• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

colonising - how do they move all those people ?

The problem is getting them down again at the other end.

Yes, this is a real bottleneck. In my own campaign set on post-war Kimanjano this is the key problem - both in the game, for the refugees who just wish to go anywhere else, and for me as a realism-minded GM who can't figure out how you ship 500,000 refugees onto a planet quickly.

Building a smoothly running (and cost efficient) orbit-ground infrastructure will be a major issue for any colony. Beanstalks are clearly worth their price and rotons help, but the orbital station/spaceport system is going to seriously limit how many can come or leave per day. This means that any disruption here can hamper the whole system: colonists being left in orbit in too small spaces, serious economic losses, etc. As soon as a colony has two ways to get up and down things become less pressured.

From my players' perspective this of course mean that to annoy the hated governor-general the most they will strike at the spaceport...
>Look for the 2320AD stats for the York sometime in the next week.

Since its now about 4 weeks since Colin posted this, I assume I've missed the post ?
I think it's best to thing of the Orbital Terminals as the points ships move between. When I constructed the ship frequency chart (http://www.geocities.com/Area51/9292/2300/ShipArr.html ) ISTR I factored in the cost to orbit.

However, getting dirtside or starside is going to mostly be via some fairly large spaceplanes. NAM limits lift to 10,000 tons (exclusive of fuel used in the lift). In Traveller terms this prettymuch means you can lift a 1,000 dTon vehicle. However, without contragrav the physics of the lift/drop are horrific. More probable, most interface craft are sub 100 dTon. The Raven assault lander (http://www.etranger.org.uk/2300/Equipment/SG/Normandy/RSNLSA.htm )is 20 dTons....