Morning Piper,
I may have discovered a bit of errata for the Consolidated Equipment List (CEL) you hooked me up with.
On CEL p. 2/1 or per Acrobat Reader p. 19 there are seven entries of (Price as corrected by B4 43).
Checking out the note on p. 43 of CT LBB 4 Mercenary 1978 1st printing is a section with the title of "Notes on Prices and Tech Levels" appears to make corrections to CT LBB 3 Worlds and Adventures based on the directions to reverse mesh and cloth armor on the Technology Levels Table on Book 3 p. 10. Going back to the other information the prices for the LBB 3 vehicles need to be corrected.
Checking CT LBB 3 1977/1981 2e the Technology Levels Chart is on pp. 14-15 not on p. 10.
Checking Consolidated CT Errata v1.1 p. 14 the there is an entry for CT LBB 3 Mercenary 1978 1st printing on p. 43 stating the "Notes on Prices and Tech Levels" refers to CT LBB 3 1977.
I have a copy of CT LBB 3 1977 9th printing which shows the price for a ground car, p. 16, as CR 40,000 correcting the price per LBB 4 1978 the ground car's price is Cr4,000. The air/raft's price in CT LBB 3 1977, p. 17, is CR 6,000,000 adjusted to Cr600,000.
The Consolidated Equipment List appears to have used entries from CT LBB 3 1977/1981 2nd edition and applied the note from CT LBB 4 1978.