His standard scenario is a platoon of Imperial Marines vs Zhodani Consular Guard with psionics and warbots.
I'm not sure how well it would work simulating asymmetrical TL engagements, but that might just be about how robust the Traveller conversion is.
That's part of the reason why, as good/fun as it is, SG might not meet Fly's needs. He wants something company to battalion size. SG, as well as Striker, is just focused too low.
... Starvation Cheap (for Star Without Numbers) has a very abstracted, very smart method...
The more I read SWN the more I find myself using the phrase "very smart method" for many of systems, ideas, and whatnot I find in it.
The Factions system in the core book is an entire game in and of itself. The espionage sourcebook, Darkness Visible, had me thinking about dozens of campaign ideas. The "friction" mechanic in the trade system in Suns of Gold not only varies the prices of goods, but generates also adventure seeds and plot hooks. I could on and on.
It's obvious that a lot of care and even more thinking went into SWN.
I guess the wargamer in me wants to ask what scale, TL and goal your fighting game is.
Is the goal to fight a battalion as individual units, platoon scale, or company scale?
A concurrent decision is are they to fight as a background piece to player fights and actions, seriously fighting such a unit, or just fighting the player's piece and abstracting the rest?
Is the goal to fight a battalion as individual units, platoon scale, or company scale?
I'm trying to decide on another story (assuming I do one and can still post), either based on lbb4 mission 4 cadre or on trying to advance the combat ribbon game. I have no ground combat experience so was hoping to learn enough to write something that wasn't stupid. I specified company because that would be the size of the cadre unit (though lower scale would be helpful as I envision scattered engagements), and battalion because that would be the environment in which the imperial marines operate and in which I would have to depict them.
Striker, the CT version, then. Or maybe Assault (Victory Games, but there's a newer edition) or the Squad Leader card game... the Squad Leader board game is a lifestyle pursuit, not a learning experience.
Are the larger ops going on intended to be background, or how the characters 'fight' their battalion they lead IS the story?
probably want to think through the actual TL15 battlefield unit and how it operates, logistically politically and maximizing rapid decision while preserving the unit as much as possible.