The DPI is dependent on your printer and drivers, so I can't do anything about that. All the graphics in it are vector based so they'll look sharp at really high resolution - my Epson R300 seems to do it at 150-200 dpi. What results are people getting with other kit?
The skin tone detailing can be an issue - thats a tough one. It's similar to to the issues lighting video productions with amateur or semi-pro kit: it's hard to light scenes featuring both white and black people. Either the white guy glows like a lightbulb or the black guy is a shadow with eyes and teeth. I suggest trial and error to see what works. I may actually remove some of the facial content if it glitches too much - better to have limited numbers of quality rather than loads of stuff that doesn't work.
Cycling through the options and identifiers will be in the final release - I'm not doing them yet as its best done when all the content is in there - saves me a ton of work.
Other things intended for the final release - human males(obviously), Varger & Aslan (tho less wardrobe options), and maybe some individual aliens with one outfit (Bwaps, Hiver - which don't wear clothes). More outfits: noble robes, over coat, capes, poncho, mesh, full cloth, flex, combat armour/battle dress, and Vac suits: big pressure, TL12, and tailored. More hair styles and facial features. More background images - airlock, warzone, jungle, bar, cityscape, ship's bridge.
Things that won't be going in: more poses (a huge amount of work there - though if anyone with an artisitc bent wants to do different poses and the outfits for them they're welcome-for full accreditation; same goes for backgrounds. These will need to be processed and/or done in a particular way, but the 'rules' are pretty simple). Also pop down menu's. The reason for this is a: I've not finished adding all the content, b: I don't want to have to think up lots of arbitrary names for eyeshapes and hairstyles, c: a menu full of arbitrary and vague names won't be helpful. Instead, I'll include a series of categories for various clothing styles, such as - casual, dress, shipwear, uniform, overcoats, harness, light armour, vac suits. I'd like to have some presets too, probably featuring all the THB classes, as those outfits are either in there already or can be closely approximated.
I think I've cracked a limited save function. Flash can save data objects to memory, like a cookie, so the frame positions of all the elements could be saved and retrieved for later work, or to update the character. I'll probably not include the character sheet here, as its not intended to be a working record form but one for 'best'. I'd suggest saving background data as a seperate text file and copy and paste. most of the other stuff will routinely change.
I should add a preliminary save function in the next update, though this will prob only save face and colouring data. And only one character can be saved per movie. Saving a new character will overwrite the previous one. I think that renaming the actual swf will allow multiple characters, and since its only 450k its not too silly to have a different version for each ongoing character. I'd originally developed this as a tool to produce unique npc's as quickly as possible, not necessarily for ongoing pc bookkeeping.
Next update for a beta possibly in a couple of weeks, hopefully with the ladies 99% finished. As males tend to wear less variety of clothes, and the infrastructure is done, i'm hoping the workload for males+vargr+aslan is the same or less than it was for the ladies. If this is the case, we can expect an alpha by May.
Interesting fact: 12 faces, 20 eyes, 22 eyebrows, 14 noses, 18 mouths = 1,330,560 possible combinations for faces. And still Wacko Jacko lookalikes appear with frightening regularity!!!