighting Ships of the Shattered Imperium the point is still valid. The ships had to be bigger under the Mega Traveller rules to accomplish the same results under the High Guard design rules. Even the Patrol Cruiser was bigger. 440 vs 400.
GURPS Traveller ships can now build brigs, armories, battle suit morgues, ship's galley and so forth - items that were not present in the CT ship design.
I think - all things considered, that a lot of discussion about whether something is effective or not in *ANY* Traveller universe versus the CT Universe should look at the underlying principles of the game system involved. In GURPS TRAVELLER, a missile can be a far more devastating weapon than it ever was in CT. In T20, it would appear that the spinal mounts are more effective than ever.
I've never seen the T20 combat tables and such - but I can think of one way to alter combat probability tables to make them more CT like...
Larger Hulls automatically add a value to a die roll (or subtract depending on how the tables are set up). Use a bell curve distribution such that either high numbers or low numbers are equally unlikely. Place the ship killing crit results at either the low end of the spectrum or at the high end of the spectrum.
Example: using 2d6
2: vaporize ship
3: vaporize ship
4: Nasty result
5: Nasty result
6-10: Survivable result
11-12: No result
Ships of the largest class get a +2 on the table
ships of the next largest class get a +1
Normal sized ships get no modifications
Small craft get a -1 to result
smallest craft get -2 to result
As it is, I haven't the slightest clue on how T20 really does it - suffice to say that if a 4,000 dton ship can take out a capital class ship relatively easily - and you can get 100 smaller class ships for each larger class ship - something is WRONG (relative to CT rules only