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Church of the Maker

There's a brief mention of the Church of the Maker in Minor Alien Module 1: Luriani, but all it really says about it is that the followers are called Makerites and that they're noted for a strict, conservative moral code. Are there any other sources that discuss this religion?
There's a brief mention of the Church of the Maker in Minor Alien Module 1: Luriani, but all it really says about it is that the followers are called Makerites and that they're noted for a strict, conservative moral code. Are there any other sources that discuss this religion?

Not that I am aware of. Perhaps somewhere in T20 materials, but I am not familiar enough with T20 to say for sure.
There's a brief mention of the Church of the Maker in Minor Alien Module 1: Luriani, but all it really says about it is that the followers are called Makerites and that they're noted for a strict, conservative moral code. Are there any other sources that discuss this religion?

The Makerites come from my funny fish stories on Freelance Traveller (same goes for much of my concept of Luriani culture). I never went into any great detail about them sadly. There was no need from a storytelling POV and in Luriani I was restricted by word count, plus they're actually meant as a 'religion seed' give the individual ref the bones and let them flesh it out as suits their own game.

But a link to the stories. Choices is the particular story which introduces them, part two from memory.
The Makerites come from my funny fish stories on Freelance Traveller (same goes for much of my concept of Luriani culture). I never went into any great detail about them sadly. There was no need from a storytelling POV and in Luriani I was restricted by word count, plus they're actually meant as a 'religion seed' give the individual ref the bones and let them flesh it out as suits their own game.

But a link to the stories. Choices is the particular story which introduces them, part two from memory.

Thank you! I will enjoy reading those. And then I'll see how much detail I have to invent for my own universe. I do like the name Makerite, and I plan to use it.
It's not presented that way. Sara Maval Dame, the character whose journal is used to illustrate various aspects of Luriani culture, describes herself as a "good Makerite girl."
I remember something uttered by C3P0. "Oh thank the maker!"
Robots are made by somebody, and whoever made them is their maker. Some intelligent robots might develop a religion around that concept, and perhaps end up being disappointed when they finally meet their maker.
The Makerites come from my funny fish stories on Freelance Traveller (same goes for much of my concept of Luriani culture). I never went into any great detail about them sadly. There was no need from a storytelling POV and in Luriani I was restricted by word count, plus they're actually meant as a 'religion seed' give the individual ref the bones and let them flesh it out as suits their own game.

But a link to the stories. Choices is the particular story which introduces them, part two from memory.

Based on this comment, this thread belongs in the "In My Traveller Universe" forum, as it is not part of the Official Traveller Universe.
Based on this comment, this thread belongs in the "In My Traveller Universe" forum, as it is not part of the Official Traveller Universe.

The Makerites appear in MgT MAM 1 Luriani, fully part of the OTU, I know I wrote it lol.

Just explaining where I took them from.
I remember something uttered by C3P0. "Oh thank the maker!"
Robots are made by somebody, and whoever made them is their maker. Some intelligent robots might develop a religion around that concept, and perhaps end up being disappointed when they finally meet their maker.

Quite a different meaning for that phrase than is valid for organic beings... ;)
I remember something uttered by C3P0. "Oh thank the maker!"
Robots are made by somebody, and whoever made them is their maker. Some intelligent robots might develop a religion around that concept, and perhaps end up being disappointed when they finally meet their maker.

That's one way of interpreting it. To me, the name suggests a monotheistic religion; they worship the Maker of the Universe.
First impression and maybe something one could run with-

Usually in a religion a Maker refers to a supreme being that created whatever species and/or the universe.

But I read this and thought of Makers in terms of the way-advanced additive printing machines.

So, I would interpret the phrase/religion seed as referring to more of a 'cargo cult' religion based around worship of the plenty to be derived from the 'magic machines that can make anything'.

That's one way of interpreting it. To me, the name suggests a monotheistic religion; they worship the Maker of the Universe.

That was my general thought when I created them. But I follow Marc's attitude toward religion in Traveller. Take a very hands off approach and leave it to what feels right for the individual ref.
That's one way of interpreting it. To me, the name suggests a monotheistic religion; they worship the Maker of the Universe.
Yeah, that's true. The Traveller universe has no shortage of makers, and there is Clarke's law as well, " Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I guess " the Maker" is sufficiently generic without referring to and real world modern day religion. I may be getting some sort of gods involved in my campaign as well.

There is a possible Clarke's law interpretation to divine magic, and I might use it in my Andromeda campaign. I have four characters going in my T20 play-by-post campaign two of them are Traveller characters, the other two are D&D fantasy characters, there is one 1st level Mercenary, one 3rd-level Navy character, a 5th-level Cleric, and a 5th level Elf Druid, the last two are AIs operating in a fantasy RPG being run by the Scout ship's computer, the ship is a highly advanced tech level 17 model with an antimatter power plant and a positronic computer.
I do not use MegaTraveller, and do not have any additional books beyond what was in the boxed set.

MgT is Mongoose Traveller :).

I use T4 in my own games. But I have a fairly complete set of all versions. I find it useful as canon is spread across them all, important if you're writing for the OTU lol.

You are right however, my funny fish stories aren't canon, but I did incorporate a lot of what's there into canon when I wrote the Luriani module. The Makerites were one of those things. However, there's really not more information in funny fish other than they have a kind of prohibition on premarital sex (if you sleep with someone you're supposed to marry them) and it was considered surprising one would defect to an enemy of the Imperium. I deliberately kept them vague. Religion can spark a lot of RW passions so I tread lightly with it in my writing.
My apologies for confusing the two. I do not use Mongoose Traveller either,

It's an easy mistake to make

The problem with so many versions is canon, what defines the story which makes up the OTU, is spread across all of them and even with the best will in the world, it's easy for canon conflicts to creep in. When I wrote Luriani, I found several between the GT and T20 write up of the Luriani. I had to overwrite aspects of both to resolve them and produce a consistent whole.