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Citadel-class Assault Ship design

I'm praying now that future service members are spared from having to consume Meals Ready to Excrete.

Thanks for the numbers Navanod. I'm off to do some math and see where that leads.

Lol...I'm hoping a couple thousand years of technological advances will improve them into something a person could survive on.
Man-Days per DTon and given in Best of JTAS 1, p30: 2000 Person-Days per DTon, KCr50 per DTon. that's 6.75L per man-day; lists as "Food and consumables."

FF&S2 also has stats; I don't have mine accessible.

Here is what I’ve figured out so far for cargo requirements. Let me know if you think these figures are reasonable or if I’ve forgotten anything. I'm holding off on posting the rest of the design until I decide what to do with the extra tonnage this diversion has left to me.

I’m falling back on my training and using the ten classes of supply to organize the analysis.

Class I (subsistence): 45 tons
- the figures from Navanod and Aramis both work out to about 21 tons for food alone. Using the BJTAS figure: .00675 kl * 450 * 90 = 273.375 kl = 20.25 tons. Round the fraction up and call it 21 tons.
- I checked an online water calculator that said a 180 lb human in a desert climate with 60 minutes of exercise per day needs a minimum of 3.9 liters of water. I think that is a survival amount rather than an optimal figure just based on experience. Since this is too important to go short on, I doubled it: .004 kl * 450 * 90 = 162 kl = 12 tons (doubled is 24 tons).

Class II (uniforms and equipment): 90 tons
- There can be a wide variance in any vessels operating region in the climates the landing force needs to be equipped for. Not just climate but also potentially chemical or radiological contamination. Other items in this category are extra oxygen canisters, tents, cots, prefab shelters for command posts, space heaters / coolers (if not already built in to a prefab shelter), spare pressure suits for the vehicle crews, extra uniforms (troopers can’t wear their battle dress 24/7 for 3 months), batteries and power packs (lots). Since Class I worked out evenly to one ton per ten troopers I’d like to assign a similar figure to this as a guesstimate. Does double the figure for Class I sound like enough?

Class III (fuel, lubricants): 5 tons
- Four tankfuls of fuel for all carried craft/vehicles are already allotted in the design
- Lubricantsand fluids per month (1% of the vehicle volume) = 23.9673 kl * 3 = 71.9 kl = 5.3 tons (round down to 5)

Class IV (construction material): 1 ton
- Sandbags and HESCO barriers only as the assault troops should never emplace more than hasty defenses.

Class V (ammunition): 36 tons
- Assume that a basic load of ammunition is needed every 3 days to ensure the contingent is prepared for worst case need
- 3x Swift: VRFGG 3(.3)(30)= 27 kl
Missiles 3(.84)(30)= 75.6 kl
- 12x Fleet: VRFGG 12(.3)(30)= 117 kl
- 4x Titan: VRFGG 4(.3)(30)= 36 kl
- FGMP Power Packs: 385(.009)(30)= 103.95 kl
- Gauss Rifle Magazines: 385(7)(.0004)(30)= 32.34 kl
- Gauss Pistol Magazines: 385(3)(.0002)(30)= 6.93 kl
- SnMG Magazines: 65(7)(.001)(10)= 4.55 kl
- Shotgun Magazines: 65(7)(.00075)(10)= 3.41 kl
- 4cm RAM Grenades: 385(12)(.00025)(30)= 34.65 kl
- 2cm RAM Grenades: 65(12)(.00015)(10)= 1.17 kl
- Hand Grenades: 385(4)(.00025)(30)= 11.55 kl
- Tac Missiles: 27(6)(.004)(30)= 19.44 kl
- Demo Charges: 27(2)(.0003)(30)= 4.86 kl
- Total = 478.45 kl = 35.44 tons (round up)

Class VI (personal demand items): 5 tons
- just a SWAG (1/10th of the Class I requirement rounded up)

Class VII (major end items): 0 tons
- Battle Dress replacement suits 39 (10%): 39(.0027)= .1053 kl
- FGPM-14 replacement systems 39 (10%): 39(.01)= .39 kl
- Gauss Rifles 385: 385(.0035)= 1.3475 kl
- Total 1.84 kl = negligible in comparison to others

Class VIII (medical): 1 ton
- another SWAG same as Class VI

Class IX (parts): 27 tons
- Spares for major assemblies (engines, sensors, comm sets) plus PLL stockage (1% of vehicle volume per month)
- Power plants: 1 Titan, 2 Dasher, 1 Swift, 2 Fleet, 2 Prodromoi = 92.14 kl
- Spare Communicators: 12 Maser (.028), 4 Laser (.014), 4 Radio (.004), 3 Jammer (.016) = .456 kl
- Spare Sensors: 4(.06)+ 4(.12)+ 4(.018)+ 4(.3)+ 4(.2) = 2.792 kl
- Misc Parts: 4(1.3425)+12(.756)+12(.3564)+3(1.0295)+8(.27)= 23.9673 kl
- Total = 119.3553 kl = 8.841 tons (round up to 9 and multiply by 3 months)

Class X (nonmilitary supplies): 0 tons
- there is good cause to have some nonallocated space for this as some missions will call for it, but most will not.

Grand Total = 45+90+5+1+36+5+0+1+27+0 = 211 tons

So now, if 90 days of supply for this unit takes up 211 tons, what is the best way to allocate the rest of the space?

Some ideas:

Keep 500 tons for cargo leaving over 250 for vessel needs and other uses.
Add another 50-ton meson bay, increase power plant, increase billeting space (as gunnery crew will rise), and reduce turrets by ten.
Allocate more fuel to allow more time on station.
Carry more missile reloads.

Any more?

Oh, and check my math - I'm a history major.
Water's a non-issue, as far as potable. The waste recycling system, coupled with human respiration and food-borne water, will result in needing to pull water OUT of the air, and purging some with the solid waste.
I disagree, Aramis.

Once the troops land on the ground, they will not be able to use those wonderful high tech gadets to make their drinkable water.

Also, if this ship design is to be able to go anywhere, anytime with out having to be reconfigured, then that water needs to be there. Vaccum worlds/asteroids, extreme desert planets, or even tainted worlds where there might be some element in the local water sources that are extremely difficult for the filters/reprocessing equipment to handle completely (talking about what is on the ship, not what might be available at the TL).

Dave Chase
I think my mileage is the same as yours :). This is just one battalion from that brigade or group-sized unit. The line infantry battalions are a little bigger and not drop-trained so they are on another ship that can land them after the assault battalion clears the LZs. And the lift infantry / cavalry battalions are riding different ships too.
Major B, I guess I was not clear what I was thinking.

Basically, for the mission of preparing for a major invasion, the Fleet Marine unit secures the LZ, then when the first Line Marine division (or elements thereof), come on line, the Fleet Marines are withdrawn for other missions. Corollary to that, the Line Marine ships would contain at least a brigade, or a division, in one easily manageable unit.

Of course, having a battalion of this nature as an attached asset to a division is a good alternative as well. I must confess that I have not really thought about this in any great detail, though. You seem to be doing just fine :)
Citadel v 2.00

I’ve reworked the Citadel, decreasing cargo from 900 to 500 tons. Version 2 also changes the weapons mix and enlarges the power plant. Fuel stores are increased too as is space for the craft hangar (it is cramped there on the deckplan).

Below is a list of changes and an amended UCP. Please take a look and give some feedback on whether this is an improvement over v 1.01. Your feedback will determine which version I proceed with.

Change Summary:
- Cost + MCr 259.621
- Loaded weight - 2,430 tons
- Unloaded weight + 2,867 tons
- Power plant size + 1,442 kl
- Power plant size + 28,941.5 Mw
- ME power duration + 16.13 days
- NM power duration + 6.62 days
- CM power duration + 2.41 days
- Full power (CW) duration - .1 days
- Meson Gun Bays +1 (2)
- Missile Batteries -1 (4)
- Sandcaster Batteries -2 (4)
- Fusion Gun Batteries +2 (8)
- Crew + 7 (+1 Engineering, +6 Gunnery)
- Small staterooms + 7
- Cargo decreases to 500 tons
- Craft hangar space + 446 kl
- PP fuel + 1,505.5 kl
- Craft/Vehicle fuel store increased from 691.8 to 2,075.5 kl
- Emission Level increases from faint to moderate at full power
- Increase refueling time from 93.9 to 102 minutes

[FONT=Calibri][B][I][U][FONT=Calibri]Citadel[/FONT][/U][/I][/B][B][U][FONT=Calibri]–class 7,900-ton Imperial Armored Assault Auxiliary TL15 (v 2.00) [/FONT][/U][/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]  [B][U]CraftID[/U][/B]:    Citadel-class Medium Auxiliary, Armored, Assault (MAA), [U]TL[/U] 15, [U]MCr[/U] 4,[COLOR=#c00000]430[/COLOR].[COLOR=#c00000]76[/COLOR]1[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri]                    [FONT=Calibri](MCr [COLOR=#c00000]6[/COLOR],[COLOR=#c00000]045[/COLOR].[COLOR=#c00000]57[/COLOR] with carried craft and vehicles)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]        [B][U]Hull[/U][/B]:    7,110/17,775; [U]Displacement[/U] 7,900 tons, [U]Configuration[/U] 4SL, [U]Armor[/U] 58G, [U]Loaded Wt.[/U][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    14[COLOR=#c00000]0[/COLOR],[COLOR=#c00000]828[/COLOR] tons, [U]Unloaded Wt.[/U] 1[COLOR=#c00000]12[/COLOR],[COLOR=#c00000]656[/COLOR] tons.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]   [B][U]Power[/U][/B]:    [COLOR=#c00000]662[/COLOR]/[COLOR=#c00000]882[/COLOR]; [U]Fusion[/U] [COLOR=#c00000]118[/COLOR],[COLOR=#c00000]852[/COLOR].[COLOR=#c00000]3[/COLOR] Mw, [U]Duration[/U] 5.[COLOR=#c00000]3[/COLOR]/1[COLOR=#c00000]5[/COLOR].[COLOR=#c00000]8[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]      [B][U]Loco[/U][/B]:    854/1,138; [U]Gravitic Thruster[/U], [U]Maneuver[/U] = 3; [U]Agility[/U] = 0[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    534/712; [U]Jump[/U] = 4[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    [U]Top Speed[/U] = 4,200 kph, [U]Cruise[/U] = 3,150 kph, [U]NOE[/U] = 190 kph[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]   [B][U]Comm[/U][/B]:    [U]Radio[/U] System (3), Far Orbit (3), [U]Laser[/U] System (2), Far Orbit (3), [U]Maser[/U] System (4), [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri]                    [FONT=Calibri]Far Orbit (5), [U]Radio Jammer[/U] Far Orbit (2)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri] [B][U]Sensors[/U][/B]:    [U]EMS Active Array[/U] Far Orbit (4), [U]EMS Jammer[/U] Far Orbit (2), [U]EMS Passive Array[/U] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    Interstellar (6), [U]Low Penetration Densitometer[/U] 250 m (6), [U]Neutrino Sensor[/U] 10 kw (6); [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    [U]ActObjScan[/U] Routine, [U]ActObjPin[/U] Routine, [U]PassEnScan[/U] Simple, [U]PassEnPin[/U] Routine, [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    [U]PassObjScan[/U] Routine, [U]PassObjPin[/U] Routine[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][B][FONT=Calibri]         [U]Off[/U][/FONT][/B][FONT=Calibri]:    [U]Meson Gun[/U] 04x, [U]Beam Laser[/U] xx7, [U]Missiles[/U] x06, [U]Fusion Gun[/U], x05[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    Batteries        [COLOR=#c00000]2[/COLOR]                             3                      [COLOR=#c00000]4                           [/COLOR][COLOR=#c00000]8[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    Bearing           [COLOR=#c00000]2[/COLOR]                             3                      [COLOR=#c00000]4                            8[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    40 battery-rounds (BR) of HE missiles, 5 BR of nuclear missiles, battery round = [COLOR=#c00000]72[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][B][FONT=Calibri]        [U]Def[/U][/FONT][/B][FONT=Calibri]:    [U]Defensive DM[/U] +8, [U]Armor DM[/U] +6[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    [U]Sandcaster[/U] xx6[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    Batteries        [COLOR=#c00000]4[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    Bearing           [COLOR=#c00000]4[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    45 battery-rounds of sand canisters, battery round = [COLOR=#c00000]36[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri] [B][U]Control[/U][/B]:    [U]Computer[/U] model 8/fib with two backups, [U]Large Holodisplay[/U] 6,[U] Holo HUD[/U] 30, [U]Holo[/U][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    [U]Linked Control Panels[/U] 36, [U]Electronic Circuit Protection[/U], Basic Environment, Basic Life[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    Support, Extended Life Support, Artificial Gravity, Inertial Dampers, [U]Air Locks[/U] 22[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]   [B][U]Accom[/U][/B]:    [U]Crew[/U] 1[COLOR=#c00000]56[/COLOR] (8 segments of [COLOR=#c00000]20[/COLOR]), [U]Bridge[/U] 11, [U]Engineering[/U] 1[COLOR=#c00000]2[/COLOR], [U]Maintenance[/U] 2, [U]Gunnery[/U] [COLOR=#c00000]35[/COLOR],[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    [U]Flight[/U] 56, [U]Ship’s Troops[/U] 21, [U]Command[/U] 12, [U]Stewards[/U] 4, [U]Medical[/U] 3, [U]Crew Staterooms[/U] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    Single Occupant Large = 2, Single Occupant Small = 1[COLOR=#c00000]54[/COLOR], [U]Passenger Staterooms[/U] Single [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    Occupant Large = 2, Double Occupant Small = 224, [U]Low Berths[/U] 45, [U]Subcraft[/U] 8 Pauldron[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    Fighters, 8 Limber Shuttles, 12 Fleet AFVs, 3 Swift APCs, 12 Prodromoi CRVs, 8 Dasher [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    GPUVs, 4 Titan AMRVs, and 1,155 Drop Capsules[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]    [B][U]Other[/U][/B]:    [U]Cargo[/U] [COLOR=#c00000]6[/COLOR],[COLOR=#c00000]750[/COLOR] kl ([COLOR=#c00000]500[/COLOR] displacement tons), [U]Power Plant Fuel[/U] [COLOR=#c00000]7[/COLOR],[COLOR=#c00000]5[/COLOR]21.[COLOR=#c00000]4[/COLOR] kl, [U]Jump Drive[/U][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    [U]Fuel[/U] 26,662.5 kl, [U]Craft & Vehicle Fuel[/U] [COLOR=#c00000]2,075[/COLOR].[COLOR=#c00000]5[/COLOR] kl, [U]Object Size[/U] Large, [U]Emission Level[/U] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    [COLOR=#c00000]Moderate[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri][B][U]Comments[/U][/B]:    Excerpt from the 1112 edition of [U]Jane’s Fighting Ships of Known Space[/U]: "The Citadel-[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]class assault ship combines the functions of a craft carrier, troop carrier, and fire support vessel and [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]is intended to spearhead planetary assaults. Despite their impressive armament, the vessels are not [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]classified as combatants. They are included in the ranks of the Imperial Naval Auxiliary Fleet and are [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]considered to be a choice assignment among Auxiliary Fleet officers and other ranks. In peacetime [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]these vessels routinely undertake patrol, training, and flag missions and serve as a deterrent in [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]border areas as well as areas prone to unrest. In wartime, they will be found in the forefront of [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]assault task forces."[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]                    "The service record of the Citadel-class, though brief, is nevertheless exemplary. Of [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]the first eighteen vessels commissioned, four saw service in the Fifth Frontier War and two [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]([I]Redoubt[/I] and [I]Bulwark[/I]) received commendations for actions in the counteroffensives against the [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]Sword Worlds and the Zhodani in 1109. Another (the [I]Safehold[/I]) served notably in the emergency [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]response to a local plague on [U]Uakye[/U] (Spinward Marches, 1805) in 1111, also earning a [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]commendation from Archduke Norris. Twenty-one vessels of this class are now in service and the [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][FONT=Calibri]IJEB has allocated funding to procure as least 30 more in the next decade."[/FONT][/FONT]
Major B, I guess I was not clear what I was thinking.

Basically, for the mission of preparing for a major invasion, the Fleet Marine unit secures the LZ, then when the first Line Marine division (or elements thereof), come on line, the Fleet Marines are withdrawn for other missions. Corollary to that, the Line Marine ships would contain at least a brigade, or a division, in one easily manageable unit.

Of course, having a battalion of this nature as an attached asset to a division is a good alternative as well. I must confess that I have not really thought about this in any great detail, though. You seem to be doing just fine :)

I'm not sure this ship's niche in the fleet is for carring troops to make the first landing in a major invasion. A major invasion needs lots of troops and going through the planetary defenses. Fleet must gain orbital supremacy (not just superiority) and reduce planetary surface (and subsurface, either underwater SDBs, deep meson guns, submarines for last ditch defense, etc) defenses before landings begin if you don't want hight casuality rates among your jump troops (ever played Invasion Earth?).
If this is the case, supporting of the dirty side element could better be done by the swarms of fighters the fleet carries, and there will be cruisers to bomb to submission those that fighters can not deal with.
Also, all the logistic support that is discussed here is not necessary on this kind of invasion, as major fleet and army presence makes the logistical support of a single battailon (even an elite, hight priority one) not a problem.
This design is not hard enought to penetrate spaceside defenses for a major invasion (remember MajorB specifies that is not a combat ship), not stealthy enough to just drop the pathfinders (too large for that), and carries not enought troops to be worth for a major invasion where divisions are the smallest maneuver units.

The niche I see in this ship (and quite good at this, by the way) is for small opperations against not too defended (spaceside at least) that can be carried by a single independent battalion or two if two ships of this class work as a unit:
- Batailon sized raids against light to no space defended places (like destruction of a pirate base, once located).
- Enforcing Imperial Rules of War when broken in a local war.
- 'Pacifying' rebel planets, when few troops are considered enought (as Baron Caranda of Regina taking of Menorb in 623, as explained on the 4518 Lift Infantry Regiment history).
- Quick response low troop units in emergencies (as told on MajorB's presentation of the ship.
- Force Show when Imperial presence must be stated or shown.
In this quind of opperations, her ability to carry a drop battalion and support it for 90 days of independent opperations is really felt, and his deffenses and ability to guive ortillery support are probably more than enought.
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I've updated the files posted in the file library with the new figures for version 2.00.

The UCP is here and the design worksheets are here.
Locomotion Section

First, a progress report: I've finished updating the stuff in the File Library and editing the posts in this thread to reflect version 2.00 of the design. At this point I'd like to thank everyone who has provided feedback and discussion on this project. Two of you in particular deserve my thanks - Ojno the Red for his support and ideas since I began building the vehicles for the marines, and Navanod for rightly pointing out that my first deckplan sketches depicted a flying brick. I've since scrapped them and am busy on a new layout that is coming along slowly but steadily.


Locomotion: In strategic mobility terms, this design should be able to meet fleet mobility standards, meaning J4.

For tactical mobility, 1G should be all that is needed for normal cruising with the ability to sprint at 3G when necessary. This is considering the potential dangers this ship should have to face. After all, I can’t imagine a situation where I’d execute a battalion-sized airborne assault without something real close to (if not complete) air superiority. I imagine that current US Marines would not be executing an amphibious assault without at least local sea superiority (and air too for that matter). The planetary assault should not be started until most if not all enemy sub-orbital and extra-orbital threats to the fleet are eliminated or chased off. Plus, this ship should never be going anywhere without an escort.

What’s more, the main body of the surface force is not going to be carried on new state-of-the-art ships like a Citadel. They’ll be packed into older, slower ships meaning the Citadel doesn’t need to be a sprinter.

As an auxiliary, there is also no need for agility in the design. This allows for significant savings in the power section as high-agility designs in MT often require enormous (and expensive) power plants.

I split the maneuver drive into two entries in the design worksheet so that I could calculate the required power separately. At NM power, the ship produces enough power to push the M-drive at 1G acceleration and at CW power the ship can accelerate at the full 3G.

I included an avionics suite plus a backup. I don’t think the published rules require avionics to skim for fuel, but I do IMTU. And the cost and weight are both negligible at the scale of this design.
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Weapons section

I’m skipping Communications and Sensors to address a little later, as I want to take some time to explain the idea behind the various control centers I’ve built into the Citadel design. But before I do that, I’ll cover the weapons section:


Weaponry: The primary purpose of weaponry on this ship is to provide supporting ortillery fires to the surface force. This is a distinction for me in that this is not a bombardment vessel – supporting troops in contact is not best accomplished by indiscriminate fire from weapons with an enormous blast radius. This ship should be able to deliver more precise and measured firepower against selected targets.

The secondary purpose of weaponry in this design is protecting the ship. While secondary, it is critical as the ship does not have protective screens (although it does have good armor protection).

I thought that a pair of meson gun bays would serve best as a base to build the rest of the weaponry mix around. In version 1 I had to make a tradeoff here because I couldn’t fit more than one (due to the power requirements more than the available volume). With the reduction of cargo space in version 2 I was able to fit the second bay. I chose 50-ton bays rather than 100-ton because the ortillery mission did not warrant the heavier weaponry.

The two bays take up 10 hardpoints each, leaving 59 hardpoints to mount turrets. Thanks to the suggestion from McPerth, I included a number of fusion gun batteries. I had six in version 1 and expanded to eight in version 2. Each battery is a single turret mounting a single fusion gun so there are eight factor-5 batteries. I could have put two guns in each turret and organized two turrets per battery but that would have required twice the power and, for the ortillery mission it is better to be able to hit eight targets at factor-5 than to hit four targets at factor-6.

To round out the ortillery capabilities I chose missile batteries. But in this case, I organized the turrets into larger batteries in order to increase their effectiveness when used to defend the ship, because if the vessel encounters a threat it would be better to take it out at as long a range as possible and missiles are most effective at long range. This is why the Citadel mounts four factor-6 missile batteries consisting each of six turrets with triple racks. If you allow ships in YTU to change their battery configuration (I’ve looked at the idea but haven’t settled on a solution) then each factor-6 missile battery could be split into three factor-4 batteries, each comprised of two turrets.

I followed the same logic used in organizing the missile batteries when allocating defensive weaponry. I consolidated the beam laser turrets into three factor-7 batteries each of five triple turrets. Of course, the laser batteries also have offensive utility, but I included them mostly because they help protect the ship against missiles fired either by system defense boats or from the planet’s surface. The rest of the available hardpoints are occupied by four factor-6 sandcaster batteries each composed of three triple turrets.

All of this puts two 50-ton bays, eight medium (27 kl) turrets, and 51 light (13.5 kl) turrets into the design. For each of the light turrets I’ve allocated an additional ton (13.5 kl) adjacent to the turret to serve as a magazine. Those magazines each hold 135 missiles or sand canisters, providing 45 battery rounds. In the design, I’ve calculated the weight of 20% nuclear missiles and 80% high explosive although the vessel commander can mix them at any ratio he needs for the mission. Note that the laser turrets also have magazine space allocated to them. If the turrets are later fitted with missile racks or sandcasters, then the magazine space is there already and in the meantime the space can be used for storage.

EDIT: I'll update this post after I fix the typo on the inline image - line two 4th column should read f4x2 rather than f4x1.
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Just a question concerning surface support. How effective will lasers and energy weapons be firing through a normal or dense atmosphere?

I can see missiles or a planetary bombardment warhead delivered by a missle being used from the turrets but lasers will degrade in the atmosphere due to friction. I also seem to remember fusion and plasma guns were shorter ranged so may not make it to the surface.

As for stores it seems they may also want to carry spare shuttles in case of combat losses and larger missle stores just for support actions. Com sats may also be useful to launch for communications and recon. Maybe cold sleep berths for seriously wounded and a extensive operating theater for supporting ground actions.

Extra space will be needed for training decks to keep the troops trim and also to train for specific operations. Add 20 to 50 tons for a combat operations center, an extra computer for said center, and communications equipment.

Getting them there with enough bullets and beans is one thing. Running a operation while there will also have to be taken into account.

Just my 2 credits
Just a question concerning surface support. How effective will lasers and energy weapons be firing through a normal or dense atmosphere?

Laser: Depends highly upon the wavelengths. Hit the right window, and it goes through with 90%+ energy. Hit the wrong one, and you merely create weather stimulation.

Energy (Fusion, Plasma): Not very. You'll provide lighting for ground troops.

Meson: 100%

PAW: very little
APAW: Radiation like an airbust tacnuke.
Just a question concerning surface support. How effective will lasers and energy weapons be firing through a normal or dense atmosphere?

I can see missiles or a planetary bombardment warhead delivered by a missle being used from the turrets but lasers will degrade in the atmosphere due to friction. I also seem to remember fusion and plasma guns were shorter ranged so may not make it to the surface.

Good question. I'm still looking for another reference on ortillery fire effectiveness that I seem to remember was an MT pub, but while I'm looking for that at least the weapon charts in the player's handbook show these systems to be a good bet for the intended role.

A TL 13 Beam Laser has listed penetration of 75, attenuation 5, damage 600, and max range of far orbit (500,000 km). Degradation in atmosphere seems to be modeled with the attenuation. If firing at a Trepida (Armor = 40, hull damage = Inop 12 / 29 destroyed) and scoring a hit at less than 5 km range, the laser will score a low penetration for 300 damage. If the target is between 5 and 500,000 km the penetration attenuates to half or 32. Since this is less than the target's armor value, a hit will cause a zero penetration result which still inflicts 10% damage (60 points) which still kills the tank.

The Fusion Guns have a range that is one band shorter than the laser. So it has a penetration of 103, attenuation 5, damage 900, and max range planetary (50,000 km). Even with the shorter range there should be no trouble reaching a surface target from orbit, penetration will still be 51 against targets beyond 5 km out to maximum range. Targets armored at 51 or less will receive 450 damage if hit, and targets armored at 52 or more will be hit for 90 points of damage.

Incidentally, the same chart on page 80 of the MT Player's Handbook shows the particle accelerator's lack of penetration in atmosphere but with a listed damage of 2000, even a no pen result would deliver 200 points of damage so maybe they are not completely ineffective for bombardment.

I'll keep looking for the reference I mentioned. I'm starting to think that it wasn't a MT pub so I'll take a look at my Striker stuff later today.

As for stores it seems they may also want to carry spare shuttles in case of combat losses and larger missle stores just for support actions. Com sats may also be useful to launch for communications and recon. Maybe cold sleep berths for seriously wounded and a extensive operating theater for supporting ground actions.

As it stands now, the only thing you've mentioned that is not already in the design is the spare shuttles. I'll be talking about the com sats when I post the communications section. The low berths (45) will be covered under accomodations. There is also a 6-ton medical bay and a surgeon, PA, and one other medical specialist are part of the crew to augment the medics in the assault battalion.

Extra space will be needed for training decks to keep the troops trim and also to train for specific operations. Add 20 to 50 tons for a combat operations center, an extra computer for said center, and communications equipment.

I allocated 45 tons for a training bay. The suface operations / logistics center is smaller than you mention (8 tons) but I think big enough to suffice.

Getting them there with enough bullets and beans is one thing. Running a operation while there will also have to be taken into account.

I agree completely. Take a look at the design worksheet posted in the file library (here) and see if I left out something you think is important. I'm still working on the discussion notes for the remaining design sections and hope to get them posted in this thread soon.
Good question. I'm still looking for another reference on ortillery fire effectiveness that I seem to remember was an MT pub, but while I'm looking for that at least the weapon charts in the player's handbook show these systems to be a good bet for the intended role.

A TL 13 Beam Laser has listed penetration of 75, attenuation 5, damage 600, and max range of far orbit (500,000 km). Degradation in atmosphere seems to be modeled with the attenuation. If firing at a Trepida (Armor = 40, hull damage = Inop 12 / 29 destroyed) and scoring a hit at less than 5 km range, the laser will score a low penetration for 300 damage. If the target is between 5 and 500,000 km the penetration attenuates to half or 32. Since this is less than the target's armor value, a hit will cause a zero penetration result which still inflicts 10% damage (60 points) which still kills the tank.

The Fusion Guns have a range that is one band shorter than the laser. So it has a penetration of 103, attenuation 5, damage 900, and max range planetary (50,000 km). Even with the shorter range there should be no trouble reaching a surface target from orbit, penetration will still be 51 against targets beyond 5 km out to maximum range. Targets armored at 51 or less will receive 450 damage if hit, and targets armored at 52 or more will be hit for 90 points of damage.

Incidentally, the same chart on page 80 of the MT Player's Handbook shows the particle accelerator's lack of penetration in atmosphere but with a listed damage of 2000, even a no pen result would deliver 200 points of damage so maybe they are not completely ineffective for bombardment.

I'll keep looking for the reference I mentioned. I'm starting to think that it wasn't a MT pub so I'll take a look at my Striker stuff later today.

I'm affraid you're wrong in your calculations. In zero penetration, weapons do 10% damage if there are exposed areas wich can be penetrated by your weapon (Players Manual, page 70). As I don't think this whould be the case on trepidas, only fusion gun whould damage (and destroy) it.
About PA, I've always assumed that atmosfere acts as armor against it, so any target is fully armored and cannot be damages by them. It's my interpretation, but I think it's the spirit of the rule by giving it 0 penetration against atmospheres.
I'm affraid you're wrong in your calculations. In zero penetration, weapons do 10% damage if there are exposed areas wich can be penetrated by your weapon (Players Manual, page 70). As I don't think this whould be the case on trepidas, only fusion gun whould damage (and destroy) it.

I don't think I'm wrong there. The sentence just after the one you cite on page 70 says "Vehicles and robots always apply such hits as structure damage" which I think means hull damage.

About PA, I've always assumed that atmosfere acts as armor against it, so any target is fully armored and cannot be damages by them. It's my interpretation, but I think it's the spirit of the rule by giving it 0 penetration against atmospheres.

I've always interpreted it the same way but I never looked at it closely. Seeing a damage rating of 2000 made me think about it, but I don't think it will change how I've played it.
Command and Control Nodes

My design notes for communications and sensors won’t make sense unless I explain the idea for control centers that I’ve built into the Citadel.

In prior attempts at building deckplans I found it difficult to build in an adequate size bridge because MT does not require any volume to be devoted to one (except for the volume of the computers and controls themselves). The rules do allow a 20% overage which could be used to carve out some space but I’m trying to limit the overage to 10% and only use it for access spaces (and that is just for main vertical and horizontal corridors as each component is supposed to have access volume built in).

Thinking about what space would be required for a bridge led me to wonder about space required for other command and control nodes, since on larger ships functions such as fire direction might be more efficient and more survivable if separated from the functions of piloting the ship. I came up with three reasons actually
– Survivability: so that multiple control functions are not disrupted or destroyed with one hit
– Focus: so that groups doing divergent work are not intermingling with and causing confusion between themselves
– Resourcing: so that the groups are not competing for the same resources such as communication sets or sensors

I’ll list some of the nodes that I’ve come up with so far. I also list some of the formulae I used to determine the space required for them in this design. I don’t know yet if this list is inclusive enough or if these same formulae will work with other designs, but they seem to work well enough for this one. Note that the listed volume is just work space – it does not include the volume for sensors or communication gear or controls which are all added separately (and will be the subject of my next two posts).

Also, for these spaces I used the same power, weight, and cost per kiloliter as required by a small stateroom. That will be shown when I get to the accommodations section, where all of these nodes are listed.

Bridge: Since all of the components critical to the bridge are covered separately, all that is needed is to provide space. Half a ton for each of the required bridge crew seems adequate: (11/2) [rounded] = 6 Td.

Command Bridge: A command bridge can either be for the commander of a grouping of ships or can serve as a backup bridge. I decided this design didn’t require a second bridge as it was not a flagship and was unlikely to need a backup bridge. If included it would use the same formula as the bridge.

Offensive/Defensive Systems Control Center: These are the main control nodes for a vessel’s offensive and defensive systems (weaponry and screens). A combat vessel should probably have backups too, but since this is an auxiliary one is enough. Also, the manual gunner’s controls in each turret are already a backup in case this node is damaged in combat (I assume that bay weaponry has manual controls too since a bay is really a very large turret and the deckplan will reflect this). To determine the required volume in tons, I divided the total number of gunnery crew by four: (30/4) [rounded] = 8 Td. The result is then split according to the percentage difference between offensive and defensive control points: (32,400 : 1,350) [rounded] = 8 Td offensive and 0 Td defensive. So the Citadel will have one 8-ton weapon systems control center that handles both offensive and defensive weaponry.

Craft Operations Control Center: This is something like an air traffic control element that on most vessels only controls craft in the space nearby but on a carrier would be designed to control missions farther away. For most vessels it does not need to be too robust and if it is very small can be combined with the bridge. To determine the required volume, I added the number of carried craft and grav vehicles and divided the sum by 12: ((39+16)/12) [rounded] = 5 Td.

Surface Operations Control Center: An orbital command post to provide C3I to a surface force. Since this unit may deploy either all or part of their force it should have one of these. Even if the battalion TOC deploys, the commander will often keep the XO and a portion of the staff here as a backup command post. Volume is number of troops divided by 100: (450/100) [rounded] = 5 Td.

Surface Fire Control Center: A fire direction center for the surface force. Since the weaponry on this ship is intended for ortillery rather than fleet combat, I omitted this node. The Offensive Systems Center will handle fire support requests from surface force observers and the Craft Ops Center will coordinate support from fighters.

Surface Logistics Control Center: Another control center for the surface force, this one is to coordinate medical evacuation and delivery of supplies. If small, this would be combined with the Surface Ops Center. Volume is number of troops divided by 150: (450/150) = 3 Td.
Ok, concerning ship weapons being used as ground support.

I only have Striker and the Little black books to work with but this is what I have found so far.

Ship lasers...

Both types are 250MW with the beam having 3 lenses.

This gives them a range of Effective 500KM/Long 1000KM/Extended 5000KM

For Plasma Beams ...

250 MW with approx ranges of Eff 15Km/Long 30KM/Ext 60 KM

Fusion Beams...

500MW with approx ranges of Eff 33KM/Long 66KM/Ext 132KM

Been a while since I have used Striker so the energy weapons are rough estamates. The lasers should be dead on though. If these numbers are correct then Lasers will be effective support weapons but energy weapons will require the ship to get WAY too close to harms way. Lasers can also be used for counter battery fire and keep the air around the operations area clear of enemy aircraft.

To use the weapons on ground targets WILL require Foward Observers from the ship to call in fire. In order for them to call in support the target area Will have to be mapped out and gridded. Any world with a medium tech should be able to knock down sats so GPS style mapping will not be effective. The ship or escorts will have to fly over the terrain to map it or have some sort of mapping shuttle to do the job.

This means the ship will need to supply at least 1 FO team per company and maybe per platoon. On top of Naval personel for medics.

On another note I figure this ship will not be going into harms way alone. A strike group will include at least 2 picket ships of Corvette or Frigate size or larger and possably a fleet supply ship. Maybe even a small Support Carrier for ground support, combat air patrols, and med evac.

Been reading a lot of Starfist books by David Sherman and Dan Cragg lately. This is where I have gotten a lot of my ideas on ground ops from.

Ok, will keep digging.
I don't think I'm wrong there. The sentence just after the one you cite on page 70 says "Vehicles and robots always apply such hits as structure damage" which I think means hull damage.

I've always interpreted it the same way but I never looked at it closely. Seeing a damage rating of 2000 made me think about it, but I don't think it will change how I've played it.

I see your point, but I've always understood that as if the vehicle is damaged (it has parts that can be penetrated), the hits are applied as structure damage (I agree with you that's hull damage).
If your reading is the one correct, then thee are some paradoxes on those rules:
- If you're firing weapon with low pen hi damage, you can damage a trepida (e.g. if you have a 6 cm recoiless rifle TL6, it's better to fire HE agains a trepida, for even in pen is only 9, dmg 10 means a hit, if you fire HEAP, pen is 20, but damage only 8. so no hits [I assume it's rounded down]).
- Let's imagine your PA ortillery gun (firing through atmosphere) hits an area in whose danger space are two trepidas and 8 combat armor equiped supporting infantry. In your reading, the trepidas are destroyed, while the infantry is unharmed, as they are fully enclosed on armor greater than PA's pen.