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Cast changes, or just not enough footage?


SOC-14 1K
(First! Also, wanted to get rid of that ominous "Never" on the directory page.)

The stills that have been bandied about from the "Pilot" seem to be missing a couple of the cast who were present in the pre-KS tests. Have we just not seen enough Pilot footage to get everyone, or was there a crew casting change?
(First! Also, wanted to get rid of that ominous "Never" on the directory page.)

The stills that have been bandied about from the "Pilot" seem to be missing a couple of the cast who were present in the pre-KS tests. Have we just not seen enough Pilot footage to get everyone, or was there a crew casting change?

Like any TV Pilot, there are character changes. That does not mean you won't see those characters, or actors, later. :)
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