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Cardboard gaming figures as an option.


I would like to see new Traveller minis come out, especially civillian, alien figure. Considering the lack of good minis, the state of Traveller, & costs involved in miniature manufacture,actual minis may not be an option. Expecially since some of us game in 15mm & some in 25/28mm.

An alternative might be printed figures, much like the old SJ Cardboard Heroes, Disposal Heroes & some of the Aslan designs I've downloaded from COTI.
They could be designed so the figures could offer colored & uncolored versions of the figures AND be offered both in 15mm & 25mm versions.

Back in the old days I used SJ Cardboard Heroes Traveller sets (Adventurers, Imperial Marines, Zhodani) because good Traveller minis were not available in my area. My players liked them.

Admittedly, I like the feel of actual lead & pewter mins in preference to cardboard minis.
However if cardboard figures downlloaded & printed may be the only reasonable options for new Traveller figures.

Any thoughts?
We've used homebrew "token" style cardboard minis as well as "standees". We like the tokens because they can be seen from all angles (we've had a few heat-of-battle errors from edge-on standees) and they don't block the view of things downrange from the viewer.

We started with counters from The Fantasy Trip one night when my back kept me from pulling the two bushel boxes of lead and pewter out of the closet. Since then we've come to like them. They're easy to make and personalize, even if they're not as nice looking as full minis.
A couple of the Sparks figure fonts are workable, too.

I love paper minis as fonts.
I used SJ Games figures back in the day myself. A 15mm option would indeed be a nice idea. (As would PERFORATION. No, I'm not bitter...)

For those who don't know them, Disposable Heroes are available here--


I might shoot Bret an email one of these days and ask him whether he could offer 15mm figures as well.

If I recall correctly, the original Traveller-endorsed (in the GDW era) Martian Metals minis were of the 15mm size. I might still have a few of them somewhere deep in my garage.

Were Snapshot and Striker miniature rules written for 15mm scale or 25mm scale?

( As for other games non-Traveller, I personally prefer a much larger scale, such as 28mm, which allows the minis far better detail )
If you pick and choose carefully through the Star Wars minis line from WotC, a lot of them are suitable for Traveller, like the ones shown below. Buy just the individual figures you want from eBay sellers. They're the right size for deckplans with 1" square grids. Best of all, the most suitable figures for Traveller -- ie, the least Stars Wars-ish -- tend to be the cheap, easy-to-get Common figures.


I emailed him and got a very prompt reply. 15mm could possible in the future. Nice people to work with.

I used SJ Games figures back in the day myself. A 15mm option would indeed be a nice idea. (As would PERFORATION. No, I'm not bitter...)

For those who don't know them, Disposable Heroes are available here--


I might shoot Bret an email one of these days and ask him whether he could offer 15mm figures as well.