Shadowcat20, I think you understand what I'm saying. Just like with our current warships, a basic design is approved, each ship is handbuilt, each is slightly different straight from the builders, and then the great divergence begins... Within 5 years the only true similarities is in the basic hull shape and layout, maybe. Or not. I believe that the Brits took some ships of a whole class of destroyers and lengthened them, so you had some class examples at the original length and some at the lengthened length (I think it was to install a CIWS.)
Ranke, where does it say the DD14 is not a Chrysanthemum? I have searched and searched and cannot find that reference. It might keep me from pulling what little hair is left upstairs (except the stuff sprouting out the ears and we'll stop this right now...)
Since about 6 months after getting HG originally, I have viewed the TL as a base start for a class. I see the TLs in Supp9 to be the relative base across the board for the class, not a hard and fast rule. I feel the Imperium is too vast and varied to maintain perfect TL in a class over a long period of time. HOME may produce a TL14 Gazelle, while DENEB may produce a TL14/TL15 Gazelle. Same layout, same hull, newer weapons, newer electronics and such. Or another Sector may produce a dumbed down TL14 Gazelle, more suited to the overall TL of the yards within.
Look at it this way. Take an F-15. Take one of the first F-15s. Stick it in a bell jar. Pull it out after 30 years (yeah, it has been that long, and longer) and put it next to one in the fleet. Start pulling both apart. There will be a pile of common components that are the same. There will be two piles of parts that reflect the original and the updated components. Then there will be some that don't match up at all. Is it varying Tech Levels? Maybe. Maybe not.
Wow. These discussions have really gotten my brain a-rollin around. So... what does Aramis or someone close to MM (or himself) say in reference to this topic? I'd be interested. Mighty interested.
This reminds me, young-uns, when I argued with the Gygax about weapon values of human bones during a play-test of A4 for AD&D. Even Erroll Otis got involved. Weird experience, but a good sign that the game was evolving and growing. (Femur as a mace was 1-4, if I remember. And it was a very spirited discussion.)
God, I'm OLD!
Ranke, where does it say the DD14 is not a Chrysanthemum? I have searched and searched and cannot find that reference. It might keep me from pulling what little hair is left upstairs (except the stuff sprouting out the ears and we'll stop this right now...)
Since about 6 months after getting HG originally, I have viewed the TL as a base start for a class. I see the TLs in Supp9 to be the relative base across the board for the class, not a hard and fast rule. I feel the Imperium is too vast and varied to maintain perfect TL in a class over a long period of time. HOME may produce a TL14 Gazelle, while DENEB may produce a TL14/TL15 Gazelle. Same layout, same hull, newer weapons, newer electronics and such. Or another Sector may produce a dumbed down TL14 Gazelle, more suited to the overall TL of the yards within.
Look at it this way. Take an F-15. Take one of the first F-15s. Stick it in a bell jar. Pull it out after 30 years (yeah, it has been that long, and longer) and put it next to one in the fleet. Start pulling both apart. There will be a pile of common components that are the same. There will be two piles of parts that reflect the original and the updated components. Then there will be some that don't match up at all. Is it varying Tech Levels? Maybe. Maybe not.
Wow. These discussions have really gotten my brain a-rollin around. So... what does Aramis or someone close to MM (or himself) say in reference to this topic? I'd be interested. Mighty interested.
This reminds me, young-uns, when I argued with the Gygax about weapon values of human bones during a play-test of A4 for AD&D. Even Erroll Otis got involved. Weird experience, but a good sign that the game was evolving and growing. (Femur as a mace was 1-4, if I remember. And it was a very spirited discussion.)
God, I'm OLD!