If adapting races does count, there are a bunch that I've specifically been denied permission to adapt, and others that I haven't asked about yet - but will, eventually. Most of the denials have been variant humans, such as Sime and Gen from the Sime~Gen universe of Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Jean Lorrah, or the various human societies in the Liaden Universe of Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, but I've also gotten 'No' from Vernor Vinge for the races in the Zones of Thought universe (A Fire Upon The Deep, A Deepness In The Sky, and The Children Of The Sky). On the list to eventually be asked about are the Jao and Lleix from the 'Third Way'/Jao Empire books by Eric Flint and K.D. Wentworth (The Course of Empire and The Crucible of Empire), Treecats from the Harringtonverse (yes, they're intelligent enough to be potentially usable as PCs or NPCs, not just animals), Dilbians from The Right to Arm Bears, and a few others that I'd have to look up again.