Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
That's the exact reason why I said that I like where this was going. All Aslan are of ONE culture. All K'Kree. All Droyne. All Zhodani and Vilani and even (to a lesser degree) the Solomani and Vargr.
Remember, we're looking at all those races from a certain viewpoint and at a certian distance. From Israel or the US, China looks like a monolithic culture. As someone who has worked and spent time there I can assure you that
close up China and the Chinese are as varied as anyplace else.
Taking each race mentioned in turn:
Aslan - We know the Aslan went through a wrenching Cultural Purge a few decades after acquiring jump drive. All Aslan who didn't adopt the new culture were either killed or driven off. Maps show 'heretical' Aslan states both on the Marches' 'side' of the Great Rift and far to spinward of the Heirate. One heretical state is even named' 'The Glorious Empire'. We only 'see' one culture because all other Aslan cultures are either dead or fled.
K'Kree - Pretty much the same as the Aslan. Any heretics are either dead, fled, or in hiding. Given their psychological make-up, all K'Kree cultures will have share certain precepts, just as all human cultures do.
Droyne - The form of their societies, the castes, drives it's functioning. However, the six castes are not the only ones. It is explicitly stated that that number is just a convienence used by non-Droyne. Given that some Droyne fly starships and some Droyne barely have settled agriculture, I'd think that there all varied cultures too. Again with the certain shared precepts their mental make-up provides.
Zhodani - Like China, we see the surface. That is we see the nobles and indendents. Assuming they are the sole Zho culture is like assuming the Mandarins were the sole Chinese culture during the 1800s.
Vilani - See the Zhos above. We know much of the Ziru Sirka's Rim province was settled by 'heretics' or Vilani restive under the enforced culture of the ZS. Other Vilani cultures do and did exist.
Solomani - MT's
Solomani & Aslan is crammed fulled of cultural variety. Again, we're looking at the Solomani peoplethrough the narrow lens of the Solomani Party. The two are not the same thing.
Vargr - Like all sophonts, Vargr cultures share certain basic precepts stemming from their psychological make-ups, but off all of
Traveller's aliens, the Vargr have the greatest number of cultures. That point is hammered home time and time again. Like the Solomani people vs. Solomani party example above, we're looking at the Vargr through the narrow lens of the corsairs.
Have fun,